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23.2% Young Justice: Rebirth / Chapter 68: Chapter 54

Capítulo 68: Chapter 54

The sounds of the Halloween music got quieter the further Anissa walked away from the gym. She wondered where Harry had gotten off to. Anissa felt something in the air tonight, although she could not figure out what. She had been on edge a bit this year, and every now and then, she had headaches. They were maybe once or twice a week, and then they faded for several days.

The sounds of giggling came from inside of one of the girl's bathrooms. Anissa wondered if the thing she sensed in the air was just the smell of bitch. Anissa's better judgment fled from the building, as one of her headaches started to build up.

Of course, it was not the fact they were here, the fact they were saying something, that was the thing which caught Anissa unaware.

"Well, how can we get him into bed?"

"It couldn't be too hard. I mean, he's hanging out with that Megan chick, she's not too bright. Surprised she isn't in one of the special classes."

"Oh, Hello Megan!" a snide voice yelled. "Hello Megan."

Anissa frowned at the voice of Madison Walker and her little girl posse laughed. While Anissa thought Megan was an acquired taste, she did have her charm, the more Anissa got to know her. Therefore, these girls really were out of line just a little bit.

"Hey, you better watch who you're talking trash about," Anissa said.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" Madison asked. "The dyke on the Football team...she's talking to me?"

The other girls responded with nods, and Anissa just frowned.

The girls looked at Anissa, as if she had been beneath them. One of the girls stuck up her nose at Anissa as if she had smelled garbage. Anissa had been used to it, but it did not mean she liked it.

"I mean, look at her, like she's all that," she said. "I bet she raped some of those cheerleaders she hung around with."

"Yeah, well she must have a Daddy who is in prison," Madison said. "My Daddy would never be in prison, while I bet yours is some kind of thug, who got sent to prison for knocking off the Seven Slash One One."

Madison broke out into giggles, and Anissa just rolled her eyes.

"Your little monkey brain can't comprehend what I said?" Madison asked. "Oh, I'll use small words."

"Monkey brain!" the one token Asian in the group said. "Oh, that's nice one, really great, Maddy."

"I know, I'm really amazing," Madison said. "Daddy's in prison...and mine's going to get me a new Mercedes for my birthday. Would have preferred the Lexus, but we all got to make sacrifices."

Madison and her posse of girls made monkey noises when leaving the bathroom. Along with something hitting Anissa in the back of the head. She clenched her fists and walked over to the sink.

"They're not worth your time," Anissa said. "Turn the other cheek...they're just...they're just...they don't know."

Anissa figured you could do a lot, but you could not fix stupid. And you could not correct ignorance. There's no use in defending the fact her father was a respected educator. You could not fix stupid.

The laughter of the retreating girls dug into Anissa's skull like a drill. She grabbed onto the sink and had been surprised to see it crack.


Anissa turned around, the chipped sink piece falling down to the ground. Donna approached Anissa with a raised eyebrow. The dark haired woman walked closer towards Anissa, and could see she had been miffed. Anissa shifted to the side to cover up the damage she done to the sink.

"There's nothing wrong, is there?" Donna asked.

"No, it's fine," Anissa said. "Just people...they're not worth my time."

One could see Donna did not buy Anissa's words for a second. The athletic girl just sighed and decided to be straight enough with Donna.

"They can mess with me all that they want," Anissa said. "Whatever. But, when they talk shit about my friends and family...that's when I draw the line...and what they said about Megan and Harry…."

Anisa could see Donna's eyes narrowing. She was extremely glad Donna was a friend and not the enemy. Not someone Anissa wanted to throw down with in a fight. So, Anissa was pretty damn glad she and Donna were good friends.

"Walker?" Donna asked.

"Yeah, her and her little gang of mean girls," Anissa said.

They were down at the end of the hallway, and Donna glared at them.

Donna kept her eyes on one of the members of the girl gang. She recognized this girl as something who said some not so nice things about the Amazons. And Donna had to put up with it in cheerleader practice every day.

Diana would have turned the other cheek and walked away from it. However, as Hippolyta reminded her, Donna was not Diana.

"They need a reality check," Donna said.

"Turn the other cheek?" Anissa asked.

"There's turning the other cheek and getting walked all over," Donna fiercely replied. "I don't care who Kitten thinks she is. I'm sick of her….garbage."

Anissa just smiled, pretty sure that Donna was about to say something else, before walking back from it.

"So what are you going to do?" Anissa asked.

One could feel the smile on Donna's mouth. Anissa almost felt sorry for Madison Walker. Almost, but not quite, because she did have it coming. Yet, Anissa had been morbidly curious at what Donna had in mind.

"Trust me," Donna said.

Oh, that look, made Anissa feel a bit nervous, and not in the fun way either. She stepped back and hoped that Donna did not get herself into trouble. Well, not too much. If it put Walker in her place, maybe Anissa could laugh about it.

"Just don't get caught," Anissa said.

"I won't," Donna said. "My hands are completely clean."

Now, Anissa had been a bit concerned what Donna had in mind.

Zatanna could not have been more frustrated in any way possible. The bindings held her back against the chair. All she had to do is find a weakness in the bindings and it would get her out of there.

"Some escape artist you are, Zee," Zatanna said. "Dad would have been out of this in a be fair, he must have been a boy scout. Pretty good knots for a psychopath."

Footsteps outside caused Zatanna to wonder if Harm was coming back. If Harm was done with Artemis then...oh Zatanna did not want to think of it. She was almost out, and hope there was time left to save. Hoped that there was time left to...the ropes came off.

"Well that was easy."

Zatanna spun around and came face to face with Harry, who broke out into a smile in her direction. It took Zatanna a minute to speak, just barely avoiding stammering.

"How?" Zatanna asked.

"Figured you ladies could use a hand," Harry said.

"Well, you made things a bit easier," Zatanna said. "How did you…?"

"Secret," Harry told her.

This might have been the wrong word to say. Zatanna threw her hands up. There will be plenty of time for questions later. They needed to find Artemis.

"He has her, doesn't he?" Harry asked Zatanna.

"Yeah, we better hurry," Zatanna agreed.

Down the hallway, Harry could still hear Artemis's breathing. And also, the feeling of this dark individual who had the sword. They moved in closer.

"She'll be fine," Harry said. "But, there's something in the air...I think our little secret might be the key to all of this."

Zatanna raised an eyebrow. Harry took her hand and obviously, she would get explanations. Explanations which may have raised more questions knowing her luck. Still, time to see what they can do save Artemis and get her out of that position.

Harm bared down at Artemis with the sword. She tried to remain cool and calm underneath this monster's gaze. Although, Harm really seemed like the type who would chop up people the second that he got bored. Those cold and lifeless eyes.

"It is up to something," Harm said. "Harm will find out what it is up to...what is it doing?"

"It has a headache because Harm can't speak properly," Artemis grumbled.

The slam of Harm's sword on the back of the chair made Artemis flinch ever so slightly. Harm broke out into a smile, the fingers twitching around Artemis's neck. Artemis could feel everything just flash before her. And yet, she refused to back down.

Staring Harm dead in the eye, Artemis figured out what he might want to know.

"Why don't you ask your partner in crime, the Secret?" Artemis asked.

Whether or not Harm understood what Artemis said, she did not know. The statement slowed Harm down and made him mutter in some kind of language which Artemis did not understand. Yet, she realized that as control as Harm seemed out there, he lost control a bit when Artemis and Zatanna came across his strong hold.

Perhaps, Artemis could exploit Harm's uneasiness and find a way out of here.

"It speaks it's code," Harm said. "But, it will tell Harm what it knows, or it will suffer the consequences."

Artemis's entire life flashes before her. The power of the sword inflamed Artemis and caused her heart to beat even faster. He could chop Artemis into ribbons and not even bat an eye about it. Oh, no question about it, Artemis would be screwed.

A flash of light whipped from halfway across the room and struck Harm in the chest. Harm flew out of Artemis's line of sight. Not she had much movement.

Harm flew back against the wall with a sickening crack. The moment the dust cleared, Harry stood in front of Harm's downed body. He tried to scramble to a standing position. Another blast sent Harm crumpling down like yesterday's trash.

Harry appeared in front of Artemis. And boy had Artemis been glad to see Harry. Although how did she know he was here.

With a flick of his wrist, the ropes came off. The few small scrapes and bruises Artemis received healed with a wiggle of Harry's finger. She still moved on wobbly legs and wrapped her arms around Harry, who stood Artemis completely up.

"How did you know?" she demanded.

"Secret," Harry said.

Artemis gave her boyfriend one of those looks. Unfortunately, the time for explanations were not here. Harm rose to his feet, a small amount of rage bubbling through his cool demeanor. The moment his eyes locked on Harry, Harry turned his full and undivided attention towards Harm.

Little did Harm know how particularly bad that was.

"Finally a worthy opponent present itself," Harm said. "But, it will fall by Harm's blade and it…."

Harry slammed Harm through the wall before he could attack. A sigh followed from the Kryptonian-Human hybrid. Harm would not be out of it for long, with the sword's power protecting him.

"It talks too much."

With Artemis and Zatanna regrouped, Harry sensed something. Chills blew down his spine and rose goosebumps. Harry took Artemis and Zatanna by the hand.

"Where are we going?" Zatanna asked.

"I just feel...we should go outside," Harry said.

"And leave that psycho running loose?" Artemis asked.

Trust me, it's going to pay off," Harry said.

The two girls took Harry at his word and vanished, in a blink of an eye.

The feeling lead Harry, Artemis, and Zatanna outside. Right in front of a grave, where the same girl from over hovered over. They moved over, to come across the gravestone. Greta Hayes, November 2nd, 1995-October 31st 2007 written on the grave. Revulsion struck them all.

"She died a few days before she was supposed to turn twelve years old," Artemis murmured. "What sort of monster would do such a thing?"

The sort of monster who did such a thing, appeared in the light. Harm returned, eyes glowing with pure madness on them. Harm practically looked like a demon and more shaken than he ever been.


Staring deep into the eyes of nearly pure evil, Harry got the truth of the matter. The truth which Harm tried to purify.

Harry realized it right now. Killing Greta was how Harm had become pure, pure of evil. As long as she was around, he would have someone to care of. Because, Greta Hayes was his sister.

"William Hayes," Harry said. "Greta was your sister."

"Get it out of my head!" Harm shrieked.

"You did this, Billy," Harry said. "You were the one who killed Greta, so you could wield this sword."

"Billy is dead!" Harm growled. "There is only Harm!"

Harry smiled, barely, just barely. He could tell being at this gravestone most certainly threatened to bring about memories.

"Your sister still leaves as a burden on your conscious," Harry said. "Therefore, you are not worthy of that sword. Because your purity is tainted. The moment you spilled your sister's blood, you could never be pure. Because, you could not erase almost twelve years. Especially when you cared for her, after your parents died."

One could see the pure outrage dancing in Harm's eyes. He was fit to spit fire. Harm turned the sword, rotating it repeatedly in his hand. He looked ready to slice Harry into ribbons.

"Billy, you know what I'm saying is true," Harry said. "You're not worthy of that weapon."

No Man or Superman would stop Harm after he had come so far and sacrificed so much.


"You?" Harry asked. "Not it, Billy? Seems like you're not as pure and detached as you would like your sword to think."

William Hayes, Billy, Harm, wielded the Sword of Beowulf, to attack Zatanna, Harry, and Artemis. Murderous fury flashed through his dark eyes. Harry made no motion and Zatanna and Artemis were almost frozen in time.

A shield, pure and white, a contrast of Harm's darkness, spread out in front of them and reflected the sword back.


The spectral form of Greta, Secret, appeared in front of Billy. Her hands spread out and Harm stood back, holding the sword. He waved it at Greta who failed to act.

"She is the secret you tried to bury, Billy," Harry said.

"No, no, no," Harm said.

The sword burned Harm's hand, shot up in the air, and landed in Harry's hand in one move. Harry held the Sword of Beowulf in his hand, smiling.

"Purity means little when your will is weak," Harry said. "And when you're a coward. Who killed a little girl."

Greta came after her brother, eyes glowing at him. Her hands waved and Harm backed off, something shaking the ground underneath him. Billy, Harm, backed up, trying to gain control.


"No, stay back," Harm said. "You should be buried….I put you to rest."

"Secret," Greta said. "Secret."

Demonic hands reached out from underneath the Earth and grabbed onto Harm's ankles. He struggled, to try and break free. The demons of Harm's past demanded payment and yanked him into the Earth.

Agnostic as Harry was, he could see that Harm was not going to have a very restful afterlife. But, given the half existence he condemned Greta to with his greed, only able to rise on Halloween night, to find someone to tell her secret.

Fortunately, Harry had opened the door, on his first Halloween on this world.

"A life for a life," Harry said. "The payment worthy for an act so vile."

He turned to Greta who held out a hand to him. Harry held the sword in front of Greta, who responded with a nod.

"With this sword, I set you free."

Greta glows brightly and then disappeared into a blink of an eye, leaving them all behind. Artemis and Zatanna stepped back, as the ground which swallowed up Harm reverted to an undisturbed state. Like he had not been here tonight.

Artemis, Zatanna, and Harry kneeled down by Greta's grave, paying their respects. Everything remained silent. Artemis pulled herself up first, and Zatanna and Harry joined each other.

"What kind of monster could do something like this?" Artemis asked.

Sure, Artemis had been at odds with her sister. But, never something like this, not now and not ever. Artemis could not imagine it. The very thought that siblings could come to this, at this most extreme, made Artemis's blood cold. Jade would not sacrifice her to use a weapon.

"Messed up," Zatanna said. "And yet...his secret came back to haunt him in the end. I guess secrets really do after a while."

"Yeah," Artemis agreed.

Harry sensed the discontent in both of these women. He put a hand on their shoulders and launched into an explanation. Exactly why Harry thought that Billy, and he refused to encourage the boy's delusions by calling him that name, went wrong.

And to Harry, Billy was merely a boy, who was obsessed with a toy. His obsession resulted in Greta being slaughtered. And while Harry did not see Greta's death, he did not have to think too hard to imagine the fear in Greta's eyes when the one she trusted the most killed her.

"Pure good, pure evil, neither is healthy," Harry said. "Especially since the road to purity either way, is paved only bloodshed. Whether it be pure evil...or the greater good"

A long and careful pause followed. Harry saw with his eyes the evils men could do and the sword was a curse in someway.

"Thankfully, I'm neither."

"Why can you hold it?" Zatanna asked.

Harry just clutched the Sword of Beowulf in his hand. Indeed, Harry had many questions about it. Along with the nature of the sword in general. But, he would hold it for a little bit and return it to Doctor Sandsmark and the Museum in the morning. After talking with Karen about ways to better secure the sword.

As much as Harry would like to keep it as a souvenir, he just could not.

"I'm obviously the exception of many rules," Harry said

Jesse Chambers-Wells looked up from her notes. Pretty sure that she got it about right, and soon she would be ready. The sensor alarms outside of the lab, the one which would register any speedsters coming on by, caused Jesse to jump up.

The one and only Kid Flash came into the room in all of her glory. Jesse broke out into a smile and offered Whitney to sit down next to her.

"Been working hard?" Whitney asked.

"You know it," Jesse said. "So, I saw you and Flash at the Children's Museum...that's nice of you to do it."

"Well, when fighting the forces of evil, we forget there are far more personal battles to be waged sometimes," Whitney said. "So, how are you?"

"Hungry," Jesse admitted. "I've been working on the Velocity Nine all day."

"And how is it coming?" Whitney asked.

"Slow, but steady," Jesse said. "Which, wins the race, I guess."

After exchanging some pleasantries, Whitney decided to bring up the guy who was first and foremost on the minds of both of these prodigies. Nine times out of ten, conversations came around to this topic eventually.

"So, how is Harry handling the shield?" Jesse asked.

"Works like a charm," Whitney said. "Although it should be upgraded a little bit to withstand Kryptonite arrows and shield him from that. Just a little bit better.

Whitney's thumb and forefinger stretched together, showing Jesse this point. Jesse almost could have broken out into bemused laughter.

"Then again, maybe Harry should not have taken one to the hand," Whitney said. "Oh, and I brought candy….and I didn't eat all of it for once."

Jesse found it hard to believe, but sure enough, Whitney did bring candy. And it was good candy as well, which made it even more surprising that Whitney did not inhale it with her usual energy. Jesse needed it at the right time.

"Like I said, I skipped lunch and dinner, so I really needed a pick me up," Jesse said.

"Working all day without a square meal is not good for your health," Whitney said. "I'm not saying you ate nine times a day like I do but…."

"You sound like my father," Jesse said.

"Who turned out to be an evil speedster in disguise," Whitney reminded her.

"Still didn't stop him from giving me the fatherly lectures," Jesse said. "But, I think that it's almost finished. And I can finally rest."

"You said that about a month ago though," Whitney said.

"Oh, I'm sure now," Jesse said.

The Velocity Nine, almost finished, and Jesse really thought that it would be a formula which would change the face of how they looked at speed. Munching on a Snickers, Jesse thought of the possibilities.

Their light conversation ended when Whitney picked up a cell phone which had been blinking. She received a text message. A smile crossed over Whitney's face.

The angel on her shoulder told Whitney that she really should it. But it had been a while since she had indulged in some Halloween fun.

"Got to take care of something, "Whitney said. "Be back in a flash."

And Jesse believed her. Snagging a couple of extra pieces of candy for the road, Whitney left and then returned seconds later. Jesse just frowned.

"Why are you carrying toilet paper?" Jesse asked.

"Souvenir?" Whitney asked.

Whitney disposed of the toilet paper, and came back around to join Jesse.

The speedster just barely settled in. Whitney's wrist watch had gone off. Whitney cringed. Just when she thought it was safe to celebrate Halloween.

"Heatwave," Kid Flash said. "Shouldn't be too much of a problem, given his better half is still in Blackgate, but I better deal with this."

"Cool, catch you later," Jesse said. "Got to run another barrage of tests now that I've had enough candy."

"Oh, there's never enough candy."

Speaking of which, Whitney grabbed a handful on the road and joined Flash in dealing with Heatwave's latest attack.

Jesse smiled and would get back to those tests. It was nice talking to Whitney when she was able to, but now Jesse had work to do. And soon, Jesse might be surprising Whitney with a little bit more help.

A spark of lightning emitting from her finger indicated Jesse was on the right track. The sweet smell of success visited her.

The Happy Harbor High School Halloween Party winded down. And many of the guests were leaving. Karen, Megan, Donna, Anissa, Wendy, and Harry all stayed. They arrived early to set up, and they stayed later to get cleaned up.

Natalie Rushman entered the room and looked around. The remaining guests all laid their eyes on their teacher, when the redhead cleared her throat.

"Have any of you seen Madison Walker and her friends?" Natalie asked. "Because, I would like to have a word with them."

"With any luck, they got sucked into a black hole," Karen muttered.

Wendy and Donna looked to share similar sentiments. Megan, being Megan, frowned at the statement Karen gave. It seemed a little bit cold. Okay, Madison could say some mean things sometimes, but wishing someone got sucked into a black hole was a bit too much.

"Aren't they our fellow cheerleaders?" Megan asked.

"Oh, not by choice," Karen said. "Daddy Walker and his backers fund the entire programming. You can see how Madison can barely do a cartwheel. Remember how Wendy almost sprained her ankle last week because of her."

"Well, accidents happen, don't they?" Megan asked.

"Yeah, and nine months later, she was born," Anissa whispered, but only so Harry and Donna could hear and they both smiled.

Harry had been looking from Anissa and Donna. He could sense something had been up to them. They had been surprisingly calm. Almost too calm, the more Harry thought about it. Perhaps he had been a tad bit paranoid, but something was happening.

Hoping that they did not do something too bad to Madison, Harry leaned towards the door. The screams and the muffles outside caught the attention of the remaining party goers. Some of them rushed outside, along with the teachers.

Madison Walker and her gang of girls strung up, wrapped in toilet paper, with bananas shoved in their mouths. It was a comical sight. Natalie and a couple of the other school officials at the party moved in close to get them down. Madison screamed in anguish when she had been lowered down. Her Princess costume had been ruined.

"I want….I want….I want whoever did this arrested and put in prison!" Madison yelled. "This is not on!"

"Did you see who did it?" Natalie asked.

"No, they were too fast," Madison said. "But, I bet that thug Pierce and her dyke friend over there, she had something to do with it."

Wendy, Karen, Harry, and Megan all frowned. Madison had been pointing to Donna and Anissa this entire time, toilet paper still hanging from her shoulder.

"I don't think they did it," Wendy said. "They were in the gym the entire time."

"They were," Natalie agreed. "Your accusations have no basis in reality."

"Well, you should arrest her anyway!" Madison yelled. "Before she brings a gun to school and shoots up everyone, or something."

"Ms. Walker, you better watch your mouth," one of the teachers told her sternly.


Madison's howl of agony followed and she kicked up a storm, crying out in pain. She almost looked torn between crying and throwing things. How dare they not believe her?

"Ms. Walker, you should curb your attitude before it gets you in trouble," Natalie said. "You've made several comments that are out of line."

"Who told you?" Madison asked.

"That's confidential, but people talk when they feel threatened," Natalie said. "I'm particularly intrigued by your comment that I had to spread my legs to get this job due to being unqualified"

Madison threw her fists into the air and gave another scream. Even the members of her girl posse backed up from her. They did not want to be around.

"And some of those comments are racially insensitive in nature," Natalie said.

"I'm not a racist," Madison said. "I have Black friends, Mexican Friends...I even have a China Friend."

"Actually, I'm Korean," the member of the girl posse in question.

"Same thing!" Madison snapped. "The point is, I'm diverse! Therefore, I can't be racist!"

The girl in question just rolled her eyes. Most of them only hung around Madison because her Daddy was rich and well connected. Therefore, they were able to live the good life, and it paid off being friends with her.

"These comments will not be tolerated," Natalie said. "And you will be expelled if I hear you speaking any more slurs against students like you did with Ms. Pierce."

"You can't tell me what to do, my Daddy runs this school!" Madison yelled.

"And Ms. Walker, I regret to inform you that your father has been arrested," Natalie said.

That particular statement cut Madison off at the knees. Her fingers quivered, and it appeared that she learned the not so good news. That got people talking.

"My Daddy can't get arrested!" Madison yelled. "He's people can't go to prison! Simon Stagg's proof of that!"

"Your father was caught in Gotham City by Batgirl," Natalie informed her. "He was Killer Moth."

So, Killer Moth was Madison's father. Well, that just went to show that the apple often does not fall far from the tree. And she threw a bit of a tantrum.

Anissa really knew she should not rub salt in Madison's already raw wounds. But, with the Karma fairy visiting Madison tonight, she could not resist.

"I'm sorry, but whose Daddy is going to be in prison now?" Anissa asked.

Madison's girl posse wisely held her back. In a fight, Anissa would have creamed her, and not in the fun way either. School security escorted a raging Madison Walker away. This had been worse than the time she had to fly coach.

"Bye Kitten!" Anissa said with a casual wave.

Then, before Madison could be lead off, Anissa grabbed Harry and kissed him hard, surprising the people around her. Madison had been surprised and screamed, before she had been lead off.

Well, she kissed a boy and liked it. Then again, Harry was the exception to many rules, so why not. Anissa just smiled and pulled away from Harry.

"So, how was that?" Anissa asked.

"Pretty nice," Harry told her. "Maybe we should do it more often."

"Oh, I'm just getting started, hon," Anissa said.

Smugness spread over Karen's face and she stuck out a hand to Wendy.

"I hate you sometimes."

Wendy grumbled and slapped a ten dollar bill in Karen's hand, who looked particular smug at this entire situation.

"I had her lasting until Christmas before crossing over to the dark side," Wendy said. "I hate it when you're right."

"I know," Karen said. "Batgirl's my new second favorite hero this week."

"Why just your second?" Megan asked.

"Superman, duh," Karen said. "No one's beating him any time soon...although Harry would if he put on tights."

"Yummy," Wendy dreamily said, not able to get the thought out of her head.

Megan could barely keep a straight face. She noticed Harry, Donna, and Anissa disappeared around the corner.

The minute Harry rejoined his prime copy, he came across Helena and Sara in the penthouse. Given that they were in the middle of the situation in Gotham City, Harry figured they would be the best to ask about this.

"So Batgirl?" Harry asked. "You were there, so tell me what you saw."

"Well, she was pretty good out there," Helena said. "She creamed Killer Moth."

"And something about her seemed familiar," Sara said. "So, are you going to recruit her for the team?"

"I just might," Harry said.

"Good, because I might have a good idea who she might be," Helena said. "But, I'll tell you what, with Gordon as the target, and then Batgirl just happened to show up, not hard to put two and two together."

"Really, a blind man could see it," Sara said. "But, thankfully, Joe and Jane Average can't figure out the obvious."

Harry just chuckled at their assessments at the matter. Oh, yes, so amazing indeed. And Harry figured they knew or had a good idea of who was underneath the cowl. It had been obvious, more than obvious.

Come to think of it, there were rumors of a vigilante much like Batgirl years ago. But, the incidents stopped, and many attributed them to the retired Batwoman. Looking back, Harry thought those people might be mistaken.

Perhaps, it was time for Harry to take a little bit closer of a look at everything regarding this Batgirl.

"I might want to join the team," Genesis told Harry. "That is, if you don't think the Team would be too crowded."

"We'll find something for someone of your capabilities to do," Harry said. "But, maybe you should get settled in."

"Well, Genesis Kent is now an intern at Starrwave," Genesis said. "And all of the paperwork has been drawn up, to figure me in."

Harry just smiled. Oh, he would like to see Genesis on the Team. But, only when she was ready and not a second before. Still she would be a pretty good fit.

It would only be a matter of time before the Team outstripped the League in potential membership. Which caused Harry to smile. He doubted anyone on the League envisioned the Team stretching these heights. Harry, Mareena, and Helena were always on the lookout for new potential recruits. And Kara still was a consideration, although she was doing her own thing right now.

Something caught Harry's eye. Genesis continued her work, waving Harry off.

Harry saw a familiar and yet different girl fluttering down the hallway. Instead of a preeteen, she was a teenager, and left Harry with more questions than before. Greta's hair lengthened and she wore white tank top and a pair of jeans.

Like how she might look today, if Billy had not slaughtered Greta.

"And here I thought I set you free," Harry said.

"Thank you," Greta said.

Greta hugged Harry, feeling surprisingly warm for a spirit. Harry wondered if this intervention on his part caused Greta to transcend into something else entirely. A kiss on the cheek followed and then Greta disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Something told Harry he would see her again.

Zatanna walked up the steps, making a beeline towards Harry. She bit down on her lip and moved a bit closer to Harry. Harry wondered what this was all about.

"I'm staying the night," Zatanna said. "Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Harry said. "Should I show you to your bed?"

"Actually, I was hoping to see your bed," Zatanna said. "After, Artemis raved about how nice it was. Of course, it could have been because you were in it with her at the time."

That proposition from Zatanna, well Harry could not say he was surprised. Perhaps by the speed, but there was some kind of spark there between them. The sixteen year old sorceress looked Harry straight in the eye.

"So?" Harry asked.

Zatanna put a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"We need a balance after you rescued me tonight," Zatanna said. "And my father always taught me to repay my depths. And the price I pay….I think you can agree it's rewarding."

"I do," Harry said.

They meet lip to lip with a passionate kiss. Harry guided Zatanna up the stairs to his room. Where the true magic happened.

Harry always appreciated a girl who knew what she wanted and how to get it.

next chapter
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