Axel looked at Takeshi in confusion. "Who were you again?" He asked, causing an eruption of laughter from Hogwarts students. From beginning to end, Axel has treated Takeshi like air, and it was absolutely hilarious.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
Bellatrix is Kyle’s mom?
He already has felt so much reluctance and repugnance just by using what Andromeda had sent him. And that woman could be considered a saint if compared to BBWWBB, Biggest Bitch WorldWide Bellatrix Black. So, he didn't even consider using it. He was a thief with principles.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
I think you mean Legilimens
She knew what he was about to use... "Legeremens", and she had to stop him.
Movies · Shadow7Blue
Story is good so far, I'm enjoying it and always find myself looking forward to the next chapter. You repeatedly say "finely" instead of "finally" though and it always bothers me. Happened 3-4 times in this chapter alone.
You forgot to change Han Sen to Volkner at the end of this chapter. Also, going based on the Super Gene terminology, common/shiny "spots" should be "point" Otherwise, cool adaptation so far.
Este capítulo ha sido eliminado.
Anime & Comics · BrazilNobAutor
I prefer Douluo Dalu
Story is called Trick Shot and written by JustBored21 on Great story, inconsistent updates. Not sure why the re-poster posted this story with the name homesless, considering it's not the original title or a real word, but that's not up to me.
Hu Meiqiu - No harem.
Noting that Yuga was unfamiliar with the Mayor and didn't know his name, Liliana deliberately mentioned the Mayor's name.
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon
Anime & Comics · bearnard_bear97