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male LV 10
2018-02-22 Se unió Indonesia

Insignias 16

Moments 31


This novel always states that sharpshooter is the most terrifying godfiend in the same class,but never showed it.. Almost like a burden to me..

"Qiyue." Meng Chuan was alarmed. When the three lightning barrier layers collapsed one after another, the 18 Bloodblades's defensive formation—which was protecting him—instantly expanded in range to include Liu Qiyue.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

Replied to Felthat

Yeah.. But if I am remembered correctly he can't use others skill when he used it..

Imperial Lord-level techniques—Lightning Walk, Lightning Fire Body Tempering Art, and Dark Lightning. These are rather unorthodox techniques. Meng Chuan also learned these three ultimate techniques. "Lightning Walk is a movement technique. Once mastered, I can completely transform into lightning. I will have speed comparable to true lightning.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


180000? That's only the beginning of the million or billion eras of tomatoes..

"One's lifespan can also increase? Over 180,000 years?" Meng Chuan felt that everything was very distant.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

Replied to No_Reading_No_Life

It's not DOT though..

His team had been killed by a terrifying baneful aura domain alone?

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

Replied to No_Reading_No_Life

I think it effective because the Tiny soul.. If it stronger soul essence i think it can resist MC skill..

Meng Chuan controlled the Soul-Vanquishing Spike to stab the other party's Essence Soul repeatedly and ferociously. At the same time, he charged forward and slashed at Fu Jiao's neck with a saber beam.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


I think he's gonna raid demon realm..

The further one went with this body cultivation system, the harder it was to kill them. Unfortunately, the limit for Meng Chuan was the Blood Droplet realm unless he could find Cosmos Crystals—which only existed in other worlds.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


Didn't it says before 4th skydemon cannot compared to darkstar godfiend because of darkstar domain.. Now why it seems like the are comparable?

Blackwater Palace Lord was considered average among the eleven fourth Firmament Skydemons. According to Archean Mountain's intelligence, his strength was at the level of a Marquis Godfiend. However, unlike Meng Chuan, Yang Fang, and Zhang Yunfeng, Blackwater Palace Lord was a fourth Firmament Skydemon. He was rather powerful in all aspects after becoming a fourth Firmament Skydemon.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


Did they didn't have any strategist? What use information they have? They know about a massive attack and not prepared for it?

Are the lives of so many Godfiends worth it for the many mortals in small and medium-sized city passes? Blackwater Palace Lord scoffed. The combined population in those city passes are equal to a state's population. Humans have sixty states. Even if they sacrifice all the mortals residing in various city passes, what's the big deal?

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


They already know this gonna happen and not prepared enough?

Meng Chuan's expression changed. Demon monarchs are invading from all directions. A large-scale assault?

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

Replied to SodaBo_Bomb

I think it still not the best solution..for temporary maybe but it will only leads to another problems, like the abandoned place became a place to nurture traitor human..

Rather than bleeding out slowly, they might as well preserve their strength and initiate plans for humanity's future! Furthermore, the leaders of the human world knew that there were already many demon monarchs hiding in the human world. Mortal demons and weak demon monarchs infiltrated the human world through unstable World Entrances. Archean Mountain's Earth Net was already hunting down the demon that had infiltrated the human world. Even if they gave up on the small and middle-sized city passes, there would only be more third Firmament demon monarchs. It wasn't something they couldn't handle.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


The things is for 800 years to only defends and not find a solution to close the gate or find a reason for such a gate to's only take time to extinction..

Supremacy Qin Wu, Supremacy Bai Yaoyue, and Supremacy Xu Yingwu came to a unanimous decision—humanity would give up all small and medium-sized city passes in two years!

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


Oh! He change to senior brother now.

"Senior Brother Meng, leave this to us. Hurry up and help the soldiers at the outer city wall." Fan Cheng left the sharpshooters and ran across the city walls, wantonly slaughtering the demon monarchs.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

Replied to LeoStriker23

That means he is the strongest melee combat Godfiend there, but his long range attack more stronger than his melee..

In terms of melee combat, he was the strongest. However, he was stronger when it came to long-range attacks.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


That fast..

"Lord Meng Chuan, don't worry. It will be sent out tonight, and it will arrive at Eastcalm Prefecture tomorrow afternoon," said a Treasure Repository steward warmly.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

Replied to Necsys_Coldheart

No it won't..maybe..

This was because in ancient times, humanity had expended all the Godfiend Blood Pool's resources. For Godfiends to pass down the legacy, powerful Godfiends used their Godfiend Blood Crystals as materials for the Godfiend Blood Pool. Godfiend Blood Crystals were not something common Godfiends possessed. Only powerful Godfiends could cultivate Godfiend Blood Crystals in their middle dantian. A Godfiend Blood Crystal was more important than the blood in their bodies. It represented their bodies' foundation and also affected their lifespan.

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


Reach to the top..

"Let's guess how far Lord Meng Chuan can go."

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes


Maybe trying breached the gate.. Infiltrated the demon world?

"I don't know what kind of mission it was. We aren't even Godfiends, so there are many things that are hidden from us." Meng Chuan shook his head gently. "Seniors who reached the Eighth or Ninth Refinement have died for various reasons."

Archean Eon Art

Archean Eon Art

Eastern · I Eat Tomatoes

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