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96.66% Zabuza's Waifu Adventure / Chapter 29: Feed the Beast

Capítulo 29: Feed the Beast

Chapter 28: Feed the Beast

Ringo's face filled her palm after witnessing her Kage driven through multiple buildings by the Third Hokage's legendary Adamantine Staff. They'd come expecting a fight, she'd come expecting it to start like this. Zabuza Mamochi's best personality trait is his picturesque cock and his skills wielding the beautiful thing. Other than that he is at best brash, crude, and three beers too intimate. He has to be the only guys in the world who can make a better first impression with his dick hanging out of his pants, and neither of the two other world leaders he met with are the target audience of that maneuver. 

Shame too. The man doesn't need mind control with a cock like that. In fact, Kirigakure would probably run smoother if he just used that fuck stick to level out the crazy personalities of all the top shinobi rather than his amateur hour use of Inculcation Talent. Except Fuguki. You could probably fist the big bitch's cervix if you didn't lose your arm up to the shoulder before you reached it. No size of cock therapy can ever hope to fix all the things wrong with that giant sadistic fuck. 

"More! More, more, more! Bring me more!" the lanky blonde Kushimaru's scream caused Ringo to look over from her place beside the Daimyo with envy. 

As the strongest warrior on Kirigakure's roster, it fell on her to serve as the last line of defense for Zabuza's bestie, Hirohito. The gang of Samurai huddling around the man didn't count. They were just there to provide the split second the Strongest Lightning Mistress (self proclaimed) needed to deal with any threats to the Daimyo's august body. The losers without any cool powers like Kushimaru and her jackass frenemy Jinpachi get to fight on the perimeter, aka the front line, aka where all the fun shit is happening. Lucky bitches. 

With one swing of her massive odachi, the 250 centimeter super ginger bitch Fuguki split three tree huggers in half at the waist then caught a sand monkey in the crotch on the backswing, cutting him up through the clavicle. Between the various members of the Seven Swordsmen, wielding their iconic blades or not, the company of Chunin that escorted the various nobles and merchants of the Land of Water formed a violent wall, throwing back the tree huggers, the sand monkeys, and the new kids on the block, the marching band fags? The choir queers? She still needed to workshop a degrading nickname for the grey clad Sound Village shinobi, and it needed to be extra degrading given their showing in this battle. They sucked, fodder the lot of them. 

Under her watchful eyes the battle in their area shifted as jonin platoon who led the formerly genin teams to Konoha broke off to secure the evacuation route. 

Fortunately, they didn't need them. The Chunin that accompanied them on the trip over spent an entire month as the focus of Zabuza's drill sergeant clones while the man himself went on a thirty day hedonistic bender that sent a shiver down Ringo's spine just thinking about it. No amount of normal women could ever turn the man off her holes. The Next God of Shinobi is an addict who can't get enough of her, and who can blame him. Just a glimpse of her pink slit and he'd come to heal no matter the distraction. 

Trained by a god the chunin responded correctly to all incoming threats, moving together with teamwork and well rounded skill sets unseen anywhere else besides Zabuza's personal trainees. They fought so effectively that the scared civilians who'd been roused by Kirgakure's mass genjutsu release at the heart of their formation stopped being scared anymore and got to enjoy shinobi combat up close and personal while still feeling secure, like the arena battles now happened within spitting distance. 

This changed with an explosive emergence of malicious bijuu chakra. Ringo felt her mood and her chakra spark up at the sight of the open space at the center of the massive arena disappearing, replaced by a mass of chakra filled sand rising up in the shape of a monstrous tanuki with a single thick tail covered in pangolin-like scales and inky blue curse marks whipping about. 

"I'M FRE-aurgh!" the triumphant cry of the semi release Shukaku ended in a choking gurgle as the teams of former Kiri genin blasted him with huge geysers of water released from seal covered thermoses. 

That impossible bitch Shigure was going to fight block her from across the sea!

"Keep blasting him!" Evil Jin screamed in glee as he leap up onto the staggering and slumping sand beast with his sword drawn, maneuvering between the torrents of raging water with a speed enviable by even jonin. 

He arrived at the apex of the Tanuki, its brow where the current redhead host slept exposed, and brought his sword down, slicing through the wet sand's attempt to defend the boy, with a scream of, "This is for Rock Lee!" 

The feared one tails collapsed with the death of its jinchuuriki, the sealed chakra beast dispersed temporarily until the malevolent mass reforms in the future to once again wreak havoc, a walking calamity like all the other bijuu. 

Evil Jin arrived back in formation carrying the head of Suna's Jinchuuriki in the air, pumping it up and down hooting and hollering about his victory. 

"That's enough, jackass!" Ringo shouted, abusing her position of command to take out her frustration on the kid for stealing her punching bag, "You're on point Shark-boy, lead these clients out of this mess!" 

"With great pleasure, Strongest Lightning Mistress!" he saluted with his sword and ran to the front, still holding the severed head in the air, "It's time for a rampage!"

"Evil Jin! Evil Jin! Evil Jin!" the other former genin chanted as the followed him into battle.

-meanwhile with Naruto-

Konoha's Jinchuuriki woke amidst a battle to see his sensei cut a man's throat and whip his head around as the other man fell clutching the leaking wound, scanning for additional threats. 

"Get up Naruto!" he shouted and peppered a far away target with kunai, "The village needs you!" 

Those words lit a fire in Naruto's heart that overcame the shock of the sudden violence. 

"Ebisu sensei, what's going on?" Naruto yelled with wide eyes as he saw many shinobi fighting over and around sleeping civilians. 

"Don't overthink the situation here, Naruto." Ebisu put a hand on his shoulder to steady the young boy, "The situation here is complex, all of the foreign shinobi are hostile, but be wary of those in Konoha uniforms as well, there are infiltrators stirring this shitstorm. The mission I have for you is of great importance, A Rank. I need you to use your clones and defend three key locations in the village." 

"Three locations?" the young genin gulped down his fear and listened.

"Yes. Three key locations to Konoha's survival." Ebisu nodded to him, his tone more serious than Naruto ever heard from him before, "Naruto, you must protect the hospital, the academy, and the emergency bunkers. Do you know where all of those are." 

"I do, sensei!" Naruto nodded back. 

"Good. Go Naruto, and let your clones do the fighting. Don't let your heart be confused. So long as you stay standing, your clones can defend all three locations, but if you go down they go with you. Remember this, it's not cowardice, it's smart, and smart fighters win." 

"I-I understand, sensei." Naruto grit his teeth and accepted the situation. 

Ebisu's mouth became a hard line across his face as if he wanted to say more, but instead he shouted the command, "Go!" 

Naruto scrambled to obey, first summoning up a gang of twenty clones to help him fight out of the stadium. Their first obstacle came in the form of a trio of men in grey tops with black balaclavas over their heads.

"What do we-" Naruto's clones interrupted the idiot's dialogue with overlapping fields of fire that trapped and torched the trio before they had a chance to split up and try to flank his forces or take hostages. 

Naruto blocked their screams from his mind, pushing away the horror of sight and the scent of their charred flesh for him to deal with later. Ebisu Sensei discussed the dangers of overreacting to the aftermath of his fire jutsu in the field, and gave him advice for how to cope with the trauma until an appropriate time to deal with it. Professionalism, the man called it. Naruto is a professional, he'll get the job done, and not let anything stop him. 

He only needed to face off against one more shinobi, this one wearing the tan uniform of Sunagakure before he made it out of the stadium and put his hands together to summon up an army of clones to spread out and carry out the mission when a horrid aura caused him to stiffen and still. It felt awful, worse than anything he'd ever sensed before, even more vile than Orochimaru. A massive head and shoulders and a single tail waving above it's body." 

"I'M FRE-aurgh!" its horrid voice ended in a choking sound and Naruto saw it getting blasted in the mouth with a big water jutsu. 

Soon after the whole beast collapsed and its foul presence lifted. 

"That's what you get when you mess with Konoha!" he yelled in glee and pumped his fist, then got back on track with his mission. 

He was going to be the big hero of the day, and everyone would know it. Everyone would know of the incredible awesomeness of Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!

-meanwhile with Zabuza-

I appreciate Orochimaru's professionalism in dealing with me, sparing me the obligatory mind games dialogue he would have played with his sensei and tagging those summoned corpses before sending them my way with bad intentions. I sealed Kubikiribocho in the tattoo'd former home of Shorikimasu (RIP my beautiful sword) on my wrist and cracked my knuckles, before sending a big punch that decked the First Hokage while Madara Uchiha and Tobirama Senju teamed up to work my ribs with a flurry of crisp punches each. A combo that never had a chance of appearing without mind control. 

Hashirama rolled his head with my punch and snagged onto my wrist, but even with clean and expert technique he lacked the strength for effective grappling against me, only buying his allies a split second of time before I freed the hand back up. 

They lack the power and speed to actually defeat me, skill only getting someone so far in Shonen, and skill they had in spades. Despite getting nerfed to around mid Tier five power, my Talents exalted with every second, the way they moved their bodies, the way they moved their limited though rapidly refreshing chakra, the way they sought and created openings for their attacks. Wonderful. My Talents didn't care that they weren't rocking their well deserved Tier Seven powers, they still operated beyond anything I'd encountered outside of Hiruzen's brilliant Template.

With every glorious second of this brutal jumping I made incredible progress. The pay off of my Talents scale with intensity, and no amount of training will ever be as intense as getting jumped by three of the top guys in the setting. Their fists and feet impacted me with great cruelty, the three working together to prevent my higher speed from coming into play, and their immortal forms preventing my greater strength from removing variables. 

"More!" I shouted from swolen lips as blood ran down my nose. 

I punched Tobirama's jaw off of his undead body and sent a body kick at Madara that the long maned man slipped under and yanked, trying to pull me off balance so I couldn't dodge Hashirama's brutal drop kick. Even significantly weaker than me, the man maximized his chakra enhanced strength and leverage to help his rival put his sandals to my chest. The kick send me flipping away and the three sent a combination fire and wind style jutsu after me, the two brothers adding fuel to the Majestic Destroyer Flame. 

I countered with a great waterfall jutsu putting my massive advantage in total Chakra to use, overcoming such a devastating combination through sheer brute power. My jutsu not only blasted through their technique, but it washed over the trio and the battle between Sarutobi and Orochimaru. When the Great Waterfall Technique hit the Four Flames Formation Barrier, it became a battle between the potency of my chakra and mastery of water, vs the potency of the Sound Four's and mastery of their technique. The four of them held on with all they had, even activating the second stage of their cursed marks, but I kept pumping more and more high pressure high density water at them until the whole barrier erupted. 

As the water from the jutsu created its namesake over the sides of the massive building we fought atop I cracked my neck and released the Strength of Hundred Seal over my heart, thick lines of orderly sealing ink spreading over my form as I healed all the damage the max level jumping did. 

"That technique?" heaved the aged and seemingly gassed Hiruzen, "How?" 

"I am chosen." I revealed with a wide mouthed shark toothed smile, "The champion of dark gods of domination and degeneracy. My gods are powerful and generous, my offerings well rewarded." 

"Oh, like Jashin?" Orochimaru cooed, and though soaked, otherwise looked unruffled from his solo fight with the old man and his monkey staff. 

"My gods treat Jashin like a plaything; no, like cattle. All of us are merely cattle unless we are particularly amusing. Even then, merely a prized bull, nothing more." I wiped a thumb under my nose and cleared out one nostril of lingering blood then the other. 

"And how might one commune with these dark gods? I'm not one to shy away from a little domination and depravity." Orochimaru wheedled in that soft voice of his that sounded so fake, so deliberately unsettling.

"Why don't you try to kill me and see if they take an interest in you?" I smirked, ready for more high level combat.

More. Give me more, more, more. I want more power and all of you are prime fuel for my furnace. 

"I'll take you up on that!" shouted a voice from above as Tsunade Senju landed with Jiraiya the Toad Sage alongside Hiruzen, she took one look at her raised family members then spat, "You really are the lowest form of scum." 

"You two should have stayed away. Catch him when he tries to run." Hiruzen growled at his students.

"Sorry, old man." Jiraiya grimaced, "With the barrier down, we can't afford those Edo Tensai getting out into the village. They are the biggest threat in this invasion." 

"Mother fucker! I am the biggest threat in this invasion!" I yelled at the white haired bastard. 

"Weren't they just kicking your teeth in?" Jiraiya scoffed at me.

The mother fucker scoffed. In my face. Such disregard!

"Obviously you can't tell when someone is holding back to enjoy the battle." I fired back with a tilt up of my chin, "Shame on you? How long have you been doing this?" 

"Yeah, whatever." Jiraiya dismissed me again and I'd had enough.

"You old monkey fuck." I growled as I released Kubikiribocho and started sparking up a jutsu I mastered beyond what I'd learned from Hiruzen's Template, "What was that line you dropped before you sucker punched me, 'I've given you courtesy enough." the Lightning Cloak crackled across my form and Flowed over my massive sword, "Yeah. That sounds about right. I'm about to start cutting. How many pieces all of you get to keep is on you." 

"Oh shit!" Jiraiya yelled and started flashing through the hand signs for the summoning jutsu. 

Tsunade prevent me from cleaving the guy mid sequence, her body covered in sealing ink as well. Her fist hit my lighting covered sword like a ton of tnt, the Executioner Blade shattered, but I held it together with my chakra. I also bled off the momentum of her strike by spinning and shifted the Chakra Flow to water to prevent the lighting from sizzling the blood I shed. The fragments of Kubikiribocho sliced right through Tsunade, healing the blade with her blood as she healed from the slash. 

I ducked under the extending blade of Kusanagi, unwilling to test if I am the Ultimate Shield with the technique I aped from Ringo, and bisected the zombies that came into dog pile me, keeping up the momentum to slam aside a staff strike that sent Hiruzen spinning away before switching the Flow to Wind and and Launching three blades of air at Orochimaru that carved up the balcony like a Wind Scar. 

Ma and Pa appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders and the trio took in the natural energy, transforming Jiraiya into a hulking toady man. This, this is what I crave! With a swing of his fist, Jiraiya sent me flying and I saw a black bullseye-like marking appear with other ink on the reforming Hashirama. Despite falling under my Chakra Sensing, my Soul Talent geared up like never before as the two Sages came for me, pulling upon all of Hiruzen's theoretical knowledge of the technique to rapidly form experience for me. 

We played two games of cat and mouse now, Jiraiya and Hashirama pursuing me while I harassed Orochimaru, Hiruzen, Tsunade, Madara, and Tobirama, who all fought defensively together like a pantheon of shinobi gods. I rapidly countered jutsu with my unprecedented mastery of Chakra Flow, covering Kubikiribocho with whatever nature I needed to counter and blasting back with arcs of elemental chakra. 

The Sages battered me within my Lightning Cloak, but with my supernatural bijuu sized chakra reserves enhanced by the massive energy pool stored in the Strength of Hundred Seal they failed to harm me even with a Big Ball Rasengan packing Sage Chakra. I only needed to keep away from Hashirama's fearsome wood dragons, who had the power to absorb my power supply and leave me at the mercy of these enemies. 

Hashirama kept the building from collapsing while we battled, his wood release making up more and more of the environment as he sought to capture and drain me. Often, Jiraiya and the toads ignited his techniques, and instead of consuming the wood, it just made the giant attacks coming at me from every direction incendiary. The First Hokage would have been the death of me if not for the frequent thrown weapon attacks I made, seemingly in any random direction, my kunai, shuriken, and senbon flew in awkward arcs and frequent ricochets, but always arrived on target and struck with mind boggling force. Anytime Hashirama made me sweat I'd hit him with funky flying bullshit attacks that interrupt his control of his jutsu. Shigure's seal work on my arms meant I carried an entire arsenal of well made ninja tools that played deadly with Lester's imparted skills. 

"How the hell is this guy worse than fighting Hanzo?" Tsunade screamed in frustration as her Strength of Hundred Seal's automatic healing pushed a dozen senbon out of her ass cheeks. 

"I thought you heard the part about the dark gods of domination and degeneracy." Orochimaru spat a shuriken out from between his teeth and tried to effectively offend me with another extension of his sword. 

"You shut up!" Tsunade shouted back at the Snake Sannin, "Don't talk while I'm still pissed about you puppeting my granddad and uncle!" 

"Keep sending them at that beast and I'll let you run away again with your pathetic life after this battle." Hiruzen growled as his staff fended off another shuriken flying in from the opposite direction of the man who threw it. 

"Damnit!" Jiraiya screamed as I dodged a toad kata strike, "He can sense the Natural Energy!" 

"Oh I think I can do a bit more than that!" I yelled as I flipped over a burning Wood Dragon and stilled for a moment on one of the few remaining tiles from the original balcony. 

"No way!" Jiraiya gasped as I drew the Natural Energy in and mixed it with my Chakra.

"Don't let him stand still for even a moment!" Jiraiya commanded the others who all began bombarding me with ninjutsu. 

I weaved the elemental barrage and then a taijutsu assault from Tsunade sending her flying with a kick, buying me another moment to build up Sage Chakra. I wasn't yet as fast as the one breath Sage Mode shown by Hashirama, but with his pathetic yet rapidly refilling chakra he gave me plenty of examples to work off of. 

Jiraiya came at me next and after a brutal high speed exchange I accepted a big hit to have another moment to pull in Natural Energy. As I flew away, I luxuriated in a new depth of sensory power. I'd already been able to tell individual chakra signatures apart from kilometers away, but now, I'd gained an almost omniscience of the present extending for hundreds for kilometers. 

"Sage Art: World of Shadow Shuriken." I announced as I let go of a single shuriken that became thousands. With a wave of my hand I sent all of them on new trajectories. 

Hashirama put up a wooden dome to defend them all, but a second wave of my hand imparted Wind Chakra on all of them, extending their cutting power and providing faster flight speed. Like a good neighbor I targeted all the remaining Sand and Sound ninja in the village, as well as all the Root members, my new senses easily enough to find every agent with a cursed seal on their tongue, and my chakra enough to carry it to all of them, even those deep underground. With a half seal I created a second shuriken while still flying through the air from Jiraiya's punch, this one a transformed Sage Clone. With a lazy flick I sent him to go collect some Sharingan from an old washed up fool. 

The shuriken buzz sawed into the dome of wood like a rain of power tools, kicking up a storm of sawdust. Underneath the wood, a mass of chakra enhanced white hair desperately resisted my continuous offensive, and while the Toad Sage protected himself, his crush, and his mentor, I speed blitzed the zombies shielding Orochimaru with their bodies and skills, and hit Tobirama and Madara with a Sage Enhanced Five Element's seal, not just disrupting their chakra control, but sealing it completely. 

I punted Orochimaru as the pair fell face first and snatched Madara, my hand flashing through seals as I carried him dodging Hashirama's renewed but weak assault as he still needed to shield himself from the rain of hyper lethal shuriken from my previous technique. I moved though the rain without any worry, knowing every trajectory before I even through them. On my shoulder, Madara weakly struggled but quickly stilled, without his chakra control, not even the corpse's sharingan had a chance of resisting me. 

"I love you, Zabuza." Madara spoke. 


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