I love it
Then he pulls out an ID card and says he's actually a professor from the university next door! Here to help you catch up on your math grades...
游戏衍生 · Tchao707
He remembered the location of the Leaky Cauldron, and the Muggle-Repelling Charm didn't pose much of a problem for him. While Muggles would typically be affected by the charm, Kain could ignore it due to his mastery of Chakra.
漫画同人 · Vks_sh
I am back! Sorry about disappearing. I suffer from depression, severe anxiety, adhd, and bipolar disorder so my mental health is not always the best and I have been suffering from it this past week but I am now back and ready for action!
The first 12 chapters have been updated if you want to reread them. I removed most of the "with the intellect of Steven Haking" lines. Let me know what you think and if there is anything else that needs changing!
But its not his real appearance then. Apocalypse revels in his natural mutant state with no need to hide it since he believes mutants will be the next evolution.
Notes for the reader: Apocalypse takes a different approach than the original comics in dealing with Rama-Tut (which will happen in a later chapter) and the Ka stone since he fused with Steven Hakings knowledge of Marvel Comics so I apologize to all readers expecting the book to mirror the comics. The problem is Apocalypse in the comics simps over a normal girl named Nephri which I cannot allow to happen to my version of Apocalypse. She is all for Apocalypse until he uncovers his face causing her to recoil in horror. Apocalypse's love interests here will look beyond skin deep shallowness and fall in love with the existential terror known as Apocalypse.
漫画同人 · Fat_Immortal
There are many versions of Kang across the multiverse. There is even a council of them.
With a final glance at Baal's lifeless form, Apocalypse turned and began his journey. His steps were steady, filled with purpose, as he moved toward his destiny—a confrontation with Rama-Tut, the man who would one day be known as Kang the Conqueror.
漫画同人 · Fat_Immortal
He turned him into a humanoid rock. That comes with benefits like immortality because rocks don't age but side effects like loss of fertility since he is well a rock.
"You are now immortal, Ozymandias," Apocalypse said, his voice steady. "You will serve as my vizier for millennia. Your lifespan is extended, your power increased—but your ability to challenge me, to leave any heirs, is removed. You exist only to serve."
漫画同人 · Fat_Immortal
She gets introduced in chapter 30 in the next arc. It is an epic encounter. Please wait 11 days dear reader!
Yea Stephen Hakings should have DC knowledge just because he is generally knowledgeable of comic lore
I can’t see it
Its design was both beautiful and terrifying—the outer rim lined with jagged, bladed protrusions, forming a perfect fusion of elegance and lethality.
Marvel: Silver Hand
漫画同人 · Eldarking