A lone figure wearing a dark green cloak walks along a mountain path down towards a valley where he stares at the village below with a complex look in his eyes.
"8 years and I return at last." He mutters with a deep tone. Memories surface that he quickly shake away before continuing down the path.
Closely behind follows a gray wolf about half the height of him. It has scars over its and body and a particular nasty one over her left eye. The wolf nuzzles under the mans hand and man looks down at the wolf and give its a smile.
"I'm okay Luna" He says warmly as he rubs the wolfs head, He continues down the path and reaches the gate before he hear some yelling at him from a guard above the gate on a wooden watchtower.
"HALT! Remove the cloak and state your business traveler!" The guard says with a warry tone with a bow drawn and aimed at the man.
"Is that a way to treat your nephew, Uncle Ben?" The man says with a joking tone as he remove his cloak to reveal a young man about 27 years old give or take with short brown hair and dark golden brown eyes wearing a set of studded leather armor with a spear strapped to his back.
"BROOK!" The man screams with a joyful tone as he climbs down the tower and rushes up and hugs the young man. "Look at you young rascal, Oh boy Alena and Ray is gonna be so happy to see you" Uncle Ben says and laughs boisterously.
Brook blushes a small amount as he thinks of his young childhood friend Alena. "Haha! Even after all the years you still never change do you boy!" Uncle Ben releases from the hug with a huge smile on his face.
Brook shakes his head as he looks at his uncle, "Its good to you old man" He says with a happy smile as he looks at Uncle Ben. He is a man who looks to be entering his late 40s with a bald head and a ginger beard that has spots of graying. He is full of muscle even though being slightly shorter then Brook by a few inches. (Expecting the Hawaiian shirt me too.)
"Now look at this big ole puppy right here." Ben says with that animal talk tone as he approaches and try's to pet Luna, Luna dodges his hand and sneakily walks behind Brook before peaking out here head at the man and growling softly.
"Feisty one she is!" Ben says as he laughs, "She is a bit shy." Brook Smiles pets Luna who moves her head in to get more before slightly pouting when he stops. Brook turns away and looks back at Uncle Ben with the smile lessening on his face slightly.
"How is my father?" Brook says with a slight worried tone, Uncle Ben sighs, "Its best if you see for yourself" Uncle Ben says with somber tone, and leads them into the village through the gate.
This is my first novel so I hope you all enjoy, I apperciate any critics and I will work to slowly improve my writing. Thank you all for your patience. :D
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