Date: Mörsugur 9th, 999. (Alt: 22nd Dec, 999 AD.) Location: Götaland (Ancient Sweden.)
Their talk continued throughout the afternoon, it was close to 9 PM from both time scales at this point and Heath continued talking about the plan for this structure.
"And I may be stepping out of bounds with all the help you have given us, but couldn't you alter our bodies to host magic like yourself? We could learn to harness it and will the processes much like your own." Gorm asked, fully uninfluenced but still showing full trust.
"I do not understand what causes our bodies to run with magic, whether they are an aspect of the soul or a physical property like 'magicules' within the body. So I will study it for further insights, and I couldn't inscribe runes onto your body as that may be too painful or could lead to unintended consequences. Like an illness or a buildup of magic that could lead to poisoning or an internal explosion." Heath's hypothesizing was understood, so they stopped with that train of thought. They thought of another plan instead that may work.
"How about a foci? A type of object that could absorb ambient magic and allow for others to cast that specific spells from their knowledge or ingrained sorcery from them that are of a basic nature that do not require carriable materials?" Heath's first suggestion was said.
"That would be good, but we do not understand much about magic and we would need direct training on the usage of intent from your showings, as we personally believe a hands on experience is something that not even your devices could provide, so it would be best for after, once we have time. But that would be perfect to start up much of our industry. We will note it down for later." Jorg responds with a more intelligent tone than usual, Gorm was surprised of his words but showed happiness that they had better influences around him.
"Then how about an artifice with my machinery? Those are called 'robots' or 'automata' for short." Heath asks them. "Automata, I like that word. Like the golden boar Gullinbursti? The one made by Brokkr and Eitri and given to Freyr." Gorm asks, intrigued by the implications.
"That one was made with simple commands and magic, that would be called a 'golem' instead. But it works for my reasoning. I will make hybrid golems then!" Heath was giddy, forgetting to even think of that possibility. "How do you suggest I make them? Mennskr-like or more animal?" Heath became fully committed to this plan. "I would suggest a mixture of both, works for all realms." Hervor suggests in the background, everyone nods. Hervor went quiet and was thinking quite hard at one point, which was noticed by Heath.
"What's wrong?" Heath asks, hoping it is nothing serious. "Just thought I need to check on my boys, they may be men now but I got to make sure nothing serious happened while they are by the temporary campsite. They can be quite profuse." Hervor told them.
"I can create a portal that connects to the portal by the camp, creating a three-way system. So you can walk by the farm and the entrance as necessary, the jog you did took over an hour, after all. Surprised you could even run that fast over such a long distance, by the way." Heath was honestly quite freaked out that they could run over a flat land as large as some of the largest modern countries before he went to pick them up halfway through. "You felt like death, of course we would run to check on you." Gorm thought it was normal for new family.
"Felt, not looked, I thought you saw me 'shrink' as you put it?" Heath was wondering how they came to that conclusion. "You have. . . A certain experience around you, that tells of your current feelings and your occurence. Like a forest with no predators." Gorm explained.
"Much like the willed perspective you provided, really. Your aura appears as if you do not want to threaten others and be inviting, even with your intimidating stature, much like a tall tree canopy. You feel like you would be a good friend for others to be around or with. You also talk like how birds would happily chirp, though under a much greater tone. A forest that has predators has no sound to it from our experience. We could feel your quiet, eerie fatigue from such a distance. Breathing us down." Gorm's comprehensive analysis stunned Heath.
"I never thought of it like that, guess I am still new to my powers." Heath's mumbled response caused the others who heard to crack into smiles. "You are younger than a few of us. Makes sense." Gorm's relaxed response caused a few chuckles from them.
"Well, there is much more I haven't told you yet. I only got this level of power recently during my travels, thanks to the help of another Mennskrðrútan named Brijga." Heath explicated. "Before or after the travel during the void to us?" Gorm's question wasn't invasive to his privacy, which Heath was grateful for. "After, the same time I came to this realm you know as your home." Heath's response made all of them silent. "And following your scale, you learnt to do all of this in a few days? For the nine realms. . ." Eirikr's response was mild surprise.
"I have much more to learn. And will continue doing so to help every one else." Heath gave a perfect response, showing how he felt. "Of course you will, you always do. Paraphrasing your words: 'Let me guess, world advancement?'" Hervor copied his speech pattern.
"Precisely. And there is much more to do, I will show it all once I have the time. Though, we have only 2 days left before your son comes back, Gorm. So I've got to move quickly now." Heath's voice was urgent, almost pleading to be let go to do this work. Gorm didn't hold him to this, only sighing as he knew Heath is doing this because he felt useless. "Fine, just don't knock yourself unconscious." Gorm responds pointedly. "Okay, then." Heath sounded relieved, yet also thankful. They thanked him as usual with positive tones while he left.
Heath flew off by the main gate of the (forest farm) to create a portal from the template, soon connecting it to the other gate by the main entrance and to the original Völsung Territory. Then flies up to the ceiling to reinforce the runes for extra protection.
Without Heath's hearing in the way. "Do you think he is sane after spending so long in the void, as he put it?" Gorm asks the ragtag group. "He is doing his best, spending so long in that unknowable place would make anyone go insane, I understand why he says 42 Winters old is his age, but in reality, my guess is his age is in the thousands." Jorg responds with a number he would not normally use, having a hard time pronunciating it. "But we will go with a realm count, that just makes it complicated." Hervor's response was agreed upon.
"I'll move to see my sons now that the portal is ready. I will see you soon, Lord Völsung. Goodbye, everyone." Hervor responded with respect and a happy tone to the others, then travelled through the portal briskly to meet up with her children. Even if they were adult men.
"While I was surprised he was able to make us more emotionally susceptible. I am happy to be a friend of his either way, he understood what he did and fixed that mistake after all. Though, I wish we could have met Behsa, Elias and Joe from his home realm. They sounded friendly." Gorm accepted Heath's version of his 'story' that he travelled to Minecraft as the second realm. But, Heath still gave them his true feelings on the matter of his travels as part of the truth from when he travelled across the void, working in hand with his tale.
He more than deserved their friendship to stifle his episodes. "We will help reduce his loneliness, we believe he requires it to help feel like Mann. Otherwise, we would not be worthy of all the help he's provided." Eirikr's response after Gorm's solidifies this belief.
"How much Blót (Shamanic) and Seiđr (Kvenna (Woman) associated) Magic do you think he knows?" Gorm's question was easily solved. "I see no entrails or many of the common materials or 'songs' used for their preparation, so my guess is either none, or he had no time to think of it." Jorg responded this time, being one of the few to know of the Vísendakona, Vǫlur and Seiðkonur (Like the character Seid-Kona.) "We could ask him directly once he is back." Jorg's intention was well-founded, knowing that Heath would respond in kind.
"With all of the different magic systems he's talked about from the lands of 'Alkebulan (Africa)' as he called it, it would be surprising if he didn't know." Gorm stated while holding the tome Heath made, moving to the page with the accurately sketched world map.
"So many lands to explore as well, we are but one small section of a larger world." Gorm dreamed of what these lands would be like, Leif Eriksson hadn't gone to these lands yet, so they did not know of them. "I am surprised to know of people there too, much like our own. With their own cultures and traditions." While not pictured on the map of their 'borders' or names. Gorm understood from Heath's teachings others had travelled to Abya Yala (America) from the Bering Strait close to 29,000 Winters ago through the sunken landmass of Beringia.
A timescale far too long for them to have ever known. "How do you think he has come to know of this?" Jorg asked, wondering if Heath lied about his age or origins. "Probably like foretelling magic, but as magic that peers into the past?" Gorm tried to give benefit to Heath.
They moved through to the next page of the tome, showing other original landmasses before they were sunk, all in a single map. From Doggerland, Kerguelen Plateau, Mauritia, Sahul, Sunda and Zealandia, and their respective dates and times before their untimely flooding below the waves due to the recorded oceans rising. "So much lost land and history. Could you imagine all the people that must have lived there, the millions of lives, the missing gods?" Gorm exclaimed, and then shifted to the next page. Which just gobsmacked them.
A great, articulate design of an unfamiliar world was shown to them. It is one of a singular landmass with few scattered islands around it and a great ocean that spanned most of the area. It was a sight unknown to any of them, yet beautiful in design with new information.
They saw the recording of the first original supercontinent Pangaea. They flipped pages again, this time to Gondwana, then to Pannotia, then to Rodinia, then to Nuna, then to Atlantica (the first island-based Earth.) Then to Arctica, the last example shown was of the two big continents Superia and Sclavia. Once they moved to the next page, they saw some scribbles patched out with black ink from when they saw it, as if it was a rush job to cover some unknown information. All the names, dates and how they formed were notified.
The scribbles of this world appeared closer to a blotch of ink in the middle of a circle than any variable system. And the writings beside it were hurried and unfinished, as if it was undeigned and innacurate. It was even written as such.
"Our lands were once one, many times over. Could you imagine that, the great, vast ocean you could see! What sort of leviathans could have grown in those waters. . . That would be terrifying beyond measure." Gorm couldn't picture the timescale that was billions of winters ago, a number he couldn't have fathomed before, he thought that thousands were the limit. But then he was taught the value of a 'million,' now. . . The developments for geography and history were astonishing and humbling for them.
"Clan Head, this sort of knowledge would make any one understand the vast vicissitudes between our understanding of the world we lived on. And from what is written. Most of it was fully natural. Our world is alive. . ." Eirikr mumbled respectively, which Gorm nodded to.
It was beyond comprehension to them. "This is something I wish to discuss with Heath, otherwise I will have a 'seizure' as Heath would put it." Gorm commented, Eirikr and Jorg's eyes were glazed over from the information overload but nodded nonetheless. "What do you think the people were like back then?" Jorg comments off-handedly. Others thought of it, but something they'd come to know of as evolution would knock their boots off again, much like them knowing their continents were not truly eternal. Making them much wiser for it.
They would learn of it not from the tome Heath is writing but from the runic injectors or other 'buildings' he designed once he institutionalised education, but that would come later. Now, let's focus on Heath's task in making the hybrid golems, which he enjoys tremendously!
They would be the perfect task force to continuously work on the farms, which may also hopefully cause the 'slave' strata to fall out of favour soon as well, as these do not require food or rest. And with it having no free will or emotions, they have no qualms for dirty work.
'A battery system in case they are in a magic-less environment, and to create the circuitry and physical hardware within it to work in tandem with it. Then the hybrid golem will be finished.' Heath's internal planning for the future once he has enough materials is decided.
It was the same height as Heath if you were wondering. But twice as wide as his shoulders, it looked similar to an Iron Golem but without the nose. Its eyes were also responsive. "Golem, your name from now on is Auto-1, collect all materials used in your creation and bring them to me." Heath's instruction was accepted as the sockets representing the golem's eyes shone. Then it began walking to the farms. From there, a template of the golem was used and 99 more were made. Which took until Mörsugur 10th 999. (Alt: 23rd Dec, 999 AD.)
From the look of the sky, it appeared to be 4 AM from both time scales at this point and the finished golems appear like freakish bodybuilders wearing runic stone armour. They are in a single file line. They stared ahead with their shimmering grey eyes, statuesque in nature.
Heath asked Eirikr, Gorm and Jorg to come to see them. They eye upwards towards their heads. Seeing the small unit of soon-to-be workers. "They are bigger than you, wouldn't that be ineffective for more minute tasks?" Gorm questions Heath, which Heath agrees to, knowing that he will create other versions of the golem soon. "They will be good for the construction of the tower, do not worry." Heath answered back. "I know they will, you made them." Gorm's compliment made Heath smile. Soon, he focused back onto the golems.
He imprinted the numbers onto the golems to make it easier to tell for others. Colouring it a contrasting black against their monotone hues. He thought of changing their concrete colouration to represent their different roles, but since it is undecided, that is postponed.
"Auto-1 to Auto-75. Collect all materials and bring them to me by following the schematics, but four times per golem. Auto-76 to Auto-100, stand by." Heath's instructions are made.
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