Preach brother!
Morale of the story is, it's my fucking story, I'll go where I want, fuck who I want, kill who I want, and if you piss me off enough I'll fuck your mother too. I write books because i enjoy doing so, and plenty of people enjoy them as well, I don't need you cry babies pissing on everyone else's parade in the reviews and comments simply because you don't like a world I go to.
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
Ooohhhh, we can slit his throat this time? Or melt him in a cauldron? Like breaking bad? Ooohhhh we can feed him to those weird scorpion things hagrid has, wait i can do one better, uhhhh, transform him into a pepper and feed him to fawkes... Wonder if ita gonna give fawkes acid reflux due to how oily that pepper was? Shower thoughts
The name under the title of the book is mine, that means I wrote this book. If you don't like what world I'm at that fine, but if you want to bitch about it because it's not what you want then fuck you. If you don't like the girls in the harem, fuck you it's my harem. If you don't like harems in general, the fuck you doing 140+ chapters into this story. Also I'll respect your opinion but it's wrong. If you don't like the fact I killed Severus Snape, fuck you and your probably going to hate what I do to Itachi Uchiha. I might even go back to Harry Potter and kill Snape again just to spite you bitches. If you don't like that I run my chapters before I post it through Ai, well you've been reading it for 140+ chapters already and I'm not stopping but I respect your opinion on that one. Point is if you don't like the story just don't read it, I'm not holding a gun to your head threatening you or forcing you to read it, free will and all that.
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
Fuck i knew there was something wrong with your words! I have to get deadpool in on this... Btw this is just for the grammar usage, seeing you writing again brings manly sweat to my eyes... Def not crying... Nope...
Second, I write out the chapters for my stories first and then I run them through chat gpt for grammar and sentence structure. Those first 15 or so chapters in one piece were me testing that shit out and learning so it looks a bit wonky, we all gotta start from somewhere. This doesn't change my story at all and its not like it's completely Ai generated, it just fixes my spelling errors and makes my sentences look pretty with some flowery words and maybes adds some subtle details some people like to complain about. Also it doesn't touch any of the NSFW chapters.
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman
What if there was a world where the heroes had the opposite values they had here? Such as a variant of Superman who was a mass murderer? Or a variant of himself that was a villain?
Movies · God_Of_Chaos
Mercenary? Like a mix of the skills the guys have from expendables?
"Ask the author." ( Justine )
Anime & Comics · Try_hard
Much like momonga...
When Axel had seen Daphne standing out of breath right outside the door using the Arcane Eyes, he was so surprised that he hadn't even bothered changing properly before he had opened the door, which is probably why she had run away right now. As expected, this body is too ugly to look at.
Book&Literature · Snollygoster
Smash [img=recommend]
[Image of Yamato here]
Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
I like this, i like the story a lot... Please continue this story, it is quite pleasing...
To everyone else, I hope you're having a good day. How's your life going? Are you enjoying the story so far? I'm doing okay thanks for asking.
Fated Adventure.
Anime & Comics · Ryan_Colman