Eternalscoundrel - Profile



male LV 15

A simple man, simple desire, simple thinking

2017-05-18 Se unió Indonesia

Insignias 11

Moments 98

Replied to King_Morty

Liu ye i think?

"Xun Yu, Xun Yu, you left too early. If you stay for a month longer, you could go see Liu Bei with me, and then go see Cao Cao!" The young man's face was slightly pale but his eyes had a bright light in them. He patted his book boy's head, "Go, Yuan Shao, this bastard makes your master so upset. Let's go to Liu Bei's place, I will help him clean up Yuan Shao."

Mythical Version of The Three Kingdoms

Mythical Version of The Three Kingdoms

History · RoxasKn


gaslighted successfully

Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman Empire

History · New Sea Moon



"Neeeneee, Arima do you hear me?, I was saying that I am interested in ******* style and doing it ****..." I suddenly stopped her by cutting her words. "Nee, Aria you know it is problematic for a kid our age to say that right, even the words you're saying is censored."

Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Is It Wrong to Watch Romantic Comedy Live at the Scene

Anime & Comics · Empyream

Replied to wcpwnsuto

the already fallen river defense line in previous chapter

Because the marshal succeeded Piłsudski as the most important military director and became the de facto dictator of Poland, he would not report to the president respectfully; the next words were addressed to the British and French ambassadors in Warsaw Castle. "I can guarantee that the enemy will never be able to cross the natural barrier of the Brasi River. The Brasi River Bridge is firmly in our hands. The Modlin Group Army on the northern front has repeatedly repulsed the German army. When they attacked, the bodies they left behind were piling up. If we wanted, we could invade East Prussia immediately.

My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

History · Batorian

Replied to wcpwnsuto

the jewish elder in germany, and jewish always have a lot of money

Do you want to get Mefo bills now? After thinking for a while, Wilhelm slowly spoke. "Transfer 10 billion from the account of Zeus Company to the treasury. Reinhard, send someone to Bloom later and ask them to come up with 20 billion. Tsk, it sounds like robbery, so just treat it as such. Sell them a piece of news. Tell them that in one year we will sweep across Europe." He prefers the steady flow of water over killing the goose that lays the eggs.

My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

History · Batorian



"This is incredible; finally, I could be a soldier with the wings of freedom..." Alex murmured as he adjusted his glasses with much excitement.

Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Beyond the Dream: Surviving Hellish Worlds

Movies · SrCuervo


Very sad, but it is the truth, Italy industrial capabilities and their military is not ready for war

Mussolini subtly expressed an interest in forming an alliance, but Wilhelm tactfully rejected the proposal. In the original timeline, when Germany and Italy signed the "Steel Pact", there were voices of opposition within the German military against allying with Italy. The German military had a clear understanding of the Italian military's capabilities. When asked about the pros and cons of the treaty, they warned their leader, "If Italy remains neutral, it's like adding 10 divisions to our strength, if Italy joins the enemy, we can handle it with 20 divisions; but if Italy joins us, we'll need 50 divisions to protect it."

My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

My German Empire (穿越成皇储)

History · Batorian


Jewish people are one of the most richest.

Wilhelm was shocked by the amount of wealth they had looted during the previous night's operation. But this was just a small part. The deposits of these people, along with other properties, have not yet been accounted for. If they liquidated everything, they could rival a rich country.

My German Empire.

My German Empire.



up until late 1940, US Standart Oil still trade oil to Germany through neutral countries like switzerland, portugal

However, the biggest problem was the lack of energy resources. As the saying goes, you can't make bricks without straw, and Germany's oil supply couldn't meet its needs. Two-thirds of Germany's fuel supply relied on coal liquefaction, as the cost of coal-derived gasoline was much lower than that of coal-derived diesel. One-third of the fuel was supplied by the Ploiești oil fields in Romania, and the diesel produced from this oil mainly supplied the Navy. Therefore, considering strategic requirements, the German army had to go with dieselization and use gasoline engines comprehensively.

My German Empire.

My German Empire.



german logistics is an absolute nightmare

Taking the Sd.kfz.251 half-track armored vehicle as an example, the first prototype of the Sd.kfz.251 was produced in 1937. Mass production began in 1938, and the vehicle was delivered to the army in the summer of 1939. During WWII, the 251 armored vehicle was divided into four sub-models (A, B, C, D) based on the different body structures. With the installation of various military weapons and equipment, there were a total of 23 official variant models and other modified versions of the 251 armored vehicle.

My German Empire.

My German Empire.



futhermore, USA consider germany to be the more dangerous adversary thus more resources are spend to confront germany rather than japanese

Since Germany and Japan were allies and bound together, Germany had no choice but to declare war on the United States. They were the textbook definition of unreliable allies!

My German Empire.

My German Empire.



the only japanese admiral who knows how terrifying the USA industries. he stated that he is optimistic about this war

The planner of the pre-war surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, believed that a successful attack would bring Japan about a year of strategic advantage. By the time the United States recovered, Japan would have already concluded its wars in East Asia and Southeast Asia, making negotiations with the United States much easier.

My German Empire.

My German Empire.


Replied to luffy1996

forced by mussoline i think? i believe the military high command and the king of italy does not want to enter the war. Futhermore the pact of steel stated that italy will be ready by the year 1942

When Germany was enjoying a smooth sailing period, these allies were cheering from behind and often faltered in crucial moments. As Germany's defeat became apparent in the later stages of the war, they immediately switched sides and joined the anti-*** camp. I won't go into the details about Italy's involvement.

My German Empire.

My German Empire.


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