/ Anime et Bandes dessinées / WARLOCK OF THE MAGUS WORLD FAN FICTION (Rewrite)



Anime et Bandes dessinées 490 Capítulos 7.7M Visitas
Autor: Keetarp

4.46 (213 valoraciones)

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Warlock of the Magus World, the world full of deceit, bloodshed, betrayal, backstabbing, logical thinking, profit oriented mindset and myriad of phenomenal mysterious entities. In this world a soul is reincarnated and we embark on a journey of a lifetime, as his ups and downs would be written in the annals of history of the whole Magus World.

A man and a myth would make use of his knowledge of the future, leaving behind the mindset of the past embracing his new identify in a new World.

What would we see? Where will this journey lead? For all the fans of WMW out there, this is your salvation and a chance to once again swim in the deep intoxicating waters of the strange yet intoxicating Magus World.


I would like to request my dear viewer to give a chance and at least solider through 50-60 chapters, This was a totally new experience for me and please pardon my insolence.

Glory To The Warlocks.

Your Guide through the bizzare world,

I don't own anything relating to Warlock of The Magus World.

The cover is courtesy of an amazing reader, Amon.

{A/N : If you want to support me or read more chapters in advanced consider becoming a patreón: patreón.com/keetarp and if you want to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/5TjDmwUWuG}

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. Shiikii
    Shiikii Contribuido 2196
  2. Daoist060193
    Daoist060193 Contribuido 770
  3. iru
    iru Contribuido 713

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This was an enjoyable fic for the first twenty five or so chapters. The grammar suddenly improved in the middle of the story which was great and the author said he would be diverging from cannon pretty soon, so i was really looking forward to this. unfortunately, this fic went from promising to boring pretty fast. I was starting to enjoy the fic when Bloodbath arc happened. the mc transformed from cold cannon leylin to an anime hero. he decides to start playing with his opponents and suddenly develops feelings for a character he had only slept with once, and even that non-seriously. if you want the mc to behave like a love-struck fool atleast pick a better character than bicky who is being banged by another guy, for f*cks sake! as for the plot, the less said the better. it's literally a copy of the original without any changes. its fine to follow canon in the start but when a fanfic follows the same plot like original even after 50 chapters? yeah, the dude's delusional to call himself an author. he literally copy pasted entire paragraphs from the original fic, I'm not even exaggerating cause i double checked it. the only reason it's even gaining any readers is due to the fact that it's the only serious wmw fanfic right now. maybe I'm being too harsh and the dude's just writing for his own pleasure then as a serious fic, but it hurts to see so much potential vanish like this.

Ver 29 respuestas

2 chapters in and MC uses 3 girls who were “appreciative of him” to destress himself. They were “full of smiles” after and MC responded with a “helpless smile”. It was only a paragraph but it showed me that MC is shallow and a mansl*t. That he would sleep with any women that shows interest of him. Mistreats women unlike OG Leylin. No intricate relationship and if there would be one in the future, it would seem forced. I hate these kinds of MC so I dropped. Disappointed as I thought MC would have a more calm and practical outlook, but he acts wantonly. That since there is no Harem Tag, there would be more delving into the world. I don’t know if it would get better plot-wise but the story didn’t interest me anymore after reading that passage. I didn’t like the MC but I can’t say the same for you. So go read and give this a try since this is the first Warock in the Magis World fanfic I saw on this site.

Ver 328 respuestas

As the author I think world of magus is one of the best novel Really happy to see a fic, hope u not gonna drop 👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👍👍👌👌👍👍👌👌👍👍👌👌👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Ver 12 respuestas

No title No synopsis No explanation at all except saying it's best Why would anyone bother reading this when the author didn't bother informing us about fanfic

Ver 18 respuestas
LV 6 Badge

If you didn’t read the OG novel, don’t even bother with this work... The author assumes that you know what he’s talking about, and keeps summarizing events, without introducing new characters, describing them, or setting up said events. This won’t feel like a fan-fic to someone unfamiliar with WMW, but more like a fan-summary with some twists... The least you could do is slow down, start actually introducing characters and setting up events by actually leading up to them... This is a review as of chapter 15 hopefully the rest is somewhat better and new reader friendly.

Ver 2 respuestas

I Wes kinda excited about a wmw fanfic, but this is not a story. It's a summary or a documentation. And has none of the charm the original story had. Combined with poor grammar and no descriptions it's honestly pretty awful Ive read most of wmw and I still think the "author" is power phrasing too much. Whatever, dont read it what a disappointment

Ver 1 respuestas

This is an amazing book..... everyone must give it a try. Author ji is amazing person to release many chapters daily.... there is no bullshit or nonsensical thing done by MC or any other characters.

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After 20 chapters, the plot is pretty much the same as canon, with a few differences that are not relevant to the plot. The differences are e.g he fucks this girl, or he gets an extra slave. Basically, nothing of worth is different. Dissapointing!

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writing quality is good. now the negativ. there is no world building, character progress or story design. author does not descripe the world, the characters or the adventure. everything is a summary! example: he just uses names for characters and puts them there. no explaining who who is, what does people do or anything. they are just names that pop up once and vanish without knowing anything about them. his world is not build. he did read the OG then assumes we all do parallel to his story and jumps around explains nothing and skips anx and all explanation and world building. ergo: read the OG story or you wont understand this one. the question is now: why even read this ff? nothing knew just worse and some other mc. not worth the read.

Ver 4 respuestas

Haven't read it yet but this is the first warlock of the magus world fanfic I've seen, hence this deserves all 5, 5 stars. Here's to a great fanfic.

Ver 1 respuestas

Keep going with your great work, i was a great fan of wmw and your work make it feel like the original and its absolutely great, recently(2yr) I tried to search an wmw fanfic but couldn't find any in the entire website(execpt chinese), Good Job Author-san and please don't drop this masterpiece.

Ver 1 respuestas

I love this story I feel like it takes a story that is already amazing and removes the bad parts or atleast the parts I didn't like in the original and replaced them with good parts I love how the mc has the same characteristics as the og mc but is also taking a different route at the same time.

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Its a WMW fanfic what else do you need to know ? Even if its a literal copy paste fron the originial word by word i woukd still read it.Read it 3 tines already not a problem reading a fanfic about it.

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LV 1 Badge

I really loved in the chapter in which MC has decided to Merge the Knight and Magus Path looking forward to it And you could be more descriptive about the chapters in which he kills beasts and humans to absorb energy instead of just doing time skips

Ver 0 respuestas

WMW is already completed novel... is not that hard to copy some and modification some... so hope please dont drop this fanfiction ... thanksyou... ..,

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It's alright, plenty of grammar and spelling errors though. MC reincarnates into Leylin with the old MCs A.I Chip. So far he's pretty much done all the same things the old MC had done but at an earlier date, one thing to note however is that he claimed the warlock inheritance much earlier. I hope the MC doesn't act like Leylin and ditches women every 100 chapters. Spelling/Grammar errors are a bit annoying but bearable, Please continue writing, but add more to deviate from canon, I haven't seen a WMW Fanfic ever.

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I dropped the novel in chapter 50 and it became a farce.Leylin is a cold person،How to become a champion of justice and collect the harem؟!!؟! A disgusting thing destroyed one of the new novels

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it when downhill at another world arc, especially it the end when he laughing like cheap mainstream villain... as i remember leylin very cautious , not like this.... romance is meh, if you not good writing romance better dont, it make leylin character crynge and unbearable....

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unfortunately the author didn't do his research before writing this ff, there's a huge plot hole in his story. his MC walk's two paths the Magus path and knight path, btw knight path is supposed to promote to something like branded Knight, so if u are a mage u can't become branded knight.the same applies if u are a warlock u can't become a regular Magus. so how tf is something so basic ignored.

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very good ^^ ..........................................................................................................................................................

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Autor Keetarp