Thank you!
Is there a missing chapter? This chapter doesn’t connect with the end of the previous chapter.
Is there a missing chapter? This beginning does connect with end of previous chapter.
The military students was finally convinced. They quickly settled down, their eyes focused on the instructor, ready to listen.
Sci-fi · C_Ryan_H
Thank you so much! First time I was able to catch the redemption ! Been following the novel for so long.
Is this a plot loophole? His wife had said when their daughter was sick they had no money to send her to the hospital. The daughter almost died. Their daughter is only a couple years old at most, so did he not want to take out money to save her?
Shaking his head, Li Chenmo approached his wife and whispered, "Actually, your brother is Houzi's business partner. He owns 60% of the shares, while Houzi only owns 40% of the shares."
Fantasy · Fleeting_Dawn
Beware there is rape. First 400ish chapters are good. Although tragic, still within acceptable apocalyptic style story levels. Rape or torture would be mentioned as something that happened already rather then illustrated as current. Author was good about the world building and general character depictions. But after the 400ish point when story starts moving to the next arc, author choose to escalate the tragic elements to the next level. Disappointed that author decided to depict rape in an extreme manner.
Thank you!
Overall plot is simple and moves fast. Romance is minimal because this story is focused on family. The main characters family and friends network is strong and work together as a unit to save the world. Quite Mary sue like but not Virgin Mary completely. Some plot points are repetitive. Overall an easy read with no major sad points.
Rebirth: Leading Families to Survive in the Apocalypse
Fantasy · MelodiousPrayer