Why is he ignoring the most obvious answer, like Lady Stark warning him to keep his distance from the prince.
'Maybe he doesn't like me,' Stannon thought to himself, kicking a pebble across the yard. He couldn't figure out why. Did Jon see him as competition? Or did he just not care about becoming friends? Stannon felt frustrated.
TV · MidnightBlade007
This wintertown has 450,000 people it is already a city population wise.
"It won't be just a town anymore," observed Tom the baker to his neighbors. "It'll be a proper city. And we'll be here to see it built."
Book&Literature · Fractured_dream
Where did all these septas come from, Winterfell has only a small sept.
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Book&Literature · Fractured_dream
What condition, did he fall from the broken tower early.
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Book&Literature · Fractured_dream
Why are two nobles working as Winterfell guards.
The ten guards accompanying them also began to improve, forging themselves into a disciplined unit through each battle. At first, they fought as individuals, each man focused on his own survival, but as the days passed, their coordination improved. They moved in sync, covering each other's weaknesses, anticipating each other's actions. Among them, two men stood out—Cley Cerwyn and Daryn Hornwood.
Book&Literature · Fractured_dream
Why is a septon managing the library instead of master Lewin.
The books were invaluable treasures, and Eddard had instructed Septon Chayle to manage them carefully, even posting guards outside the library tower.
TV · Wintersbard
Rhaegal was a young dragon just a few years old, it's scales are not powerful enough to resist scorpion bolts like adult dragons.
(Note: This is one of the reasons why I find Rhaegal's death completely unrealistic and stupid.Precision rifle bullets already lose their effectiveness at great distances, let alone a giant medieval beast.Rhaegal's death was clearly inserted just to justify Dany burning down King's Landing).
TV · TheGreatPrince
Doesn't Volantis have walls, why are they facing a Dothraki cavalry charge out in the open. This looks like the idiotic battle of Winterfell in the final season where everyone forgot Winterfell has wall and fought the Night King and his army out in the open.
The cavalry arrived in an instant before the heavy infantry of two thousand men. Visenya saw the moment of impact between the two armies, one of her men flying backwards as a result of the collision between shield and horse. She had no time to worry about the fallen man, for one of the Dothraki had reached her.
TV · TheGreatPrince
Great Jon not Big Jon.
Opening the doors to the hall, Jon found his family eating along with several other northern lords, the most prominent of whom were Big Jon of House Umber and Jorah of House Mormont, along with his aunt Maege Mormont.
TV · TheGreatPrince
Mellisandre arrived way before Robert's death. It is shown that she converted most of Stannis's followers to the Red God, you can't do that in a short time.
But what really made Stannon think was Melisandre, the Red Priestess. He didn't know if she had already arrived in Stannis' court or if she was still on her way and would arrive just like she did after Robert's death which he definitely wouldn't let happen.
GOT: A Transmigrator's Conquest
TV · MidnightBlade007