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45.9% Umino Iruka and the Will of Fire HP/Naruto / Chapter 28: Chapter 32: 2-3: Meetings

Capítulo 28: Chapter 32: 2-3: Meetings

Disclaimer: Being neither British nor Japanese, it should therefore come as no surprise that I own neither Harry Potter nor Naruto, nor anything from their respective franchises.

Wendell Granger answered the door. "Professor Umino? And Harry Potter, I presume?" Both wizards nodded, the younger somewhat timidly. "You're here early, and you have Harry's things; the Dursleys crossed a line and you couldn't leave him there any longer." It was not a question.

Iruka nodded again. "Vernon tried to brain me with some kind of flat club..."

"A cricket bat," Harry nervously interjected.

"A 'cricket bat', apparently. Needless to say, I objected rather forcefully, and felt that the Dursleys presented too much of a risk to Harry's safety to leave him alone with them. I made sure they signed the paperwork before I left, though it'll still be at least a day or two before it's processed. Harry can stay at a friend's house until then, at which point he can live with his new guardians; conveniently enough, he'll already be with them." Iruka's serious expression morphed into a slight smile at the last sentence.

"Well, don't stand out there all day. Hermione! Company!" Mr. Granger's face took on a look of mischief.

Hermione came down the stairs. "Who is it Da- HARRY!" She was suddenly hugging her friend after a near shunshin-speed dash. Stepping back to simply grip him by the shoulders, the floodgates opened. "Are you all right? What happened? Is something wrong? Did your uncle do something? Are you staying?" Harry's bewildered look combined with the chuckles of the two adults present finally reached her. After giving both men a somewhat sheepish glare, she turned back to her friend. "Honestly!" she huffed, "Anyway, since you've brought your trunk, I can only assume you're here to stay rather than just visit. Come on, I'll show you around." She grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him off, giving an incredibly detailed tour of the house and its surroundings complete with a constant stream of information and anecdotes.

"Let me guess," Iruka said dryly as he stepped through the doorway, "first time having a friend over?"

Wendell nodded, somewhat wistfully. "While the overprotective caveman in me is less than thrilled that they're both boys, I still can't thank you enough for introducing Hermione to her first real friends. Monica and I have never seen her this happy, this eager, aside from maybe when she first found out she was going to a school for magic. She was so happy to get the opportunity to learn something new and special, and she hoped that her magic was why she'd had so much trouble connecting with her peers and that she'd find others like herself at Hogwarts. We suspected that it wouldn't be that easy, but neither of us could bring ourselves to dampen the joy and hope we were seeing in our daughter."

"Unfortunately, her first two months at Hogwarts were pretty much like her prior schooling, socially at least. Actually, that's not quite true; she'd previously gone to day schools, so even if she was lonely during the school day she could at least come home to a loving environment. Being off in Scotland like that left her probably lonelier than she admitted in her letters, and that's before factoring in the bigotry and culture shock she was facing."

Iruka nodded solemnly as his host led him to what would now be Harry's room to deposit his student's possessions. "I don't know if she told you, but even before Halloween I'd been planning to either approach her myself or ask Minerva McGonagall to do so in hopes of giving her some advice to help better connect with her peers. Once she saw some of my abilities that night, I decided to go one step further and invite her to train with me as I'd intended to invite Harry and Neville. They were easily the most socially isolated students I knew of, and it was pretty clear all three had led fairly lonely lives to that point. Back in Konoha, we consider our bonds with others to be vitally important, and my biggest goal was to help those three find bonds of their own. I was an orphan myself, and a bit isolated as a child, so I reached out to the students I saw that needed it to hopefully give them a happier childhood than mine or some others I've known."

"It didn't happen overnight, but it was still hugely gratifying to watch three lonely children slowly start reaching out to each other, desperate for the bonds they'd been unable to form previously but at the same time so afraid of being hurt. Now, though, anyone messing with any of those three will soon find the other two after them, and they'll probably get even closer as time goes on. What form that takes, well, you might be taking in your future son-in-law, or Hermione's adopted brother. There's already some love there, it'll just take time, probably several years at least, to find out whether it'll be friendly, familial, or romantic. No matter what form it takes, I can tell you from experience that those who've suffered loneliness are often the most loyal and dependable companions you'll ever find."


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Before leaving that day, Iruka advised his students to avoid mentioning Harry's changed circumstances, particularly Harry in his correspondence with his parents' old acquaintances. Both children understood the importance of secrecy for security.

Harry settled in well at the Grangers. There were some inevitable bumps along the road, but things were soon well on their way to establishing a new and much healthier 'normal' for Harry's home life. For starters, he was now in a proper home, rather than just a residence.

A couple of days after his move, both Harry and Hermione had received their Hogwarts letters. Iruka's next visit had found his two students had very different reactions to their subsequent Diagon Alley encounter with Gilderoy Lockhart, who would apparently be Hogwarts' new Defense teacher. Hermione was starry-eyed at having actually met an author in person, and also showed signs of her first schoolgirl crush (much to her parents' amused exasperation). Harry was far less pleased, having been effectively manhandled into an unwanted publicity photo-op despite his deep loathing for the entire 'Boy-Who-Lived' phenomenon. It was clear that this difference of opinion had created a degree of tension between the two, but that quickly began to fade once it was pointed out to Hermione how uncomfortable their soon-to-be Professor had made her friend by harping on his unwanted celebrity status. While trying to assure Harry that she was certain Professor Lockhart had had only the best of intentions, she did admit that he was a bit too forward and pushy. Iruka promised to explain to his new colleague about Harry's dislike of the spotlight.


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"Ah, Minerva! Do you have a moment?" It had taken weeks for Iruka to catch the perpetually-busy Transfiguration Professor / Head of Gryffindor / Deputy Headmistress at a time when she wasn't in the middle of some important task. "I'd been hoping to speak to you on a somewhat sensitive matter."

Minerva gave him a friendly smile. "I do, in fact. Shall we speak in my office?" At her colleague's nod, the two headed down the corridor, making small talk as they went.

Once they were seated behind closed doors, Iruka brought up the reason for his visit. "Minerva, before the end of term, do you recall three of your First-Years coming to you with a warning about an attempt against the Philosopher's Stone?"

"I dare say it would be hard to forget," she replied, "three children in their first year here that somehow knew about the direst secret in the castle, babbling it in three-part disharmony at the tops of their voices in the middle of the corridor. Perhaps you might shed some light on how they came to know about the Stone?"

Her stern gaze was impressive, but he'd been glared at by the Third Hokage. "A lot of it was their own research into odd clues they'd picked up. Perhaps you might shed some light on why you didn't investigate their warning at all?"

Minerva recoiled, her face a mixture of shock and outrage. "The Stone was perfectly safe!" she responded heatedly. "I should think that if Albus's assurances on the matter were insufficient, you would at least accept the fact that poor Quirinus failed to breach its defenses as proof. All those three were accomplishing with their shouting was causing a disturbance and spreading secrets that weren't theirs to know in the first place. I am sorry that Messrs. Potter and Longbottom were injured in their ill-conceived attempt at intervention, but perhaps it will serve as a lesson that adult matters are best left to adults to handle. They'd have been fine if they'd listened when I told them to drop it."

"They might be fine," Iruka conceded, "but I would most likely be dead." His calm, matter-of-fact tone made the words hit all the harder, and Minerva deflated somewhat in bafflement. "Albus and I were already quite certain that Quirrell was the one responsible for the attack on Harry during his first Quidditch match," at her confused look, he gave a vague wave of his hand to indicate that he'd explain later, "and that he was attempting to steal the Stone. Given the fact that he was apparently drinking unicorn blood to sustain himself, we knew he must be getting desperate, which made him an urgent danger that had to be dealt with. Lacking proof, we decided to bait him into acting when we'd be able to catch him in the act."

"That was why Albus was out of the castle that evening," he explained, "so that Quirrell would think the coast was clear. My role would be to conceal myself outside the Stone's corridor, to keep him from leaving or to intervene if he was using a student as a hostage or the like. Albus would return to the castle later in the night, and confront Quirinus himself. That plan went sideways when I found out that Harry's scar was aching, and that it had been doing so off and on all year. A curse mark like that, I'm sure you can guess what I inferred about Quirrell's motives?"

It took a few thoughtful moments before Minerva's eyes widened in horror. At her shaky nod, he continued. "I felt that if he was trying not just to save himself, but to somehow bring back He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, we couldn't risk leaving him to his own devices, especially if his master was somehow aiding him. With Albus not returning to the castle for a while yet, the only option was to intercept Quirrell. That was why I sent three students I trusted and that already knew something about the Stone to find you and tell you I needed backup."

"I was able to make it past the obstacles you and the others placed there," he said, "but Quirrell was apparently able to use magic wandlessly, and he caught me off-guard. Albus's defense was still frustrating him, but being helpless in the presence of an increasingly-agitated Dark wizard isn't exactly the safest situation. Had it not been for Harry's intervention, I honestly have no idea how it would have turned out."

Minerva slumped slightly in her seat. "End of term is always a hectic time period, and I'd had a long day, so I wasn't exactly at my best. Those three were so frantic, I could hardly make out anything they were saying. I admit, my first reaction was akin to 'I am too tired and busy to deal with this,' and my second was 'These children shouldn't even know about this'. James Potter and his friends, you must understand, were inveterate pranksters and makers of all sorts of trouble, and it's likely that I allowed memories of his father to color my perception of young Harry. In the end, I drove the trio off with threats of detention or worse without truly hearing them out, too caught up in worry that they'd go poking into the forbidden corridor if I didn't scare them off it. To think that it was that very act that drove them into doing so..."

"It sounds like mistakes were made all around," Iruka commented, "and I'll be sure to explain to those three the importance of clear communication once school starts back up."

His hostess nodded. "And I shall try to be more attentive to the concerns of my students. Between this and the fiasco with Severus, it is clear to me that I need to listen more open-mindedly when a student speaks."


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A week later saw Iruka at the pre-start-of-term Staff Meeting. Much of it was the same as the previous year's, though due to the new influx of first-year students he found himself scheduling some additional class sessions. These would be intended for new beginners to fuuinjutsu, giving them a class to start from scratch rather than dropping them straight into a group that had already been practicing for a year. Students could attend any of the classes as they wished, so diligent new students might have more chance to catch up while existing pupils that were struggling could go back over the basic lessons.

There was also an entertaining moment where Severus Snape was congratulated for his students' remarkably high scores on their Potions O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. exams the past year. Iruka couldn't help but feel a bit of vindictive amusement at seeing the dour head of Slytherin struggling to decide between being proud of the accomplishment or angry at the indirect reminder of being forced to teach properly and impartially.

The other major change from the previous year, other than the absence of a lethal forbidden corridor, was the new Defense Professor. Even setting aside the negative impression he'd gotten from Harry's described encounter, Iruka was distinctly unimpressed by Gilderoy Lockhart who was, as far as he could tell, a pompous buffoon. The man shamelessly preened at even the slightest hint of attention or an audience, and took every opportunity to wax poetic about his heroic exploits. A seed of doubt was growing in the chuunin's mind about those exploits, though: Lockhart didn't move like the seasoned warrior he claimed to be, didn't show an awareness of his surroundings.

For shinobi and those in similar professions, it was an essential skill to be able to assess the combat ability of those you met, as everyone was both a potential enemy and a potential asset. Skilled ninja could learn to suppress the subtle tells that would differentiate them from a civilian, but it was a constant cat-and-mouse game between those learning to suppress their tells and those looking to spot tells even when imperfectly suppressed. Either the famed author was also a highly skilled actor, or he wasn't nearly as capable as he claimed. Given how loudly and often he was claiming such prowess, it seemed particularly unlikely that he'd be simultaneously trying to appear harmless. The only possibilities Iruka could think of thus far were either he did have some reason to act the fool, or he hadn't actually carried out the heroic acts he was claiming. Perhaps he was acting as a glamorous public front for a less photogenic hero?

Regardless, after the meeting wound down, Iruka approached the man. "Professor Lockhart, could I speak with you a moment?"

"Ah, yes, Professor Umino, was it? Fascinating to see such a previously-unknown branch of magic being taught at Hogwarts, and from a mysterious far-off land no less! Of course, I saw something similar used by the shamans of Malaysia..."

"I'll have to look into that," Iruka interrupted what would likely be another long-winded anecdote before it could build momentum, "but what I really need to speak with you about is Harry Potter."

"Too shy to ask for his autograph yourself, eh? Never fear, I'll speak to him once term starts and sort something out for you! I'm sure young Harry and I will be spending a great deal of time together; the lad needs a mentor when it comes to properly managing fame and public image, after all."

"I'm afraid you have it somewhat backwards, Professor. I spoke to Harry recently and he was less than pleased at having been conscripted into that press photo in Flourish and Blotts. While you may enjoy your fame, Harry is a very private young man and prefers to avoid the spotlight, especially given the fact that people seem to forget that the event which made him famous also cost him both his parents."

The expression on Lockhart's face was probably meant to look wise and solemn, but landed closer to the vicinity of 'constipated'. "Yes, such a tragedy, a promising young couple cut down in their prime. Truly, fame comes at a terrible price."

Did he just compare his own work to Harry's loss? That... that had to be the most insensitive attempt at sensitivity Iruka had ever heard. "Yes, well... In any case, I'd just ask that you respect Harry's wishes and his privacy. Please just treat him like any other student, don't single him out or call attention to him unless it's for something he does here at school."

"Of course, of course," the Defense teacher replied, "we all need time to just relax and be ourselves after all, especially at such a tender young age." Somehow, Iruka didn't think it was going to be that easy.

Working to hold up his end of the deal with Amelia Bones, Iruka had begun teaching classes at the DMLE on first aid and emergency field medicine. They were large classes, with all of the department's trainees and any staff not currently busy on an assignment; even Director Bones and Head Auror Scrimgeour were participating. The rationale was: Any of them might need this at some point, so all should learn it. A secondary session had been arranged to handle those personnel that couldn't attend the main class. Several Healers and Healer trainees from Saint Mungo's were also in attendance.

The first class session had gotten a bit awkward, as several of the 'students' scoffed dismissively at the "worthless Muggle healing". Most of the doubters changed their tunes after Alastor Moody came to the second lesson and berated them for a good ten minutes straight, complete with detailed graphic anecdotes about several of his scars and how he could have benefitted from these techniques, along with reminders of several friends, comrades, and innocent victims he'd lost over his career who might have been saved. Needless to say, all but the most die-hard bigots shut up and began seriously trying to learn. Judging by the unimpressed looks Bones and Scrimgeour were giving those remaining holdouts, their prospects for promotion had probably just dropped a bit. It also seemed that many of their colleagues were thinking that they'd rather avoid being partnered with the bigots; after all, in a dangerous profession one hopes one's partner will do everything possible to help if they're injured.

Iruka also spent some time with the DMLE quartermaster working out the types and quantities of supplies for field first-aid kits. Mundane kits could work, but many of the supplies they contained were pretty superfluous for magicals. Why bother applying antiseptic cream and an adhesive bandage to a small scrape when an Episkey is faster and more effective? Besides, the department's tight budget would take less of a hit buying things in bulk rather than pricier pre-made kits, and the kits themselves could be enchanted with expansion and Featherlight charms to make it easy to carry ample supplies even on a long foot patrol.

The lessons would continue well into the fall term, scheduled around Iruka's work at Hogwarts, but both he and the leaders of the DMLE were talking about another round of classes the next year, to teach new hires and new trainees and to refresh everyone else.

A/N: I realized a while after writing this that the bit about Snape being both happy and angry about the improved Potions marks is at least inspired by "Ah, Screw It!" by mjimeyg.

The scene where Iruka confronts McGonnagal came about because of a discussion with a reviewer that wanted a clearer idea of how and why she turned away a request for aid from another Professor. I will admit to that particular plot point being due in part to me forcing things - Hagrid and the four Heads of House showing up together to deal with Quirrellmort would have been a tad anticlimactic, I don't want Iruka's influence fixing everything, and I really wanted to have Harry's confrontation with Quirrellmort (mostly to show a more realistic aftermath and handling thereof).

Fic Recommendation: "Diversion" by Madrigal-in-training - a fun little one-shot of Naruto escaping Akatsuki's clutches by... unconventional means.

Posted 20 May 2018

Current WIP Chapter: 59

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