

male LV 6

All things come to an end, whether they be good or bad, just as rulers do as do their kingdoms. No matter what it is, only change does not change, for it is the one true constant. Rather ironic, huh?

2018-01-28 Se unió Philippines
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Insignias 6

Moments 7
4 years ago
Replied to Ahtu_Flagg

In dungeons in dragons, intimidation relies on your charisma stat, as charisma is as stated, the ability to convince someone to do what you want.

For your first successful intimidation, +1 CHA.

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

4 years ago
Replied to JoSauer


As he sat there he heard some soft sounds coming from the room next door. Curious, he climbed to his feet and walked over to the wall to examine it. It took a minute but he finally found a crack big enough to peek through. The room next to him was the treasure room and inside of it was a young woman gathering all of the treasure into a large sack. Seeing just a hint of orange hair sticking out of a black bandanna brought a giant grin to his face. Nami was on board robbing Alvida! That meant that the ship they just attacked was the one that had Luffy sleeping in a barrel inside of it! Fuck yes! Whoever sent him to this fucked up world had timed things perfectly for him. It's almost like the watchers wanted to see him interact with the main characters. He'd be more than happy to oblige them!

Playing One Piece

Playing One Piece

Anime & Comics · absurdmorbidity

4 years ago

Nonstop Nut November? Thank you for helping me, I'm almost there.

-Yeah, I am not doing NNN/ If you are, I wish you luck fellow soldier!

My Self-Insert Stash

My Self-Insert Stash

Anime & Comics · aweirdweeb

4 years ago

Well played, boy. Well damned played.

Stannis was so caught up with organizing the search for the Master of Whispers that he never saw the smile spreading across Lancel's face.

The Great Lion

The Great Lion

TV · LargeFarva

4 years ago
Replied to usernanne

No, it can be used as a failsafe. If Tywin gives Lancel lordship over Casterly Rock, ok. If he dies and Tyrion gets it? May as well be good friends with the man. Not to mention the fact that he's smart, a good mind is an asset most of the time.

While it would be nice to improve my relationship with Tyrion, there really isn't much I can do until Tyrion matures. That should only take ten or twenty years.

The Great Lion

The Great Lion

TV · LargeFarva

4 years ago
Replied to SirSacrilege

No, no, he's right.

Not gonna lie, I was thankful Ser Broom was decent enough to not send any of the squires after me. We both knew I couldn't beat any of them. The youngest one is twelve-years-old, and close to two heads tall than me.

The Great Lion

The Great Lion

TV · LargeFarva

4 years ago
Replied to ElhitBunny

Gutek really isn't wrong.

If there were any women Vahn and Gandr needed to worry about, they would be Hwa Ryun and Ha Yuri Jahad. The former's Belief was steadily growing, and, though she was unlikely to take proactive measures, Vahn knew how scary 'devout' women could be. As for Yuri, she seemed to have a rather 'dangerous' preference, and, most troublingly, a decisive mentality. She was similar to Aoko in that regarding; the type of woman who, once she had made up her mind, would continue to pursue her objective without second-guessing herself.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion