"Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures, and that is character."
Anime & Comics · Proxymus_
3) Emma Watson: The age difference is not a big deal compared to the mc, in 2008 she would be about 18 years old and the mc would be 15 years old. The main problem so to speak is that she is British and as she is a real person I will not change her nationality as with Pippa a fictional character. But Emma is an actress and Hollywood is in California where the mc lives. So there are ways to make them conzocate or something.
TV · Nathe07
MC is reborn as a dungeon master. Instead of creating a dungeon to kill adventurers, he creates a dungeon to gather adventurers to play video games.
Video Games · Najicablitz626
If only Stephen had trained in the Pokémon world first and learned how to protect himself, none of this would have happened.
Anime & Comics · AbsoluteCode
1. Yes, add Toga and make it a love triangle.
Anime & Comics · GAF_00_TW
Pokemon: Retired Paldean Champion's Re-Employment
Anime & Comics · Rinchan7
old one
Should I keep the new cover done by K2 featuring adult Takumi or switch back to the old one?
Anime & Comics · Gered
I've been seeing a lot of hate for this book, and it's making me doubt myself, as there seem to be more negative comments than positive ones. If you're enjoying the book, please let me know by leaving a 'hey' or any comment so I know someone is reading along with me.
Anime & Comics · Gered
Peter raised an eyebrow. "…You do know Your Ditto From doesn't Seem to have super strength, right?"
Omnitrix in MCU
Anime & Comics · AutumnXd