( 30 minutes later, Dragon Valley )
30 minutes later, Rocky and team were nearly at the end of Dragon Valley, and by now the situation between the wyverns and the dragons had taken a turn for the worst.
Thankfully for Rocky and team, they were too busy fighting amongst each other to spare any attention to Rocky and the parcel, however, unfortunately for them, once the Dragons overcame their initial shock of wyverns attacking them with a suicidal mentality, the tide of the battle changed significantly once again, this time in the favor of the dragons.
With the apex predators of this land also banding together and absolutely mauling the wyverns alive, the wyverns' numbers soon began to dwindle as they were picked apart and hunted by the dragons rather brutally.
Within half an hour, close to 70% of the dragons present in Dragon Valley had lost their lives and the remaining 30% seemed to be fighting a losing battle.
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