I nodded, "All of it. Except for the stuff that isn't. That stuff is obviously completely false… What are you talking about again?"
Anime & Comics · Daddy
Avatar&Legends of Korra: GP
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Video Games · Blax
I really love that movie
he is also Mordred's mother.
(E/D: The Queen has his duties. Those who get it explain it to the others.)
Anime & Comics · kurit_kun
did you know that, that centurion core has all the souls of the dwemer people in it you could find out by doing a side quest for some guy at the collage it also gives you a unique blade
2)Harry Potter in Hell Boy
Movies · Just_for_fun1997
think merlins Clairvoyance from type moon
Thanks to looking through my second reincarnations memories, using a bit of telepathy, and reading through the internet, I had found that this universe was a mixture of the Comics, MCU, and a few other sources of Marvel Media, all combining into a pretty unique universe that was just as powerful as it's mainline counterpart over in the "True" 616 Universe.
SpiderGwen: I have a system?!
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_