He had a vision that he was marching to with the items he had brought together for the merges. Not waiting to find out whether the serpent would still attack him, he triggered the next merge, with himself as the base target.
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker
Wasn’t Sozin the Fire Lord during Roku’s time? They had a flashback and everything about their friendship and argument
0 AG Era Of Sozin
Anime & Comics · PcaNovels
Cooler -> Frieza
"Oh, Cooler, dear brother. I must remind you— I am under no obligation to clean up your mess. Those monkeys might not even be in my sector."
Anime & Comics · DarkShadow95
BS just to not have more Saiyans too involved in the story
Given the current capabilities of Earth's Shenron, it might not have been able to fulfill the wish.
Anime & Comics · DarkShadow95
That’s not how Shenron works. It stays dormant for only a year no matter what you wish for. It has brought back whole cities before. Bardock’s squad would be easy to revive without this bs mechanic that was only added to nerf the dragon balls so the MC couldn’t use them
"This wish can be granted, but it will consume all the wish energy for the next three years. Do you agree?"
Anime & Comics · DarkShadow95
I would’ve subscribed but I’m broke cause I got screwed over by my last job.
I'm back, and by the way, I'm offended that no one wrote MORE, and thanks Nathan for subscribing, it's only for you that I got up and translated!!!!.
Anime & Comics · Kotvslape
Shouldn’t he have to inject the plasmid into himself again?
The moment he confirmed it, a sharp pain stabbed into his skull.
Video Games · raynei_achilles
😂 was thinking the same thing
Xiaotian nodded solemnly. "Indeed. She shall be known as Croc Hua, the Jade Empress of a Thousand Teeth."
Others · UndeadSage
"For family, I will give everything," Janna echoed, shaking her head. "I'll handle the Kiramman family. You take care of the rest."
Video Games · Roaaaa
-[Lifeforce Serpentkin. A powerful race possessing immense vitality and durability who can survive even the toughest circumstances. A being whose very blood is flooded with vitality, both literally and figuratively, becoming a panacea to any who dare to taste. The Lifeforce Serpentkin's fangs secret a potent hallucinogenic venom. His recent evolution had the unexpected result of awakening his metagene, granting him some psychic abilities.]
With These Hands
Anime & Comics · OriginalMaker