/ Romance / Dr. Chu's Love Story

Dr. Chu's Love Story Comic Dr. Chu's Love Story Comic

Dr. Chu's Love Story

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Bo Huan spent half of her life chasing after Chu Ze, fascinated with the way he spoiled her. However, every time Bo Huan expressed her love in an implicit way, Chu Ze ignored it with coldness. When Bo Huan finally made up her mind to give up, Chu Ze realized, belatedly, how drab his life would be without this girl. So he musters up his courage to put their relationship on a formal footing and decides to take good care of this girl that he loves. 【Copyright Authorized】


  1. jpaige
    jpaige Contribuido 13770
  2. Devon_Burnett
    Devon_Burnett Contribuido 13122
  3. Jenna_Bookmyer
    Jenna_Bookmyer Contribuido 12826


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