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92% Wandless - A Harry Potter Fanfic / Chapter 46: Chapter 4 - Before the Cup...

Capítulo 46: Chapter 4 - Before the Cup...

The group had landed on some land covered in mist. A couple of Wizards stood around them, with one looking at his watch grumpily and another jotting down something on parchment. Both were dressed like Muggles, although it was rather sloppy with one of the men having their kilt shorter on one end than the other.

"That was far better than Floo travel," Vincent grumbled as he dusted himself off. He glanced around before setting his eyes on Arnya. "All good?"

Arnya nodded her head as Mr. Weasley finished talking to the Wizards. "Now come 'on you lot. Thanks again Basil."

After trudging through the mist for a good half hour, a small stone cottage appeared in front of them, with several hundred of tents rising behind it towards the distant horizon.

"Here's where we part," Mr. Diggory announced.

"Seeya guys," Cedric said as everyone nodded.

"Take care," Vincent called out as the two of them waved back.

A man was standing in the doorway of the stone cottage, looking out at the tents. Vincent sopped in surprise seeing no wand or any abnormalities about him that said that he was a wizard, meaning that...

"He's a muggle," Vincent thought surprised.

The man turned his head, footsteps alerting him to their presence.

"Morning!" said Mr. Weasley brightly.

"Morning," said the Muggle.

"Would you be Mr. Roberts?"

"Aye, I would," said Mr. Roberts. "And who're you?"

"Weasley—two tents, booked a couple of days ago?"

"Aye," said Mr. Roberts, consulting a list tacked to the door.

"You've got a space up by the wood there. Just the one night?"

"That's it," said Mr. Weasley.

"You'll be paying now, then?" said Mr. Roberts.

"Ah...right...certainly—" said Mr. Weasley. He retreated a short distance from the cottage and beckoned Harry toward him.

As Mr. Weasley discussed muggle money with Harry, Vincent turned to Sirius with a questioning look. "What's a... well, one of my...haah, do I say my kind, muggle? It feels weird, but anyway, what one doing here?"

Sirius shrugged. "Probably because that muggle owns this campsite. Probably has a memory charm on him to avoid any suspicion."

A wizard popped into existence as he pointed his wand at Mr. Robert. "Obliviate!"

Mr. Robert's eyes glazed over as a bright white light flash came out of the wand. He soon regained consciousness almost immediately as he handed some change to Mr. Weasley.

Vincent frowned slightly at the scene as he scratched his head.

"It still feels wrong to mess with someone's memories," Vincent muttered to himself as Arnya glanced at him.

"It's been like that for centuries," she simply stated. Not stating whether it was right or wrong, just simply stating it.

"Yeah, I can guess, still leaves a bad taste in my mouth," Vincent took one last glance at Mr. Roberts as they entered the campsite.

As they trudged through the campsite, Vincent started to see why there was a need for memory charms. While there were several Wizard folks that 'tried' to imitate a muggle styled tent (if one ignored the wooden doors and chimneys), some were absurdly large brick houses, another had a garden, Vincent almost had to double back to check out a large pyramid.

"Just because a tent looks like a small pyramid, doesn't mean you can just bring one," Vincent complained to no one in particular. "Don't answer that."

Despite all the 'tents' unique features, what they all had in common were the flags and streamers representing either of the two teams participating in the Grand Cup.

It was only when they reached the edge of the wood did they see an empty space marked by a small sign saying WEEZLY.

"Couldn't have a better spot!" said Mr.. Weasley happily. "The field is just on the other side of the wood there, we're as close as we could be." He hoisted his backpack from his shoulders. "Right," he said excitedly, "no magic allowed, strictly speaking, not when we're out in these numbers on Muggle land. We'll be putting these tents up by hand! Should not be too difficult... Muggles do it all the time. . .. Here, Harry, where do you reckon, we should start?"

After some tinkering, they had made what looked like a two-man tent. Vincent had never built one before, so he felt an odd sense of accomplishment when he looked at it.

"How do we all fit in, oh," Vincent thought as they all fit inside. "It's definitely a lot larger than I thought."

Inside the small tent was an old-fashioned three roomed flat with a bathroom and kitchen. There were plenty of crocheted covers on plenty of mismatched furniture.

"This tent seems better than my house," Vincent thought with a wry smile. "Maybe I should get some furniture myself."

After touring the rooms, which only Vincent and Harry seemed impressed by, they went back to the entrance to find Mr. Weasley who handed them a couple of kettles and saucepans.

"You four can go get water while the rest of us get some wood for fire while the rest of us can go get fire wood," Mr. Weasley said with a huge grin on his face.

"But we've got an oven," said Ron. "Why can't we just —"

"Ron, anti-Muggle security!" said Mr. Weasley, his face shining with anticipation. "When real Muggles camp, they cook on fires outdoors. I've seen them at it!"

"...Well, I don't think he's wrong," Vincent spoke to Ron who sighed in exasperation as they trudged across the field, looking for a tap. "Oh don't give me that Ron, it'll be fun."

" much fun," Ron grumbled.

"Probably be more effective to have a bucket," Hermione said, bringing Ron's mood down even further.

Vincent was about to head off when he stopped and turned back. "Hey Mr. Weasley, I'll help out here instead if that's fine by you."

"Vincent, what are you doing?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Just wanted to talk to Sirius here for a bit," Vincent pointed. "Sorry, but can you guys handle it?"

The three nodded as they went off with their saucepans and kettles.

"So, Sirius, how's everything been?" Vincent asked as he gathered some twigs, making sure they were dry.

"Hah, everything's been great so far," Sirius grinned. "Out of prison, spending time with my Godson, gave the Dursley's a piece of my mind..."

"What did you—?"

"Nothing could be better," Sirius snapped off a branch of a fallen tree. "Well, except the matter with...Wormtail. It's funny, for twelve long years I've thought of killing him. Now though? Even though his still alive, not once have I thought about it. Is that strange?"

"He got what he deserves," Vincent reassured.

"I know he did," Sirius said sadly. "It's just...He was our friend, did we do something wrong that made him do this? Maybe we influenced somehow, we weren't the best examples in school. And perhaps, if I didn't decide to make him the Secret-Keeper—BLOODY HELL!"

Vincent kicked Sirius's backside with such force that Sirius was launched a couple of metres. Vincent blinked.

"Ah, my bad," Vincent scratched his head as Sirius landed flat on his back. "Lost control of my strength there for a bit. You alright?

"The hell I'm alright!" Sirius yelled as he held his backside in pain. "You bloody kicked me! WHY?!"

"Cause you wouldn't stop going on about how everything's your fault and such," Vincent answered. "I'll say this one more time, it's not your fault. There, end of discussion."

Sirius stared at Vincent who nonchalantly picked up the sticks he dropped. He got up and dusted himself off as disbelief painted his face.

"You are an absolute bastard you know," Sirius grumbled.

"And your one hell of a whiner," Vincent chuckled.

"You try staying twelve years in Azkaban," Sirius felt a vein pop on his head.

"Please," Vincent snorted. "We both know that place is just sunshine and rainbows. Ain't a challenge at all."

For a long while Sirius stood there stunned as Vincent continued picking up sticks. All of a sudden, Sirius shook, before bursting with laughter.

"HAHAHAHA!" Sirius wiped a tear from his eye as he continued laughing. "I—sunshine and rainbows?! HAHAHAHA!"

Vincent finally turned with a raised brow, he would never understand a wizards humour.

After a good minute of laughing, Sirius finally calmed down as he started picking up his sticks again. "It's been a while since I've argued with a friend, felt pretty good actually."

"Friend am I?" Vincent asked wryly.

"That a bad thing?" Sirius asked.

"I ain't answering that," Vincent smiled as Sirius scoffed. "But in all Siriusness (Sirius rolled his eyes at that) really, stop blaming yourself, we're over that."

Sirius' smile dulled slightly as he huddled down on the spot. "When it affects a mutual friend of ours, it's hard not to blame yourself. I heard about it all in prison, what happened...well, that changed her. People were afraid of Hells Hunter coming after them just as much as Mad-Eye himself, if not more."

Vincent looked to his large pile of sticks and a log in his hand, felling that was enough, before heading back to camp.

"That's why...I want to thank you," Sirius' words stopped Vincent in his tracks as he turned back to look at the man. "For not only freeing me, but for helping her too. I can tell, she cares for you a great deal."

Vincent looked thoughtful for a bit before resuming to go forward. "Nothing to thank me for, she's done a lot for me as well."

Sirius sighed as he finished collecting his sticks. "Kid's too humble, does he have any pride?"

"Hard to tell."

Sirius recoiled in shock, dropping his sticks again at Arnya's voice. She just sat in her chair with sticks in her lap, looking at him.

"Bloody hell, how long have you been here?" Sirius grabbed his chest as he tried to calm his heartbeat.

Arnya tilted her head in confusion. "All this time, why?"


After some time figuring how to light a match, with Vincent's instruction, Mr. Weasley finally got a fire going. Some time later, Harry's group returned having enjoyed some time exploring the campsite, to which they enjoyed cooking some eggs and sausages.

Due to their location, several ministry wizards kept passing by them to make sure everything was in order, each one greeting Mr. Weasley on the way. He also introduced several of them to Vincent, Harry and Hermione.

"That was Cuthbert Mockridge, Head of the Goblin Liaison Office. . . . Here comes Gilbert Wimple; he's with the Committee on Experimental Charms; he's had those horns for a while now... Hello, Arnie... Arnold Peasegood, he's an Obliviator, member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, you know... and that's Bode and Croaker... they're Unspeakables..."

"They're what?"

"From the Department of Mysteries, top secret, no idea what they get up to..."

Vincent felt some interest towards what Wizards considered Mysteries and threw it to the back for future thought.

Just as they finished up, Bill, Charlie, and Percy came strolling out of the woods toward them.

"Just Apparated, Dad," said Percy loudly. "Ah, it seems you've nearly cleared out the lot."

"I can prepare more lunch for you guys if you want," Vincent offered as he got up.

"That would be just splendid Vince," Bill beamed, taking a seat.

By the time Vincent came out after finding several packages of sausages and bacon, two men had appeared at the campsite. One sitting and the other standing.

One of them had long black and white Quidditch robes and a picture of a wasp across this chest. With his belly bulging, nose squashed, short blond hair and bright blue eyes, it reminded Vincent of an overly excited, overgrown schoolboy.

The other man was rather stiff looking elderly man. Wearing a suit and tie, and extremely polished shoes, the man gave off an aura of uprightness unlike anything that Vincent had felt before. As if this man would follow every rule given no matter what the cost.

"Never cross this man," Vincent thought with a frown as he started cooking.

"Ah, Vincent, this is Ludo Bagman; Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports, and Barty Crouch; Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation " Mr. Weasley introduced. "Ludo, Barty, this here is Vincent Wong, he's—"

"—a Muggle," Mr. Crouch's eyes bore right into Vincent's. "I've heard about the incident that brought you into our world. Your the reason that Black here has been pardoned for his crimes. I still don't understand why Dumbledore petitioned for your stay. It makes one curious, no?"

"Oh stop being so uptight Barty," Mr. Bagman jumped up and slung an arm around Mr. Crouch who looked back dangerously. Bagman was unfazed as he looked to Vincent. "Hmm, your incredibly well built. Shame you aren't a wizard, make an incredible Quidditch player you would."

"Uh, thank you?" Vincent replied with a a raised brow.

"Oh, how about we make a bet? It's a great way to get to know each other don't you think?" Mr. Bagman asked eagerly.

"I'm sure there are plenty of 'great ways' that don't involve betting," Vincent thought as his expression turned into an odd one.

"Ludo, we're going, now," Mr. Crouch demanded, leaving no room for negotiations. "If you spent as much time on your work instead of gambling, Merlin knows what kind of wonders you would have achieved."

"Fine, fine, your no fun," Mr. Bagman grumbled, making Mr. Crouch's eyebrow twitch violently. "See you all later, and you boys, Fred and George right? Don't be too upset if you lose. Ireland will win but Krum gets the Snitch? Hah! Not a chance!"

As the two walked off, Fred turned to his father. "So what's happening at Hogwarts, Dad?"

"You'll find out soon enough," said Mr. Weasley, smiling.

"It's classified information, until such time as the Ministry decides to release it," said Percy stiffly. "Mr. Crouch was quite rightnot to disclose it."

"Oh shut up, Weatherby," said Fred.

Vincent was at lost as he turned to Harry who shrugged. "Something they mentioned earlier. Apparently something big is happening this year."

"And 'Weatherby'?" Everyone chuckled as Percy's ears turned red.

"Percy's nickname..."

"Made personally..."

"By Mr. Crouch!" Fred and George said in sync as Percy took a sudden interest in his feet.

Vincent noticed Sirius' wary gaze at Mr. Crouch in the distance. He blinked before noticing Vincent's questioning gaze at him and shook his head.

"Just haven't heard a lot of good things about him," Sirius whispered in a quiet voice, trying not to alert Percy whom idolised the man. "Infamous for following rules he is, even threw his own son into Azkaban for being one of Voldemort's followers. Didn't last long his son did, died not too long before his mother. Ruthless man Crouch is."

As darkness came, plenty of salesmen came around, selling all sorts of trinkets. Hats, scarfs, and these binoculars that Harry brought for Ron.

Vincent also took an interest in the binoculars, enjoying the slow-down feature in particular.

"Neat, no blur, can see every detail pretty cleanly," Vincent thought. He thought about a particular student at Hogwarts who had a passion for photography. "Colin would like one of these."

Vincent brought another one just in case he came across him in the year.

"It's time!" Mr. Weasley said excitedly. "Come on, let's get to our seats!"


\\\...AUTHORS NOTE...///

Not much to say, just made a small change with the last bit that's all.

next chapter
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