/ Sci-fi / Yakuza Billionaire

Yakuza Billionaire Original

Yakuza Billionaire

Sci-fi 51 Capítulos 27.7K Visitas

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Toya Hiryu lives a double life, along with frenemy Kai Riden, to the world they're excellent father figures, bachelors, and billionaires, but behind the closet they are Yakuza leaders brought together by the love of the same woman. They have to figure out a way to make sure their two worlds never meet and keep this secret life hidden from the people they care about most. They definitely do not have the best luck in that department.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Sailow_Sanchez
    Sailow_Sanchez Contribuido 26
  2. DaoistrC49e5
    DaoistrC49e5 Contribuido 2
  3. Parthasarathi
    Parthasarathi Contribuido 1

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