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Travelling through the multiverse starting with: The Walking Dead Travelling through the multiverse starting with: The Walking Dead original

Travelling through the multiverse starting with: The Walking Dead

Autor: GoldenLineage000

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Body In the woods


Shane: 'I'm so tired of this. Why did everything have to change so quickly?'

Walking around the woods for the nth time, trying to find some food for the camp, Shane hadn't been having the best of luck.

He was having the worst luck. It was almost dark, and he would have to start making it back to the quarry soon. Before that, hopefully with some fresh squirrel.

Shane was mainly worried he would bump into one of the mindless ones that had wandered from the city; although they were away from the city, they were still too close for his liking. Too close to those things. 

After one last look for some food before the end of another unsuccessful day, Shane starting to make his way back to the camp next to the quarry.

A pair of legs poked out from behind a bush down the path to the quarry. Lowering his body to get in a ready stance, Shane raised his gun ready to fire at any moment. He made his way towards the legs.

Getting close enough, he realised that it was a living person. Lying down. In the middle of the forest, seemingly asleep. 

Baffled at the possibility, he looked the person up and down. Trying to gauge if he could take them in a fight. He got closer to check how much of a threat they would be to him.

They were slim. He had a small waist, but there was a clear definition of muscle all over his body. It was a boy. He must be no older than 20. He had the darkest hair Shane had ever seen, wavy around his head.

Suddenly, his eyes shot open. Shane jumped back, ready for anything. The boy's eyes were a captivating light silver with flecks of gold around the iris. 

The boy shoots up off the ground, making Shane raise his gun again. His eyes were calm, almost excited, but other than a tiny flicker in his eyes, no other emotions could be seen on his face.

His eyes landed on Shane, taking in my face and then looking down to the gun in his arms. He ignored the gun and decided to focus on himself. He looked at his clothes and noticed he was still wearing his combat uniform but other than that everything else was gone.

The younger man's lips opened, and a British hymn fell. "So I guess I'm going back to the basics." 

Shane was momentarily stuck after hearing the voice but broke from it almost instantly. Going back on guard he questioned the boy.

Shane: "Who're you? What're you doing so close to our camp?"

The younger man looked back to Shane and the gun in his hands and smirked.

Elliott: "Do you mind putting that down? I don't think it would do you much good against me."

Shane lowered his gun a bit, almost entirely believing the seriousness in his voice. 

Elliott: "Now the next question is, Where are we?" 

Shane: About 20 miles out of Atlanta City. 

Shane looked at the younger man answering his questions without much thought, there was something about this man, it felt like he wouldn't harm him.

Elliott: Interesting. Before this, I was sure I was in a meeting with the US Secretary of Defence before getting pulled away. [He went quiet] So it was true.

After the final words had left his mouth, the air and his eyes turned cold. It felt like the area was freezing and the air felt suffocating.

Shane: Yeh, well I don't know what drugs you're taking but the government has been destroyed. A while ago.

Elliott looked into Shanes' eyes and decided to get more information. 

Elliott: "What happened? Why would the government be destroyed?"

Noticing the cluelessness in the man's expressionless face, Shane decided to fill him in.

Shane: "It started about 2 months ago, the world started dying. Reports of violent crimes spiked drastically and there was news about a virus getting spread. And then people who died started coming back. News shows saying that civilians who died and didn't get their head bashed in were coming back. Some saw it as a miracle from God. But the people came back wrong, they started eating others. Turning into cannibals, and then others who got bit would follow suit. Eventually, everything went down. The government, The electricity, water. The world ended."

Shane looked down. He had come to understand that the world had changed. He was doing his best to catch up and live in this new world. But the others weren't so eager to. They thought he was becoming dangerous, and he could see their distrust.

Elliott saw that Shane had some internal conflict, choosing to ignore it for now, he moved on. He had more to think about. It seemed he was in a post-apocalyptic zombie world.

Elliott: "You said something about a camp. Can you take me there?"

Shane's face turned into suspicion and as he was about to say no Elliott jumped in.

Elliott: "Please I don't know where I am or what is going on and I'm scared"

 Using his well honed acting skills, Elliott begged pitifully, persuading Shane to let him come with.

 Shane: "Fine, we have men, women and children in the camp and if we find out you have done anything to harm them" 

Shane's threat went unfinished as he grew unconfident in being able to commit to the threat.

Elliott put his hands up either side of his head. 

Elliott: "Don't worry, I have a very strong principle. I don't hurt or bother you until you hurt me. It's simple, really."

One of his hands went to his chest, laying over his heart, while the other remained in the air, 3 middle fingers in the air. Elliott's following words came out husky, and his British accent was thick.

Elliott: "Scout's honour"

His mouth stretches across his face into a strong smile. Shane can't help but smile back at him. He walks over and reaches his right hand in between them, his left arm hanging by his side with his shotgun aimed at the ground. 

Elliot reached out to him accepting the gesture.

Shane: I'm Shane. Shane Walsh.

Elliott: Elliott, Elliott Everett. 

When there hands touch and embrace each other, the connection feels warm, unlike anything they have ever felt before. A sharp noise rang in their ears as they were focused on the warmth coming from the other.

[Congratulations to the host for creating his first soul bond. 

Please work hard to solidify the Soul Bond!

Reward: Status panel] 

Elliott: [Raising an eyebrow] Well that's new.

End of chapter. 

GoldenLineage000 GoldenLineage000

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next chapter

Capítulo 2: New Start 


Shane looked at the screen in front of him and was surprised at the magic screen in front of him. 

It claimed he had a Soul Bond with Elliott, the man he just met not 30 minutes ago.

Elliott: "Well that's new."

Shane looked to him expecting him to know what this is.

Elliott: "It seems to be a panel that shows us our status and who we are. Open it up and you will see."

Elliott opened his and Shane followed reading through there panels.

[Status Screen:

Elliott Everett

Young Lord of the Vhaldryn Clan

Age: 19

Health: 100%

Strength: 42/75

Speed: 50/75

Stamina: 56/75

Intelligence: 71/75


Inheritance: Partially Awakened [Please wait until the next world for the awakening]

+ [Click to Expand]


Enhanced speed Lvl 1 [Passive]

+ [Click to Expand]

Enhanced Strength Lvl 1 [Passive]

+ [Click to Expand]

Telekinesis Lvl 1 [Active]

+ [Click to Expand]

King's Aura Lvl 2 [Active]

+ [Click to Expand]

Cold Blooded Lvl 3 [Passive]

+ [Click to Expand]

Acting Lvl 3 [Active]

+ [Click to Expand]

Weapons mastery Lvl 4 [Passive]

+ [Click to Expand]

Leadership Lvl 4 [Passive]

+ [Click to Expand] 

Soul bond: Shane Walsh [Incomplete 11%]

+ [Click to Expand] ]


Shane Walsh

Future Soulmate of the Young Lord of the Vhaldryn Clan

Age: 34

Health: 91%

Strength: 23/75

Speed: 20/75

Stamina: 26/75

Intelligence: 19/75


Inheritance: NON-Awakened [Please wait until the next world for the awakening]


Firearms Lvl1 [Active]

+ [Click to Expand]

Leadership Lvl1 [Active]

+ [Click to Expand]

Psychological Resilience Lvl 1 [Passive]

+ [Click to Expand]

Soul bond: Shane Walsh [Incomplete 11%]

+ [Click to Expand]


Shane looked between his and Elliott's screen and was stunned at the difference between them. Feeling insignificant compared to his potential 'Soulmate?' he didn't know where to look. His incompetence was laid out in front of him.

From beside him Elliott having seen men acting like this before went to reassure him.

Elliott: I wouldn't worry. Compared to most you are actually far ahead, but I guess that was the work of the fates. As they have selected you as this world's champion and declared you qualified to be mine and me be yours, I would never hold your incompetence against you. 

Elliott finished his helpful words with a side-eye glance and a smirk plastered on his face for Shane to see.

Shane deflated even more but pulled himself out his self-deprecating hole. He noticed the shadows around him merging with the faded light, it was night time. 

Shane: We've gotta get to the camp, it's dangerous at night, you can't see them comin'.

He checked himself to make sure he had all his tools on him and hadn't lost anything. Then realisation hit him. He hadn't gotten any food. 

Shane: Ah shit. I couldn't get anything. Lori is going to be pissed. 

Shane knelt down and into himself and rested his head in his palms.

Elliott: Lori? Who's that?

Shane jumped. He heard an undertone in those words. Jealousy maybe? Or even anger? Shane coughs and tries to smooth the topic, not understanding where the conversation to a dangerous turn

Shane: "Um, she is my brother's Wife. He died at the beginning and I promised him to look after them. And they have a son. An amazing kid who's been through so much and has stayed strong. 

Elliott could tell there was something unspoken and he knew what it was. Ever the shit-stirrer who took pleasure out of other's displeasure decided to bring it up.

Elliott: "You're sleeping with her."

Shane fell into a coughing fit. Elliott had just revealed his greatest shame as if he was talking about the weather. 

Elliott looking at Shane found himself enjoying the way Shane was fidgeting at the big reveal, he doesn't care if they were sleeping together, but now that he is here that stops. 

Elliott: "Calm down. I don't care." [Shane flinched] "That was before I came, I can't get angry and hurt everybody you've ever slept with before I got here" [Shane relaxed]. "Well, I could, but I don't have that much free time." [Shane once again flinched at the seriousness of his voice. Elliott walked over to Shane and took his right shoulder into his hand, and pushed him into a tree]. "But let me tell you this". [Elliott's silver eyes darkened, turning serious] "That ends now; whatever you had before with her, that's gone. I don't take kindly to betrayal of any kind."

Shane nodded, feeling strangely flustered at the show of Elliott's dominating side. A feeling deep in his gut was trying to break out, but it was a feeling he wasn't ready to face it yet.

Shane: "Yeah." [Shane swallows, causing his Adam's apple to bob up and down.] "I understand. We are practically engaged at this point anyway. You're stuck with me, and vice versa, I would take that kinda security any day. [Shane says, reflecting on his relationship with Lori. He knew that he would never be her first choice, and she was always looking for a way to break it off with him. But he knew if Lori broke things off with him, she would keep Carl away from him and he would never want that.]

Elliott looks into Shane's eyes and smiles, his lips spread wide and his eyes squinting. The next words stun Shane, not expecting how much emotion was behind them.

Elliott: "Thank you."

Elliott pulls away, looking around. 

Shane is stuck against the tree held by an invisible force until he manages to pull away. 

Elliott: Do you have a knife or anything? I don't think you are going to be able to find any food on the way back, I'll go and get something for that kid of yours. And you I guess.

Shane pulled out a knife from his waistband, handing it to Elliott. 

Grabbing the knife Elliott turned away and walked into the settling darkness.



Elliot Everett's consciousness stirred in the vast emptiness of a blank space, a void stretching infinitely in all directions. He was tall and lean, his sharp features framed by messy black hair. His piercing blue eyes held a calculating gleam, and the combat suit he wore fit snugly over his toned physique. A faint smirk tugged at his lips, an ever-present expression of quiet amusement and challenge. He didn't panic. He had long since trained himself to remain composed, no matter how bizarre the circumstances. Instead, he took in his surroundings—or lack thereof. There was no sound, no light source, yet he could see himself clearly, clad in the combat suit he had worn before everything went dark.

A ripple in the air, subtle but undeniable, signaled the presence of something else.

"Curious," Elliot mused aloud, voice echoing unnaturally.

A chuckle resonated through the void. "You are extraordinary," a deep yet amused voice responded, smooth and pleasant to the ear.

Elliot turned his head slightly, scanning for the source. The air shimmered, twisting until a figure materialized. The being stood tall, draped in elegant robes of deep midnight blue, lined with shimmering gold embroidery. His features were sharp and aristocratic, his eyes an unnatural silver, and his long, dark hair fell past his shoulders in silky waves. Power radiated off of him in waves, pressing down on Elliot's very existence, yet he refused to buckle.

"I've been called many things, but never 'ordinary,'" Elliot replied smoothly. "Who are you?"

"I am the one who guides your kind," the entity answered. "You may call me ROB."

Recognition flickered in Elliot's sharp eyes. "Ah. Random Omnipotent Being?"

ROB chuckled again. "Indeed. You learn quickly."

Elliot crossed his arms. "I assume you didn't bring me here for idle conversation."

ROB's amusement faded slightly, replaced with something heavier. "No. You are the last surviving heir of your clan, Elliot Everett. A family that stood at the pinnacle of existence—until they were betrayed."

Betrayal. The word struck deep, though Elliot's expression remained unreadable.

ROB continued, "Your enemies—The Pantheon—fear your kind. They wiped out your people, but they failed to destroy you before your inheritance awakened."

A spark of intrigue flickered in Elliot's chest. "Inheritance?"

"Your bloodline has the power to evolve, to adapt endlessly," ROB explained. "With each world you are cast into, you will grow. When you reach a certain level, you will unlock your full inheritance."

ROB studied Elliot for a moment before adding, "You actually awakened one of your abilities at birth. However, because powers are not permitted on the Main Earth, it was locked deep inside you. Only now, as you step into your first world, will you begin to reclaim what is rightfully yours."

Elliot took a moment to process that. A trial of survival and evolution? His lips curled into a slow smirk. "Interesting."

ROB nodded. "You will also meet those meant to walk this path with you—soulmates, equals in power and will."

Soulmates. That caught him off guard. Elliot had never considered forming deep emotional bonds, but the idea stirred something unfamiliar in him—something close to anticipation.

"At the end of your first world, your full inheritance will be unlocked," ROB stated. "Prove your strength, Elliot Everett. Reclaim what was taken from your clan."

Elliot straightened, eyes gleaming. "Then let's get started."

The void shattered.



Walking through the woods, flipping the knife between his fingers he got from his soulmate, Elliott recalled the last 40 minutes or so of his life. In a word 'annoying'. 

'How the hell do you go from slapping a 'Secretary of Defence' about to being kidnapped by some ROB and then told that my family was killed by some overly jealous 'gods' [emphasis on the small 'g'] and I have to kill all of them.

The only thing I don't mind about this whole thing is getting stronger and the Soulmate thing. The word doesn't sound as flimsy as the actual existence of Soulmate's. 

Oh well. In the end, The Pantheon's took away my birth right, placing me in that hell of a life full of betrayal and pain.' 

Elliott sensed movement from the corner of his eye and threw his knife, impaling a rabbit.

The corner of his mouth lifted in a menacing grin.

'That's more than enough reasons to end them. ;)

GoldenLineage000 GoldenLineage000

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