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14.28% Werewolf among the liars / Chapter 1: Start of the semester
Werewolf among the liars Werewolf among the liars original

Werewolf among the liars

Autor: Grimm_48

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Start of the semester

Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Teen Wolf or Pretty Little Liars

Summary: the group around Alison had one more member not many noticed. See how one Scott McCall would affect the story and their relationship with A.

Pairing: Scott x Spencer


Scott being a werewolf doesn't play such a big part at the beginning of the story but it will grow in importance.

A new school semester is starting and it has been about a year that Allison has been missing.

"Hey honey, are you sure you'll be OK playing field hockey?" Melissa McCall asks.

"Yes, I'm sure." Scott says, packing his sports gear into a bag.

"OK, but please just be careful. With your asthma it can be dangerous." His mother tells him worried.

"I know mom. Stop worrying OK? I'm not a kid anymore and I haven't had an attack in a while." Scott says.

"I know but I'm a nurse. I need to worry about you. I see how easily your health can be affected." Melissa says, hugging her son after he finished packing.

"Mom, I got to go or else I'll be late." Scott says, hugging her back.

"OK. Have a nice first day." She tells him.

"Thanks, see you later mom." Scott replies, waving goodbye while slinging the bag over his back and leaves the room.

He leaves the house and rides to school on his bike.

When he gets to the schools parking lot, he has to break hard and almost falls off his bike when Spencer Hastings almost runs him over.

After her car passes him Scott hops off his bike and pushes it to the bike stands the rest of the way and locks it up.

"Sorry. That was my fault, are you OK?" The brunette overachiever asks him when she steps out of her car.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Are you ready for field hockey practice later?" Scott replies.

"When am I ever not ready." The girl tells him with a confident smile.

"Got a point there." Scott chuckles and heads to the school entrance with her.

"See you at practice Spencer." Scott says after the two entered a hallway in comfortable silence and pass her locker, where Spencer stops.

"Can't wait to kick your butt with my new moves." Spencer tells him in reply.

"Hah. You're so gonna regret that." Scott laughs lightly, before disappearing from her view.

'A certain wolf is still infatuated with Spencer - A.' Scott reads on his phone when he checks his texts.

'Someone knows?' He thinks nervously and quickly shuts off his phone display.

"Alright. First period is... English." Scott mumbles to himself, looking at his schedule and heads to the assigned room once he put his clothes into a locker.

"Hi... Aria?" Scott greets the brunette surprised, seeing her standing in front of the classroom.

"Scott. Wow you look good." Aria greets him, giving the boy a quick hug.

"Thanks. Asthma hasn't bothered me in a while, so I could step up my training. Actually, now that you're back why don't you come by the field after school and watch Spencer and me battle out who the better player is." Scott suggests with a smirk.

"No, thanks. I'm still busy unpacking after coming back from Island." Aria tells him.

"Ah yeah Island. How was it?" Scott asks.

"Exciting, but cold." Aria replies with a grin and the two enter the classroom, where they take a seat with almost all of the seats already taken.

"Hello class I'm Mr. Fitz." The teacher says while writing his name on the board.

"I'm looking forward to teaching all of you." He says and turns to his class, his eyes landing on Aria while looking over the students.

"Oh crap." He curses quietly, rousing suspicion in the class who noticed the two of them staring at each other.

"Hey, do you know him?" Scott asks Aria from the seat beside her.

"No. No, can't say I do." She lies while trying to think of anything but how she made out with him in a bar yesterday.

'Maybe he likes to take advantage of all his students. You could ask your father. -A. ' Aria gets texted and she looks around shocked.

"What is it?" Scott asks.

"Was there a sign of Alison while I was gone by any chance?" The brunette asks.

"No. No one has heard from her since the night she disappeared." Scott answers.

"Please no more chatter during class. " Erza Fitz says and the two shut up, focusing on class.

After class is over everyone leaves with Aria hanging behind.

"You coming?" Scott asks her from the door.

"Go ahead. I have a question for Mr. Fitz." Aria says.

"You said you were in college." Ezra says once Scott's gone.

"No I said I was thinking about majoring english." Aria replies.

"This is great. Just great. I meet this amazing girl and she turns out to be my student." Ezra groans annoyedly.

"I'm sorry, but this is bad for me too. How am I supposed to call you Mr. Fitz when all I can think about during class is how we made out." She says.

"I don't know but we'll have to figure it out somehow." He tells her.

"Well I got to go, next class is about to start." Aria says and leaves while looking at the teacher saddened.

"Oh Hi Emily. Long time no see huh?" Aris greets her friend when she bumps into her in the hallway on the way to lunch.

"Aria. It's so good to see you again. When did you get back?" Emily asks excited.

"Last weekend. I've been unpacking ever since." Aria replies.

"Well it's great to have you back." Emily says, hugging her sideways.

"So Em, catch me up, how is everyone? I've only met Scott and he's certainly not the goofy boy doing Alison's bidding anymore." Aria says.

"No he's not. He's become quite the field hockey player. Which shouldn't be surprising considering his crush on Spencer." Emily informs her.

"Is Spencer still clueless about that?" Aria asks.

"Yeah, pretty much. But everything else is different since Alison." Emily tells her.

"Like what?" Aria asks.

"Well first of all, none of us hang out with each other anymore, well Scott checks in with all of us but the rest of us don't associate anymore. Then there is Hana, she's the new It girl and she always hangs out with Mona." Emily explains, pointing at the two girls standing by a locker.

"Spencer and I both have focused more on school in our own ways. She's still the smartest girl with the highest grades while I focus on my swimming for the most part." Emily says.

"I see. Am I at fault for you drifting apart from each other?" Aria asks worried.

"No. It's just everything with Alison you know. Even now it doesn't feel real to me. But today a new family is moving into Alison's house." Emily says.

"Yeah, I understand." Aria accepts and the two head to the cafeteria to get some food.

After school Emily is going over to the neighbors with a gift basket from her mother and immediately befriends Maya, the new girl living in the house.

While Emily is sitting on Maya's bed with her, just talking and joking around she gets a text reading ' I have been replaced. Looks like you have someone else to kiss now. -A.'

Meanwhile Spencer and Scott are in the girl's backyard after they battled out who's superior during field hockey training.

"I still think you let me win." Spencer says with a frown.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Scott replies with a smirk.

"Well don't. If I don't work for it doesn't feel like I deserve my rank." Spencer says upset.

"Fine. I'll crush you next time then." Scott tells her cockily.

"Hah, I'd like to see you try." Spencer says.

"I bet you would." Scott says, looking at her with a glint in his eyes.

"Anyways, come on I still need your help with a couple more things in the barn, but last time I promise, OK?" She asks Scott who has been helping her turn her family's barn into a loft for herself.

"Spencer. I'm impressed. When mom said you were turning the barn into a loft I didn't think it was possible but you really pulled it off." Melissa compliments, stepping out of the building as Spencer and Scott were heading to it.

"Thank you I'm glad you like it." Spencer says, surprised since she and her sister usually are constantly arguing and don't get along that well.

"And thank you for letting us stay here." Melissa says appreciatively.

"What?" Spencer asks shocked.

"Well Wren and I will be living there while we're looking for a place in the city. Didn't dad tell you?" Melissa asks.

"What, no. I'm moving in that was the deal I made with mom. I got the grades, I did the internship, I sacrificed most of my summer because I wanted this." Spencer says distraught.

"Well, you'll just have to wait." Melissa tells her.

"Why can't you just stay in my room?" Spencer asks.

"We're a couple Spencer, we're going to need the space and mom and dad agree." Melissa tells her.

"But they promised me." Spencer says upset while Melissa's fiancée comes out of the barn.

"Hello, I'm Wren. Is everything OK?" The man introduces himself to Spencer.

"I was hoping you'd be happy for me." Melissa says, wrapping her arm around Wrens.

"Well you know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery." Spencer says upset and heads inside.

"Well, I'm Scott. Nice to meet you Wren. Melissa, could've done without seeing you again." Scott tells the two, shaking the young man's hand before going after Spencer to check if she's alright.

"Spencer? Man, their place is just too big. I could be looking for her a whole day and not find her." Scott says to himself, heading up to the girl's room, only to find it empty.

"Spencer!?" He asks louder but receives no answer.

"Look it's not right for your sister to bully you around and let you remodel the barn to take it away. I don't know why you're hiding from me but if you do want to talk, you know how to reach me. I'll be heading over to my job." Scott says loudly, before leaving and heading to the vet clinic he's working at.

Once he left, Spencer steps out from a small door inside her closet, a few tears rolling down her cheeks and sits down on her bed, frowning while looking at the shed she worked hard for, through her window.

Hours later Spencer is reading a book on the backyard porch when Wren steps outside the house and light a cigarette.

"Shouldn't you know better?" Spencer remarks, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.

"You know, you're a bit of a smartass." Wren says, cigarette in his mouth.

"Does my sister know you smoke?" Spencer asks.

"Does she have to know everything?" Wren replies, tapping off some ash from the cigarette's tip.

"I'm sorry that we're moving into your loft. If you want me to say something..." Wren apologizes, grinding out the cigarette in a flowerpot.

"It won't make a difference. But thank you for being sorry. You're not like Melissa's usual boyfriends." Spencer says.

"How am I unusual?" Wren asks.

"The difference is that I actually like you. That's what's unusual." Spencer tells him before stepping back into the house.

|The next day|

Her sister stealing her place must really be weighing on Spencer's mind. I haven't seen her this aggressive during training in a while.' Scott thinks as he's riding his bike to the Hastings house, once there he places his bike against the side of the house and steps into the garden to look for his brunette friend and long-time crush.

Hearing a car pull up behind him he looks back, seeing Melissa giving him the stink eye while getting out of the car. He only rolls his eyes in response however and proceeds to enter their backyard.

Once behind the house he looks around for the girl and catches a glimpse of her enjoying a neck massage from Melissa's boyfriend before hurrying outside.

Turning a different direction, he fakes still looking for her.

"Yo Spence, you here somewhere?" He asks loudly.

"Scott, hey. What're you doing here?" She asks, stepping out of the house in a bikini with a towel over her shoulder.

"Looking for you obviously. I wanted to make sure you're alright after what happened yesterday." Scott says, looking her over with a small smirk.

"That may be why you came over, but why are you ogling me now?" She asks, snapping her towel at him playfully.

"Well, some things are too beautiful to look away from I guess." He teases.

"Yeah, nice try. So what's up?" Spencer asks, tossing her towel in his face while heading to the hot tub at the end of the porch.

"That's what I should be asking you. The last time I saw you, you were about to take my head off with your hockey stick and I wanted to make sure you're doing OK after nightmare Melissa happened again." Scott says, following her over to the hot tub.

"Yeah. Sure, I'm still mad at my sister but I guess it's not permanent that they're staying in the loft, so it's fine." Spencer says, stepping into the warm water with a sigh of relief.

"You think? Didn't Melissa once say she's coming over for two days and those turned into two months?" Scott reminds Spencer.

"Yes. Are you trying to torture me here or what?" Spencer asks, looking at him quizzical while he places her towel over a nearby chair and shrugs off his backpack, placing it next to the chair.

"No. I just want you to be alright. You know I've been a worrywart after Alison disappeared." Scott tells her.

"Yeah, understatement of the year. I still remember how the first two weeks you camped out in the barn to make sure we're safe, even though you were the weakest one of us all." Spencer chuckles.

"That's a long time ago. I'm not that weak anymore. I can protect you now." Scott tells her seriously, taking off his shirt, revealing his toned torso to her, putting Wren's body she just saw to shame.

"What do you think you're doing?" Spencer asks a bit nervous.

"Just relax alright. Now eyes up front." Scott says, kneeling down behind her on the outside of the tub.

Spencer does as he asks wordlessly but her body tenses up in case he tries to attack her or something.

Instead of an attack however as she feared Scott brushes her damp hair over her shoulder, giving him access to her neck.

He places a hand over the back of her neck, drifting over her skin while pressing down carefully.

"I guess it's no surprise you're so tense with how hard you played today." Scott says, starting to knead her shoulders and neck, Spencer leaning back into his touch while sighing in relief.

"How come you're so good at this?" She mewls in delight, enjoying the massage even more than Wren's just now.

"Well Alison did force me to be all of your slave for the longest time. And usually she asked me to massage her or Emily. Guess it has its advantages now huh?" He says with a grin, kneading a specific spot, making her gasp and shudder.

"Yep. Definitely." Spencer says, blushing a bit at her reaction and relaxes even more.

"Spencer?" Melissa asks, stepping outside and sees the two younger teens at the hot tub.

"What?" Spencer asks getting annoyed.

"Do you want to join us for a bite?" Her sister offers.

"No thanks." Spencer answers and Melissa enters the house again.

"Man, that's seriously a wonder of medicine." Scott laughs lightly.

"What is?" Spencer asks.

"One second with your sister and I can start massaging you all over again with how tense you are." Scott says, amused.

"Maybe I should ask her outside a couple more times then." Spencer says jokingly.

"Just kidding, but thanks for this Scott. You really know me better than anyone." Spencer thanks him, placing one hand over one of his while he's massaging her shoulder.

"Don't mention it. I'm happy to help you." Scott says, putting her hand back down so he can continue helping his crush relax.

"You know if you wanted to, I'm sure I could give you a full body massage sometime." Scott suggests playfully, assuming she's just going to make a witty remark.

"Sure, I'd like that. I'm sure I could use some relaxing with Melissa back at home." Spencer says not backing down from his teasing.

"OK, how about I come by some time then?" Scott asks.

"That'd be great." She says stifling a moan.

"We're really lucky to have you checking in on us after Alison's disappearance." Spencer tells him.

"The others I don't have that much contact with anymore either to be honest." Scott says.

"Still more than me and you weren't even that close with them back in the day. Now that I think about it, you mainly were around me and Alison." Spencer says, sighing relaxed when he pushes down at a certain spot.

"I guess that's true." He agrees.

"Well anyways I'm glad that you stayed in my life." Spencer says, turning around, facing him while placing her head on top of her arms.

"So, are you gonna be alright with you sister around?" Scott asks her while rubbing down her left arm, kneading the muscles on her shoulder and her upper arm.

"Yeah, I have to. My parents should also be back soon." She tells him.

"That'll be interesting. Well, if you ever need to talk I'm only a phone call away." He tells her looking into her brown eyes.

"Thanks. I think you should head out soon though, before Melissa will throw a fit or something." Spencer says.

"Yeah. Probably a good idea. I'll see you tomorrow then. And don't you dare go soft on me during practice." He tells her, squeezing her hand before gathering his things and heading home.

next chapter
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