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4% Vampire: World of Blood / Chapter 3: Ichor

Capítulo 3: Ichor

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'Is that what you want? Well, I'm delighted you're determined to adjust to this new environment; it fills my undead heart with pleasure to witness my first direct kilde strive for greatness. Tell me, child, what is your aim, What do you hope to achieve in your new unlife?'

Michelle inquired, and the earnestness in his voice was clear; he sounded like a child. But his aura and manner of speech, on the other hand, belonged to a mature man who had lived many life times.

Merciless, on the other hand, already had a purpose in mind; he didn't want to be the strongest vampire, nor did he want to impress others. He had just one objective in mind: to take justice into his own hands and repay the gods who punished his ancestors for merely falling in love; as such, he would give the gods what they deserved.

So the next words that came out of his mouth were ones he truly believed in, and he was determined to uphold them no matter what.

"I want to avenge my lost heritage; I know I have no connection to it anymore, but I feel obligated to repay the gods for all the suffering I endured, as well as the suffering my ancestors endured, as a result of those selfish and unreasonable gods." I want to murder them. I want to get rid of them. No way, I'm going to murder them. Even if it takes a million years, that is why I want, nay, I beg you to teach me your ways."

These were the words of Merciless, who was pleading with his maker to help him become a proper vampire at this time. So that one day he could exact vengeance and bring the heavens down to the gates of hell itself.

Michelle was silent for a time, but he quickly reacted, as if he had made up his mind about something. He, of course, returned a reasonable response to Merciless's request, as he stated, via the telepathic link he had with his kilde.

'That is an admirable objective; it is commendable that you have the desire to inherit the powers that come with my bloodline. But don't worry; I'll make sure you get an excellent education that will shape you in my image and turn you into a ferocious monster capable of conquering the world itself. It may take ages, even eons, but time is all we have as immortal monsters of the night.'

Michelle responded, and his response made Merciless smile. Because with this, he would be able to finally put his past self, Mercy Minerva Morgan, to rest, for it will be Merciless who shall bring glory to the Elderblood name and justly deserve justice for the extinct Morgan clan.

However, Michelle quickly knocked Merciless out of his thoughts, as he said.

'Well, let's move on, as such, please listen carefully, Merciless; you're currently buried deep beneath the Fijo desert.'

Merciless, on the other hand, widened his eyes wide in amazement as he mentally said.

'Fijo dessert, isn't that on the other side of the world? How did I get here? How long have I been unconscious for?'

Asked Merciless, to which Michelle responded.

'You've been sleeping for nine hours.'

'... Nine hours, still, it should take four to five days to reach the Fijo desert by plane.'

Michelle could only groan at Merciless innocence, as he explained.

'Well, I made Finn use his Ichor to get you here in such a short time frame.'

'Ichor, what exactly is that supposed to be?'

Merciless was utterly perplexed by Michelle's weird statements. As a result, Michelle had to explain what an Ichor was to him.

'Hahaha. You see, every vampire has an Ichor; even peasant vampires have such power. After all, it is one of the requirements needed in order to be labeled as a vampire in the first place. You see, every vampire is born with a unique supernatural ability; you've been to the sea of gifts, right? A dark sea filled with creepy-looking boxes with hearts in them.'

Ask Michelle.

Merciless, on the other hand, had an astonished expression on his face because he remembered that place so vividly.

So much so that his curiosity had been aroused to the point that he asked a random question out of pure curiosity.

'What exactly is the sea of gifts?'

'To be honest, no one knows! However, we do know that all unique vampiric strength derives from that location, and the particular ability that the heart provides is contained within the heart itself.'

'And what if you can't choose a box or go completely unconscious during the process?'

Merciless wondered as the thought of not knowing what would have happened to him if he hadn't picked a box had been on his mind ever since he felt compelled to pick one the moment he saw one had been on his mind. Seeing that his vampiric instinct was screaming at him to do so, and knowing that the implications would have been grave, Michelle explained what would have happened, and thankfully he did pick a box.

'Well, if you hadn't chosen a box, you would have turned into a ghoul, a mindless flesh-eating monster, while your soul and consciousness mind would have been devoured by the sea of gifts itself. And according to vampire laws, it's up to the sire to kill their Blood Kin if that happens, though I'm simply glad you didn't turn into a ghoul, else my efforts would have been futile, and I would have had to wait another 100 years to sire another kilde, which most likely would not have happened.'

Michelle declared.

Merciless continued to inquire right after, as one question immediately led to another.

'By the way, that sire thing, could you describe it to me in greater detail?'

Michelle, of course, did what he requested.

'Well, a vampire can only sire one Blood Kin per hundred years. We have no influence over this because it was a regulation established by the first progenitor; he has never stated why he removed the ability to do so, and none of us would dare to resist or question the vampire king's authority or motives.'

Michelle's reasoning was stern and solemn when it came to matters concerning the vampire king, about which he knows nothing.

He didn't know if it was out of fear, respect, or contempt, but he instinctively knew not to question or disparage the king of vampires. At least not in front of Michelle, who appears to have a close but equally complex relationship with him; as a result, his response was pretty straightforward.

'I see.'

Merciless mentally said.

This time, however, after a brief stillness, Michelle was the one to raise a question, which he followed up with a statement.

'Do you have any more questions? It'll soon be dusk on your end, and then the test will begin.'


Merciless was perplexed by Michelle's unexpected statement that came out of nowhere, and Michelle continued to explain further.

'Yes, a test, you see, I'm going to teach you the fundamentals of being a vampire.'

Michelle remarked as he needed to teach Merciless the most rudimentary of vampire skills. Merciless, on the other hand, asked a question that had been in his thoughts for some time now as he said to Michelle.

'Ah. Ok. By the way is this telepathic communication we share, by chance your Ichor?'

His response, of course, was.

'Well, not quite; my ichor is quite different; you see, vampires can naturally communicate telepathically as long as we are within a short distance. However, because you are my Blood Kin, I can see what you see, hear what you hear, and feel what you feel, thus we can easily communicate regardless of distance because our blood connection binds us together conceptually.'

Michelle commented as he continued his explanation on the deep bonds that kin and a sire share.

'After all, blood is the source of life; to pass it on to another is proof of heritage, and because you are my Blood Kin, even if you are in another realm, this tie cannot be broken. The bond between a sire's blood and his kins is profound in more ways than one, so much so that it cannot be explained in words, but you will learn that soon enough, just how deep our bond is.'

Michelle declared as he laughed at the conclusion.

Merciless retort, on the other hand, was as follows.

'Hmmm. I see, then, there's no need to worry about something I can't comprehend verbally, so my next question is about our Ichor; please explain to me how I can utilize it.'

Asked Merciless, After all, the concept of an Ichor appears to be extremely significant to the likes of a vampire. It appears to be their most powerful weapon, thus he needed to learn how to wield it as soon as possible so he could train with it.

Michelle's explanation of how to use it was straightforward, making it easier for Merciless to eventually figure out what his Ichor was.

'You should be able to use it instinctively, also keep in mind that while every heart is unique, no two powers are the same. However, to find out what your ability is, you only need to concentrate on it, and it will naturally flow to you.'

'Got it, I'll give it a shot.'

With that said, Merciless proceeded to close his eyes again as he concentrated on his heart, and it was exactly as Michelle predicted, as soon as he felt a connection to it, he knew what his Ichor was.

'Hmmm... I see, so that's my ability, ha? It's fascinating, and it has the potential to be quite useful in a variety of situations.'

Merciless calmly advised as Michelle began to reach out to Merciless as he inquired about his Ichor.

'So, tell me exactly what your Ichor is.'

Merciless, of course, responded to Michelle, with a single word.


Michelle fell silent for a moment, without a doubt it was a very powerful unique ability, but soon after he began to speak calmly as he said.

'Interesting, yet it has to have a defect because all Ichor powers have a flaw or some type of drawback, so tell me what is the drawback of your abilities?'

Michelle inquired of Merciless, knowing that all vampires who possess an Ichor have a disadvantage to their special power. Michelle was no exception to these principles; nothing in this world is perfect, and as a result, even if you have a powerful Ichor, there will always be limitations, no matter how minor.

'Well, it's not without flaws; for example, my power is restricted to my understanding, as using it and carrying it to new heights would require a tremendous amount of biological information and varied species anatomy. I can use this to generate biological life as well as kill it, but I need to know a lot about it, to begin with, and I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed if I am being honest.'

Merciless said to Michelle as he continued his speech.

'However, I must acknowledge that this specific capacity of mine is remarkable because it has endless potential; I can even create terrible and incurable diseases with it. Fortunately, I can study cells by integrating the DNA sample into my own body via absorption, albeit this depends on how complex the genetic information is. The analyzing process can take anywhere from a minute to a hundred years.'

'It has a range as far as I can see and is extremely lethal because I don't have to touch you to affect you. The problem with this skill though is that I can only impact biological life forms. The good news however is that it expands my senses even further, and as long as biomaterial is present, I can sense you within a total of 60 meters in a perfect sphere. Another thing to note is the enhanced ocular power I'll refer to as the Third eye.'

Merciless explains in great detail, while Michelle is stunned and comments as such.

'Fascinating, tell me what does this Third eye of yours do?'

Merciless response however surprised him even more.

'Well, when I close my eyes and concentrate, my entire perspective changes and the world around me becomes transparent, like literally. For one, I can see through walls, see invisible things, and break free from illusions, which has something to do with my brainwaves or some shit like that, I can't really describe how that works. However, with this skill, I can see inside people's bodies. While buildings and other objects become nothing more than outlines, I can also see the color of life as well, basically life force, oh and I can see auras too. Thankfully though the organs and blood, on the other hand, retain their color, which is odd because I can still see underground as well, basically its x-ray vision with extra steps.'

Michelle responded as follows.

'Well then, with that talent, you have the potential to reach the level of an elder vampire for sure, I anticipate maybe in the next 300 years or so, if that's the case, you would be the youngest elder to rise to such a position so quickly.'

'In any case, keep in mind that after this brief training to familiarize you with your new default abilities, I will need to find some acceptable instructors, such as bioengineers, doctors, chemists, and many others, to properly educate you so that we can make proper use of your Ichor in the future. So, with that said, you have a few minutes before sundown; your first objective would be to discover a means to escape this iron casket; luckily for you, I will guide you.'

Meanwhile, Merciless only responds with.

"I understand, I will wait."

'Hehehe... Okay.'

Merciless then began to wait for the sunset.

Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the globe, inside an enormous manor.

[Michelle Pov]

[Elderblood Mountain]

A lavish and grand manor could be seen bragging in all its grandeur on a vast mountainside outside Lavatos City. Its designs were a unique blend of Neo-classical and Gothic styles, with a touch of modernity thrown in for good measure.

It was a majestic and grand architectural masterpiece that easily put many manors around the world of Hexamore in disgrace.

It was constructed in the heart of Lavatos Gempta, which belonged to the Elderblood clan as well. A famous mountain known for its breathtaking views, as it was the highest point in Lavatos city, from up there you could see the entire city; it was an oasis, and the manor itself was simply the tip of the iceberg.

Seeing that within the deepest depth of the hill was the underground village Grand Michelle, consisting of seventy-four general facilities each with different purposes, eighty-seven guest manors belonging to the eighty-seven powerful backings of the Elderblood clan, and hundreds of other large shelters and small houses for the lesser members of the clan.

The main estate alone cost $15,000,000,000 Lazas to build, and the underground hamlet of Grand Michelle, which served as the Noble Elderblood clan's main base, was easily seven hundred times more expensive.

To put it simply, this was the main estate of one of the wealthiest individuals in the world, as well as the entirety of Lavatos City.

Michelle Okelix Vinter Cain Elderblood is the seventh progenitor.

One of the seven Elders that rule Lavatos' night world with an iron fist. And the ruler of the planet's third-most powerful vampire clan.

This is the person who sired Mercy, now known as Merciless Minerva Elderblood II.

And if you went deep within the villa, you'd see a young lad with the appearance of a twelve-year-old, but Michelle is actually almost sixty million years old; that was the age range of the great elders, who are even older than some of the so-called Old Gods.

The child was 4"8 tall, his complexion was pale to the point of grey, he had a cute and handsome appearance, and his fingernail was black, and he wore a full red tuxedo, coupled with a black cape, with a gigantic snake biting down on its tail, forming a perfect circle. A pyramid with an eye in the center and a pair of bat wings growing from it slits in the center of the circle. This was the Elderblood clan's insignia, inscribed in red, blue, and black on his cape.

The child had beautiful blue eyes that glowed menacingly, and his hair was a vivid blue, straight and soft with white tips that reached easily to the back of his legs.

Michelle was currently drinking a cup of freshly squeezed virgin blood mixed with red wine.

It was one of his favorite combinations since it relaxed him, the lights were turned off, and the curtain was blown to the sides by a strong breeze.

Meanwhile, he looked out the window as the sun set on the horizon.

He took a sip as he whispered commandingly to someone hidden in the darkness.


"Yes, my lord?"

"I trust you will educate the boy well tonight, please do go easy on him."

"Of course, I will treat the young master well... Firm, and gently."

"Hahaha... Good, I will be watching now, give him a good Elderblood welcome!"

"Your wish is my command, my lord, I will be off to see it through."

Finn mentioned with respect as his presence was long gone from Michelle's office.

Meanwhile, Michelle closes his eyes and says with a devilish grin on his face.

"Tonight marks the birth of my first pureblood Vampire, oh... Merciless, Show me how well you can dance!"








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