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4.25% Ultimate Herrsher in DxD / Chapter 4: [4]Arriving in Venice

Capítulo 4: [4]Arriving in Venice

A/N:Alright guys I have a 3,015 word chapter for y'all. Usually I do 2000 words but my insomnia hit me hard last night. I also I did it with a half-dead half-alive brain, it was 4:78 of the morning btw and I also had college that day.


"Alright children, enter the buss In a single file line" said one of the teachers

After me, Himeko, and Welt had our little talk this morning we decided that I would tell them the thing I know in more detail after the trip.

It was already time to get ready for the trip since we had to get here early.

But I didn't tell them about their sacred gears or the fact that I could turn them into a fellow hersher.

Maybe latter but not right now, I'd rather deal with this whole super power bullshit after the trip we earned.

The three of us slowly metered the bus, we managed to get the very back spot we're the three of us could sit together, with Himeko on my right and Welt on my left. Ms.Scot was also blind the same bus as us but she sat in the very front with the other chofer of the trip.

[Host you haven't opened your birthday gift] the system suddenly spoke.

Oh yeah I have it in my system storage along with Chastiefol.

'open it'

[Of course, new items obtained]

<[Lumina(B+){Destiny 2}


Description: Exotic/Kinetic/Hand Cannon

Exotic Perks:

Nobble Round- Kills with this weapon leave behind Remnants. Absorbing a Remnant converts your shots into an ally-seeking Noble Round and partially refills the magazine.

Blessing of the Sky- Using a Noble Round on an ally heals them and grants both you and them a 10% damage bonus for a short duration.]

<[Gacha tickets x 5(N/A)]

<[Custom Valkyrie Battle Suit(S)(Honkai Impact 3rd)

Description: allows you to create a suit with power comparable to a high class Valkyrie suit. You can change it's appearance but only once, after that it will stay on that form for ever. The only thing that will change will be the size as it will fit itself for the user]

This is quite good, I can make the suit look like luocha's suit or Otto's bishop suit.

I'm talking about the one he had before going to the imaginal tree and creating a new bubble universe were kallen didn't die.

[Luocha suit pic]

[Otto suit pic]

Anyways I think it's time to draw, may the Gacha and RNG gods be in my side.

'system draw my five'


<[Kaslana style Gun-Kata(A){Honkai Impact 3rd}

Description: The Kaslana families special martial arts. It combines guns and martial arts together, creating a deadly fighting style.

<[Valkyrie Battlesuit: Dea Anchora-Male Version(S){Honkai Impact 3rd)

Description: Male version of Durandals DEA Anchora battle suit. This suit has an inbuilt giant bow that can be used in multiple ways from on hand to using your whole body. It also allows you to create spears that can be used for battle or ass ammo for the bow.]

<[Otto's book: Hyperion Blueprint (A){Honkai Impact}


Description:A book written by Otto containing the blueprint and description of the aircraft carrier Hyperion. Hyperion was an Aircraft Carrier-type Battleship (each valkyire squad have a patrol ship assigned to), capable of deploying 6 patrol ships on its deck. The ship is used to repressing Honkai areas that below the scale of 3A

Main Fautures of Hyperion-

-Misc: Nuclear power, 6x Nuclear Reactors, Leonov Anti-Gravity Engine.

[A] 6x 430mm Railgun (3 left side, 3 right side)

[B] 6x 270mm Railgun (3 left side, 3 right side)

[C] 10x Close-in Weapon System

[D] Nexus-20 Energy Delivery Port

[E] 133m Fighting Deck

[F] Valkyrie launcher platform, used when the ship can't landing, up to 10 valkyries at the same time


-Leonov Anti-Gravity Engine: Hyperion is equipped with 2 engines at the front and back of the ship. With the Anti-Gravity Engine, the ship is now able to take off, land vertically and float mid-air easily. The engine usually only need 4 Nuclear Reactors, the other 2 is prepaired in standby mode.

-Close in weapons system:The close-in weapon system is arranged on both sides of the battleship, designed to shoot down missiles and Honkai beasts. It does deal most damage to beasts below 10m. Fortunately, the size of most flying Honkai beast are mostly under 10m tall. This weapon system have following compoments: radar, multi-tube medium-calibre cannon-to-air missile with rapid fire. The gun can be rotated in azimuth.


Main gun

430mm barrel

30m long

0.03s charge time

2000m/s travel speed

*Sub gun

270mm barrel

18m long

0.03s charge time

600m/s travel speed]

<[Two-Way escape ticket(C)


Description: A two way ticket that sends you to a random location the first time and to a place designated by the user the second]

<[Science for dummies(C){Honkai Impact 3rd}

Description: a book containing basic knowledge of technology, biology, programing, and many other types of basic scientific knowledge of the Honkai Universe.


Hm this is good, now I can make a space ship,no, I can have welt make the spaceship since I have already chosen him as my Hersher of reason.

Taking out the book from my storage I began to read it.

20 min's later-

Yeah I could barely understand anything, I can kind of grasp the concepts behind the Anti-Gravit engine but there's something missing.

The huge gap in my knowledge is what keeps me from understanding these blueprint.

Guess I'll have to read the science for dummies book first.

"Hm is that a space... ship?" Shit I shouldn't be reading this stuff on the buss.

Before I could put it away Welt yanked the book out of my hand.

"Anti-Gravit engine?, Rail Guns!?. Hey we're did you get this?, I can tell that these blueprints aren't just doodles that you made?" Asked welt who didn't let his face leave the book.

Dam Dam Dam what do I say!??


"I got them from future me" oh my God that sounded way better in my head!.

I sound so stupi-

"Wait really?, so you managed to create a time machine?, or was it perhaps becuase of you know what" he said with excitement.

Hah~good thing that he bought my excuse.

"I dont know, when you two left my room this morning a guy that looked exactly like me gave me these books saying that I would need them for the future and that he was future me" Buy it buddy, I'd rather tell you this bullshit than to tell you the truth.

How would he react if I told him that I was a reincarnator that knew him as a character from a videogame.

Welt would begin to have a mid-life crisis without the 'mid' part.

"...I see" He pushed up his glasses with a glint acting non-chalant.

But I could see the happy smile on his face.

"Did he say anything about me?" He suddenly asked.

Oh I see, he want to know about his future self to.

I just have to make up some bullshit.

"No he didn't mention anything about you, but there was another guy in the room behind him. He had glasses, brown hair with with tips on the end and also wore some kind of suit with a scarf. He also had this cane on his hand that looked kinda weird" yup I described Honkai Impact Star Rail Welt

He was practically grining at this point, and Welt probably didn't even notice.

"Did they leave anything else with you?, more books?"

"Yeah he did leave one more thing"

I reached behind me and I took out the other book, 'Science for Dummies'.

I didn't want to show welt my storage skill

Soon both me and Welt began reading the book.

Oh yeah, Himeko also fell asleep on my shoulder around the begining of the ride so she didn't hear none of this.


3rd POV-

After many hours of traveling Otto and the other had now made it to the first stop of their trip.

Venice, the city of water.

Venice being mostly famous for its multiple cannals rivers and gondola ride's.

But before they could do any of that they arrived in a hotel which the school had already reserved for the trip.

The sun had gone down by the time they arrived in Venice and becuase of the ride being extremely long with only a few stops in the way, everyone was tired.

Well, except Otto of course.

His stamina had gone above human norms after becoming a hersher

The only thing he was tired from was mentally, him and Welt were reading the book through the whole trip.

And Himeko?

She was asleep through the whole thing.

The girl drooled all over Otto's shoulder and only after they arrived at their destination did he notice the pool of saliva flowing down his shirt.

"Woah, this place is nice" Marveled Otto.

Despite the Inn being on the cheaper side, the school didn't hold back and got a really nice place for the class.

"Yes yes, followed now" said Ms. Fisher, soon everyone entered the lobby with their luggage.

Walking up to the counter Ms. Fisher signed in the class.

A few people that worked in the Hotel helped the class get to their rooms.



Closing the door behind me I look towards Welt.

The room was a nice two bed with a single bathroom.

But that's not the important part, what's important is that I'm going to make Welt into a Hersher.

I'v already talked with Welt on the bus that I could turn him into one like me.

And to say that he was ecstatic is an understatement.

Originally I was going to turn both Himeko and Welt into Hershers in a few years but I decided that it would be good for welt to get stronger right now.

And for Himeko...she would probably infuse her punches with fire when she gets annoyed at us.

I'll wait till she turns a little more mature. She's got the brains but she is t as matured as Welt

"Alright then Welt get ready, this is going to hurt" Welt nodded and layed on the bed with a towel in his mouth so his screams get muffled.

[Would you like to turn 'Welt Yang' into a Hersher? Yes/No]


[Then please say the chant?]


What chan-?

Out of no where, a new chant forcibly filled my head.

And dam is it cringy and long.

With a sigh I spoke

"I am the tree that holds all, the one that birthed the world.

For I am the End and the Beginning.

The incarnate of Destruction and Creation.

The one true Calamity and Savior of the very universe.

So I ask you Welt Yang, Will you become my 'Reason'"

Finishing my cringy chant Welt temporarily removed his muffler "I accept"

a pink glow soon covered welt's body.


*Screaming Welt Noises*

Welt began to wriggle around the bed in pain, much like I did. His body seems to have becomes a bit skinnier, shedding it's bodies impurities in the form of a black mucus just how it happened to me.

2 Minutes later-

After a very bad performance of the worm dance Welt finally calmed down.

[Welt Yang has become the Hersher of 'Reason']

[Welt Yang has unlocked 'Mana']

[Welt Yang has awakened his 'Sacred Gear']

[Welt Yang has unlocked 'Honkai Energy']

With his panting body he stood up "Ha~, that really, really hurt"

"I told you it would" I retorted, didn't he see me wriggle in pain when I went through it?

"But not this much!, I tought you were being dramatic or something"

I rolled my eyes at his statement "Anyways you should take a shower, you stink!"

Welt looked confused until he looked down on his body. Taking a sniff, his whole body recoiled in disgust.

"Yeah I'm taking a shower" he walked away and took a shower.

Hehe now it's time to try it out.

"Alright let's do it"


A small blue light materialized in front of me as it began shaping itself, It died down revealing a toaster.

Hehehe I can use Welt's [Reason] now besides [Binding].

I had just created a toasted from scratch with [Reason].

It might sound underwhelming but being able to create anything you want as you can understand how it's made gives you an unimaginable feeling of...I can't really describe it.

Besides that, now that I have a feeling on how to do it I can now teach welt to do it to.

I also need to learn how to use [Annihilation Maker] and [Mana].

I was able to geta feel for mana on the bus through some meditation but I don't know how to use it.

Do I make magic circles or something?, or perhaps is it based in pure imagination?"

I highly doubt that since Devil magic is based of Desire and Imagination and if humans could do the same then shit would hit the fan really fast.

Guess I'll have to find out how use magic, I'll ask welt to help me with research.

[11th Divine Key: Oath of Juda has been rewarded for gaining a hersher]

Eh?, really?

Hm, this is good. I can give it to Himeko when I turn her into a Hersher, I'm sure she will be able to use with that monsterous strenght of hers. know what, nevermind.

She might use it on me when she gets mad.

After about 20 minutes Welt came out looking refreshed.

"Better?" I asked

"Yeah I feel better, not just physically but mentally to. my mind feels more...clearer"

"That's because the moment you became a Hersher your body got upgraded. Whether it was physically or mentally. It's one of the perks of being one" Of course This isn't the full potential of a hersher.

The reason the stars were so low despite looking like a lot was becuase our bodies are slowly getting used to the power.

I noticed that my stats go up by a bit each hour. And I think that we could speed up the process with training.

The one thing I was disappointed about was that I didn't get muscle or anything like that, but just how Mimir said

'You've got the strenght of a god no matter what, lad. But if you want the physique of one, then you better start picking up heavy thing and putting them down'

"Alright come here, I'll be teaching you how to use your [Reason] and [Unknown Dictator]"

Welt nodded and came over to me, I told him the basic feel and what his power is that I had gracefully bestowed upon him.

It took him a bit but he soon stated creating plastic Mechas and soon after some electrical Mechas that could move.

Looks like reading the book came in handy.

It really helped out with the basics of all science and considering how advanced the Honkai universe was, the 'basics' for them was state of the art knowledge here.

Next is his sacred gear.

"Alright now that you have a basic understanding of your hersher power in will now delve into Sacred gears" With his love for technology, he would probably faint on excitement if he knew that he could possibly controll all metal and technoly in a huge city wide area

"Sacred gears?"

"Indeed, remember the whole thing about gods being real"

"You said gods as in plural?" He asked

"Yes, pantheons like the Olympic and Japanese excist. And the pantheon I'm talking about specifically is the biblical one"

"Jesus and stuf?" He said as if trying to make sure he wasn't hearing wrong

"Yes, Jesus and stuf. Well before he died-"

"Wait he's dead!?"

Oops, guess I dropped the nuclear bomb on him by accident.

"Yes. Yes. Now pay attention"

" we're just going to ignore the fact that the god of the biggest religion on earth is dead?" He seems baffled that I was being so nonchalant about it.

"Yup no pay attention or I won't teach you" he seemed like he had more questions but she shuted up and payed attention.

"Before he died he created the Sacred Gears so that humans could have a chance against the supernatural. Each of them are made with something or someone special, like the spear that pierced Jesus or the holy Grail"

"By something or someone you mean?" (Welt)

"For example, the 13 Longinus sacred gears. They are the most powerfull of all sacred gears and the most feared for their abilities, especially becuase they have the potential to kill gods. There is the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet that allows you to multiply your strenght each every few seconds without limit" (Otto)

"But what makes it so special isn't the weapon Itself but who it was made with, the Welsh Dragon Ddraig. The very souls of that dragon is sealed within the sacred gear, and each time it's host die it will reincarnate into a new person" (Otto)

"So god basically turned special people and things into pieces of equipment?"

Dam he made my long and detailed explanation look so useless.

"Yes basically, and you my friend have a Longinus"

Those last words sent home m into shock, his stoic face turned I to one of disbelief.

"I-I do!?" He asked with a slight stutter.

"Yes but it isn't one of the original 13"

"Really?, then how do you know that mine is a Longinus or at the same level as one?"

"You Longinus can controll Metal and technology on a city wide level, back then it might not have been that good but considering that a lot of what humans use has metal in it, your Longinus can finally show it's true power"

He finally seems to understand why his sacred gear.

He could controll whole buildings or sky scrapers and throw them at his enemies

"I see, so it has an environmental advantage now because of humanities huge use of metal. What's it's name then?, I'm sure you know it's name of you also know what it can do?" (Welt)

"Yes I know it's name, the new Longinus class sacred gear... Unknown Dictator"

next chapter
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