Necrophilia Kink
Fantasía · FailedWriter101
Rafel was lost in his head for a while, slurping calmly on his bottle of blood—he didn't need it to survive like a vampire, but he loved it, taste and all—when a scent like sunflowers and pixie dust, mixed in a healthy dose of fresh rain assaulted his senses.
Fantasía · Staplehead
thanks for the update though. was wondering if there ever would be another part to the story. happy that there will be one
"Blood for The Blood God!"
Fantasía · Victor_Weismann
it's the new year. still nothing
dahummm that was close. tftc
This was the Void Library.
Fantasía · Cancer_Reo
agree. I'm reporting this
if this happens one more time, I'm gonna report. bloody hell. I ain't paying for this shi
"You know, I have a few more hours until I wake up from my treatment, you wanna play-play?" Sapphire's entire muscular body tensed up as I said that before she began running as fast as she could go in excitement, while my arm was still in her mouth, causing me to trail alongside her like the end of a toy. 'Oh no, She has the zoomies!'
The hivemind is conquering for me?
Ciencia ficción · Ben_Cresswell