Webnovel Author: CCmei - Novel Collection



LV 10

Lol I can't write for shitz. It's the hamster that's doing the work.

2018-10-05 Se unió United States

Insignias 10

Moments 1613

Replied to Arama_Erotmos

Thank you for remembering me...

ch 67 But don't scratch, don't pick, don't fester.

Queen of the Castaway Isle

Queen of the Castaway Isle

Horror · CCmei

Replied to BlueRoses

I miss you guys too T_T

ch 67 But don't scratch, don't pick, don't fester.

Queen of the Castaway Isle

Queen of the Castaway Isle

Horror · CCmei

Replied to Bookiegal


"Rosalia is doing wonderful, I have no doubts about her youthful hops, drops, and rolls anywhere. It's the….obstacle course…. and the troop members I'm worried about….using the course after hours…." Uncle Geoff admits.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

Replied to asphyxia778

You don't know how much Rosalia/Meng hates clowns then...

"Meh, anything is better than a clown outfit." I shrug and approve, thumbs up and all.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

Replied to asphyxia778

Such a lackluster response to all those items, especially the HAND CREAM OF THE TENACIOUS TOAD. I suspect that the product is quite popular with office workers and artisans. The accountants maybe? HAND CREAM OF THE TENACIOUS TOAD. Makes your hands unable to stay still. Makes you jumpy, twitchy, yet still in control, with the great urge to DO THINGS. A good hand cream will of course have a stabilizer and soothing properties~ GET TO WORK!

"As your lady instructed. A light and easy indoor dress that will be comfortable to do various work in. Slippers of dream mountain lamb skin, crafted by skilled artisans in the 8 point flower suture. The robe of 9000 silk snow blossoms, the outer robe of golden spider spun thread, a ring of braided ant silver enchanted to be comfortable on all writing instruments, followed by the hand cream made from parts of the Tenacious Toad…" Mandolina describes each item.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

Replied to S_M_T

Yaaaaay! Thank you for the lovely comment. Amar and Georgie are alive! Thanks for cheering for them through their terrible jungle adventures. I love Georgie being petty over Cass's supply packing that she keeps in Amar's anklet at all times. Sure those supplies are keeping them alive in this survival situation but he can be petty about it. Also thanks for mentioning the little detail about Amar's blood sugar. I don't think readers picked that up wth Amar's sleepiness all the time, or how hard Amar is to wake up. Rosa has tried. (cue all the times the poor kid was smacked smacked smacked in his sleep) He'll get much better when he's older but Amar is one of those kids with low blood sugar. You can imagine Cass chasing Amar throughout various ages, or fishing that sleepy kid out of weird situations. No wonder she wants to keep an eye on him all the time XD. I was too lazy to write the notes she must have left though. Georgie is taking it quite literally. Explains so much. Pffft every 3 hours. Early on in the story, when we meet the boys, you can see Amar taking it quite slowly when he's not in action or often munching something, even taking it to go. It's not very fun to pass out in another sugar crash. Rather than Lukas looking out for him, it was indeed homewrecker Yuna! Yuna figured out that tick really fast. What a cute babysitter right? Grumpy on the outside, caring and effective at the core. Let's swipe more bread for later~ Characters are always planted and going about their day in the background. Wonder what roles they play, if any? I would think though it's time overdue to introduce you guys to more of the troopers around that keep things running. Or put names to faces I already see all the time in the background. If this was a manga, you would def. see them in the background scenery all the time. Type faster fingers, I want to let my reader meet and learn more about everyone! Or question Rosa's memory. That's a lot of details to remember. I wouldn't stress too hard about it Rosa. Though it wouldn't hurt to be more open-minded. She died as the original Rosalia at age 17, it's not too surprising for a 17 year old to misremember stuff from when they were 4 or 10. Fun fact: The second most popular place to get a meal in the troops is a bbq pit right outside the meat processing building. Professor Charchar gets some of his supplies from there. But he doesn't want too much trouble so his stall is parked outside the office administration buildings. Work lunch! When the main mess hall is too far away, or not worth the trouble, there are a few other options.

Replied to asphyxia778

It's a miracle. WN didn't delete your comment this time! bLESS It was a fun chapter with all those background. I have too many thoughts and delve on the background characters. It's more realistic that way though. Rosalia lives in a big house and her family runs a big operation. Plenty of people are working in the background of that and Rosalia passes by them each and every day. Some she knows. Some she doesn't. Are they all relevant to the story? No. But they all exist and are doing their thing, with their own special story in some way. A fun thing you all don't see is how they may know each other, and what they know of each other or their relationships when Rosa isn't narrating for us. I can't wait to integrate and plant all stories, and the day readers figure them out from the depths. More troops! I too want to give background ppl more screen time, but which one? i have so many! Oh well, this is the suffering of an author trying to make things work. Give me a name or description though and I'll blabber on and on about their little funfacts. The editor has to suffer with me talking randomly about them. The bacon cheeseburger combo strikes again. After all this time together, I think Lukas and Lily have come to accept the other is here to stay like an annoying sibling XD And oh my, the serious note. hint hint. What could have happened in the og? Hopefully, Rosalia will remember in time but not stress herself out too hard. The bonus that you don't need but we give, an update on Amar and Georgie! Yay they're still alive! Good, bc jungles are dangerous. Good thing they made it, physically and mentally. Thanks for noticing the personal touch of telling it from Georgie's tired and panicked pov.

Replied to High_Sky

An interesting set of questions. I recall you asked in the last chapter how Prince Erik was doing too but I didn't get to it in time. That's ok, bc he's coming back into the story around this time of year. Now that the girls are bigger, the fiance prince should get more screen time, no? I would like to say Erik is doing mostly well. I'm sure he has his own issues living in the royal lap of luxury. He's a bit older than the twins, so he's certainly packed with daily lessons and tutoring. Education is important for any heir hopeful. Busy boy. His schedule is packed and carefully curated by a whole staff after all. A hint of Erik's personality sprinkled throughout the stories is that he likes books and is a bit rigid to the rules. A not-so spoiler is that he really likes praise and attention. Another hint is our Lukas. As half brothers, even raised apart, there are sometimes things that are similar between them. Of course, there are plenty of key differences. But they both like being "THE BEST". It's just Prince Erik has a whole castle of staff to serve him and his childhood. He's admittedly quite egotistical and likes to lord over the other little noble plays he's set on playdates wtih. But with his position how could he not? He's a prince! His daddy is the king! Bow to him! Like many little boys his age, he may not remember or care too much about his female fiance somewhere far away. Too distracted. It will come up....eventually. ... On to the first part of today's question: Lord Doukas? Uncle Constantine right? Mikhael's and Greg's dad? Just making sure I have the right person. Of course he thinks Rosalia is pretty little girl but more importantly he fears she's a petty little girl. Rosa comes off as smarter and more mature for her age, and paired with the knowledge of just WHO are her parents, that's quite concerning. He did grow up with Maria, oh that chaos, and as a noble he certainly knows Frederick's reputation. Lord Doukas knows the Rosa has not forgiven or forgotten Greg and their terrible first meeting. His fear however is that Rosalia is going to take revenge. And keep taking revenge. Nice little girl....please don't tattle to your daddy. T_T Maria is scary enough. What if Papa Freddy learns of this and pettily starts taking revenge? It's very likely given what he thinks/knows of Rosalia. She's obviously too much like her father.

Replied to RKStarrr

If only. How can Alfonso help your every request if you don't order it young miss Rosalia?


Do I just go "Excuse me Alfonso, our too perfect and overworked house butler to my shady Father, care to run me down the latest and longest running juicy local gossip? I need them. For reasons." That's Georgie's forte, but he's not even around to be useful!

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

Replied to asphyxia778


She didn't feel safe working anymore. But why was that? Why can't I remember? It was a rather important incident. As the heiress, Rosalia should have read the reports, I certainly did.

I was Born the Unloved Twin

I was Born the Unloved Twin

History · CCmei

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