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9.09% Wolf Boss / Chapter 1: Lights on
Wolf Boss Wolf Boss original

Wolf Boss

Autor: Neytiri85

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Lights on

Bella sighed for the tenth time that afternoon. She rubbed her temples as she stared at the computer screen.

"What's up?" she looked up with a start.

On the other side of the room, behind their own computer screen, was Angel a young man with who she has had the displeasure of sharing the room for the past week. He made her uncomfortable with the cheesy comments and cringe-worthy one-liners. Angel was well-tanned with dark hair. He dressed like he was some big manager here, with his fine suits and silk ties, instead of the low-level manager he really was, who oversaw only a handful of people.

"Nothing, just a slow connection," she explained just as the sheet she had been waiting for finally loaded up.

He stood up and walked over to her with a wide smirk on his face. With one hand on the back of her chair and the other on her desk, Angel leaned down.

"Well, we could always speed things up," he said, his voice dripping with a sleazy sort of charm.

Bella cringed. Choosing to ignore his comment to save herself from throwing up she started to analyse the spreadsheet.

"Don't you have work you need to do?" she asked.

He chuckled before walking back to his desk and she sighed quietly in relief.

She was currently working in the accounting offices of the Lahote development company in New Orleans, normally she worked out of the New York offices. She was hired as a forensic auditor over five years ago. Which was a fancy word for accountant. Bella was the one they would send in if something wasn't quite adding up in the books, she was the best in what she did.

Recently, some strange transactions have been popping up on the accounts in the New Orlean offices. In the week she had been there she had found several things that were troubling her, but she couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from, yet!

Eventually, she decided to call it a night. After saying goodnight to Angel and refusing adamantly several times his invitation to join him for dinner, she made her way back to the company-owned apartments.

Along the way she decided to grab a quick bite so that she didn't have to cook, it's not like she had anything in she could cook anyway. The apartment came with everything she could need, except supplies, and Bella had been far too busy to shop.

There was a great Chinese takeaway along the way home. Bella ordered and waited for her food. As she waited she looked out the window watching a few couples walking by. It was the nights in new places that would make her think about how lonely she was at times. When she was at work it was easier to forget, surrounded by all those numbers and problems.

As she was watching the world go by, she noticed a man standing on the other side of the road, staring straight at the takeaway. It unnerved her a little, she wondered why he was just standing there. Bella panicked for a second wondering if he was watching her, but she dismissed that thought almost straight away with a chuckle.

'Who would be waiting for me? I don't know anyone here so; I think I'm just being paranoid,' she thought to herself.

They eventually called for her. As she collected her food, she decided to forget about the strange man. He was probably just waiting for someone else. When she stepped out of the takeaway, she ignored him completely and turned for home.

The apartment was a few blocks away and the weather was nice and cool. Everything seemed ok, for a while, until she heard footsteps behind her. At first, she didn't think anything about them until they started to quicken. Before she could really register the change something sharp dug into her side. Someone grabbed her arm.

"Don't move or make a sound," he warned.

Bella froze! She quickly glanced around in hopes to find help but, the streets were empty. "You're going to do exactly as I say and I promise you won't get hurt," he said as he slowly guided her into one of the closest alleys.

Bella's father was the chief of police back home and she knew well enough not to believe him. She weighed up her options, the man seemed taller than her, but he was heavier. If she could get loose somehow, she might be able to outrun him. Thinking quickly, Bella elbowed him in the stomach whilst at the same time stamping down on his foot. Once his hold of her slackened she quickly set off running.

"Hey! Get back here!" he shouted as he held his stomach.

Bella regretted wearing her heels to work that day. She could hear him closing in, panic started to set in. She knew if she kept going straight, she might reach her apartment block, but that straight route got darker and more secluded. Bella then remembered on her walk to the offices that morning, down the upcoming street was a row of old styled Creole townhouses. It was one of the reasons she was happy to come to New Orleans. She had been hoping to do some sightseeing before going back.

Her plan was to turn down that street and hope one of the houses showed signs of life. However, before she could turn down that street, he grabbed her arm and pulled her back against the nearest wall. Bella fell back and hit her head hard on the brick surface. Intense pain radiated through her head and down her neck, but she refused to allow herself to blackout even though her eyes felt heavy. He was glaring at her as he panted.

"You will pay for that, girly" he sneered as he brought the knife up towards her face.

Bella knew she had to do something quick otherwise it would be too late. She quickly glanced down, the man's legs were spread apart, she saw her chance. Quickly, she brought her knee up and struck him right in between his legs. He stepped back in shock and then keeled over in pain. Bella didn't stop to think, groggily she set off running again towards that street. She knew that even though he was down, it wouldn't be too long before he was chasing her again. She needed to get somewhere safe now.

Bella turned the corner and saw only one house was lit up. She could hear him groaning after her, telling her to come back. She raced up the steps and started banging on the door as hard as she could.

"HELP!" she called out. 'Please, someone be in,' she thought as she dared to glance back. The man was moving closer, albeit slowly.

Inside the house, Paul groaned as he made his way to the door. 'Who the hell is banging on my door this late, if it's one of you guy's I will kill you,' he thought as he yanked the door open.

"What!" he demanded with a growl.

His face instantly changed at the sight of a dishevelled and scared-looking woman; he could smell the fear rolling off of her. Bella was taken aback at first until she remembered the reason she was there. She looked back and saw the man coming to a stop.

"Please I need help" she pleaded.

Without thinking he grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. Paul stepped in front of her and noticed a man limping away quickly. He couldn't make him out from this distance, and he wasn't sure if this was the man she had been running from, but he was the only one out there. Paul returned inside to see the woman holding herself and swaying slightly.

"Are you ok?" he asked softly, as he guided her to a seat next to the fireplace.

Bella tried to focus on his words as she sat down, but the adrenaline was wearing off and she was now starting to feel the effects of banging her head on the wall. Even though she was sat she felt like she was falling. Bella gripped the armrests and squeezed her eyes shut, hoping the world would stop spinning.

Paul walked to a small armoire he had and poured her a large glass of whiskey. He held it out to her.

"Drink this, it will help," he said.

Paul could see her hands shaking, so he helped her lift the glass to her lips. Bella coughed as the liquid burned its way down her throat, but it did the trick. She didn't know if it was the warmth, the whiskey or the man's gentle touch on her hands but she was starting to feel clearer and calmer. Paul waited patiently for her to refocus.

"Better?" he asked her, Bella slowly nodded

"Yes, thank you."

Paul took his hand away and they both instantly felt the loss. He took the seat opposite her and leant forward. Paul studied her as she sat sipping at her drink. She had long, flowing brown hair with big dark eyes to match. From what he could see, she had a full figure, curves in all the right places. He hated women that were too thin, he always feared he would break them. Her breasts were full but not too much, exactly enough to fit his hands.

Bella blushed as she watched him, from the corner of her eye, looking her up and down. He was the hottest guy she had ever met. Tanned skin, dark spikey hair with eyes that she could melt into. From what she saw when he first opened the door, she could imagine he had the body to match that handsome face.

"Do you think you can talk now?" he asked gently.

Bella took one last sip before giving him a small smile and nodding.

"Yes, of course. I was walking back home when this man tried to attack me. I was able to get away, but I knew I wouldn't make it to my apartment. So, when I saw your light on I knew it was my best chance. I'm sorry if I woke you or interrupted anything," she said in a rush.

Paul smiled, "You didn't do either, I was only catching up on some paperwork and I really needed an excuse to stop."

Bella found herself smiling back. She was feeling more at ease by the second.

"Do you know what he wanted?" he asked.

Bella shook her head.

"No, he told me to do what he said, and I wouldn't get hurt, but he was leading me towards a dark alley. I knew better, my father is a policeman, he made sure I knew enough to defend myself if I needed to," she explained, whilst taking another sip.

"Your father sounds like a very smart man," he said.

Bella smiled and nodded. Once, Bella was finished with her glass she set it down on the little coffee table in between them.

"I should get going, he's probably long gone by now," she said as she stood up slowly.

Paul stood up with her and held her as she started to sway again. She gripped his arms and could feel the muscles clenching underneath. Bella felt herself blush as she quickly let go.

"Thank you for your help," she said as she made her way to his door.

"Wait!" he said quickly, as he took her hand.

Both groaned at the contact. Bella looked into his eyes, a part of her really wanted him to whisk her upstairs to his bedroom, the other part chastised her for being so wanton. She started to blush again, as her thoughts turned to heated, she could imagine, he could easily do that to her.

Paul took a deep breath and instantly smelt her arousal. His wolf really wanted her, but he knew she was still in shock and even as much as he desired her, he knew it wouldn't be a good idea. he realised it had been some time since he told her to wait without offering her a reason as to why. So, he quickly let go of her hand.

"I mean, I can call a car to take you home so that I know you will definitely get there safe," he explained.

Bella quickly snapped out of her daydream.

"That's kind of you but you have done enough already, I will be ok," she said.

"It would make me feel better if I knew that you got home safe, please," he pleaded softly.

"Ok," Bella agreed with a sigh.

Paul quickly left her to call Seth. It rang twice before Seth answered.

"Yes, boss. What can I do for you?" he asked.

"I need the car," Paul said bluntly.

"Of course, sir. I will be there in about five minutes."

Paul hung up the phone and returned to Bella. She was holding herself again. He picked up one of his hoodies that he wore when he ran and placed it on her shoulders. Bella smiled gratefully at him.

"Seth will be here in a few minutes," he explained.

"Seth?" she asked.

Paul nodded, "Yes, he is my driver."

'Of course, he has a driver,' she thought. 'If he lives in a place this fancy, he most likely has a butler too.'

"Thank you," she said.

Bella jumped when a knock came from the door before a young man walked through it. He looked like Paul with his tanned skin and dark hair, though he wasn't as muscular, he looked quite young. Seth nodded respectfully at Bella before turning to Paul.

"Take Miss ...…." Paul paused, then turned to Bella. "You know I don't actually know your name," he said with a chuckle, Bella chuckled too.

"It's Bella, Bella Swan," she said.

"Mine's Paul".

She noticed he didn't offer her his last name. she found that curious but stopped. Paul turned back to Seth.

"Take Miss Swan home and make sure she gets inside before you leave," he instructed.

Seth nodded and turned back to Bella. She thanked Paul again before following Seth outside. Bella glanced up and down the street nervously, for any sign of the man. Seth held the door open for her as Paul followed behind. She turned to take off the hoodie and give it back to him, but he stopped her.

"Keep it, you need it more than I do," he said with a smile.

She smiled back and thanked him again. He held her hand as she got into the very smart looking town car, only letting go when Seth needed to close the door. Paul watched Seth drive off. He felt like he already missed her, he shook himself quickly.

'What am I doing? Pinning over a woman I have only known for half an hour. This is me, I can get any woman I want,' he thought to himself. He looked at the car as it turned and disappeared. A small voice rose in his head, 'Yeah, but you want that one.'

Bella gave Seth her address and he quickly set off. Uncomfortable with the silence Bella looked at Seth.

"How long have you worked for Paul?" she asked.

"Since I was very young. I did a few different jobs then, mainly sending messages and things like that. A couple of years ago I became his driver," he explained with a smile.

Bella nodded with a smile.

"Is he a good boss?" she asked again.

Seth smiled at her through the rear-view mirror and nodded.

"Oh yeah, he's one of the best and I have met a few bad ones. Paul really looks after his employees. He treats us all like family," he said his smile going wider.

Bella's smile also grew wider. She had a feeling he was a good man but she wasn't the best judge of character.

Soon they were pulling up outside her apartment building. Seth got out of the car and before Bella could, opened her door. Bella thanked him as she got out. He followed her to the main doors and held them open for her again.

"I'm not used to this kind of chivalry," she said with a blush as she went inside.

Seth followed closely behind, scanning the room for anything or anyone out of place.

"Then you've not met a man from New Orleans. We are practically bred to be gentlemen," he said as he entered the elevator with her.

"You didn't have to come in with me," she said.

Seth grinned at her with a small wink.

"My instructions were to make sure you got home safely. That includes going inside the apartment building, so that's what I am doing. I'm walking you straight to your door," he explained which made Bella shake her head in amusement.

The elevator opened, and he followed her just like he said he would. She waved goodbye to him as she closed and locked her door. Bella then turned around and sighed into the doorframe. She wished Paul had come with them, then she could have invited him in or something.

Bella shook her head, 'No, that wouldn't have happened. Even if I was brave enough to ask, a guy like him doesn't go for girls like me,' she thought depressingly to herself.

She decided on a long, hot shower before going straight to bed. Her dreams that night were filled with a tall, tanned god. Who ravished her thoroughly leaving her, hot and horny when she woke up.

Neytiri85 Neytiri85

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