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8.45% Villains Are My Sponsors! / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Death,Dead & Life (Edited)

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: Death,Dead & Life (Edited)

Chapter 1: Death, Dead & Life (Edited)

Author: Dark_Crown98

A/N: Also, Prologue....-

Total 20 chapters need to be edited...


2:46 am

In the dark gloomy night of Kathmandu, Nepal.

Many dark silhouettes ran over the rooftops of many houses, as one man with sparkling blond hair and cold expression was chasing them from behind.

"Run!! Darn it!.. How the fuck did he find us... isn't he that Death!?"

"Wah-What!? Death, You mean that Death!!"

Shouted one of the shadowy figures, as he turned his head while being terrified looking at a young blond man, who was chasing them for 2 days non-stop with no sign of his stamina lowering.

But, it was only natural, they thought.

As, the one who was chasing them was Death!!

Death was the codename of the blond haired man in the underworld, as from the time he debuted in the underworld... Every mission he took, was 99.9% successful.

And surprisingly, every mission he took were of assassination, not a single one was of money extortion, drug dealing or Human trafficking.

So, with successfully assassinating over more than thousands of people, be it a Minister, a Millionaire, a Billionaire, a High-ranking military officer or a Mafia Boss.

He killed them all!

As so, he got his codename 'Death', as in every mission he took, Death was the only thing you could witness.

And now that Savage Murderer, was chasing after those dark silhouette in Nepal.

As, they were the last surviving bloodline of the Iga Clan of Japan.

Death was actually hired by the Japanese Yakuza to kill all the surviving bloodline of the Iga Clan.

And, so after many months of searching... Death finally found the surviving members of Iga, who seems to have been hiding in Kathmandu, Nepal.

While slowly building up their clan, by impregnating the locals of the area they were hiding in.

So one day, he slowly followed one of the Iga ninja.

When, that idiot without knowing anything, soon led Death to their deaths.

Soon leading, Death to their Hidden Village.

There was a total population of about four thousands in their Hideout.

While three thousand of their population were civilians, one thousand consisted of Shinobi and Kunoichi.

But still when Death just got infront of the Gate of their Hidden Base.

Without any fear, he dashed sprinted at his Shinobi guide, grabbing his head. Death ripped his head apart from his body... as blood gushed out from his decapitated head.

Soon, the guard noticing it

They hit a bell, alerting the whole Base about the intruder—who was Death.



Hearing the emergency bell, the Civilians quickly darted over there home, closed their door, window and locked themselves inside their house.

While, soon six squads arrived infront of the gate, each squad consisting of six members.

"What is happening here!! Where is the intruder?!" quickly asked the first squad who had arrived there. There leader soon picking up the foul smell of blood, he quickly turned that way.

"Huh? A single man dares to invade us? And he also looks so young... Is he mocking us?!" said the first squad leader, while soon all of the ninja present there saw a young blond man, with height of 5'9, a little bulky build... while he looked around the age of 20-23 walking there way.

"Hey! Dave... Go and quickly kill him and come over. We don't have time for playing with this fools." then ordered the third squad leader, looking at his squad of students.

"Yes, Squad Leader." said a blue haired young man from behind him. He, then unsheathing his dagger, which was on his waist... he swiftly, with a quick movement speed, dashed toward Death with a cold expression.

And, the Death.. .who noticed the incoming man, just smiled. He himself, darting toward the incoming ninja.

While to the disappointment of everyone.

Dave who had moved forward in complete confidence, had his torso cut in half. His flesh and bones tearing through Death attack, his guts spilling out of him.

Death, emotionlessly looked at the two pieced Dave, his blood soaked in blood.

All the Ninja back at the gate were shocked, getting on high alert.

While, before they could even calm down.

A dagger suddenly stabbed at the chest of third Squad leader, suddenly shocking everyone with the sudden attack, but this time they quickly regained their composure.

As, the one who was down the gate, has suddenly appeared in the top of there gate base.

"Wh-What, How can he climb our gate so fast!! it is 8m tall for god sake!!" screamed fifth squad leader, nervously. He soon, taking his blade out of his sheath, soon others also following him by taking their own weapon out.

"Quick, Kill him!!"

"Don't loosen our guards!"

"Hiyaaa!!" roaring out, the entire six squadfull of ninja, attacked Death.

While, Death standing tall, with no panic in his face.

He began taking a deep breath... then tightly gripping the hilt of his sword. He soon used his sword to block the sword stirkes coming for his neck.

Then, he lowered his head, ducking a shuriken that was definitely aimed at his forehead.



Then, soon the entire scene was of metal colliding against each other.

Death, clashing his sword against bunch of shinobis, each clash of there sword sparking firey spark in the air.

Dark shadows, kept coming after Death one after another.

Death having alittle hard time resisting their joint attacks.

All the attackers noticing.

They looked at Death having a hard time against them, causing them to arrogantly thought he wasn't that much off a deal.

So, they decided to play with him for alittle more, then they didn't have to return for their job.

Which was mostly paperwork, so it was boring doing those... while playing with Death here was more fun.

"Hahah! Is that all you got, I thought you are some big shot, as you dare attack us all alone!!

"Chi Chi! I thought you could be my match, I guess no one of my matches has been born yet."

"What are you talking about, bastard? Didn't I just defeat you yesterday in spar!"


Laughing and joking with each other, they were pincering Death.

And, thanks to those arrogance... they didn't notice Death was actually holding his breath upto now.


Death, who was having a hard time resisting their attack.... made a grin like a psychopath could.

Finally, exhaling his breath, slowly muttering some words.

"Death is the only rule."

Death's body began to bulk up alittle, with an unbelievable strength rushing through his body, he roughly swung his sword... making a strong wind to push back all the Ninja away.

"Wh-What? How did that Bastard psu- Kukkh!" as sixth Squad leader was confused, how was Death able to push all of them like that. When, they were completely overwhelming him a second ago.

A dagger sharply striked him, ruthlessly piercing his throat like butter.

Death quickly kicked his head off, while taking out the dagger from his throat.

"Haaa, I guess.. I am now ready for the Slaughter." spoked Death for the first time, it was a cold and menacing voice. A maniacal smile, sticking to his face.

"Be ready to die, Death is the only truth."

"Damn him!! Don't think you can defeat us just because you killed one of us, brat!!"

"Yeah, We were thinking of playing with you for awhile, but now seeing how you killed one of us... You should just die now!!" screamed the 2nd Squad leader, enraged seeing his friend dying by the hands of Death. All, of his members were ready, welding a sharp kunai.

"Kukuku, Then sure.. Pleasure's mine, I would like to see how you will kill me." Death said, giving a small chuckle, with his crazy smile.



"You! Be ready to da-Argh!!'' But, before he could even move forward, Death directly rushed toward him, slamming his head on the ground.. Death quickly grabbed him by his hair, pulling his face closer to him.

Both of there head were 3 inches away.

Looking eye to eye, the barking dog from before began to shake, his eyes meeting with two pairs of red eye of Death.

"Damn brat!! Don't underestimate us!!" Soon another voice sounded, from behind Death.


A sword slashing, right above the head of Death.

But swiftly, Death moved his body 180° while he placed the guy he had caught the head, infront of the incoming sword.



As soon... the guy's skulls was immediately stabbed, the one who attacked quickly realising, he just had killed his own comrade.

"Aww~ Look at what you have done... Poor guy, How can you kill your own comrade, meanie." said Death with a teasing look, causing, all the shinobis to burst out in rage.

'Wasn't it you who put his head in the way of the sword in the first place!!'

Everyone thought, but soon... Death heard his ringtone ringing.

Making Death to quickly glance at his watch.

"Hmmm, I guess. I can't play with you guys anymore... It is time for you all to die now." said Death, quickly lift up his sword.




And, right the next second, a head went rolling in the sky, blood dripping from the sword Death just had picked up.

"Now, die please." said Death, as he quickly began to slaughter all the ninja one after another.

He soon wiped out , whole six squads, when soon another squad also came into view, a single Ninja was in the lead of that squad.

What a lucky coincidence!!

"Squad one to six, Report... What took you so long to clear a single intruder!!" asked the incoming Shinobi, observing the area.

When, sneakily a palm came right infront of his vision.

Quickly, slamming him to the ground, a powerful punch came right next to his face... breaking his nose.

"Ahhhhhh!! At-Attack!! Intruder!! shouted the Shinobi, blood gushing out from his broken nose.


"Hey!! Release our Captain now!! If you don't want to die!!" said a Squad leaders from behind, all of them increasing their pace to save the Captain.

Looking at it, Death just gave them a grin.

As, he quickly firmly tightened his fist, raising it up. He smashed Captain's Adam apple, with his fist.



As, he just died the next second.

"What?? H-he killed… killed the Captain?" suddenly all Shinobi behind questioned, looking at the cold body of Captain.

Death without any second thought, used this chance. Directly charging toward the baffled squads, with a crazy and bloodthirsty grin.

A bloodied sword in his hand.





Soon, it was a scene which one could describe as a complete one-sided massacre.

Death just kept on skillfully killing every single Ninja he saw, his sword beautiful cutting through the flesh of his enemies.


One hour later...

After, a bloody massacre.

Death was now grabbing onto the neck of the only Ninja he left alive, while he rested his butt onto the corpse of one of many dead bodies on the ground.

"Uhh!! Please let me live!! I will do anything you say please!! Kugh! Spare me." pleaded the Shinobi, trying to use his hand to struggle out the grip of Death.

Who was currently choking him. Sadly, the shinobi couldn't match up with Death's strength.

"Sure, then answer my two questions honestly... And I won't kill you." Death exclaimed, looking at the man. The, other party quickly nodded.

Making Death to loosen his grip alittle, so he could talk properly.

"First, Who is the leader of the Iga currently, and where is he?"

"The current Clan Leader is Raven Iga, He is currently at our Second Base, which is under construction at the east side from here." The ninja truthfully said, giving Death the location of their Second Base.

"Good, Then next is... Do these Civilians have Iga blood in them or not?"

"Wh-What? this..? I guess they have, We have built our Base 40 year ago... all our baby- making slaves are dead, and this current Civilians even if 1% have our blood, May I ask why you need it?"

Hearing it, Death just gave him a smile, releasing him from his grip. He, stabbed his chest with a knife.



"Kugh! Y-You?! w-why? You said you couldn't kill me!!" roared out the Shinobi, in shock.

Death standing up, he began walking away, saying his final word.

"I said, I won't kill you... I didn't say I won't stab you? If you die, blame yourself for having blood, As you will die of bloodloss."

"Yo-you!! Unreasonable Bastard!!"



And now in the current time, Death is chasing after the Leader of Iga, Raven Iga.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" shouted Raven, trying his best to outrun Death.. even if he was gone on hiding he had heard of Death, the business he did were all with the Underworld... So how could he not know of the Legendary figure of Underworld.

Blond Hair, Red eyes and those Maniac Smiles... How could he not know him?

"Hey Old man, Don't run.. I will give you a painless death.. I promise!" Death shouted, while Raven's face darkened.

"Fuck off Brat!! Why could I choose to die when I can run faster than you!!" shouted Raven, as he kept leaping through one roof to another.

"Hmmm... Sure Old Man, I want to see how much can run from me." Death said, watching the running Raven. He kept on chasing Raven.

Soon, one day passed...

Raven was now all worn out, because of a day full of running, while Death behind him was also breathing heavily.

"Huff! Huff! I guess I should end it.. I don't want to run anymore." Death said, watching Raven speed slowing down. He, accurately shot a dagger at the neck of Raven.

As soon Raven... eye went pale, his body passing out on the ground, with his completely lifeless body.

"Huff! Huff! Damn.. It was a fun ride." Death said, as a notification ring from his phone.

[Overlord s4: Trailer]

'Huh? This..!'

"Is the wait finally over? Can, I finally watch S4 of Overlord." Death exclaimed in excitement, as he was really curious what will happen in the s4 of Overlord.

Though, he could find it out by reading novels, he wasn't much of a reader.

So, he never bothered reading LN, WN or Manga... and always waited for the s4 of Overlord, as he was a huge fan of this series.

"Umm! Whatever, I guess.. I should know how to return home." said Death, stretching his body. He began to leaping down, the roof where he killed Raven.


But then, the whole ground began to shake, as he suddenly felt like he was hit by something, when he felt like something was groping his heart.

"Gugh!" his vision quickly blurring out. Death fainted, his body falling down.

Soon, this day was known as the day, The Brute, Savage, Murderer still a Legend died.

The day of The Legendary Death, died.


Meanwhile, in an empty space... there was a huge golden throne in its middle, while an extremely gorgeous goddess-like figure sat on the Throne.. looking at a completely dark soul infront of her.

Gazing at the soul within, the gorgeous lady couldn't help but smile.

As, she played with her beautiful silver hair that was sparkling like the whole universe star has gathered there, while her cold yet beautiful eyes gave her the impression of an Ice Sculpture...

"Welcome, Mortal to my Dimension.... My name..., Well you just call me 'Your Holiness'." She said, giving a smile. She continued.

"So, Moving on... Do you know why you are here?"

"This, I- I don't know about this, All I remember was I fainted and the next movement... I was infront of Your Holiness?" Death said, completely clueless about what was going on.

He was on his Mission, and after the mission was finished, he was about to return home... when an uncalled earthquake came, and he fainted.

Then, the next movement... he was infront of this holy beauty who was seated on a luxuriously beautiful Golden Throne, staring at him... with a heart melting smile.

And, surprisingly for some reason, he wasn't actually creeped out of the situation he was in. He was actually feeling some familiarity with her and this place.

"Hehehe, Mortal be honoured to This Great One, as you have been chosen to be my entertainment !!" then exclaimed, the Angelic beauty with a wide smile.

Alard gave her a weird look, definitely not understanding what she actually meant.

"You see, This Great One... is actually the one of the most powerful beings in this whole Cosmic, and I have been bored for some millennia, So just today, I went to Hell..."

"To see, if there are any sinners.. that I could punish to relieve my oredom for a while, but when I went to Hell, I saw you... Ahh~ You soul was so beautiful. That, I almost fell in for..."

"Your soul was so darkened with the sins you committed in your last five lives.... It could almost match with an Archdemon soul. For a while, I thought you were a demon... whose soul mistakenly came into the punishment realm of Humanity."

"But after watching all your deeds, I was.. Ahh! I can't express how much of a pleasure it was... You, You will be the one who will entertain me now from now!!" said The Goddesses, mingling her two hands. She cuddled herself, remembering the sins of Death.

While, Death was shocked, hearing her... though he didn't watch much of the fantasy genre anime, except the one he likes.

He still knew what Archdemon were, they were the pinnacle stage of a Demon, Archdemon could be explained as the evilest being among the Demon races.

His soul being comparable to an Archdemon, it was too much of a shock.

He didn't know he had done that much sin, Just killing a few thousand lives, wasn't that much, right?

In this he was sure. It was the fault of his past four lives.

'Damn, Those fucking four past lives, me... I have to pay for their sins!!' grunted Death inwardly, as he knew... there was no chance of bargaining from the start.

It wasn't some kind of fanatic story, where a Mortal can talk to on an equal ground with a God, and bargain about what he wants.

If he was told to lick the Gods shoe, he could need to... but it is a different case, if you don't want to live.

Though, it is under a human's instinct, be it consciously or unconsciously... they want to live, it doesn't matter what they become,

A dog?

As long as they can live, they are ready.

A dog licking a mongrel?

As long as they can live, they are ready.

And Death, also being a Human, his instinct was telling him to obey her command.

Then the Goddess who was cuddling herself ecstatically, thinking about how sinful Death soul was... quickly snapped out.

"So, Mortal.. Are there any problems with you being my entertainment?"

"No, Your Holiness... If I could get the honour to entertain you, I am more than ready." Death said, while The Goddess suddenly twitched seeing how obedient Death was.

"Awww~ My cute little toy.. Now that you so obediently submitted to me, I will give you a bonus... I will let you choose which world you want to reincarnate in, but remember the world has to be interesting." asked the Goddess, looking at Death soul with an lovable expression.

"I would like to go to the Overlord world." immediately answered Death, knowing that the Overlord world would surely be interesting, even in God's eye.

"Hmm, Overlord world... wait let me check." said the Goddess, waving her hand.

The next second. Death could see her carrying an amusing smile on her face.

"Heh, This world.. seems to be interesting!.. Sure, It is selected."

"Be sure to entertain me, my entertainment!!"

"Yes, My Excellency."

"Oh~ also a bonus, I will give you an amazing system... and if you entertain me enough, I may make you my Husband in future, hehe~" suddenly exclaimed the Goddess, taking Death by surprise... he was completely taken off-guard.

As, just the next second, a huge magic array covered his soul... soon the Soul teleporting away.

Making the whole Dimension turn into a complete silence like it always used to be.


"This is hard, I hope he becomes strong enough to be my husband..."

"...Then, I don't need any of those two Old geezers to take my virginity!.. Heheh, I am sure smart!" said the Goddess, as soon.. another silhouette appeared near the throne, as it bowed its head.

"Your Majesty, are you sure he can be strong enough to take your chastity in another five centuries.... You should know only someone of your equal strength can only take your chastity, and currently there are only two Creators, won't it be better to have one of them take your chastity then wait for a mortal to rise to the power."

"Umm~ But those two are both Old geezers!! I don't want them to be my first, and also... That little Soul, you don't know much about it. So, let if go" said the Goddess with a pout, when the shadow just looked at her.

"Your Majesty, You should know.. this was also the reason, the previous-generation God Empress died... she didn't want to lose her chastity, but if a God Empress, don't lose their chastity in a millennium... she won't be able to control her divinity, causing her divinity to go ramage inside her body, resulting in her death." said the silhouette in concern.

The Goddess's body trembled a little.. thinking she could die in only this short five century, if Death can't become a powerhouse of her level, even when she gave him a system.

Still shaking her head from those useless thoughts. she said with a smile "Don't worry, I have complete trust in him after all...."

Making the shadow tremble alittle, but... soon bowed its head, as it disappeared from the Dimension.



I don't know if I should make this a multiverse story, or a story only related to Overlord?

Any suggestions

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