Breaking free from the hypnosis, Rocky immediately lunged forward, his blades slicing through the air with a desperate precision, as he tried the attack [ Crossblade Slash ] to hopefully slice the snake's head into four pieces.
The python, unable to react in time, became a sitting duck for Rocky to strike, as Rocky's swords made contact with the beast's skin.
The impact was hard, and instead of slicing cleanly through the python's scales, his swords got nicked and damaged from trying to cut through the scales, which were harder than steel, causing the edges of the blade to crumple under the force.
The python hissed in pain, as blood spurt from its face, its body recoiling from the blow as it received a shallow wound to its face.
Thankfully, one of Rocky's blades has managed to penetrate deep enough to disable its left eye, as the beast could not open that side of its eye after suffering Rocky's attack.
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