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5.17% Xianxia Online / Chapter 3: Sky Cloud Sect

Capítulo 3: Sky Cloud Sect

The calibration process consisted of a series of very simple exercises, from eye to touch. Their purpose was simply to adjust the system to the player's five senses in order to create the most realistic experience possible. After a few minutes, Xuan completed them with ease, and all around him, the white light faded away.

"The calibration process has been completed. The game will now begin."

Faced with this familiar message, Xuan braced himself for what's to come. In just a few hours, it was time to return to this world—his home. But now, he was in a completely different identity. The past legendary Zero was no more. As of current, he was simply a weak mortal named Xuan, nothing more.

The white void around him withered away, and the next thing he knew, he was staring at a wide linear staircase leading up towards the top of the hill. On either side, tall coniferous trees towered over one another as their bases progressively escalated in altitude along with the stairway, and their shadows loomed high above, blocking the majority of the sunlight coming down.

Of course, his surroundings weren't the only things that had changed; his clothing had changed as well. During the calibration process, he'd been wearing the clothes he had on in the real world, but now, he was wearing what looked like a sect's basic disciple uniform. It was mainly blue with traces of white—both colors of innocence and purity.

At the very top of the passage, Xuan could just barely make out a sign, but was unfortunately too far away to see what it read. However, just given these familiar surroundings, he already knew what this place was.

'Sky Cloud Sect… isn't this the starting point of all players?' He thought to himself, narrowing his eyes a bit. 

Anyone who had played Xianxia Online in the past would recognize this location—the Sky Cloud Sect. This was the beginning location for all players—the area that they spawned in when they first entered the game. It acted as both a tutorial to the game's various features, as well as an easy starter area for players to gain some combat experience before setting out for the wilderness of Xianxia Continent, the mainland in the Lower Asphodel Realm—commonly known as the Overworld.

If this were just as simple as restarting the game all over again, Xuan wouldn't be surprised for this place to be the starting grounds. However, he'd assumed everyone would immediately be brought to the 'impenetrable defense' area he'd mentioned to Lan earlier as soon as they entered.

Unless… the Sky Cloud Sect WAS that area?

Now that he thought about it, it certainly made sense. In this remote region of the Xianxia Continent, the only things that could be considered 'dangerous' are a couple of First Order Magic Beasts. There was nothing that really posed a threat to the Sky Cloud Sect here, and none of the truly dangerous characters in the game would bother with such a small, isolated area like here.

In a way, this could be considered 'impenetrable defense'. After all, there was barely anything to defend against.

All around Xuan, other people were slowly entering the game—and not just those from his city either. People from all around the globe were being brought here; every last person. They retained their appearances, but Xuan knew that everyone present had their strengths reset to a similar starting line—he could feel his own power being different than what he had in the real world. 

The only other thing that really changed about all of them was the fact they were now all speaking the same language. Xuan could overhear and understand the idle chatter of everyone present—new players looking around in awe at the mystical scenery, old players reminiscing at the feeling of being in this starting area once more, and a select few idiots trying to run off into the woods away from the stairway only to slam their faces into powerful barriers.

After closing his eyes and trying to use his divine sense only to come up empty, he deduced that it was true—any sign of the old Zero was completely gone, purged away from his body.

Well, it didn't matter. He'd already made peace with that fact in the real world. For now, his goal was to get a good understanding of what was going on here. 

And the only way to do that… was to head up.

With a sigh, Xuan began climbing the staircase, one step after another. By the time he reached the top, his legs were exhausted, and his stamina nearly fully depleted. He remembered this very well—when he'd first entered the game and tried to climb this stairway, he'd felt the exact same way. Right about now, a tutorial would pop up and tell him about…

'… Wait, what?'

Xuan waited and waited, but no tutorial came up. Impossible—he was certain there used to be a tutorial here, telling players about how Stamina worked before leading into the player's personal System and System Shop. Perhaps Nirvana disabled tutorials for past players…? That was a possibility, but if that was the case, there should be an option to re-enable them in the Options menu of his System…

'… Huh?'

He moved to open his System with a swipe of his hand, but was surprised to find that he couldn't re-enable the tutorials. It's not just that the selection was disabled—it's that the Options tab was completely gone from the System's navigation bar at the top.

But… why?

His eyes suddenly widened a bit as he realized—the Options tab had contained various functions for the game such as disabling/enabling tutorials and display settings. But the most important function of them all… was the log-out feature.

In other words, since no one could log out from the game anymore, the Options tab was removed as a whole.

Well, it's not like that was a big issue, per se. It's not like Xuan needed the tutorials—but people who haven't played this game before? They were in for a hellish experience. Perhaps the United Nations were the ones who disabled the tutorials since they didn't want the people from leaving this safe sanctuary of theirs, and Nirvana just happened to agree since this provided more of a challenge for the players anyway.

But no matter how many challenges he's going to face…

Xuan smiled slightly, closing his System and looking up at the sign above his head, reading 'Sky Cloud Sect' just like he'd anticipated.

… This world, Xianxia Online, was his home—and he was going to climb to the apex of it once more.

So what if this was just a video game? So what if this was just a virtual reality? It's humanity's reality now, isn't it? There were no laws that said someone couldn't see a video game as their home.

Some may call it addiction. Others may call it delusion. But the truth was, home was where someone chose it to be—and Xuan was no exception.


After entering the Sky Cloud Sect's main courtyard through the torii gate-like structure at the top of the stairway, Xuan was greeted by an immense crowd of people, all standing out in the open. This place was, in essence, the center intersection, where all the other areas of the sect could be reached from. Structures resembling ancient Chinese architecture rose up beyond all three sides of the rectangular courtyard, excluding the direction with the staircase, and various different quarters of the sect were divided by concrete walls that followed a similar design style.

It looked like something straight out of an Eastern Fantasy cultivation novel, through and through—though that was to be expected, considering the thematic of the game itself as a whole.

Up ahead, hovering in the air, was an old man and an entourage of elders, all wearing similar clothing to Xuan and everyone else, though grander and more refined-looking. Judging from the appearance, Xuan recognized them as the sect master and elders of the Sky Cloud Sect. But the question was… who was the man standing in front of all of them?

Indeed, hovering in the air in front of the sect master and elders, was a younger-looking man (though not by much). He seemed to be in his forties at most, with short black hair and a similarly-colored mustache, paired with a dignified, serious expression on his slightly aged face. After inspecting the crowd below for a while, he cleared his throat and spoke.

"Greetings, everyone. Some of you may already recognize me, but for those who do not, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lionel Kernel, the UN delegate from the United States of America. You are the last of many batches to arrive here from Earth—the first ones from around the globe have already arrived here many days ago—entire years' worth of time in this world."

Unnecessary information. Xuan wasn't sure what telling them they were the last batch of humans to transfer here from Earth was going to do. But he digressed. He was more curious about why the man's voice sounded like it was being projected naturally rather than a megaphone or a PA system like the Chinese delegate from the bunker. An artifact, perhaps?

Narrowing his eyes, Xuan spotted what looked like a small piece of jadestone being held within Kernel's hand, and immediately recognized it. The Sound Amplification Jade, a weak but rare artifact of the Transient Grade—the second lowest artifact grade, with the lowest being Earth. Looking at this trivial piece of Transient trash, it took everything Xuan had in him to refrain from letting out a low chuckle. When he was still Zero, he had countless Transcendent Grade artifacts and even numerous Divine Grade ones such as the Osmium Throne. He also used to have a Nirvana Grade artifact, but that was the revival one that unfortunately got used up and destroyed when he died…

In any case, the point was, Xuan used to have an entire collection made up of only the three highest artifact grades—Transcendent, Divine, and Nirvana, in that order.

This small Transient-Grade jade, on the other hand, while not very strong and useful in combat, was still a token of authority due to its rareness. It allowed the user to speak normally but still be heard loud and clear regardless of its surroundings. Not only that, it also had a passive calming effect that could influence low level magic beasts and cultivators, which was why everyone in the crowd instantly settled down and stopped to listen to Kernel as he began speaking.

"This place is known as the Sky Cloud Sect," he said, holding the glowing piece of jade tightly as his voice was projected to the crowd. "It is a safe location of impenetrable defense, where all of you can stay and live out the rest of your days in peace. Rest assured that there is enough space to accommodate all of you—and not only that, but you will all receive high-class treatment and live lavishly everyday. If you so wish, you can even receive basic cultivation materials to get to at least a stage where you can take down a first-order magic beast on your own."

"Wow! Live lavishly everyday? Without having to do any work?"

"Sounds too good to be true…"

"But I've seen this guy's face before on TV—although his attire is a bit different from the tuxedo he usually wears, there's no doubt about it. He's the American delegate for the United Nations!"

"He has no reason to lie to us!"

"Yeah, yeah! I'm almost glad global warming evolved into such a state, haha!"

Kernel cleared his throat. "Consider this the apology from the United Nations for being unable to lead the country onto a better path and being forced to do something as ridiculous as moving all of humanity into the virtual world of a video game," he continued amidst the crowd's happy comments, bowing down deeply. "For that, I apologize. But do not worry—for as long as you stay here in this sect, you will be 100% safe. I can swear that upon my life, my honor, and my position as a leading member of the world."

'Boring…' Xuan thought in his head. 'Go on, tell us about the other option… that's far more exciting.'

The part about there being enough space to accommodate everyone wasn't false. The Sky Cloud Sect's total grounds size, including the various surrounding sky islands hovering around the central sect district, were about equivalent to the size of Russia. This was technically more than enough to have houses for each and every living person in the world, not to mention families.  What Xuan was interested in, however, was that earlier, Lionel Kernel had used the words 'can stay and live' rather than 'will stay and live'. 

That hinted at there being a second or even third possibility as to what one could choose to do, and when it came from an authority figure like himself, it was clear this was no simple slip of the tongue. Xuan noticed this with ease—naturally, this multiple selection of options must've been Nirvana's doing as well. Their goals were still unclear to him, but either way, they've been only helping him so far with these conditions of theirs, and he wasn't going to complain about that.

Right about now, the entire crowd was cheering, however. Xuan had no doubt several others amongst the large group have also figured out the same thing he had, but they were easily drowned out by the overwhelmingly positive reaction from the majority of the masses. And really, who could blame them? They'd just been offered a life free of trouble, work, and stress. Even those who were originally in financial crisis would now be able to live like the rich, eating premium steak and sinking in hot spas everyday. But…

"However," Lionel suddenly said, instantly capturing the attention of everyone again thanks to the Sound Amplification Jade. "There is another path open to all of you, if you so choose—and that…"

Cue the anticipating crowd.

Cue the sudden silence.

Xuan smiled slightly.

  "… Is to leave this sect, and become a lone cultivator."

At this, the entire crowd fell silent. Then, it erupted into laughter.

"Hahaha! Who would want to do that? After being told you can live the rest of your days as a rich man, with your families and friends all here with you, who in their right mind would choose to go out there in the wilderness?"

"No kidding… there's no telling what kind of dangers are out there… aiya. A bad idea for sure… grandson, you can't go out there, okay?"

"En! Don't worry, grandma! I'll be fine!" The kid beside a old woman replied, eyes sparkling with excitement. It was clear he was going to choose the second path, but… wasn't he too young? Did the United Nations not set an age requirement for this option?

Xuan's question was answered as Lionel continued once more, speaking above the crowd's idle chatter.

"Those who wish to choose this path do not need permission from their families, regardless of age. If they choose to do this, it is ultimately their own decision. However… we strongly recommend only for those above the age of 18 to consider this option, and even then…"

He shook his head, as if pitying anyone who would be stupid enough to choose this option.

"… It is not suggested, compared to the alternative. Just keep in mind that what is waiting out there includes horrors we cannot even begin to perceive. Powerful magic beasts, hostile sects, and even otherworldly demons—all of which can kill you with a single swipe of their hands. Once you step outside the boundaries of this sect… you are completely on your own, and will be left to fend for yourself."

After a brief silence, Kernel closed his eyes and continued in a hushed tone.

"Remember, even though this is a virtual world, it is our real world now. You only have one life, one chance. Choose wisely—for there is no going back on your word after you've made your decision."

Xuan lifted an eyebrow as he pondered. 'Oho… so they're only mentioning the negative side about going into the wild, and not the numerous benefits? Interesting…'

It would seem Nirvana forced them to give the people the option of choosing this path regardless of age, but the UN didn't exactly want to—hence why they are doing everything in their power to 'suggest' everyone from choosing the first, clearly 'better' option.

Sure, staying here would yield a safe, wealthy life for the rest of one's days, but where was the fun in that? What if one day, a catastrophe that threatened the entire world to collapse broke out from nowhere? When that happened, only those who reigned supreme on the path of cultivation would be able to stand a chance. These puny mortals who remained here and awaited their peaceful deaths would be crushed in an instant. 

Compared to that, Xuan would much rather forge his own path like he had once before. Yes, there was risk, but risk and reward were but two sides of the same coin. Out there, on his own, he could gain access to numerous treasures, lost cultivation arts, and powerful magic beasts to fight on his side. All it took was skill, experience, and a bit of luck to top it off. Fortunately for Xuan, he had it all. With his knowledge, he should be able to cultivate to a strong stage again in no time at all. The only question was… how much had this world he once knew so well changed since the movement of the entire human race here?

Xuan closed his eyes and gave a soft chuckle of pity. So many fools, not realizing this place was nothing but a prison. A prison that would most likely keep the same, yes, but a prison nonetheless. These idiots may be laughing now, but when push comes to shove and a threat too powerful for this sect to handle appears, who will protect them? They may be laughing now, but when such a danger appears, it'll also be them who would die first.

Of course, the chances of that happening in this remote region were incredibly slim, but the threat remains nonetheless. In a world like this, one could only rely on their own strength—Xuan knew that very well. In a sense, it wasn't all that different from the modern day society of their previous world—just far less forgiving.

"Once you have made your decision, enter one of the doors in this courtyard," Kernel said. "Those who wish to stay, go through the left ones, while the ones who wish to leave and fend for themselves… go through the center ones, right in front of you."

Immediately, the crowd began moving—most of which heading through the left doors. In the matter of a few minutes, there were only a few individuals remaining standing in the now-vacant enormous courtyard, with Xuan being one of them. And not only that, but…

"… Xuan. As I thought, you're…"

Xuan, hearing his voice being called, turned around to see Lan standing there, having waited for the crowd to disperse so she could find him. It would seem she noticed his lack of movement towards the left-side doors of the courtyard, and naturally guessed he was planning to choose the 'leave' option.

"… Lan. What's the matter? Did you start to miss me so much already? Even though you just saw me about 15 minutes ago?"

"Now's not the time to crack jokes, Xuan," Lan said bitterly, biting her quivering bottom lip. "You were right about the whole 'impenetrable defense area', it seems… but now you're choosing to leave it? Why?"

"Hm… do I have to give a reason?" Xuan asked in reply, feigning idiocy.


"Well, hm… let's just say I have a wife I left behind in the game, and I want to go see them. We even had a couple of kids. It would be quite irresponsible of me to just abandon them, no?"

"And abandoning your family isn't?!" Lan exclaimed, before sighing deeply. "Look, cut the lies out already. If it's just me, fine… but Mom and Dad are here too, y'know? If they knew you left this place and went out on your own into the dangerous wilderness out there, how worried would they be?"

If only she knew it wasn't completely a lie… only he had four wives instead of one, and no kids. And, of course, they weren't the reason he was leaving here.

"Ah… the time-old question," Xuan sighed. "Parents or lover? Truly, every man's downfall…"

"I just said now's not the time for jokes…" Lan muttered and shook her head, as if this conversation was giving her a headache—and rightfully so. "… Well, whatever. You're a grown man. I'm not really in any position to be lecturing you anymore. I'm sure you have your own reasons for leaving this place, and I won't question your judgment, even though it can be a bit questionable at times."

Turning around, she prepared to head through the left door, but Xuan paused her mid-way.

"Hey, Lan?"

"… What?" Lan asked, turning her head slightly. There was a glimmer of hope in her eyes, sparkling like her tears, like Xuan may have possibly changed his mind. But…

"… Take care of Mom and Dad for me while I'm away, yeah?"

"I don't need you to tell me that!" Lan gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, berating herself for having false hope, and began storming off once more.

Watching her pouting figure slowly disappear without so much as a glance backwards, Xuan smiled slightly. Sometimes, it was difficult to tell if she was the older sibling or the younger one. Usually, she wasn't this compliant, either… but Xuan was grateful for her generosity this time around.

His life was out there, in the world of Xianxia Online, not confined to a meager remote space like the Sky Cloud Sect. As much as he cared about his family, he believed Lan could handle it in his place. It was selfish, of course, but to achieve greatness, one had to be a little selfish. That is not to say he was abandoning his family, however. They raised him—he wasn't going to repay such kindness with enmity. As soon as he became strong enough, he would come back here and take his family out of this place, to somewhere better and more secure.

Straightening his disciple clothing, Xuan turned away from the doors Lan had disappeared from, and looked straight forward at the front entrance of the sect, just as another smile appeared on his face—not the warm one from before, but rather a smirk of evil and ambition.

It was the smile of Zero, who had now faded away—but not for long. Very soon, the legend whose name resounded across the nine heavens would be reborn.

And the entire world, now combined with Earth's, would be there to witness it.

Cyclxne Cyclxne

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