Zen, Joe, and Sam followed the person who looked like Nic in a golden robe.
Walking towards the place where the beast came from.
When the golden robe person points a finger at the mysterious door ahead of Zen, Joe, and Sam look at the door.
When Zen turns around, wanting to ask the person in the golden robe, he disappears.
Zen asks Joe and Sam, “Where is he?”
Joe and Sam says, “We don't know, he disappeared.”
Zen tells Joe and Sam to be careful ahead and protect Sam because he doesn't have a weapon. (Sam kept a gun, but Zen and Joe don't know.)
Zen steps forward and checks on the mysterious door; it’s engraved with designs like flowers and symbols.
Zen asks Joe, “Whether he recognized the symbols and flower design?”
Joe says, “The flower seems to represent Empress but the symbols he is unable to read them.”
Zen says, “Let's find a way to open this door.”
Sam leans on the mysterious door; as he leans, the door opens.
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