What happened to water?
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Anime & Comics · Blue_neko
She smiled at Momo not the protag., so he's still in the dark about that since it's written from his PoV.
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Anime & Comics · InGlorious
I thought his name was Ken?
Two months… and there has been no battle, only small skirmishes against the Mist Village… I was currently on a patrol run. It also seemed that even with the Senju name I am still treated as a genin. Which is nice and all that, but my patrol team is my teammates, Shoto, Momo, and Kai -sensei.
Anime & Comics · HolyJoker
Great flow here, from one person's dialogue to the next made this scene perfect.
Emi watched him go and said "You have a kid..." Aizawa quickly said "He's adopted." then cursed himself for speaking fast as Emi hugged his arm and said "Aw! My dark bear has a heart! Of course I'll be his mother!" The class gasped again, Mina said "Dark bear?!" Izuku said "Mother?!" Momo said "The match maker extraordinaire strikes again!" Denki mumbled "I hope he strikes me soon..." before receiving a kick from Kyoka.
Anime & Comics · Monkey_Godking
The Epic of Leviathan
Anime & Comics · InGlorious