Tsukune one look at this guy and you think average but truth be told he is more powerful than a vampire and he knows cause his powers were awakened by a fight with one when he was ten see tsukune can harness the power of the sun and use it to revamp his own strength with the power of the sun even at nite. It's called sun breathing after this tsukune began training he learned kung fu karate kickboxing and boxing he had learned many useful muves like dragon punches tornado kicks elbow and kne strikes and rushing body blows along with his ryujin move a power full sun aura groundpound punch that released a burst of sunlight sun breathing also gives tsukune. The strength to battle monsters as the fluxing of his lungs gives his muscles the power of the sun allowing him to move at speeds and jump at hight's that only superheroes in fiction can move and jump. He was now on his way to the school of yo-Kai academy when the bus driver spoke up. Hey kid you heading to yo-Kai academy.yes Tsukune said. well I must I must inform you that's one scary ass school.😯 well I'm not afraid tsukune said I've seen some scary ass shit sense I was five. Tsukune said tsukune had been targeted by multiple monsters because his power is said to turn any monster into a god if the kill him it's given him a complex.
after ariveing on the school grounds tsukune walked through the woods when he heard a noise and the turned to see a bat he turned around and wham!. He fell to see a girl with pink hair land in front of him every sense in his body screamed run away but he was somewhat drawn to her hey Are you okay. Oh I'm so sorry I just got dizzy from anemia oh then here tsukune said giving her a donut from his bag but then his nose bleed from the damage he took.from her bike her mouth twitched oh no I mustn't but that smell I'm sorry because I'm a vampire. Cappachu! 😖
you bit me tsukune said. Oh I'm sorry no it's not so bad actually it felt like a hicky. She blushed. So um are you. Estranged to vampires. The way I see it hate the person not the creature.oh thank you 😊. So then it's alright to be friends my names moka akashiya by the way. I'm tsukune,tsukune aono.. later in class okay let's go over the rules first off this school is dedicated to preserving the bonds between monsters as our selves and humans. So rule#1no revealing your true form#2 one school grounds remain in your human forms if not you'll be expelled 😊.
hey teacher wouldn't it be better if we just killed the human men and raped the women. Well that could cause lynching so no. well I smell a Humana day I smell an asshole tsukune thought. To describe human scent think hamburger meat strawberries and pheromones yeah that's about right.🤣 suddenly moka came in and apologized for being late.sorry I'm late my names moka akashiya.every boy be like🦴🍌. You may sit next to aono San. Tsukune. She glommed him. Tsukune decided to torture the boys hello darling.I he teased gah don't do that tsukune moka whined. Tsukune and moka left holding hands. Oh hell no. Saizo thought. Later tsukune and moka were drinking juices by the schools parkways. When saizo came out. And grabbed our hero. Tsukune no! Moka cried. Leave him alone why don't you ditch this loser and go out with a real man. He said. Tsukune speak up while sun breathing. I believe she should go out with me thanks man. You retarded little fucker at that moment tskune landed a knife hand chop to his temple knocking him out. Cmon let's go moka tskune you must be trained in martial arts to win a fight like that. Tsukune laughed I've had a few karate lessons and Kung fu teachers. Tsukune said.but I mostly fight with my fists so I'm trained in an ancient art called rough and tumble. It's like what you see in cowboy movies in the brawl fights with some moves in wrestling that's banned now like mandible claws and punts.later they went to the dorms and found that their dorm rooms were next door look tsukune were neighbors .are you sure your not a crazy obsessed fan girl 😉. Kyah tsukune don't say things like that.!😕 tsukune be like😂. I'm just teasing 😉. Anyway see you tomorrow. Tsukune was out by the school when he saw moka waiting for him.tsukune huh. She tsukune had a bag. What's wrong tsukune I'm sorry moka I like you but I can't get close to you or you'll die. What do you mean ? Do you know what I am. Don't tell me your human tsukune. I am but that's not what I'm talking about have you heard the legend of the Demi god hamon. He asked huh he was a half human half Egyptian god. But he was the target of the forces of set and the demon Lilith so at night his father the sun aten gave him a power that can obliterate any creature of the night. It's named after him but it's amciant name means sun breathing. She looked stunned and you you drank my blood even though it felt good and you didn't die from it it still can kill you if your not a day walker. So I must leave you for your safety so please under stand😭 goodbye moka and tsukune ran off. No tskune wait moka ran off after him but lost track of him in the woods suddenly saizo came out hey sexy forget about him.sorry I'm busy right now how's bout getting busy with my tru form I'm an orc gah moka was slung to the tree behind her. Tsukune help. A couple minutes befor tsukune felt a familiar feeling the same as he always felt. When someone was going to die then he neared her cry out his name moka damn it.he sprinted across the woods comping in contact with them he ducked down and breathed in as the sun's. energy filled his right hand he ducked down sprang up and preformed the gazzel punch that nearly cleaved off the orcs head. When it came in contact with the tree next to him it blew up in flame. What the fuck. Tsukune turned around and took the karate shokiyu stance then dashed upto him and landed a spinning roundhouse kick.bam the kick knocked him into the a tree moka he called please be alright tsukune remove my Rosario tsukune did so and suddenly she transformed her hair grew longer and turned silver her body became much more developed. Her canines became fangs and her eyes were red with reptilian slits for pupils. Tskune focused most of his energy into his fist witch moka saw and was shocked to see tsukune smash the ground with his fist and send a shock wave towards the orc ryujin. He roared that's eight extremities fist. A bat said. Then moka finished saizo off with a flying roundhouse kick. Know your place. She said. Then she turned to tsukune she got a seductive smile well now sun breather I could enjoy this she said as she pushed him down on the ground.she straddled him and unzipped his pants. And saw how big tsukune's manhood was she slid it into her and began rotating her hips tsukune she said draping her arms over his necki'm yours lord of light.she said and bit him. Mm.tsukune had lost control and he sucked her neck. Oh god tsukune moka cried he began thrusting into her as he began messaging her thighs and he. Moved his tongue in her mouth licking her fangs she suddenly cried out as the he made her climax. Oh god. She said. Suddenly tsukune began thrusting again no tsukune ,if you do that,while I'm ,sensitive I'll come again they both reached their orgasm in a climax. ☺️ Thank you tsukune. She said sweetly with a look of true euphoria . On her face she and tsukune snuck into their dorms and quickly showered
then tsukune walked over to her place as he found the human moka opening the door he looked ashamed and asked moka do you hate me.🥺. No tsukune I love you you're my first and only when vampires mate it's like marriage it's for life but I'm so sorry she did that to you she was just letting you know you can stay here you don't have to leave you can stay. I'm so happy I'm going to wanh!.he cried moka I love you so much.
Hoped you liked that last bit smut and fluff
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