The girls smile in triumph only for it to vanish when they notice Harry's grin at them, "Boom~" their eyes widen, and look down only to see kunai with explosive tags tied around their handles at their feet, they tried to quickly jump back but the tags explode too fast and sent them flying in different directions.
Book&Literature · Kurogano
My thought exactly 😂
"I concur," Diana nodded in agreement, to general shock. "What? Lord Ares has never been my favorite divine."
Anime & Comics · Daddy
"Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkk…" Klarion let out a long, exhaled expletive.
Anime & Comics · Daddy
Leave the fluff alone bro
"Oh! Oh! Speaking of the Giant Squid-" Penny shot up, nearly knocking over her hot chocolate. "Did you hear what happened yesterday? Bill Weasley tried to race it on his broom, and it grabbed him right out of the air! Just yoink!" She mimed the motion with her hands. "Dumped him right in the shallow end!"
Book&Literature · Evoxius
At least it's not dark soul
"Slow down." Perenelle guided him to sit at the kitchen table. "Start from the beginning. Tell us exactly what this Elder Blood does..."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
"Nemean Lion." Harry grinned as Chrysa rolled onto her back, showing her belly. "She's still growing."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
Questions , how big is the fluff rn ? Because she a nemean lion how big is she?
Heads turned as they walked. People stopped mid-conversation to stare at Harry and his lion cub. A witch dropped her stack of papers when Chrysa glanced her way. The whispers followed them to the golden gates of the lifts.
Book&Literature · Evoxius
Sorry can't resist 😂
He blinked at the Flamels. "I know Kung Fu."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
He blinked at the Flamels. "I know Kung Fu."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
Or wise
Thor sweatdropped at Harry's statement but he did agree with him his father was unnecessarily rude to Harry and to be honest his father really should have known better "Can you at least heal him a bit?, I rather him being able to do his job, I'm not ready to rule Asgard yet".
Harry's New Game Plus
Book&Literature · Kurogano