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15.15% Twins of the Sea / Chapter 5: Beginning of the Adventure I

Capítulo 5: Beginning of the Adventure I

Zeus thought learning the Six powers would be easy, considering it was so easy for Luffy and his crew to copy in the anime, but boy was he wrong. It was hard, EXTREMELY HARD. It also didn't help Zeus that Garp found his seastone cuffs and made his train with them on at all times, only giving him back the keys when he was going to train his devil fruit powers. Zeus asked Garp if he could only learn a couple of the Six powers as he saw no need for some of them like Kami-E for example or Tekkai, he's a Logia, he didn't need a way to make his skin iron because he could only be hit by Haki or seastone. Zeus reasoning was "If i get hit with a Haki punch no Tekkai is going to block that." Garp understood and he didn't use Tekkai either, and so Zeus started the excruciatingly long training of the other 4 of the Six powers namely Soru, Geppo, Shigan, and Rankyaku. Zeus' training was even tougher than before as he not only had to wear seastone cuffs but also had to deal with Garp throwing him into the jungle to use the techniques again beasts until he successfully mastered all 4 of them. Zeus also didn't slack on his devil fruit training either, well whenever Garp gave him the keys that is, and so he trained for a looong time.

3 years later

On a marine ship heading for Loguetown, Smoker was standing at the head of the ship with his Captain jacket on smoking 2 cigars as usual, and standing next to him was a young man. The young man was 17 years old with white hair, he had a kitsune mask on his face that had a cut over the left eye hole and red detailing, the young man was 5'10, wearing only a Lieutenant jack drapped over his shoulders, swimming shorts that ended just above his knees and straw sandals, he didn't have a shirt on and his upper body was clearly seen, he had extremely chiseled muscles but that was not all, on his left arm was a dragon tattoo that started from his lower forearm where the tail was and coiled up his arm on to the back of his shoulder, over his shoulder and onto his left chest where the head of the dragon was, it was blue resembling an Azure dragon but it had lightning crackling around it, and on his right chest were 3 claw shaped scars that ran from top right of his chest to the middle of his abs diagonally. The young man was naturally Zeus, who got his Lieutenant position through his bet with Smoker "So Smokey you're going to stay in Loguetown huh? Kinda seems irrelevant considering we should be 'chasing' pirates not waiting for them to come to us." Zeus said as he looked at Smoker "Also do you have anymore cigars I ran out of cigarettes" he finished with a chuckle. Smoker looked at Zeus and dug out a cigar from his coat and handed it to Zeus and said "A lot of pirates stop at Loguetown seems like it's tradition we'll catch a lot more here." Zeus took the cigar snapped his fingers to create a current between them, and lit his cigar, shifting his mask ever so slightly to smoke and shook his head "Smokey I've known you for 3 years and I can safely say that I know you don't like this why did you take this job?" Smoker turned his head to look at a girl with glasses cleaning her sword sitting next to him on the opposite side Zeus was and sighed "First of all what i said about catching more pirates is true, we can protect this town from them but.." he trailed off and whispered " You think Tashigi is ready for the grandline?" Zeus stared at Smoker and gave him a shit eating grin that was visible because he shifted his mask "Eh? I get it concerned about Tashigi? Thought you liked Hina type girls or Hina herself SHISHISHISHI" Zeus whispered back causing a tick mark to appear on Smoker's forehead before he continued "Don't worry Smokey your secrets safe with me, but I gotta say tough luck for Hina, I can tell she likes you." Zeus shook his head "She'll be devastated." before jumping out of the way and landing on the ships railing, dodging Smoker's jutte while laughing "Shishishishishi Oh? Never though you were shy Smokey?" causing Smoker to chase after him while Zeus laughed his ass off. "GET BACK HERE BRAT!" A resounding "SHISHISHISHISIHSHISHI" sounding in the air as they ran all over the boat.

About a week later in an office at the marine building in Loguetown, Smoker was sitting at a desk going over pirate bounties when heard the door open, he looked up to find Zeus walking towards him "What's up?" Smoker said, Zeus looked at his friend and sat down on a chair pulling out a cigarette, lighting it before digging into his coat and handing a box of cigars over to Smoker "I gotta say the prices for this shit here are ridiculous." Smoker grabbed the box and opened it, took a cigar out and put it in his mouth looking for his lighter "I got it" Zeus said shooting lightning through the tip of the cigar "Thanks." Smoker said Zeus just nodded as he took a drag from his cigarette before blowing out the smoke and speaking "Listen Smokey i know you're not gonna like this but I'm going out of town to explore the sea for a bit." Smoker grunted and looked up at Zeus "We have 2 Logias here and i think you're enough i'll be gone for a week? maybe two but a month max." Smoker leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment before nodding "Fine but you can be a lazy brat i want some results while you're gone." Zeus chuckled "Of course they don't call me 'White Lightning' for nothing you know" Zeus winked and turned to walk out, waving his hand over his shoulder "Smell ya Smokey if i find some nice cigars i'll buy em for ya" Smoker grunted "Stupid brat enjoy your 'vacation'" Zeus let out a laugh and closed the office door.

Zeus walked out of the marine base while thinking to himself 'he should be around Shells town no?' he bumped into something soft bringing him out of his thoughts "Oh sorry i should've been watching where i was walking." Zeus looked down to find Tashigi right on her ass on the ground, he chuckled as he stretched his hand out "Hey Tashigi, what are you doing on the floor? do you find it more comfortable? shishishishishi" Tashigi blushed from embarrassment before grabbing Zeus' hand letting him pull her off the ground. She straightened her glasses and hair before blushing again as she caught sight of Zeus' bare chest "Sorry Lieutenant Kurama I didn't know you were coming this way." her voice was lower than a mosquito's, Zeus shook his head at this and sighed as he rubbed her head "Listen Tashigi, i'm leaving for a bit take care of Smokey for me." Tashigi pouted as Zeus continued "Also Tashigi, you gotta be tougher if you're gonna be the world's best Swordswoman..." Zeus put on a mysterious smile and finished " Maybe when i get back you'll find someone to surpass" Tashigi looked up at Zeus and said "How long are you gonna be gone for Kurama?" Zeus rubbed the bottom of his mask where his chine should be and said " I don't know maybe a week or two? A month maximum. I already told Smokey, anyway i'll see ya later, glasses." Zeus laughed and whistled causing a cloud to fly down from the sky, he jumped on it before shooting off as Tashigi shouted "STOP CALLING ME GLASSES!" Before blushing at the looks people around her were giving her. "Stupid Kurama, making me yell in the middle of the streets!" she grumbled as she walked into the marine building.

Zeus was currently sitting cross-legged on his cloud looking at a map of the east blue he stole from Smoker's room, he thought it was a shame he didn't get to see Smoker flare up when he notices it's missing. "Let's see, Shell town is that way and i'm going... Fuck me why is it so fucking hard to read these maps i should've brought a navigator.. maybe i'll just kidnap Nami? No that won't work.. hmm whatever i'll just go to Shells town hopefully i'm not late" Zeus zoomed off in a certain direction after deciding.

3 days later

"Is this Shells town?" Zeus spoke as he landed on the ground and got off his cloud sending it back up into the sky. He walked around town and into a bar, he took a seat at a table as a little girl came running over "Hello Big Brother, why do you have a mask on? Are you ugly?" The little girl asked. Zeus looked at the little girl and shook his head "Actually its because i'm a monster and i need to hide my face not to scare little girls like you. What's your name?" The little girl giggled and said "hihihihihihi You're funny big brother my name's Rika, what's your name?" Zeus looked at Rika confirming that he was indeed in Shells town before saying "My name is Zeus but you gotta keep that a secret, you can call me Kurama." Rika looked confused "Why do i have to keep it a secret big brother?" Zeus sighed and replied "Because if people find out who I am i'll be in trouble. Anyways have you seen any pirates around here? One of them was wearing a straw hat and another one had green hair kinda looks like grass?" Zeus asked Rika successfully shifting the topic, Rika nodded and said "Yeah big brother Luffy and big brother Zoro just left a couple hours ago, are you going to catch them? You can't they saved me and my mom!" Rika looked nervous Zeus just laughed "Shishishishsihishi Don't worry Rika i'm not going to catch them i'm going to thank them! For saving a cute little girl like you." Rika giggled and looked relieved "That's good because they saved the town too! Captain Morgan was a big baddie and they beat him up!" Zeus laughed and rubbed Rika's head getting another giggle from her as he stood up "Alright Rika be a good girl I gotta leave now Bye!" Zeus waved to her and left the bar walking towards the marine base while pulling out a Den Den Mushi and making a call. "Smoker here, what is it Kurama?" Zeus chuckled " Can't I call a friend?" Smoker snorted "Not if you want your 'Vacation' shortened" Zeus shook his head and said "Alright, Alright Smokey you win you gotta loosen up Tashigi or Hina aren't gonna like you being so uptight all the time you know?" Smoker growled dangerously "You better have something GOOD brat or i swear to god i'll come get you myself" Zeus chuckled and said "Alright fine, I'm in Shells town reports are that the Captain of the Marine Base here was defeated by rookie pirates and is currently in cuffs in a cell." Smoker simply answered "Why?" Zeus lit up a cigarette and said " Apparently Power got to his head and he's been taxing the civilians while punishing those who don't agree with him got 24 dead marines apparently either killed by him or forced to do it to themselves. See why i said we shouldn't be cooped up in Loguetown?" Smoker was silent for a moment before replying "Got it power hungry idiot i'm sending a boat for transport, anything else?" Zeus blew out some smoke and said "Nope" popping the 'p' "Good Keep up the good work" Smoker said. "As always Smokey, as always." Zeus replied hanging up 'Now I should be going to Orange town.. Ugh where the fuck is that' Zeus grumbled to himself as he called down his cloud and continued his journey.


Orange town

"Gum-Gum BAZOOKA!"

Luffy stretched his arms and slammed them into a mini Buggy sending him flying off with a twinkle.

"Captain Buggy!" Buggy's crew yelled as they scrambled to run away from the boy with rubber powers.

"Well that takes care of that" Zoro said

Luffy turned to an orange haired girl and said "So you ready to be my Navigator now Nami?" the girl in question yelled at Luffy with shark teeth "I'M NOT YOUR NAVIGATOR WE'RE ONLY PARTNERING!" Luffy just laughed "Shishishishi WE GOT A NAVIGATOR!" he yelled before continuing "Now all we need is a cook, a sniper, a doctor, a shipwright, and the most important of all a musician." he finished happily. Nami flared up and said "HOW IS A MUSICIAN THE MOST IMPORTANT" before punching him on the head, surprisingly hurting the rubber boy who said "How can we be pirates if we don't sing?" genuinely confused. Zoro just chuckled as they walked back to the ship.

Zeus was in the air looking around the island before spotting a couple figures namely yellow, green, and orange. He snapped his fingers and muttered "Finally, at least now i wont get lost anymore." he watched his brother and his crew run from the villagers, and sail away as he followed them on his cloud. Zeus thought that it was a short distance between Orange town and Gecko Island where Syrup village was, boy was he wrong it took almost 2 days! Zeus was getting bored until he finally saw land and was relived of his boredom when he noticed a long nosed boy jumping out of the bushes on top of a cliff.


Nami was not impressed as she said "You're lying I don't even think there are 80 thousand people on this island." Ussop looked at her wide eyed before exclaiming "She found out!" Nami shook her head "You just admitted it." Ussop started shaking and pulled his slightshot back as he aimed at them "Maybe i dont have 80 thousand but i have 800 of them" Luffy pulled down his hat as he said "Now that you've drawn your weapon are you willing to use it?" Ussop starting shaking.

Meanwhile in the air Zeus watched with interest and chuckled "maybe ill add a bit more dramatic effect."

Luffy continued "Guns aren't for threats, they're for killing" before pausing and looking up with his hat still shadowing his eyes "Are you willing to risk your life?" Thunder crackled behind him as lightning stuck down causing Nami to jump and Zoro to look up at the clear skies with an eyebrow up. Ussop witnessed the whole thing and shaking in his boots as he dropped his slingshot and fell to his knees muttering "Scary.." Luffy just started laughing "Shishishsihishishi That was so cool!"

Zeus in the skies burst out laughing at the spectacle before putting a smug grin on and deciding to head into town to eat at a bar. "Looks like i've got great dramatic timing shishishishi" he said to himself while riding his cloud down.

Minutes later Luffy and his crew with Ussop walked in and sat down at a table nearby and started talking about Ussop's dad. Zeus was sitting down and eating while also listening on their conversation when he felt someone was staring at him, he adjusted his mask and looked up to see Nami staring at him, Locking eyes with her he gave her a wink and chuckled and wrote something down on a piece of paper before leaving money and walking away. Nami blushed at his shirtless chest cursing him a thousand times in her mind before standing up and grabbing the paper he left behind and reading it.

'Like what you see? Maybe next time we can swap'

Nami read the note and her whole face turned red before she ripped it up cursing the shamless bastard a million times in her head again.

The man being cursed to hell and back was currently sleeping on the roof of Kaya's mansion waiting for the Strawhats to arrive after all he had nothing to do anyway 'Maybe ill take a quick nap' as he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Next thing he knew he was startled awake by a yell.

"Gum-Gum ROCKET!"

"Fuck me! Almost fell off the roof there" Zeus muttered as he peered over the edge and watched as Luffy smashed into the courtyard with Nami and Zoro in his arms almost laughed his ass of remembering how much that hurt when Luffy would do that to him before he got his devil fruit.

"Hey Ussop! Whatcha doin?" Luffy asked. Ussop almost fell out of the tree he was sitting on as he said "Why are you here? I told you not to come." Luffy just replied "We came to ask for a ship!" before Ussop could answer another voice said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" As a man with slick black hair and glasses with a butler suit that had designs on it that looked like poop on it walked into the courtyard. "I will have to ask you to leave! You are trespassing on private property!" The man said. Kaya looked at the man from the windowsill and said "Actually Klahadore these are my friends I think it's-" Kaya never had the chance to finish as she was interrupted by Klahadore "Miss Kaya I will not allow such pests bother your rest." Kaya shook her head and said "They're not pests Ussop was-" she was interrupted yet again as Klahadore spoke "Ah yes Ussop the village liar here to lie to the young miss with your delusional stories? Or perhaps you were going to tell her how your worthless father left you and your mother to become a criminal, or maybe how he's not your real father?" Ussop shouted at Klahadore "My father is a brave warrior of the sea! Don't you dare insult him!" Klahadore sneered "Oh really? A worthless pirate is a brave warrior? what next are you gonna tell me that he-" He never got the chance to end that statement because Ussop punched him right in the face sending him to the ground "Ussop! Why did you do that?" Kaya cried as she gasped in shock Klahadore fixed his glasses and stood up saying "Hmph a ruffian pretending to be a pirate, worthless. I think you should leave, now." Ussop turned away and said "Yeah we were doing just that, let's go guys." Ussop walked out of the courtyard with Luffy and co right behind him.

Meanwhile Zeus who just witnessed this was absolutely fuming. It took all of his energy to prevent himself from kicking this fake butler's ass. He took a deep breath and jumped from the roof onto the branch Ussop was sitting on earlier startling Kaya, who had tears in her eyes watching Ussop go, and causing Klahadore to narrow his eyes. Zeus looked at Klahadore and snorted before turning to Kaya "Hello miss how are you today?" Kaya was a bit scared because this man who seemingly popped out of nowhere, started talking to her "Um fine? How are you?" Zeus chuckled "Very good miss." before turning to Klahadore and saying "Mister 'Butler' Who do you think you are to talk bad about someones parents like that? Do You know the man you insulted is the Sniper for one of the most famous pirates on the sea? He is a respected man on his crew and i've heard of crewmates that kill for less." Klahadore had no answer for that so he wisely shut his mouth as Kaya just gasped "Really? Is that true?" she asked, and Zeus just nodded " His Captain is 'Red Haired' Shanks, the Yonko and I can only assume that his crewmates would do that for him. Therefore 'Klahadore' I suggest you watch your filthy mouth before i rip it off of you." Zeus growled that last part narrowing his eyes at Klahadore. "Mister Um.." Kaya started "You can call me Kurama." Zeus said not moving his gaze from Klahadore "Yes mister Kurama, Klahadore was just speaking nonsense he didn't truly mean what he said, right Klahadore?" the man in question just kept silent returning Zeus' gaze with a cold sweat on his back. Zeus turned his gaze away from him to Kaya and gave her a smile "I'm truly sorry for intruding miss, I just couldn't hold myself back when someone insults a man I respect" Kaya felt his smile somehow even though she couldn't see it and felt relieved "It's okay Mister Kurama I understand." Zeus nodded and said "I'll be leaving now miss have a nice day." as he jumped from the branch over the fence and walked away. Kaya looked at his back as his coat , that was draped over his shoulders, floated in the wind and noticed it said 'Justice'. 'He was a marine?' She thought as she shook her head and closed her window.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

HOOO BOY tooke me like 4 hours to write this monster chapter.

3.5K words and not even finished in syrup village next time though well power through syrup and baratie hopefully till the start of arlong park sorry its kinda slow it should ramp up soon.

ALSO tell me what you think of the dialong thats supposed to be canon i know i fucked up a bit i mean who remember everything the anime/manga says all the time NOBODY THATS WHO!

Leave a review and Zeus will trip Sanji so he spills food in Zoro's face

Zeus: HEY IM NOT AN ASSHOLE.. though that WOULD be funny

Zoro: What do you mean?! It's funny because it's not happening to you!

Sanji: Gotta agree with Mosshead here

Zoro: Shut up Love-cook



... I dont even know how they got in here

next chapter
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