Costi - Profile



male LV 15

IET got me hooked on novels and now I can't stop.

2017-04-17 Se unió Germany

Insignias 34

Moments 361


They are talking about him. If his wife/son dies, the whole omniverse will die with them

Noah thought about this closely as he stared ahead where the verdant gold vessel was streaking across, thinking of all the many things he had to do now and in the future to come to prepare.

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui


how does colorless even shine?

They saw the visage of the Extremity of Quintessence with his arms raised in a defensive position, tens of millions of Existential Extremity Rune Scriptures swirling and cracking around him as the whole region behind him shone with blue, purple, colorless, and a tantalizing golden light!

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui

Replied to Lusekho_Mxoli_9374

Love guarded her memories

Replied to door123


"Of course, the houses, salary, and the Gene Arcana secret technique given to you will also be taken back!"

My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Fantasy · Panda Reunion

Replied to Mohoti

Power G is ok. he is indeed super weak atm. But potential F rank makes no sense. The gift is overpower and offers infinite growth.

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Only Wisdom Awakened

Only Wisdom Awakened

Fantasy · Almun_


Does the registration only check for the mana capacity of the body? i find it unlikely that if he told the ama about his gift, his potential willbe ranked as F. He basically has infinite growth as long as he learns more

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Only Wisdom Awakened

Only Wisdom Awakened

Fantasy · Almun_


Thank you for providing the values in the metric system 😀. As a non American, feet and miles are just unknown to me

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Only Wisdom Awakened

Only Wisdom Awakened

Fantasy · Almun_


Good luck*

{And look at that, only fucking glaring at me. The old you would have erupted with authority and beaten me down…how the times have changed. The Avernus Clan that I knew and followed was not this. Bowing down before our enemy? Diplomacy? Fucking laughable. Good look to however you all choose to face Osmont as from now on…I will move on my own.}

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui


I wonder about the other 2

{You are the Third in Recorded History to elevate another being to Extremity before achieving Extremity yourself.}

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Infinite Mana in the Apocalypse

Games · Adui



"You'll find out soon enough," Emma said. "The shot is actually close by here."

Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

Eastern · Snoring_Panda


The idea is interesting, but the world building, character and story development is very bad. Or maybe, rather than bad, it would be better to say they are non-existent. 9 chapters in and everything is super cringe, with 0 understanding over the world. The premise is that the games merged with reality, but there is absolutely 0 details on how this changed life and how the overall lifestyle changed after such a big change. Everything is just glossed over and the 1dimension development keeps going. The grading system is also very bad. The MC has an F grade talent, which is 10% mana regen EVERY F SECOND. I am quite curious how that even got classified as F??? That's S-grade right there. It's 100% recovery in 10 seconds.. that's insanity. If this is F rank, at rank S it will be what? 100 every second? The MC main love interest, ofc, got S rank talent "Heart of the elf", whatever the F that means. How that is S rank compared with 10% mana regen beats me. Then going into the MC OP talent, supreme synthesis, it was also not described at all, and left to the reader to even know what it does, similar with the girl S talent. It also looks totally broken, as there's no limitations on it. No mana, mental power or anything to use it. The only limitation seems to be the materials, which are also hardly explained. There is some usage later, when the MC got 100k$ dollars and combined some spells and a staff, which again was extremely badly explained. The story wanted to make the MC smart for getting 100k from the school headmaster for saying he will split up with the girl, which is a decent idea. But the overall usage of the talent, without proper explanation and left for reader interpretation, is stupid. The MC could have merged junk from the street to get better quality stuff to sell later. Hell, he could steal stuff, merge it, and sell it later to cover for the damages. Randomly, in ch 3-4 there was a sexual scene between the MC and a teacher out of nowhere ... It was briefly explained one chapter later. Literally 1 wasted chapter that could have been used to explain and develop the world or characters, rather than a random chapter that just showed an arrogant MC and submissive teacher, that had little impact on the overall story. The class system (warrior, archer, mage, priest, etc) is also brushed off. I have no clue what classes are even possible in the world, but there was some random discrimination against the priest class, which again was super annoying cause priests, depending on the games can be supporting chars, or can be fighters of their own. Overall, the author sucks at exposing his imaginary world to the reader. The author also introduced some equipment and some numbers, which sounds nice if there was something to compare with. Numbers only have meaning if there's something to give them meaning. I have no clue what 100/200/300 attack/defence means in the world. There's a reason other novels bore the reader with random equipments and their stats in the beginning. It is there to define a baseline, preferably between low-level and something mid to high tier to know what to expect. By ch 8-9, some fighting appears which is mediocre at best. The first kill in the story, that should be the most exciting, is wrapped in 2 sentences. Wolf is knocked out, shy girl will stab it in the eye to kill it quickly and maintain leather/pelt quality. That's it... SERIOUSLY DISSAPOINTING. Not even a description of what happens when you get experience, what it feels like, anything. ANYTHING AT ALL... Later, big fight, bla bla MC finally kills a lvl 11 enemy and gets 89xp (out of 100 to get to lvl 2). But the bigger issue is the overall given numbers, which are even more confusing. But the bigger problem for me is how out of sync everything feels. It's a game world, so everything should depend on HP, I would assume. Sure, putting a dagger through the eye should be a critical hit, but shouldn't be a one kill hit, otherwise the HP numbers are meaningless. When the MC levelled up to lvl 2, he got 100HP and 250mana. Keeping this value, we can estimate a lvl 10+ to have over 1000 HP, so I would expect it would require more than 1 hit from lvl 1s. The other thing that bugged me is the leading guy Alec, who should power level the noobs. The story says he's in his 30s, so he was a hunter for the last 12 years. Given the xp requirement and easiness, I would expect him to be level 50-60-100, god knows.. a lot higher. So why is a guy in his 30s scared of 28 enemies with levels <15? After 12 years of leveling up, it should be a piece of cake. I do not want to discourage the author for writing. I am sure this took a lot of courage and passion to keep the regular updates. But if you want money starting with ch40, this quality is way too little to justify paying. Please take some writing courses first, read your story first assuming the reader has 0 knowledge about your world and think if the reader is able to image the world you imagine based on your writing. Maybe ask a friend for some honest advice.


Why tf is everyone so scared? Isn't Alec like super high level? Don't tell me that the school send a lvl 5 to guide lvl 1..

"Yes! Alec, it is evident the monsters are heading our way. We should run while we can, perhaps there's a chance to escape!" chimed another.

Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Fantasy · Red_Skin_Duck


A fireball is not a grinding stone... How do u obtain bone powder???? Author.. Please use your brain just a little when writing something.

An Kai didn't even think about dealing with this kind of intruder. A fireball appeared in his hand, and he instantly threw it out, blasting the three skeletons into black and white bone powder on the ground.

The Mage of Eternity

The Mage of Eternity

Eastern · Calm Down

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