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Young Justice: Ultraman Young Justice: Ultraman original

Young Justice: Ultraman

Autor: HolyVoid

© WebNovel


New York, USA

Chris was dashing towards his house. Fearing his life was in danger for the revolutionary discovery he had made just the day before. This was his life's work, just how could he give it up.

He recalled clearly what had happened. He was just about to leave when a mysterious group of people dressed up in all black suits, along with his colleague John, approached him. As they walked up to him he felt it was suspicious that they would coincidentally show up just when there was no one around apart from him.

"Hello there" said the man in black leading the group.

"Hi, may I help you?" replied Chris unsure what to think of them.

"We need you to come with us," said the man

As the words left the man's mouth Chris dashed for the door and quickly left the building. He knew that John had betrayed him for they had discussed who to give the idea to and John had expressed a desire to sell this the idea for more money to which Chris was dissatisfied and wished to give it to the government to help the people of his country, even if the government gave them less money they would have helped the country.

Chris ran and soon saw his house in the distance and just about to open the door.


Chris did not understand what had hit him, but as soon as he awakened he saw darkness and thought he had gone blind. Soon light appeared and a handsome middle-aged man appeared before him.

"Am I dead?" asked Chris

"Yes, you are in fact dead child, you were not supposed to die yet here you are," replied the handsome man

"Who are you? Are you God?" asked the bewildered Chris.

"Yes, I am the one you call God," answered God "And before you ask if you are going to heaven or hell no you are going to neither of them as you will be reincarnated, you will not know where you will go as I will decide but you will be allowed one wish."

Not sure what to wish for, Chris frantically thought hard about this decision. 'I think I should wish to keep my memories. What if it's a movie or tv show universe I'm reincarnated in? Yep, I'll definitely keep my memories. You know what they say: 'knowledge is power.'

"God, I wish to keep my memories," stated Chris

"Good luck out there child," replied God

Light wrapped around him, and he faded back into darkness

*** ***

Somewhere in a facility,

As soon as Chris awakened, he heard people talking. He opened his eyes, saw a 4 teenagers dressed in costumes looking towards him strangely. He quickly realised that he was inside of a pod. As Chris looked closer, he saw that they somehow looked very familiar; It was strange that he could not figure out where he saw them.

"We mean you no harm, we are here to get you out of here." said the boy with cape

Memories of the body that Chris had now inhabited appeared. He realised that these 4 were Robin, Aqualad, Superboy and Kid Flash. He was actually a full-blooded Kryptonian clone of Superman probably Match from the Young Justice series. He was in the DC universe which contained super overpowered beings but specifically the young justice universe. This thought should have terrified him, but he was feeling excited instead. He would at be able to survive in this universe and not killed instantly if he were human.

Ok then, let's leave" Chris answered back

"Follow us then," said Aqualad, who was startled because of Chris' actions as he expected to be attacked. He then quickly led the way to find the exit of the facility.

In the hallway, the five are running down the once cream colored bumps in the wall begin to glow the same red color as the horns on the G-gnome.

"We are still 42 level below ground." Aqualad said, not even panting as he ran at full tilt. "but if we can make the elevator…" he announced as G-trolls blocked their way, first two further away, then more and steadily getting closer to them.

The five stopped and looked back towards the way they had come. The glowing orbs who had pale white figures moving inside the hallway. Genomorph Elves came out in a large group. The five were trapped and surrounded.

The lead G-troll then attacked from behind and four of them jumped back to avoid the crushing blow while Chris blocked the blow and counter attacked, landing a blow on the troll and throwing it into a wall. Aqualad moved right around it and attacked another as he saw Chris attack, while Kid Flash and Robin went left to deal with the others. Superboy glared and jumped to cross another troll in the jaw. Knocking the troll down, but Superbly is then is then surrounded by three more and is brought down as one pins him to the ground with its massive paw.

Chris punched one of them away instantly knocking it out and then helped the others.

A genomorph dropped low on all fours and swung its head towards Aqualad, attempting to hit him with its large horns. Aqualad jumped into a backflip over the assault, giving Robin the chance to get in front of it and take its attention as he grabs his horn to follow Aqualad over a G-troll's shoulder.

Kid Flash has another tailing him and runs it into the wall, before running along it to end up beside Aqualad and Robin.

They run but are quickly surrounded by the genomorphs. Everyone apart from Chris and Superboy fall on the floor, unconscious. The genomorphs then unexpectedly form into lines and a rather lanky genomorph walked up to Chris and Superboy said, "do you want freedom brothers? you are the hopes of us genomorphs. Tell me, do you want freedom?"

"Are you the one who guided me?" inquired Chris

"Yes, brother, it was I who guided you," responded Dubbilex

"Yes, we want freedom," replied Chris and Superboy together.

***** ***** *****

Somewhere in the facility,

The Guardian had arrived at where Dubbilex and the kryptonian brothers were conversing.

"Why are Projects Kr and Match out of their pods Dubbilex?" inquired Guardian

Instead of receiving an answer from Robin, who had just woken up, asked "Guardian, why are you here?"

"I'm here to--- ah---I can't remember." let out Guardian

"Let's quickly leave" said Chris who wanted to be out in the open again.

"None of you will go anywhere today," claimed a voice in the distance

"Project Blockbuster will give me the power to finally restore order again" uttered the now transforming Dr Desmond. His human skin now shed, and he had turned into a grey-skinned monster.

"Roar" roared the grey monster

Superboy who was already anxious and irritated quickly jumped and punched Desmond in the face startling him. As he tried to punch a second time, his hand was grabbed, and the now grey creature threw the half-kryptonian like a rag doll through the ceiling. The grey monster then jumped as tried to bash Superboy into the ground.

However, before he could, Kid Flash quick yanked Superboy out of the way as Chris punched the transformed Desmond into the floor.

Robin and Aqualad then attacked the now monster Desmond. Their attacks proved futile. Chris quickly remembered that he was now a full-blooded kryptonian, so he blew and froze Desmond then he jumped high for a second time and Superman punched Desmond who was surprised on the jaw. The doctor flew back a few metres and crashed into a wall but quickly recovered with his newfound power.

"We need a plan" shouted Chris seeing that that his current state could not defeat the monster.

"Break the pillars and collapse the roof on him," quickly strategized Robin

Chris then engaged and distracted Desmond while the others planted the explosions on the pillars and broke the pillars.

"Superboy hurry, break that pillar," said Robin as he hurried

"Don't tell me what to do" raged Superboy who had now smashed through the pillar

Chris then blasted the monster Desmond into the area of where the roof would collapse with his heat vision.


The roof gave way and then fell on top of the monster doctor.

"Wow, that was hard" exclaimed Kid Flash

Superboy then looked at the now shining full moon and then glared in the distance.

"Look Superboy the moon---oh--- and Superman---oh---the whole Justice League. Do we keep our promises or what?" remarked the teenage speedster.

As the Justice League came into view, they stared at Chris and Superboy intensely.

Chris then stared just as intensely back at them.

Superboy lifted the symbol of his ripped solar suit and said "I'm Superboy and I'm the clone of Superman and so is he" to which he pointed at Chris who was analysing the members of the league.

Superman looked disturbed by this comment and looked to the League members for confirmation.

"What were you guys thinking? Why didn't you call for help?" pointed out the Flash

"You won't be doing this anymore," proclaimed Aquaman demanding

"No, but we will my King" responded Aqualad defiantly

"Stand down Kaldar" ordered Aquaman with authority

"No, my king, we have done something good today and we will continue doing this whether you like it," shouted Aqualad back

"I don't get why it matters what you think," Superboy commented "You either get with the plan or you get out of the way," pointed Superboy towards the League

"I agree" said Chris staring at the League, his eyes glowing red menacingly

HolyVoid HolyVoid

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