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Autor: Cursed_Shaman

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: The IMPRISONER's

'You know, out of all the ways I imagined I would die, this isn't any of them. I was hoping to die of old age and love with a family, and if not they then at least by a truck hitting me, just in case reincarnation was a thing. But suffocating to death, crushed under a pile of rocks, in a former cave, with all my organs spilling out.... yeah, that definitely isn't one of them.' These were the current thoughts of Abel Harlow, as he was slowly losing air. One would think being crushed under 15 tons of stone or having his organs exposed to the world would kill him first, but surprisingly it was going to be the lack of oxygen.

'Luckily, my sense of pain is so overloaded with signals, that I can't feel the pain of suffocation by carbon dioxide. You know, there is definitely some irony to my death. My first name "Abel" is an obvious one, dying to a bunch of rocks. Then there is Harlow which means rocky Hill or something like that, and this cave was in a pretty rock-filled hill if my current state is to be believed.' Abel Harlow Chuckled weakly in his current situation, only to start groaning. their fingers twitching, as they stared out to the very faint light of the outside world, barely visible through the cracks and spaces of the rocks.

'Ugh, why does laughing hurt still, and now my whole body is slowly aching and regaining feeling. I never thought I'd say this but, please die faster body, or at least make me unconscious so I don't have to feel... this...' As he groaned more, his vision became blurry, and the light from outside seemed to grow brighter, bit by bit. His mind was shutting down, slowly going into the sweet sleep of death.

The constant noises in his head slowly quiet down, with the ringing in his ears. His is slowly flutting close, as his vision blurs even more, and the light continues to grow. As Abel Harlow Slowly fell into the silence of death, one last thought rang in his mind. 'Can someone please turn down that light... I can't sleep...'


*GASSP!!!!!!* With a sudden startling gasp, and a quickly rising body, Abel Harlow sat up as his eyes shot open. Huffing and Gasping for air, as if his breath would be stolen from him any second, Abel looked around at where he was. Upon so, he found himself in a stone room with perfectly smooth walls, the floor was smooth and there seemed to be no ceiling as the wall stretched up endlessly. There was writing on the walls and floor, but it would be more apt to say the stone itself was made red from its creation. Abel was sitting up on what seemed to be almost an altar made of the same stone, but the raised altar was still connected to the stone beneath as if carved like that.

Abel looked down on himself, feeling his abdomen and legs which he thought were destroyed and crushed beyond a trace. But he soon noticed something weird about his body, his once porcelain white skin was now a slightly tanned olive skin with red markings that matched the walls but in a different pattern. He could see strands of his hair, and they were a dark dull purple that looked black. Around his body was a long leather toga, the leather was from an unknown creature but it seemed to almost mimic wool or cotton to a much higher degree than the actual materials.

"I-Is this the Afterlife? No. Am I Alive? Yes. How do I know this? I was granted this knowledge by the prison." Abel asked and responded to himself, almost freaking out that he was answering his own questions when he shouldn't know the answers. Breathing slowly, Abel moved so he was sitting on the edge of the altar.

"This isn't my body from my memories, Is this reincarnation? Yes. Okay, Is this a R.O.B. or Hight consciousness Scenario? No, the prison isn't a living but a construct with a will Sapience without sentience or consciousness. Okay, that is a unique way to put it. So it can't feel or have self-awareness, but it can logically understand and process itself and the world around it." He took another deep breath, getting used to this odd phenomenon. Sitting up, Abel went to stretch his back only to realize he'd been sitting with perfect posture the entire time.

"Must be muscle memory of this body. Yes. Not a question but thanks. Are these questions being answered in real time or did it 'Predict' my questions ahead of time? Not Applicable. Okay, then what is it doing?" As soon as I asked that, a sudden splitting again hit me as my ear rang, I knew things without having the proper knowledge. I knew but couldn't understand, like knowing arithmetic but trying to understand Euler's identity. As soon as that thought ran through my head it stopped and I felt perfectly fine.

"Correct by 2.3%." I slowly removed my hands from my head, not knowing when I put them there. "Okay, what the hell is this place?! This is 'The prison', and that is its only current name. It is the embodiment of Negentropy or counter entropy. It is a counterweight to power, rather than a combative force or chaos and order. And that means? Imagine if an Atomic Explosive were to go off, one plan would be to set another nuke off to mitigate the explosion with another with a small fallout. The plan is the R.O.B. solution. The prison is more like a controlled black hole to absorb most of the damage or a wormhole that seals the bomb away if it would cause too much havoc."

"So you're like a guardian angel, protecting worlds from danger? Incorrect. Good and evil are not applicable to 'The Prison'. It only cares to mitigate damage and power output by absorbing it. How, why, and who caused it does not matter. Okay then, so a natural part who only cares about it to mitigate damage. Why am I here? 'The Prison has noticed a large power surge from a split world that can't handle the fallout. It seems that new copies of that world have been artificially created and used by world traversers, leaving little excess energy to create a stable split world. If left unchecked, it will break and then start a chain reaction that might break the core of the universe and break all others."

Abel took a deep breath and looked up to the endless abyss above. "I can take a guess from there, for some unknown reason I was chosen to help with this. But why, and why me? For most world, the Prison can just make a direct funnel for the power into it. However, the world is fragile, and 'The prison' isn't a subtle thing. If it makes a hole from the outside in for itself, it will break the world. But, by sending something as small as a human in, they could make a whole from the inside out and stabilize it. for you being chosen, 50% of the choices were taken by R.O.B., 25% were untrustworthy, and 15% were too power-focused. out of the 10% left, 90% were unsuitable, and 5% were too weak at the world mechanics. The last 5% were whittled down until you were left. While not a perfect candidate, you are better than expected of a choice."

"So, I was the only one left that fully fit into the needed category? Correct. Why the new body? Your old body would be too destroyed to use, and a new body was needed to be able to handle 'The Prison's' weight of power. Okay then. What Kind of world will I be entering? You will be within the Archetypal-universe that Your world has named 'Yu-Gi-Oh' The world you will start in will be of the Duel Monsters era, but you may be bounced around different Version of the 'Yu-Gi-Oh' Worlds. Oh sweet! So, do I have something special like a system or Millennium item or something? You will be granted a fragment of 'The Prison', that will act as your connection and 'Power Item' within the world. That is all the answers I may give you at this time. You will be granted peace and be allowed to do as you with with it. Wait what? Why is that the end? I got so much more to ask!"

Abel stood up and looked around, calling out in hopes that he would answer back(?). But nothing came. he sighed and sat back down. "Really, that it? Jeez. At least it knows the basics of what happening. Could have let me finish my questions." As he was grumbling, the red of the walls suddenly glowed, pulsing light. It seemed to be flowing to the middle of the altar, and a few seconds later, a weird item appeared. It was made of a dark matt material, almost black but if looked at closely you could tell it was a slightly red-ish purple(#24061B). Its shape was that of a Star dodecahedron, but with each look, it seemed a different shape. It was like one of those optical illusions, where it only moves in the prereferral of your vision.

"I guess this is the piece I get to change? It feels like stone, how am I supposed to 'change' this? It's not like I can just knead it-" As Abel said that, it moved and smelled almost like playdough... or just dough. "-Nnn-nevermind! I guess I can! Now what do I do with this? I should probably stay out of Millennium items or shadow Cham territory. That might cause more suspense than it's worth, and not useful if I get a bad deck in the world, which is likely with the cards-..... Cards. I'm probably there because the millennium item and Egyptian god cards are too strong. The cards are just mediums to summon spirits and are more important than the magic items. I can also use cards in more scenarios since the Egyptian gods can almost be seen as millennium items themselves AND be played."

He looked down at the sphere and started smiling and kneading it. "With cards like the Egyptian god card, I can join in on any important events and not worry too much about Shadow dangers. And since I doubt Pegasus will count out my cards if they have a connection to this... thing. Making an entire deck might be much, but I could make it with the 'Rule of three' that all the divine cards follow. We make them like the True Original God cards, where they had special text that would be translated as needed, so I can bullshit some stuff if need be. As for the theme, let's keep the Prison aesthetic in design and text. Make these three just different forms of the same thing. Attribute: divine, all level 12, with Atk/Def (?/?, 0/0, and 4000/4000) for respect. Type..... huh... I can't go divine beast, I want some originality. Let's make you typeless, with a subtype like toons or Gemini, I'll go with 'Archon'."

Abel spoke to himself out loud as he worked, making sure he made no mistakes. He went with making them in the Duel Monster style, separating them into three equal bits to make the cards. soon making 3 DIVINE/Typeless/Archon monster cards. The card looked like a duel monster card but instead of the yellow, orange, purple, green, or another color of cards, it was a deep and almost black Red-ish purple. It was distinct enough from the XYZ black and had a ritual-like pattern. Abel was able to just think, and that information was engraved into the card.

After making them, images appeared on the three cards. One was like a giant floating city or castle, with the same blackish and glowing red, with many chains and spikes and other intimidating parts. Another card was like a transformed version of the last, it was in the shape of a centaur centurion knight, with a lance and shield. its body was wrapped in chains, and part of it looked like a glowing spirit under armor. The last one was like the previous one, but more like a mechanical dragon with three heads, again with many chains and spikes on it.

"Hahaha, perfect, perfect! Almost done! Man, I forgot how fun making cards where! Now I just need to name them, and preferably a shared part of the name." Unlike before, when it came to creating cards, he was here named. Not because he couldn't come up with anything good, but because there were too many choices and not enough perfected names.

"Hmmm, let's keep this sweep and simple. Archetype name? These are cards for 'The Prison' so something along that theme... and 1 for each with a small difference." After a bit of thinking, a smile graced his lips as able spoke out the names he thought of. First to the City, then the knight, and last to the dragon.

"Your names shall be, 'IMPRISONER Aeolia', 'IMPRISONER Senturion', and 'IMPRISONER Semestral'. That is who you three are... am I talking to the cards?" Suddenly, after receiving names, they glowed brightly along with the writing on the wall. The Room started to shake a bunch. "WHOAH, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!! You are now being transported. WHAT? Why are you here now? This will be your last chance to directly communicate with 'The Prison', or 'IMPRISONER' as you have named, for a long while. When you are sent, you will start off sealed in a preserved crystal. You will be aware while in this state, what you do from there is up to you. Goodbye. Wait, what? YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME LIK-"

The Glowing cut him off as it suddenly flashed bright, blinding any living creature that would see it. luckily, he was teleported right before the full flash reached his eyes. Then there was nothing but darkness and a faint hum of silence.

[POV Abel]

Waking up from suddenly being flashbanged from that room, I looked around, noticing I could only move my eyes, and very slowly. I noticed that I was encased in crystal, and pretty deep too. It was hazy, too I couldn't see out well, but neither could it be seen well inwards. But it was clear enough for me to vaguely make out a museum of sorts, with some sort of stone tablet on the opposite wall. I was currently in a knight/superhero kneel pose as I was encased.

'...Shit... How am I going to get out of this now? I can feel the energy of the cards I made, not sure how, but all there is somewhere here. But what's important now is getting out... Hnnnng.... Hmmmmmph.... Hnnnnnnnnnga.... I should have made a millenium item that would let me escape.' Abel grunted in his mind as he tried to move, succeeding in doing nothing at all. "Well, this will take a while...."

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