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61.29% We, Cryptids / Chapter 19: A Stream In The Clearing

Capítulo 19: A Stream In The Clearing

In the deep forest where lush shrubbery and tall grass emerged from every direction, a young Natasha sat by a small stream. Only being thirteen years old, the girl was small and frail, having only the tattered clothes on her back to protect her. Nonetheless, the flowers on her face were vibrant, a mix of yellows and whites scattered across her visage like a perfect painting. Her palms sunk into the water before her and then rose to her cheeks and chin while she delicately spread the moisture all across the surface. Though her mouth was covered with moss and plant life, it didn't matter. When she wanted nourishment, she found it through absorbing what she needed through her skin. 

The brightness of her flowers intensified as a young deer approached, dipping into the water for a drink. Natasha softly traced her fingers across its fur, basking in the warmth the touch provided. The fawn paused its drinking to nuzzle its snout against her cheek, causing Natasha to pat its head in admiration. Her right arm, composed of wood from which small mushrooms emerged, rose into the air. From underneath her bark fingernails a string of grass gradually came forth. She plucked flowers from her face, lacing them into the string to create a crown for her new friend. Natasha neatly placed it atop the young deer's head before stepping back and viewing her creation. Her visible green eye glistened with satisfaction, all the while the fawn gleefully pranced in a circle around her.

This enjoyment would be short-lived, however, as the sound of footsteps approached. Although they remained unheard by Natasha, she picked up on the presence. To make up for her deafness, she spread roots from the soles of her feet into the ground, and they extended throughout the area. As they were trampled by a pair of shoes, she was alerted of an unexpected visitor. 

With haste, she instinctually detached her roots and ducked behind a nearby tree, her heart rate rapidly quickening. Cautiously peeking around the corner, she observed a young girl her age step into the clearing. She was pale and her golden hair clashed brilliantly against her skin.

Wearing a pink and white floral shirt and a matching pair of jean shorts, the girl crouched down and observed the deer. Now on full alert the fawn darted off into the woods, its crown falling onto the dirt below. The girl retrieved it and studied it closely, a small smile forming on her lips.

"E-excuse me? Uhm... I saw you make this and... and I just wanted to come say hello. It's a really neat... piece of art you made. I think it's beautiful..."

There was silence. Natasha remained hidden, her fingers digging into the tree as her body tensed. Swallowing the lump that formed in her throat, she waited a few moments for the girl to leave, but to no avail.

"It's ok, you can come out... I know what you are, I'm like you too. I can also... do something special. Please, I just want to talk to you... my name is Bella. Can we be friends?"

Bella turned her head, catching a slight glimpse of Natasha. Moving out of Bella's line of sight, Natasha's arms began to tremble. Steadying herself, she got up and began to sprint through the wilderness. Her legs flew as fast as they could while she bolted, and she remained uncaring as branches and bushes smacked her legs and face. 

"W-wait up! Please, I didn't mean to scare you!" 

Bella began running after Natasha with growing concern culminating in her eyes. After a brief chase, Natasha's foot dug into a stump and she fell, crashing to the ground and bruising her knee in the process. Desperately trying to push herself up and keep going, her eye began to water when she found it difficult to move. She turned back, eyes fixated on her sprained ankle before her attention inevitably returned to her pursuer. Huffing and puffing, Bella clutched her knees and took a moment to catch her breath.

"I'm so sorry if I startled you- are you okay? Your knee... it looks bruised."

Natasha grabbed fistfuls of dirt and flung them at Bella, who covered her face in response.

"H-hey! Stop it! I'm not trying to hurt you... can't you see that? I... can't you understand?"

The girl made her way towards Natasha, shielding her brown eyes as a barrage of filth was continuously thrown her way. When she finally got close enough, she got down on one knee and grasped Natasha's arms, forcefully restricting their movement. This only further sent Natasha into a frenzy, and she contorted and wiggled her body in the process. She attempted to crawl away, but the jolt of pain that shot through her leg prevented her from doing so. Defeated and hopeless, the girl covered her head with her arms, retreating into a fetal position and bracing for the worst.

Instead, the pain she felt began to fade away. Utterly confused, she turned her head and witnessed tears falling from Bella's eyes and landing on her hand, where she then applied the moisture to Natasha's injuries. As the wounds healed, Natasha was able to stand. She resisted the urge to run and cocked her head to the side, curiosity coming to the forefront of her mind.

"I really... really didn't mean to startle you. I'm not sure if you can hear or understand me, but I think you should have this back. It's too pretty to just... forget about."

The girl handed Natasha her flower crown before wiping the remaining tears from her eyes. Taking the ornament into her hands, Natasha traced her thumb along the flower petals before her vision met with Bella's once more. She raised her arms and placed the crown atop Bella's head. Both girl's eyes sparkled with joy, and as Bella offered her hand, Natasha took it. Walking back to the stream they first met they found that the fawn had returned. It was spooked but otherwise just fine. Although suspicious at first, the deer slowly approached Bella and licked her hand. When it gained a little more confidence, it nuzzled its head against her as well. 

"O-Oh, it's so cute. Uhm... I have an idea. Maybe I can... use my phone to talk to you?"

With that, she retrieved her device and attempted to communicate. Natasha nodded with understanding as she learned information about her new friend through text. Finally breaking the barrier between them, the two spent the next several hours skipping rocks down the stream and greeting the wildlife that interacted with them. As the hours passed, dusk arrived at last. Using her phone to speak, Bella told Natasha that she had to go home. However, they would agree to meet one another tomorrow afternoon at the same location. With a hug and a bundle of flowers to take with her, Bella departed and Natasha remained in her spot.

The next day, they met again as agreed upon. Sometimes they would play in the river, and other times they explored the forest and played with all the critters that called it home. Often their fawn friend accompanied them while they enjoyed their time together, even napping with the two of them as they grew exhausted over the hours. 

Days came and went, and those days turned into weeks and then months as the two bonded. At one point Bella brought a book with her, one that promised to teach basic applications of sign language. It was a gift Natasha cherished, and she feverishly studied the pages throughout both the day and night. She practiced, improving little by little as she learned the ropes. 

As her passion to connect with her friend magnified, Natasha began seeing the fruits of her dedication as she started to incorporate what she learned into bits and pieces of conversation with Bella. She too had dabbled into the language, and the two of them found it easier to understand each other as their conversations grew more efficient. 

"We're really coming along so well," Bella thought. "She's so good at learning all this new stuff... I'd be jealous if it weren't so cool. If she weren't so cool..."

She watched as Natasha applied the finishing touches to a hammock of branches and grass positioned between two small trees. The small fawn was by her side resting near her feet while she worked. Approaching her and tapping her shoulder, the girl waved weakly as Natasha faced her.

"Can I tell you something," Bella signed.

"What is it," replied Natasha.

"It will sound silly but... I wanted to tell you that you're one of the best people I've met. I know it's a weird thing to just say but I mean it. Your powers, your energy, the way nature seems to love you... I don't know. I'm really glad I met you. And I want to be as wonderful as you, you know?" A red tint of embarrassment shaded Bella's face as she spoke. 

"You're already wonderful! And I'm happy I met you too. Happier than I've been in a long while. I was aimless for some time before you showed up. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to."

Bella smiled and embraced Natasha, whose flowers practically glowed like they never had before. For a moment, all seemed well. Soon, however, a palpable shift in the atmosphere manifested. 

Suddenly, Bella quickly pulled away and gasped, her focus pulled somewhere else. Confused, Natasha turned her head and saw three people. In front was a boy of higher stature than the others. His hair was short and blond, and his face greatly resembled Bella's. He wore a black tee shirt and a pair of cargo shorts. The other two boys both had brown hair and were dressed in a similarly casual manner consisting of jeans and tank tops. The boy in front pointed an accusatory finger at Natasha, his eyes peering deep into her spirit.

"Bella, what is that...? Is this where you've been running off to all this time? I knew I should've been more suspicious from the start. I should have followed you sooner."

Natasha's body tensed up as a bubble of anxiety formed in her gut. She positioned herself behind Bella, still unsure as to what to make of the situation. In response to this reaction, the main boy's eyes widened and he began walking forward.

"Bella, come here now. What are you doing with that shit blood, you know they can't be trusted!"

Bella began to tremble as fear gripped her, clogging her throat as if she were forced to swallow a clump of mud. It took all her might to break through and reply, her shaky voice not doing much to boost her confidence. 

"Dean look it's... she's okay! She's nice and... and... she's my friend. She's not bad, I promi-"

Bella winced as Dean grabbed her by the arm and threw her aside. The two boys in the back started to giggle, but quickly went silent as Dean shot them a fierce glare. He turned to face Bella, her eyes watering as she looked up at him from the ground.

"When I tell you to do something, you fucking do it. Don't be a stupid worthless little shit! Did you forget that it's my responsibility to care for you? Why do you insist on making things hard for me?! And then when I try to help you, you resist and make me do this. What, do you think I like getting upset with you?" 

Bella began to sob uncontrollably and backed away, her quivering voice throwing out a mixture of "I'm sorry" and "Please don't hurt her". Watching all of this unfold, Natasha's flowers began to gray and wilt away. Pushing through her terror, she placed herself between Bella and Dean, causing Dean's teeth to clench as his veins began to pop out in his forehead.

"W... who the Hell do you think you are? Who do you think you are to look my little sister in the eyes like you're worth a damn thing?! A dirty shit blood like you doesn't belong here with the rest of us."

Dean quickly wrapped his fingers around Natasha's throat, pushing her back and slamming her down into her hammock, destroying it. The girl scratched and clawed at her assailant's hand, all the while Bella could only rock back and forth as she wept. 

"Did you think you were better than shit? Is that it? Your useless brain and ego convinced you that you deserved to corrupt and influence my innocent little sister?!"

His hand squeezed harder, and Natasha's eyes began to flutter as the pressure mounted on her throat. It only released as Dean let out a sharp cry. The fawn had bit down hard on his leg, and Natasha took the opportunity to escape his grasp. 

"Damn it, fuck!" He yelled. He kicked the deer off of him, and the two boys rushed to his aid. Dean pushed them off, and he glared angrily at Natasha. 

"Fuck you. Boys, hold this dumb bitch down. I want her to see this." With that command, they forced Natasha onto her knees and held her chin up. No matter how she struggled, she could do nothing but watch as Dean took hold of the fawn.

"You fucking shit bloods are all the same. Always trying to take what's precious away from us. There's no difference between you and those mindless beasts we rightfully hunt. First, your kind took me and my poor little sister's parents away from us. You have no idea what it was like, finding their bodies mangled and ruined by some freak just like you! And now, you're trying to take away the family I have left. Pops was right about you animals. You fucks are all like this."

He walked towards Natasha, dragging the fawn by the throat with him. He forced it down and kneeled on its neck. Natasha furiously tried to break free, but her attempts were met with a harsh smack to the face by her captors. 

"Always taking what's precious from us... fuck you. You know what I think? I think you should feel what it's like."

To all but Natasha, the sound of a sickening snap could be heard. At that moment her body went limp and her wilting flowers began to peel away from her face. It was then that something within her mind broke. She looked down at the corpse of her friend, taking in the grisly image before her. She then glanced at Bella, who no longer had tears to shed. With a final turn of her head, she stared Dean in the eye. A smirk formed on his face, and he delivered a rough kick into the body of the fawn, pushing it right into Natasha. 

Neither of the boys who restricted her had the strength to resist what happened next. Fueled by pure hatred and adrenaline, Natasha pulled forward and struck Dean using her wooden arm. He screamed in agony as several splinters pierced his left eye, his now gouged-out orifice erupting into a spray of gore. He clutched his face and stumbled back, blood-curdling yells of anguish permeating through the woods. The two boys who'd restrained Natasha stood still in utter shock, all the while Bella had passed out from the culmination of her anxiety and the violence she saw. 

With the reality of what just occurred finally setting in on her, Natasha turned and began running. She didn't know where she was going, she only knew that she needed to escape. Escape from a place she once associated with fond moments, now permanently transformed into a scar in her memory. 

"D-Don't just stand there! Fucking kill her! Kill that fucking shit-blooded whore," Dean howled at the top of his lungs. 

It was of little use, as the two boys remained too petrified to move. Natasha ran and ran, and when she could no longer run, she walked. When she could no longer walk as her feet bled, she crawled. All the while, all she could think about was the hurt in her heart. She wondered if she had been betrayed, if Bella had led those boys to her. Eventually, even those thoughts became too painful to handle, and she pushed them back for her own sake. 

After hours of non-stop movement, she collapsed from exhaustion under the cover of a cave entrance. The area was completely unfamiliar to her, but it didn't matter. All she could do then was rest, and endure the countless nightmares that persisted well beyond that day.

FrozenEntropy FrozenEntropy

No words appropriately describe the senseless cruelty of the world...

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