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88.19% Voyager's Path / Chapter 125: Bones Snapping

Capítulo 125: Bones Snapping


Heading outside, the sun was beginning to set. The clouds hung low and heavy, the grey in the sky was a polar opposite of what we had seen much earlier today. It felt almost ominous in a sense as I could hear some rumbling from the clouds.

It's going to rain, Hard.

"Here." Kale's hands came into my view, in his hand was a lantern. "Gonna need this."

I took the lantern in one of my hands, lifting my staff with the other to cast a fire spell. A short burst of flames emitted from the tip of my staff and into the lantern, igniting it. I heard kale grabbing something from his pocket, and out he pulled some chalk.

Kale taking me to do a little security check on the house, huh? Wonder what he needs for if Lilith could easily do this…

"So…What's the plan? We look around the warehouse and then..?"

"We make a barrier spell, a simple one. This should keep us safe for the time being." Kale said, rolling the chalk in his hand. "I did this while me and my group used to camp, it keeps most monsters away."

"Does it now?"

"Yeah, except those already inside…which is what we're gonna do!" He then patted me in the shoulder, walking towards the large warehouse. "Man, look at this building. Can you guess what they have in it?"

I looked at the building, it was just a bit bigger than the actual house when it came to height but longer in its length. The stone building looked to have seen some things as it had bits of walls chipped off, the entrance door was made of wood. Judging by the marks left over in the dirt, this building probably had some heavy stuff inside of it. Maybe this building was used to store antique things?

"…Old treasure? Maybe things from their main house they could keep in there."

"Maybe, they did say they used this to store excess…" Kale strolled his way to the entrance door, putting his hand into the large handle. "Let's make this quick, Wouldn't want to leave Lilith by herself in the house."

"Shouldn't we check the house too?" I asked.

"I already did, couldn't see anything." Kale then pulled on the door.

The large wooden door opened, peering into the stone building…I only saw what was visible in the light. A few wooden crates and some furniture were stacked amongst each other, some looked new and some looked like it had been here for ages. In the middle of it all, a pathway separated the mess.

"Ok…" Kale sounded a bit concerned. "Let's make this quick and leave as soon as we can."

"What are we going to do?"

Kale turned around, taking his two swords out of their sheath. "Just make sure there aren't any ghosts in here?"

"Why are you so certain that there's a ghost here?"

"I'm not certain. It's just that we're just talking about ghosts and now all I could think about is ghosts. Now come on." Kale then headed into the building, eyeing everything.

I shrugged before following him. As I entered the building, I too started looking around what was within the stone walls. The flooring of this place was made of wood and it creaked with each movement. Luckily the floor path for the building was clear, all the items were stacked into squares. If I were to describe this spacing…it'd be like a 2x2 and the floor path was a cross.

Besides the boxes and old furniture, there were also scrolls and old equipment in here. As I walked behind Kale, I saw a box full of magic scroll. I went to take a look at it before Kale stopped me.

"I wouldn't touch anything that isn't yours, Kota. Especially if it's old and in a very creepy place like this."

"I bet you've done some digging in these sorts of places before…" I said, still peering at the scrolls. One of them looked like it was an earth spell, it was pretty easy to decipher which was which as these had some drawings of some sort. It was just best to look at the drawings to make out what they'd do.

"I have, but in places that I was 100% sure that the owners were dead or either it was leftover things long forgotten…Hold on, Kota." Kale naming me made me turn my head, he had his hand reached out to me. "Aim the lantern over here, will you?"

Moving away from the crate I was at, I stood beside kale and lifted the lantern. Its light illuminating ahead of us revealed a large wooden storage Cabinet, it looked quite dusty and one of the sides was torn off. It had some assortments of books and other items in its shelf's.

"What is it?" I asked Kale.

"Feel…a draft coming from there?" Kale pointed his sword towards the Cabinet. "There's no windows in here, and the entrance is behind us…I feel like whiff of cold air coming from here."

I looked at him confused for a moment before I found out what he meant. I could feel a slight breeze hit my hand that was holding the lantern, coming just from in front of us.

"There's another room here…" Kale said quietly. "A hidden one. See, places like these have weird stuff in them."

"Uh…Maybe they needed to keep the much more valuable stuff hidden? Just in case someone robs them? I can see some merchants having some sort of secret place to hide the more valuable stuff." I suggested.

"Right on that…" Kale then took a good look around us. Why's he snooping so much in this place? Maybe he's spooked or something. I'm kind of spooked.

"Why does Amelia's dad keep all of this excess magical equipment in here?" Kale then grabbed something from one of the crates beside him. It was an ax. "With things in here catching dust up like this amount or having this much damage…it's like they don't even come into here to resupply their store or even send them out to trade. This is like a trash dump to them." As he showed the ax to me, I noticed the amount of cuts and cracks in the handle. The metal ax blade it had was cracked and split. It was clear that these things in the storage house were…quite damaged or used. "This ax too…Kinds fresh based on the marks."

"Hm…Is a little strange." I began to examine it close as I said that. Must've been a wolf or something that caused these damages…or something bigger. I gazed at the handle as my eyes drifted to something that caught my attention. A label, something burnt into the handle that was still visible even with the damages.

Manuel, was the name etched into it.

Haven't I…Heard that name before? My mind began to race as I tried to recollect a memory. Then it hit me.

There was a carriage that carried two people. A dwarf and a young man named Manuel. And as we entered Ozoth, we found their carriage in ruin and the two people nowhere to be seen…Gone missing.

This…Oh shit.

"Kota?" Kale looked at me with concern. "Something popped in your mind?"

"The…This ax belonged to that carriage we found before we got ambushed." I told him.

Suddenly, Thunder roared from outside. A gust of wind blew the front entrance doors closed, leaving me and Kale in here. The rain began to slowly pour harder and harder.

"…Shit. Are you sure it's them?" Kale looked back towards where we came from. His grip on his swords handle tightening.

"One of the guy's names is on this ax. I'm certain."

"…I knew this place was fucking weird. Alright, lets make this barrier spell before something weird happens." He put one of his swords down into the ground as he rummaged out a piece of chalk from his pocket. "I'm gonna make it here. Once we finish, you can pour-…." Kale then stared at something on me with concern.

"…What?" I said, looking at myself. It was only a second when I realized what he was looking at. A glowing object in my pocket. Taking it out, it shone a shimmering green color.

It was the rock Claire gave me. It glowed? What, is this like a light rock? Is that what the rock their dad has also does? Was I given a frock that lights up?

"Did it just start glowing?" Kale asked me.

"I have no clue…" As I held it up, It pulsed its green color. A large ring of sorts formed around me as the light from the rock aimed at a direction. Right in the direction of Ozoth. "But it's showing another light in Ozoth."

Just when I thought this couldn't get weird. The light it was pointing at moved a bit to the right.

"Kota, Drop that!" Kale swiftly slapped the rock out of my hands, quickly grabbing me and shoving me to the ground.

"Agh! Kale, what the-Mfghh!" Before I could finish my sentence, he quickly pushed his hand to my mouth. The lantern I had in my hand rolled away, inching closer to the Wooden Cabinet.

"Hey, quiet! Something's coming…" He then looked towards where the Lantern went. I watched it roll closer and closer to the Cabinet.

As it did, I felt a slight rumble on the floor. Like footsteps coming towards us. Just feeling it made me realize where it was coming from.

The Cabinet.

"Kota…" Kale whispered. "Do not pick up that rock. I'm going to Start the circle as quickly as I can. While I do that, keep an eye on that cabinet…You feel the footsteps too?"

I quickly shook my head, Suddenly kale got more serious. He lifted himself off of me and gently walked his way to the center of the path, using the chalk to make the circle.

I slowly lifted myself off the ground, using my staff to help myself. As I heard Kale making the circle, I also felt the rumbling getting much closer. I quickly aimed my staff towards the cabinets direction. I wasn't sure what the hell was coming…But I'm going to make sure I blast it.

"Kale…What was the rock doing?" I asked without looking back.

"It's…a beacon. Two objects are connected together in a way that shows where they are. It is commonly used for those hunting or those patrolling, it's easier to find their way back home with it." He then stopped his drawing for a moment. "But it seems like someone is using it for other means."

"D-does that mean…Someone's been watching us?"

"I think we know who is. Question is, For how long? If we had that rock on us for a while…They probably would have followed us the whole trip here."

Wait, Claire gave me this rock back in Prusha. That means they've followed us through Shanford…That means Mandy always knew where we were. It has to be Mandy.

"Oh…Shit." I said, realizing this. I think we found ourselves in a serious predicament, if Mandy knew where we were…Then they're probably coming towards us at this moment!

Just then, I heard the Cabinet shake. And ever so slightly, it moved to the left. Whatever was behind the cabinet was moving it from that side.

As quick as my staff could activate the spell, I casted Stone wall. Underneath the wooden flooring, The stone from underneath jutted out and enclosed the Cabinet. There's no way in hell I was letting whatever was on the other side of it get in here.

"Okay, Kota!" Kale raised his voice. "Get over her, cast the barrier spell! I'll keep watching the wall." As I turned, I saw Kale had already gotten up to swap places with me. Taking no chances, I quickly scrambled my way to the ground where the chalked Circle was made.

I placed ny staff into the floor, immediately slamming my hands inside of the chalk circle. Instantly, I felt the mana inside me pouring right into the circle. It began to illuminate a faint blue color as I continued to.

Then, the sound of clicking began. It was like someone's fingers snapping or…Bones snapping and rearranging themselves. It came from the Cabinet, Which I could hear was rattling even more so behind the stone walls I made. Just hearing it made me wince and shake.

The blue light from the circle began to glow brighter and brighter as it hummed, but its hum was overshadowed by the thunder that rang outside and the rain that patted and crashed onto the ceiling. The bones snapping noise from the cabinet grew into a more intense sound, the sound of flesh ripping and liquid dropping as I then heard what sounded like something prying at the cabinet. Even from behind the wall, I can imagine the cabinet being crushed to the side by whatever it was.

I took a glance back, seeing Kale go into his Fire King style stance. He didn't seem scared, rather more calm and focused as the noises grew more rampant. His two swords placed in both hands as he readied to take a swing at whatever was coming.

"Kota, when that spell finishes, I need you to get Lilith. She's probably almost done inside and I'm going to need both of your help." Kale ordered, he didn't sound scared either. Just focused and prepared.

Crash! Just as he finished, a disfigured hand smashed a hole into the stone wall I made. It was black and sludge like, its fingers looked broken from the hit along with flesh looking to be torn. As it pulled its hand back, I could see a bright yellow eye peer through the hole.

"What…The fuck is that?" I said, even more disturbed now that I was looking at what was making the noises.

"Necromancy." Kale simply said as the monster from behind the wall pulled its head back, its hands showing themselves as it readied to break the rest of the wall. "Hurry it up!"

"I'm trying!" I said, trying to push my mana. The blue circle hummed louder and louder as the whole circle glowed.

The sound of stone breaking behind me pressured me. Bit by bit, I could hear my spell slowly breaking as the monster made an unbelievable noise. Almost human like but if it was put through a static filter, eerily pooling out of the monsters mouth.

"M-Ma…He…lp. M-Man…Uel! Manuel!" It choked out as it finally broke through the stone wall I made. Chunks of stone flew and bounced around us as I covered myself from the debris.

And as that happened, The magical Circle hummed and glowed a bright light before a sphere emanated out of the circle. A bluish transparent dome expanded to the outside of the building, The magical circle was complete. It probably stretched out to the house as well. I quickly scrambled to my feet, grabbing my staff as I turned around…

To see kale flying back right at me.

"Urgh!" I yelped as Kale collided with me, The two of us were sent flying. I felt the impact of the entrance door hitting my back and the rain hitting me as me and Kale skidded across the mud and grass. What kind of a hit was that? That sent Kale flying and me!

"Oof!" Kale let out a gasp of pain, he was laying not too far from me. His two blades pressed up against his chest, He most likely caught the monster attack by blocking it. Kale quickly pulled himself to his feet, struggling for a moment. "The barriers activated! Now we just gotta kill this thing!"


"What do you mean what?! The barrier stops things from coming in, It doesn't kill whatever is already inside!" Kale yelled. "Now get Lilith!"

The thunder hit once more, illuminating the night now. That's right, the sun had set when we were inside. I could see as the thunder lit up the world was the house and then the stone buildings, and whatever was lurching out of it.

Both me and Kale watched with disturbance as we saw the monster slowly creep its way out of the stone building. The black sludge dripped from the center of its body, leaving a trail. It walked on four legs…No, not four legs. Its bottom half faced the sky, while its upper body was twisted in a way so that its hands could face the floor. Like a fucked up version of a crab walk. On the torso of this being, bones poked out of its skin. The rib cage and bits of the spine poked out and black blood seemed to ooze out of the wounds. And the head of the monster was all covered by the black sludge that gave out a silver tint in the light, its bright yellow eyes the only things that weren't covered. It looked like the head was even turnt to face the sky with how the eyes seemed to stare up before glaring at us. It had no mouth, or maybe the shattered hole in its skull was the excuse of a mouth.

"What…Is that?" Were the only things that came out of my mouth.

"Something we need to kill!" Kale simply said, he then moved closer to it. Keeping his distance as it glared at him. "Now Get Lilith. Now. I'll try to stall it."

The monster clicked, and twitched as it eyed kale with what seemed to be rage. It then moved on all fours, bones cracking as it did. As it did, Kale moved even closer. The two moved in a circle.

Not wanting to waste time or to even see this monster, I quickly got to my feet and made my way to the house. The candle lights in the house were still on, which meant Lilith was still in there. But surely she heard what was happening out here? Shouldn't she have come out to investigate?

As I reached the front door of the house, I could hear the monster letting out a low moan and clicking as it began to fight Kale. I almost wanted to look, but I needed to get to Lilith before anything else. At this point, I was wasting time!

But as I reached for the door knob, I heard something from inside the house. I couldn't fully hear what it was from the harsh rain and thunder coming from out here, so I leaned my ear next to the door.

The sound of thrashing. Like someone was being tossed around in a room, slammed into the wall. That put fear into my heart. Were there other monsters here?! Did one reach Lilith already?!

"Lilith?!" I yelled in confusion, about to open the door. But as I did, A loud noise rang. Something then collided with the front door, sending me and itself flying back. I found myself skidding across the muddy floor once more before hitting the stone well with my back.

In a daze, I stared at the sky for a moment before slowing trying to find what had hit me and the door. My eyes drifted down, I saw the front door and then…

A white humanoid being lying just across from me. It looked even more human-like than the other monster, Its mouth wide open with a horrific expression. Burnt marks etched its torso area. It lurched itself up and also stood with four legs, it didn't even bother to acknowledge me as it had something far worse to deal with.

"I'm not done with you." I heard a familiar voice from the house.

Appearing out of the house, was Lilith. She wore her usual gear, it seems like she had actually finished up her bath. Yet…Something was off about her.

Besides her right arm that held her black shortsword, Her left arm glowed a fiery flame.

James_Gaperinco James_Gaperinco

Hey all! This chapter was made Immediately after the last chapter, in fact it was actually apart of it before I decided to split it. a lot of the monster design comes from a dark souls monster! I guess this was time for me to explore and experiment with some horror, but now we’ll head into the more action oriented chapters for now! hope you enjoy this back to back chapter release!

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