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Wings of fire: Time Travel, Jade Acadamy Wings of fire: Time Travel, Jade Acadamy original

Wings of fire: Time Travel, Jade Acadamy

Autor: David_Taylor_5323

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Prologue

Smartmouth sat near an operating table with her talons on her head. She heard of what brainstorm had done, but she didn't expect such... atrocities... Brainstorm entered her room and began to speak.

"You wanted to see me, Smartmouth?" Brainstorm asked.

" Tell me it isn't true... Tell me you didn't kill your own wife to create a child."

Brainstorm stepped back from Smartmouth.

" Who told you?" Brainstorm said, with more rage in his voice.

"Someone who saw it all... do you know the name... Bumblebee?"

"She... she was being escorted be Sundew... I thought nothing of..."

" SILENCE" Smartmouth roared. "We'll think about your next job."

"No... you can't do this to me... I'm almost on the brink of success."

"Then perhaps you should find something else to study... Let nature take its course."

Brainstorm began to walk off, then smiled.

"You know what? I can work things off myself. I don't need you anymore."

"What are you thinking?" Smartmouth said.

Suddenly, Smartmouth was bonked on the head and saw Brainstorm over her body.

"You'll be the perfect experiment."

"I'll die before I become your pet."

"I don't need you dead... but you could be if you didn't speak for a while."

Smartmouth was hit again, and fell into a deep sleep... and then re-woke... and the only name she could remember was Fracture.

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