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I tried to leave this blank but I was unable to do so.

2017-04-20 Se unió United States
Insignias 8

Moments 16
8 days ago

And in Spanish, caca means poop.

In Chinese, "KK" sounded like "Kaka," which carried a specific connotation in Korean due to its phonetic similarity.

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Video Games · SrMagnus

8 days ago

Yeah no, that would be Japanese. In Korean, "Your majesty" is "Mah mah"

In Korean, it could mean "Your Excellency" or even "The Commander."

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Cyberpunk: The Relentless

Video Games · SrMagnus

6 months ago

This story should be in the US. Why are you using UK words like quid and not bucks?

Eight hundred quid, my arse! That's a lot of money for a cheapskate Jameson to give away. I still can't believe it.

Spider-Man: A New Spiral

Spider-Man: A New Spiral

Anime & Comics · FanFictionPremium

7 months ago

I know in Europe and other countries, they call it "Ministry of _____" but in the US, it's "Department of _____." Just thought I'd let you know.

10 months ago

Toriko would be good because it's a food shounen story.

11 months ago


11 months ago


'And even without them just the title alone is great, it's something that increases my states using percentages and will always be useful.'

Avatar: The gamer

Avatar: The gamer

Anime & Comics · xXTheDarkOneXx

1 years ago


"It does. But we of the Jedaii Order will not be following those rules." Dooku replied. "Examing history I will admit if I were alive at that time I might've conceded the Reformation's be necessary. But only temporarily, and not at the expense of deliberately weakening the Jedi overall. For that's what those Reformation's did. They weakened the Jedi, and now they are not even a shadow of their former selves. The same for the Republic. You all have seen in yourselves in the past few years. From the Naboo Crisis, to the Republic trying to protect corrupt officials like Ryloths' former Senator Orn Free Taa. It is despicable and frankly disgusting. We trusted the Republic and the Jedi Order to do right by us and its people, yet it did not and thus it has led us all here." He spoke.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

1 years ago

with* passes*

"Master Dooku speaks the truth." Van said. "Emotions do make us vulnerable, but they also make us stronger. Hate, jealousy, and envy are all simply the opposite of love, admiration, and self-sacrifice. Just like wirh Jedi and Sith emotions are two sides of the same coin. Besides, some of the greatest Force users in history have had attachments and it has worked on their favor. Ulic Qel-Droma returned to the right path because of the remorse and guilt he felt in slaying his own brother, Cay. This in turn led to the downfall of one of the most dangerous Dark Lords in galactic history, Exar Kun. Revan and Bastila Shan's attachment to each other played a big part in helping bring the Jedi Civil War to an end, and spawing a line of some of the most powerful Force-sensitive's in history. Whose actions saved lives time and time again. My own ancestor Nomi Sunrider was an adult and married before she began her Jedi training. Yet she became one of the most powerful and well-respected Grand Masters the Jedi Order has ever seen. Master Dooku has a sister which he loves very much. While I have two lovers, a mother, and a grandmother I care about. Yet despite this you don't see me nor master Dooku going insane. These examples prove that attachments are not dangerous. What is dangerous is not letting go of attachments when the time comes. Like if someone you care for oases away. It would be unfair, but hanging onto them to tightly would only cause you pain. So you must learn to let go. Or else you might end up down a dark path. That is why the Jedaii Order will acknowledge and accept those with attachments into our ranks. Whether it's those with lovers, friends, or even their own family. Oh and speaking of family, unless the situation is dire we of the Jedaii Order will not separate parents from children and force them to live as members of the order their entire lives." He spoke.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

1 years ago


"Well met all of you." Dooku spoke. "And as my former apprentice just said we welcome you all to Ossus, the first enclave of the Jedaii Order. For some of you to come here I know was not an easy task. You abandoned teachings you had followed since you were young, went against the Jedi Order, and layed everything on the line. All for the unknown and unproven Jedaii Order. In that regard you have my thanks. But more than that you have my word your actions in making the journey here will not be in vain. Because while young the Jedaii Order will be here to stay, and we will stand by those who stand by us." The aged Jedaii master spoke passionately.

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever