Although the protective barrier encircling the Floor 21 Palace initially held strong against the coward army's assault, providing a glimmer of hope to the Olympian soldiers manning the walls, this hope was short-lived.
Although the Olympian defenders believed that they could perhaps withstand this relentless barrage of long ranged attacks by the coward armies' siege weapons thanks to the strength of their powerful protective barrier that was set up by the underlings of Lord Escanor himself, this notion was quickly debunked as the Cowards rolled out their truly powerful siege weapons.
Unfortunately for the Olympians, the Arch-Ballistae and the Inferno tower which were Earth-Shattering weapons by themselves were not all that the cowards had, as they also had the Catapult of Shadows, the Thunder Cannons and the Earth-Shaking Trebuchet to deploy.
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