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45.45% Twins of the Sea / Chapter 15: Jaya and Robin

Capítulo 15: Jaya and Robin

The crew stared at Zeus and Robin, before Luffy laughed and said "Shishishishi Welcome!" Zeus laughed and Robin smiled. Robin looked at Zeus, who still had his arm around her shoulders and then looked at Luffy and said "Anyway Captain-san, since you saved me when I wanted to die, I have nowhere else to go and would like to join your crew." Everybody except Luffy and Zeus yelled "WHAAAT!" While Luffy just laughed and said "Sure! Shishishishi" Everybody except Zeus and Robin turned to Luffy and said "WHAAAT!" making Zeus start laughing as well "Shishishishi Everyone I have an announcement!" everybody turned to Zeus and he gave out a serious vibe and said "You're all under arrest." Everybody except Luffy and Robin yelled "WHAAAT!" Zeus fell on the floor laughing and holding his stomach, while Robin giggled and Luffy laughed as well.

After a few moments, Zeus got up and wiped his eyes and said "Alright anyway everyone this is Nico Robin, archaeologist, assassin, beautiful woman, and dark humor enthusiast." he pointed to Robin with his elbow on her shoulder. He turned to Robin and said "Robin these are the Strawhats, that's Luffy obviously, and then there's Mosshead, Dartbrow or love-cook, Witch or Nemo, sometimes goes by Orange, long-nose, and finally Chopper." Robin giggled at the names, while the rest of the crew minus Chopper and Luffy we're angry, Zeus waved them off and pointed to Chopper and said "He's a really cool fluffy cat, I can honestly say he's the best pillow i've ever used." Robin actually laughed "Dereshishishi" before clamping her hands over her mouth and staring at Zeus, who was staring at her, Robin could feel his shit-eating grin from inside the mask and was annoyed before walking over and picking Chopper up. She chuckled and said "Hello Chopper, what kind of cat are you?" Chopper blinked and said "I'm not a cat! I'm a reindeer!" Robin giggled and poked his nose and said "And what a cute reindeer you are." Chopper waved his arms and said "You calling me cute isn't going to make me happy you bastard!" Robin put him down and pulled out a bag of jewels and gave them to Nami "Nemo-san can you take care of these jewels I took from Crocodile for me?" Nami's eyes turned to Beri signs and said "Of course anything for you sister!" Robin didn't even need to do anything for Sanji, who was already in front of robin grabbing her hand, Zeus was a bit annoyed and kicked him while saying "Oi love cook watch where you're grabbin! Be a real shame if I kick you so hard you go flying to Okama-land." Sanji shivered and muttered something about a shitty marine, while Zoro and Ussop were standing together, Zoro said to Ussop "Looks like we're the last ones left." Ussop nodded and was about to say something before Luffy called his name, Ussop turned around to see Luffy with Robins hats sticking out of his hat and Luffy said "I'm Chopper!" and with that it was only Zoro. Zoro sighed and walked over to Zeus, who was still butting heads with Sanji and was saying something about turning him into a woman without the hormones, Zoro tapped him and pointed to the galley, Zeus gave one last warning look at the chef and followed after Zoro.

Zeus was sitting across from Zoro at a table and Zoro spoke, "Can you really trust this woman?" Zeus inhaled from the cigarette he lit up when they walked in and said "I know you won't, but I do. You have to understand, she has had quite the rough life until now, constantly on the run and hunted from the government for, well its not really my place to tell you." Zoro rubbed his temples and said "I don't really like secrets." Zeus chuckled and shook his head "Oi mosshead I think your forgetting something, she's not the only one with secrets" Zeus winked at him and said "That love cook has a pretty big secret too, not only that but so do I." Zeus got up and patted his shoulder and said "Being the first mate ain't easy but If you fold the rest of the crew will fold too, Luffy's not always serious and let's his emotions control him sometimes and he's still a great captain, but even he sometimes needs help. Remember the crew might look up to him but you're also a pillar of support." and with that Zeus walked out of the galley.

Zeus walked outside and smiled to Robin leaning on the wall next to the door, "Oh hello, what's a beautiful girl like you doing in a place like this?" Robin giggled and Zeus continued "Also have fun eavesdropping?" Robin blushed and Zeus chuckled as he walked to the railing overlooking the deck and sat on it, without turning around he said "You remember this is the railing you were sitting on the first time you stepped on this ship. I still have no idea how you magically appeared on it and how you were able to use your devil fruit powers without crossing your arms." Robin walked over and sat next to him and whispered in his ear "Can I know your real name Marine-san?" Zeus turned to her abruptly looking into her eyes as he was inches away from her face and whispered in her ear "Monkey D. Zeus" before shifting his mask and blowing in her ear and pulling back and chuckling at Robin's red face as she pouted. Robin asked again "Why do you trust me so much?" Zeus said without hesitation "Because I know who you truly are, your laugh from before was your true self and you know it, sorry to say Robin but this is the last group you'll ever join." Zeus turned to her and looked her in the eyes and said "You don't have to run anymore." Robin shook and was almost about to tear up as she got up and walked away into the girl's rooms. Zeus watched her go, and shook his head "I was expecting a hug not a cry and run away" He whispered into the ear on his shoulder and said "Kinda makes me feel like a 'bad' uncle trying to kidnap a child ya know" the ear immediately vanished into petals as Zeus chuckled to himself. He got up and said "Alright love cook get your ass over here!" and vanished.

A few days later, Zeus was lying down on a lounge chair in between Nami and Robin, when he was hit by a piece of wood falling from the sky, he looked up and said "Motherfucker.." He got up from his chair and gently shook Robin before touching Nami with his hand that was crackling with a bit of lightning, making her jump. Zeus laughed and pointed to the sky before Nami could say anything and said "Look at your log pose Nemo" Nami looked at her log posed and was bewildered "It's pointing up!" she said, Zeus grinned and said "Of course it is! LUFFY!" Luffy turned his head and Zeus said "We've got a sky island on our hands!" Luffy shot past everybody and stopped in front of Zeus with stars in his eyes and said "What! A sky Island?! Is there a lot of meat?!" Zeus shook his head and said "No." Luffy deflated and Zeus continued "But it's basically a mystery island" Luffy perked up again and threw his arms in the air. Zeus looked up and grabbed the skeleton that was falling towards him before handing it to Robin and looking at the galleon that was falling on them and saying "Well I hope that doesn't crush us" Everybody looked up and saw the huge ship falling on top of them and started yelling to row, while Robin was holding the skeleton and giggling at Zeus' remark.


The huge Galleon smashed into the water and Zeus threw a spear through the wave and hopped on the ship and ran through it grabbing all the books, maps, a piece of rusted armor, and a small wooden boat that looked like a scooter, before jumping back on to the Merry with a big bag in one of his hands and everything else in the other. He threw the armor to Luffy, who put it on and handed the maps and the scooter thing to Nami before walking over to robin and setting the bag at her feet, "What's in there?" she asked, Zeus grinned "Well as i'm sure you can tell, that skeleton you're holding is over 200 years old and the ship was called the St. Briss." Zeus opened the bag and said "And I got you all the books inside it." Robin was shocked and dropped the skeleton, immediately grabbing the bag of books before running to the girl's rooms, leaving Zeus frozen. Zeus recovered after hearing Sanji laugh and snapped his head in Sanji's direction saying "Oi love cook you makin' fun of me?" Sanji sneered as he exhaled smoke and said "So what if I am, Ugly." Zeus snapped "YOU SHIT COOK DID YOU JUST CALL ME UGLY?!" Sanji screamed back as they touched foreheads, "YEA I DID! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT, YOU MASKED FREAK!" Zeus growled and yealled "I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR DAMN LEGS YOU CURLY BROWED BASTARD!" Sanji was about to retort when a loud cymbal sound was heard. Everybody turned to the noise and saw a man that looked extremely similar to a monkey, shouting at them "Hey you guys stay there!" The giant ship came closer and stopped next to them, on the ship was a giant monkey with cymbals "Well that explains the cymbal sound" Sanji said, the man jumped from his boat and landed on the Merry and said "Who are you guys? Don't you know this is my sea area? Are you stealing my salvaging business?" before looking at Luffy and saying "And you where did you get that?" Luffy just blinked and said "You look like a monkey." the man rubbed the back of his head and said "Yea? You really think so?" Luffy nodded and said "I got this armor from a boat that fell from the sky." the man rubbed his chin and said "The sky huh?" Zeus had enough of the conversation that was obviously going nowhere fast and said "Oi monkey-man, first of all who are you and second of all do you know how to get to Sky island?" the man said "My name is Masira, Salvager extraordinaire! And I don't know about no sky island but I know a guy that might. He's on and island named Jaya." Zeus nodded and said "You have a eternal pose for that place I assume? And can we have it?" Masira nodded and said "Sure I have a ton of them I lose them a lot when I'm diving." Zeus caught the eternal pose and threw it to Nami before slapping Masira on the shoulder and saying "Ya know you're not too bad of a guy, monkey-man!" Masira said "You guys aren't to bad yourselves!" Zeus, Luffy, and Masira all laughed together and started doing a dance, Nami smacked her forehead and was about to say something but the sky turned dark and everybody saw a huge silhouette, before anybody could get a good look, Ussop shouted "Monster!" and everybody rowed the Merry as fast as they could before stopping a distance away. Zeus had stopped his shenanigans and looked at the rest of the crew and said "Um guys?" everybody turned to him, he sighed and said "Why did you guys just row away from a shadow?" seeing that everyone was confused, he pointed to the sky and said "If there's an island in the sky, that means there's people on the island and since they're closer to the sun, their shadows are bigger when they show up where we are." Everybody realized what they had just done and looked embarrassed, Zeus shook his head, chuckled and said "Let's just get to Jaya ya damn clowns." before walking to Robin's room, knocking on the door and walking in.

Zeus walked into Robin's room to see her sitting on her bed with her back against the wall and her knees bent, her shoes were off and Zeus got a good look at her legs and feet and was in a daze just staring at her, Robin was a bit embarrassed and coughed "Did you need something Zeus?" Zeus recovered and slid his mask to the side of his head to rub his nose, with a blush running across his face and said "We're going to Jaya to find a guy who might know about sky island, anyway how are the books?" Robin giggled at his shy face and said "They're good," she paused and squeaked out "Thank you." Zeus' entire face went red as he mumbled "Yeah n-no problem before covering his nose and moving his mask back over his face and walking away, Robin giggled again and could've sworn she heard him say "Great now she thinks you're like that stupid love cook, nice job dumbass" she shook her head and went back to reading with a small smile on her face.

A while later, they finally reached Jaya. Zeus said "Alright everyone be careful there's a lot of shitty pirates here and fights could happen at any time I'd rather you not fight but do what you have to, but hey i'm a marine listen to me if you want or don't at all." he chuckled and turned to Robin then extended his hand, she smiled and grabbed it and they both flashed away. Nami sighed and told Ussop, Chopper, and Sanji to watch the ship while she, Luffy, and Zoro were going to find information on sky island, Masira said that he was going to wait for his crew somewhere else.

Zeus and Robin flashed into town almost smashing into a huge guy with a luchadore mask, Zeus glared at the man while holding Robin's hand and said "Watch it!" The huge man sneered and said "What are you gonna do about it Kid?" Zeus sneered as he lifted his free hand that was crackling with lightning and saying "I'm gonna cave your fucking face in Jesus" and smashed his hand into Jesus' face sending him flying through several buildings before turning to Robin and winking "Pretty manly eh?" Robin giggled and said "I thought you said don't fight if not necessary?" Zeus froze and coughed before saying "Me? Saying that? Nah, must've been someone else." before leading her towards a clothes store, while she was laughing covering her mouth.

Robin tried on several different clothes and bought a bunch of them, with the approval of Zeus who, mind you, gave a thumbs up to pretty much everything she tried on. Zeus paid and carried all the bags and the lady at the counter said to Robin "You're lucky to have such a boyfriend" Robin's face turned red and Zeus chuckled and said to the lady "I know right? Not everyday you find such a handsome and caring man such as myself. I have to say, i'm quite the catch." Robin slapped his shoulder and the lady chuckled before Zeus and Robin left the store and walked through the town before Robin pulled him into a store herself and made him by a bunch of shirts and shorts, despite him saying that he doesn't need any, she told him that he can't always walk around half naked and he finally relented buying the shirts and shorts she chose before they paid and left the store walking on the streets again. Robin stopped and said "Can you give me some money, i'll be right back." Zeus asked "For what?" Robin said "I'm gonna find information on sky island" Zeus was skeptical but still gave her money and she said "Wait right here, i'll be right back" Zeus agreed and she disappeared into the crowd. Zeus was standing still looking around, when his head exploded and reformed, he snapped his head in a certain direction and flashed on to a roof, across from him was a man holding on to a smoking rifle, he had a funny hat and glasses but one of the lenses was a scope, Zeus sneered and said "Ah so it's you Van Augur, one of Blackbeard's fate freaks might I ask you why you thought it would be fun to blow my head off? Or was it just fate that happened to pull the trigger?" Van Augur looked at Zeus and spoke "I saw what you did to Jesus and while he is a moron, he happens to be a crew mate." Zeus looked surprised and said "Wow you're not spewing your fate garbage at me? That's new." Van Augur was silently looking for an escape and Zeus continued as he stepped closer to Van Augur "You know, I think you spared me from your fate nonsense because you know if you piss me off, I'll end your miserable life, am I right?" Van Augur gulped, he never felt this kinda of fear in his life, usually he can stay calm in any situation but what he felt from Zeus was like an abyss, one wrong move and death is the only outcome. Van Augur nodded and Zeus chuckled and mused "Hmm maybe I should just end your life right now, after all leaving you alive would be endangering other people, what do you think?" as Zeus slowly lifted his hand and lighting started swimming around it, he cocked back as the lighting on his fist got more violent and was about to send Van Augur to the afterlife when he heard "Zeus! Where are you?" Zeus put his hand down and sneered "You're pathetic life was spared today, call it 'fate' doing it's last favor for you, next time I see you, I'll personally send you to hell." and he flashed away, leaving Van Augur collapsed on the ground with his whole back drenched in a cold sweat as he mumbled "Monster.."

Zeus flashed back in front of Robin surprising her as he said "Hey beautiful miss me?" Robin rolled her eyes and said "Yea yea you're handsome, happy?" Zeus grinned and replied "Extremely." Robin giggled and and asked "Where did you go?" Zeus said with an annoyed tone "Some idiot decided to blow my head to pieces and I went to teach him a lesson, what about you did you get your information?" Robin nodded and handed him a bag saying "Yup got a guy called Montblanc Cricket and something else too" Zeus grabbed the bag and started walking back to the Merry, Robin looked at him and said "You're not gonna open it?" Zeus looked at her confused and said "Open what?" Robin frowned and said "The bag I just gave you, idiot, what else?" Zeus blinked and chuckled "I thought you went to buy underwear or something I wasn't gonna look through your things, but I guess if you want me to see what they look like so bad I'll take a look." Robin was annoyed, and Zeus opened the bag and looked inside, when he looked he froze "What's this?" he said, Robin was a bit nervous and said "Well you're so nice to me and you bought me all my clothes so I thought i'd get you something, if you don't like it i'll just go return it, it won't be a prob-" Zeus cut her off with a hug and said "I love it." Robin's face was red but she could tell that Zeus lost his whimsical attitude and was serious at the moment, Zeus stepped back, took a deep breath going back to his usual self and said "Anything from a beauty like you is great!" He turned and started walking back to the Merry, Robin sighed and felt that she did something wrong, she told herself to just ask later as she followed him back to the Merry.

Zeus and Robin reached the Merry and walked on the deck, Robin noticed that Luffy and Zoro had cuts and bruises all over their bodies and Nami was seething, Zeus walked right passed them too immersed in his own thoughts to notice. Robin watched Zeus walk down towards her room and turned to Nami asking "What happened?" Nami went off about how Zoro and Luffy were getting made fun off and beat up and how they didn't do anything about it and how they made fun of her for mentioning sky island and how embarrassed she was. Robin took all this in and looked at Luffy and Zoro confused as to why they would take a beating from anyone, Luffy cut Nami off and said "Who cares what they said they're losers and plus me and Zoro aren't even hurt, they weren't strong enough to hurt us, so why fight back. You know Shanks did the same thing when I was a kid and I reacted the same why you did Nami, but my brother told me 'That guy is nothing to Shanks, he can destroy him in a second, that guy didn't even know who shanks was. That guy only has a small bounty and Shanks is one of the 4 strongest people in the New World why would he care what some nobody thinks? When you become the Pirate King are you gonna go looking for everyone who insulted you?' It's the same thing here, it's just not worth it." Nami blinked and said "Ace really said that?" Luffy shook his head and said "Not Ace, my blood brother, Zeus." Luffy sighed and said with a sad expression "I haven't seen him for 10 years granpa told me he died" Robin gasped and her eyes were wide open with shock, Luffy continued "But I can feel him, I don't know where he is but I know he's alive, and I'm gonna find him. He's our Crew mate after all." Nami was confused and asked "What do you mean?" everybody else turned to Luffy as he said "When we were kids granpa separated us because it was too dangerous to stay in Foosha village something about the World Government, I don't remember, anyways before he left we made a promise that when he was strong enough he'd come back and join my crew as my first mate." Zoro froze and Luffy looked at him "Well that was then Shishishishi you're still first mate Zoro, Pirate rules are you have to fight for it when he gets here" Zoro gave Luffy an eager grin and Nami asked "What's he like?" Luffy thought for a second and said "Well we look exactly the same, we're twins! And he has the same scar as me but on the other side and that's all I remember" Robin covered her mouth and Nami said incredulously "You're twins?!" Luffy nodded and grinned and said "He's also brothers with Ace but when we we're really young he used to hate me." Nami asked why, and Robin let a sigh of relief because she wanted to know too, Luffy said "I don't know he would always be upset and say that I wasn't his real brother and that he was alone, he would always stay in the forest and only come back to our house when it was time for food. One day he told me that he hated me and pushed me to the ground, and I saw a snake was about to bite him and I pushed him out of the way and the snake bit me instead, I almost died and when I woke up he was standing next to me crying and apologizing ever since then he's always protected me and never let me get hurt, sometimes when I get hurt he would go on a rampage, only gramps was able to calm him down those times. He's really strong. I was only barely able to beat him after I got my devil fruit." The rest of the crew minus Robin were horrified, Ussop muttered "Another monster, looks like its gonna be the monster four." Zoro and Sanji were excited and Robin shook her head and walked to her room.

In her room, Zeus was sitting down with his mask off and next to him, holding on to another mask and just blankly staring at it, he didn't even notice Robin walk in. Robin closed the door and sat down next to him before saying "Did I do something wrong?" Zeus was silent for a moment before saying "Robin." She tensed up "Do you believe in reincarnation?" Robin relaxed and blinked before saying "You mean dying and being born again? I guess it's plausible but it's impossible to prove-" before she froze and looked at Zeus, he was still staring at the mask and said "I'm the proof, and did you know, in both my lives, I had never gotten a single gift from anybody?" Robin looked at Zeus and felt a bit sad for him, he continued "In my first life both my parent died when I was extremely young, and I was sent to live with my aunt, who beat me and my cousins who hated me, when I was sixteen I got a job and moved out living on my own, it was fine for a bit, the landlord was nice enough and I had a dry place to call home. Maybe a year after, I finally had a stable job and was making enough to find a better place, I was killed. After that I was born again into what you see now." Zeus got up grabbed his kitsune mask and gave the other one back to Robin and said "I know you probably think i'm a freak and are mad at me for lying, as such I'll leave you alone, i'm sorry Nico Robin." He walked out of the door, Robin was stunned and ran after him and grabbed him and said "Stop!" Zeus turned around, Robin continued "Come with me." She dragged him back to her room and slammed the door and pinned him against it, ripped his mask off and yelled at him "You're all nice to me, you accept me for who I am, you buy me clothes, you make me laugh, you make the rest of the crew accept me, and you have the balls to walk out on me, saying that I think you're a freak?! Why are you playing around with me?" Robin sobbed a bit, Zeus was stunned and anxious as he stammered "R-Robin i'm not playing around with you! I really do like you, I like you a lot! You're beautiful, smart, funny, and dark and I just don't want to upset you! You're not like every one else!" He grabbed her face with his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs as he looked her in the eyes and said "You're completely different! You really make me happy, just being with you is amazing and I don't deserve it for hiding the truth from you, I-" Robin kissed him, Zeus' eyes shot wide open. Robin pulled back and looked him in the eye and said "Don't you ever say that you don't deserve anything ever again, do you understand me?" Zeus' brain was over loaded at the moment, and he just nodded dumbly, Robin noticed and giggled, as she said "Stop standing there like a statue and try on the mask I got you." Zeus was still somewhat shocked as his nose started bleeding as he mumbled something about soft lips, Robin giggled and pushed him out of the way and left the room. Zeus stood in the room staring blankly before a silly grin appeared on his face as he said to himself "Damn look at me, I just got a dream wife. Heh, gramps is gonna kill me when he finds out." before looking at the mask and grabbing his bags and walking towards the bathroom to take a shower, whistling on the way, he didn't even notice the ear and eyes that were on the wall in Robin's room.

A while later, Zeus came out to the deck and made his way to the group, as they dropped anchor on another part of Jaya in front of a house that had a cardboard cut out of a mansion strapped to the front of it. "Hey guys! Is this that cricket guys house?" Everybody turned to look at him and Luffy said "Who are you?" Zeus sighed and slapped Luffy's head "I just changed clothes and got a new mask and you don't recognize me?" Robin chuckled and looked over at what Zeus was wearing. He had the same sandals on with black swimming shorts and a dark purple button up short sleeved shirt with white flower petals on it, his shirt was completely unbuttoned and showed a part of his scar and a part of his tattoo on his chest. His white hair was still messy but somehow looked as soft as a cloud and he had a different mask on, the new mask was the one that Robin bought for him, it was black but had sharp white teeth with two teeth on the top that curled outwards pointing down and two teeth on the bottom that curled outwards pointing up, along with two white horns at the top. Robin thought he looked really good, the rest of the group thought other wise. Nami screeched "What happened to your fox mask?" Zeus chuckled and said "I changed it out, this one is more important to me, why?" nobody noticed Robin blushing, while Nami continued "You look scary that's why!" Robin frowned and Zeus growled "Listen Nemo I don't tell you, you look scary when you don't wash your face in the morning so back off." Nami was embarrassed, while the rest of the group laughed and Robin smiled at Zeus, who saw her and winked, she quickly turned her head to look somewhere else, Nami caught the interaction and covered her mouth and shuffled over to Zeus and whispered "OH! Why didn't you just say it was a gift from my sister-in-law?" She gave Zeus a shit-eating grin and he whispered back "Because your sister-in-law is shy and doesn't want anybody else to know she's a big softie." He stopped and said to the ear on his shoulder "Isn't that right, sweetheart?" and softly blew into it causing it to disappear into petals. Nami and Zeus both turned to look at Robin who was walking away towards Cricket's house with a red face, a mouth grew on Zeus' shoulder and said "You're gonna pay for that." Zeus froze, as Nami chuckled evilly, Zeus glared at her and said "I'm fucked" and the mouth spoke again "Yes you are, and you as well 'sister-in-law'" Nami froze as Zeus laughed at her and shifted his mask a bit and quickly kissed the lips on his shoulder, the lips quickly disappeared as Zeus licked his own and moved his mask back and followed after the group grabbing Nami and dragging her along.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

So kind of a long chapter, I was kinda caught off guard as I didn't expect to write about Zeus and Robin's relationship quite yet but whatever it happened anyway don't expect a lemon for a while. I made a decision that he's not going to mention that he knows the future because they are all characters in a book/manga/anime but he will reveal that he was reincarnated. Um sorry and your welcome? sigh* I can't please everybody my apologies.

Next time end of jaya and start of skypeia.

I'm gonna take a break for a bit and write again later expect another chapter tonight most likely late as it took me like 5 hours to write this counting in distractions, bathroom etc. but it's still a respectable 5.2K words

Leave a comment/review if you liked it or Robin will literally snap your spine in half

Zeus: Oi my wife isn't a psychopath you shitty author

Robin: He's right author-san, I only do that when necessary

... Am I supposed to feel better hearing that?

Zeus & Robin: Yeah


next chapter
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