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100% Transmigrated Into the Body of a Femboy Elf / Chapter 29: Thanksgiving Special

Capítulo 29: Thanksgiving Special

(Unlike the Halloween Special this IS CANON to the main story. If this fact changes I will make an announcement. BTW this happens around a year before the main story picks up.)


I was ass up on the table in nothing but a few feathers quickly taped above my ass.

I was tied up by my wrists and ankles. My legs beneath me I felt the decorative table beneath my knees. An apple was shoved in my mouth so I couldn't speak.

I jumped as a finger ran up my foot, then jumping was feeling my ass.

A voice said as they grabbed my ass firmly with both hands, "How I have missed this Vaeril." As they said this they spread my cheeks and plunged their tongue into my asshole.

<Thankful For Your Ass Part 1>

The suns warmth bathed Vaeril and Rophalin as they walked out of the town. Despite it being Fall, the sun was treating the day with a sunshine reminiscent of summer.

Rophalin laughed as she through an arm over Vaeril's shoulder, "What a great day for Hunting!"

Vaeril grumbled as he shrugged Rophalin's arm off him. "Please, really. You want to be Hunting on Thanksgiving?" He paused a moment before replying to his question, "What am I saying of course you do."

"Hunting is great for all days!" Rophalin giggled jumping up and down. Her massive tits jiggled in the tight brown bra she chose as decorative armor. Vaeril looked her up and down she ran forward swinging her long handled axe to warm up her body. She was basically wearing a bikini, only a fur coat was wrapped around her waist that hid her ass from any prying eyes. 

"Rophalin, you can hunt every other day, we should have found and killed a turkey yesterday."

Despite the archer and barbarian being old friends this was not their choice to be spending the holiday together. In fact their mothers were the ones that decided they were going to merge the families together this holiday.

Vaeril and Rophalin were tasked with finding some turkeys out west for Thanksgiving dinner. They made it to a common turkey hunting spot where they ran across a bearded man wearing a long black cloak.

He was resting on an old withering tree that stood just outside the entrance to a cave. He had his hands on his knees as he let his weight rest on the tree's thick wood.

"Haaah... Haaah." He was out of breath as if he had just been running.

Rophalin grabbed Vaeril's black tight shirt to stop him from ignoring the old man. "Hello Sir, are you alright?"

The old man looked up to see the busty Rophalin extending her hand out to help the man stand up. His eyes bulged as his nose shot out blood.

"Oh My God!" Rophalin gasped and started to shake the old man to wake up. He laid on the grass for a few seconds before regaining consciousness.

"So Old Man." Vaeril was now the one kneeling in front of the old man. Despite being so close the Old Man's eyes drifted to the blonde standing behind Vaeril.

"Hehehe" The man laughed with a perverted smile.

Vaeril hit the man lightly on his forehead to snap him out of the spell he was in. "Focus!"

"Old Man, are you alright? Do you need any medical attention." 

"No..." the old man began to look at Rophalin again who stepped closer in consern. "I mean Yes!"

The man shot up as straight as a pencil. "I just so happen to just survived a Minitour attack!"

"OOh" The two friends reacted.

"I was looking for some turkeys for my family when I saw these three turkeys walk into this cave. I went looking for them, being sure to dodge the monsters inside but once I reached the end I saw it! The Minotaur!!" He cowered as he recalled his experience.

Rophalin stepped forward, putting a hand on the Old Man's shoulder. "We will get you your turkeys back!" She said with a smile.

The old man started beaming a great big smile while Vaeril palmed his face. "Oh Thank You Two!!"

Rophalin nodded and walked directly into the cave while readying her axe. Reluctantly Vaeril followed Rophalin into the dark cave.



An arrow pierced through the skull of a bat that flew down to attack Rophalin. She looked back at Vaeril and nodded.

The two had been searching in the cave for nearly an hour now. The old man seemed to have been telling the truth, some goblins had set up camp and your normal low level monsters roamed the cave. Despite the old man saying a minitour was in the cave, no signs were present.

Most minotaurs were sex addicts, if it had a whole it was a goal. But the strange part wasn't the lack of cum coating the halls or those left over from the minotaur, there were no markings. They were notorious for digging their claws or heels into the walls or floors but none were present. The cum could easily been eaten by the various slimes in the cave, and it could have been a while since the minotaur last had sex.

Rophalin and Vaeril were not going to be surprised by such a creature though, they had fought one before together a year back. Let's just say it wasn't a fight you forget.

They had tried many times to beat it but it always beat the two. Worst of all Minotaurs were known for being creatures of culture, if you were to fight one, if you lost it required payment. Which that price could be anything; it was a common story that some women unhappy with their marriages would find a minotaur to challenge. They were known for being strong and gentle, while being able to put any man to shame. Which was why they were so rare, whole parties were formed to drive off and kill any that appeared near villages.

The two found an old looking door after some more time walking. The two entered to find a desk with papers, various mushrooms, a cauldron, and a bed. Rophalin walked to the small bed and laid down.

"Vaeril, what will we do when we find the Minotaur?"

Vaeril was inspecting the desk, noticing the vails and jars he examined them as he responded. "Well we don't want to use the same tactic as last time."

"The one where I let it fuck me and you shot an arrow at it to kill it."

"Yeah that one."

Rophalin sat up quickly, "You know we agreed we wouldn't kill it!"

Vaeril glared at her, "I thought it was hurting you! You would have done the same."

Rophalin breathed out, she laid back down and turned towards the wall. "Well this time let's not kill it please."

Her fur coat had been moved exposing her bare ass cheeks to Vaeril, he blushed as he felt a tightness in his pants. He pulled out the chair and sat down while holding his crotch. Her ass was fat and so lusciously round, her toned body was already enough to drive the town to love her. But this outfit could make even the most strong men crumble.

"Fine." Vaeril was gripping his cock as he tried to push it down in an attempt to tame it.

Rophalin rolled over to face Vaeril, she was met with Vaeril holding his cock through his baggy grey pants. He was so horny when he moved his hands the cock print could be seen.

She noticed his eyes were closed trying to calm down, she quickly rolled back around and through her fur coat to cover her ass.

Vaeril stood up and began to walk to the door. "Rophalin, I'll be waiting outside when your ready to go."

With that he closed the door and Rophalin was left in the room alone. The glanced at the door and felt her pussy. Her eyes widened as she realized how wet she was.

Her face went red and she clutched chest. "Fuck! Why am I so flustered!" She couldn't help but think about the outline of his cock as he was sitting down.

"He got that hard by just seeing my ass?!" She couldn't help it anymore, she was beginning to play with her tits, her body arched upward as she slid her hands down massaging her clit in a circular motion. "Why did he leave, he couldn't just stuff it in my mouth then-"

A knock interrupted her thoughts, "Rophalin hurry out, I think you want to see this!"

She jumped out of bed, grabbing her axe she ran to the door. Before she could open it Vaeril entered with a naked young woman. She was covered in thick white cum, and she was shaking as Vaeril walked her to the bed where she laid down.

"Vaeril what happened!"

Vaeril turned around to Rophalin, "The Old man wasn't lying, there really is a Minotaur living in this cave."

<Thankful For Your Ass Part 2>

The woman's name turned out to be Yesthana, she was the mother to a young effeminate boy who was a few months away from attending college. She said her son was staying home to prepare the rest of the food, while she went out to find a chicken. Her husband had left a few years prior after seeing her son was not maturing into a strong elf of a man. So she was now burdened with the task of these more dangerous tasks since her son couldn't beat a butterfly in a boxing match.

Vaeril and Rophalin felt sorry for the woman, and realized she was much older than they thought. She had a way of speaking that felt old and her signs for certain actions were long past replaced. Such as her motion for using a wand, despite waving to use a wand with your index pointing outward she used made her hand into a fist, which hasn't been taught that way in at least half a century.

Rophalin walked to Yesthana who was wearing her coat, and put her hand on the woman's shoulder, "Don't worry we will get you a Turkey."

"ROPHALIN!" When she turned around Vaeril was facing away from the two women. "Let's go! Ma'am wait here, we will escort you out when we return."

Vaeril quickly grabbed Rophalin's wrist and pulled her out the room. He turned to the shut door and grabbed a nearby plank and rested it against the door. "The low level monsters should be too stupid to realize there is a working door here."


They walked for some time, but Vaeril was staying ahead of Rophalin no matter her pleading him to hang back like he normally does. She finally stomped her foot and said, "If you have such a Problem with my ass not being covered then stand farther back!" She slammed her blade into the ground where it stuck.

Vaeril turned around enraged, "What even makes you wear something like that! Wait... " He paused as his face and long ears grew a bright red. "Wait so you noticed..."

Rophalin turned her face to the side, she was growing pink. "Maybe, Maybe I did."

The silence was deafening, Rophalin could feel her body slightly shake, Vaeril could he his heart beating loudly.


A loud exhaust of hot air was felt on Vaeril's back, he turned to see the minotaur standing right behind him. It was holding twin swords and behind it trailed two turkeys.

"Uh... Uh... R-R-R-Roph-Rophalin?"

He was frozen, enemies this big being this close was a death sentence for an archer. He slowly stepped forward. 

"You know I like you a lot, but you act so cold to me. Why can't you just-" Rophalin looked over to see the minotaur.

Her eyes went wide as she slowly reached down to pull her axe from the ground.

The minotaur's eyes darted from Vaeril to Rophalin's hand and the axe. The beast was no fool, it roared that made an echo that filled the cave.

Rophalin pulled her axe from the ground and darted forward. Vaeril ducked down and rolled backwards, forgeting the Minotaurs long girthy cock he rolled into it causing the dick to bend uncomfortably back and up into it's balls. Rophalin had already jumped when the Minotaur curled to hold it's precious jewels and cannon. The horns from it's head caught on to Rophalin's panties as she flew over the minotaur. She landed, sliding on the rought dirt and turned to face the Minotaur.

She saw her panties dangling from the horns of the beast. "Hey! Give those back Pervert!"

Vaeril ran to her side and thrust a turkey into her open arm. "Let's go!"

Vaeril ran further into the cave as Rophalin hesitated. "Fuck!" She turned around and followed Vaeril.

The minotaur took a moment, breathing heavily. It sat down to inspect its privates, before huffing and standing up. The large eyes of the beast began to glare down the cave as it began its hunt.


The deepest section of the cave was humid and wet, minerals lined the walls as the two friends went deeper into the cave. The turkeys were oddly calm and slept with their heads on the friends shoulders.

"Vaeril, you don't have to keep walking so far ahead of me."

Vaeril replied while not looking back, "Yes I do. You're half naked now Rophalin. This is the time to lead even more now."

Rophalin sighed as she noticed another door next to a large red crystal. "Come on, I see a resting area."

Vaeril looked over to the door, "Another one?"

They entered but this time the room was much larger. Cauldrons filled the room, and the desk was filled with more notes and odd concoctions. The bed was much larger and a cauldron full of gold sat in the corner.

"Is that a-" Vaeril noticed a candle that was lit on the desk. "Rophalin, I think someone lives here."

He set the turkey down and turned to grab Rophalin's turkey. "Thank you Vaeril."

He set the second turkey down before turning around to see Rophalin with her bra off. He froze, she was lit by the vibrant green light from the candle. He ass was so round and her chest so full, she was cleanly shaven for someone who was considered a barbarian. Her pussy was drenched and her nipples were hard from the cold air of the room.

"Rophalin-" Vaeril quickly looked away. "Put some clothes on!"

He felt her body press close on to him. Her voice was soothing, "Please Vaeril, I can't take it any longer." Vaeril began to feel dizzy as his vision went dark.

<Thankful For Your Ass Part 3>

Rophalin had been roaming the cave for a while with the turkey flapping it's wings and yelling. "Damn Bird! Don't' Make Me Kill You!"

The turkey jumped out of her hands and began to run back the way she came. "Get back here!" She readied her axe as she ran after the turkey and swung her axe. The turkey leapt and faced her, the barbarian raised her axe above her head. It began to run left before quickly switching it's direction and moved right. Her axe came down like a lightning bolt but hit the hard floor of the cave. The Turkey ran further into the cave. "Get Back HERE NOW!" She screamed.

A roar could be heard quiet a bit back, her head spun and she gladly chased after the turkey.


She finally caught it, weirdly enough it had gotten caught in a trap.

"Weird, why is there a net trap down here?" She used the tip of her axe to let the turkey free. Before it could continue to run she grabbed it by the throat.

"Erch" A noise came from the turkey.

"That will teach you."

She showed the turkey the axe and it quickly calmed down.

She carried it as she came to a stream. "We must be far enough, the minotaur roar was very far away and chasing you must have put even more distance between us."

She set the turkey on a rock in the stream, "If you move I will cut your head off."

The turkey sat down on the rock.

"Ugh, I need a quick wash." She unbuttoned her bra and walked into the stream. She faced the turkey to keep an eye on it, and let the water flow onto her bare ass.

"Ahhh so nice!" She smiled feeling the cool and clear water on her skin. She sat down as the water came to her chin. Her blonde hair floated on the water and her butt sat on a smooth rock. When she sat a smooth protruding rock in the shape of an oval was sticking up. Before she could realize she sat right on it, it slide into her pussy.

"AAAAHHH!" She yelped jumping up out of the water. Her body shook from the pleasure and from the surprise. "Jeez I didn't even see it."

Rophalin stepped out and layed on a long nearby rock. She opened her legs and massaged the lips of her pussy. "Ow that kinda hurt."


The sound of a liquid shooting out of something could be heard nearby. She sat up to see the turkey in the water face down with blood circling it.

"AAAHH! Turkey Don't DIE!" She grabbed it's neck and pulled it out the water. "Are you okay?"

The turkey shook it's head. "I think so."

A long pause.

"What?!" Rophalin's eyes were lit like a fire. She gripped it's kneck and through it into the nearest wall.

"AAGH" When the turkey hit the wall it began to fall, once it hit the ground a Green haired woman was in its place. "Asshole!"


The green haired woman was dressed in a large black coat. She raised her hand and said "You will be the sacrifice to the gods!" A flame flew at the naked Rophalin who dove and grabbed her axe.

"You were going to kill me you bitch!" Rophalin screamed.


His eyes were heavy when he finally woke up. Vaeril noticed he was naked, in front of him was the old man from the entrance to the cave. He sat with chair backwards towards the archer.

Vaeril looked around and moved his arms slowly.

"What do you want Old man?" He had realized he wasn't tied up but instead at a strange advantage. His clothes with his weapons were right next to him were in arms reach, even his knife was unsheathed. He could kill the man at any moment.

"Heheheh, you are a sharp one." The old man was holding three feathers in his hand. "Sorry for the great lengths we sent you too."

"Stop talking like I know everything, why did you have us go so deep in the cave and how did you get the minotaur in the cave. I knew it was strange a minotaur was here without any reporting prior. The creatures don't just appear out the blue."

"Well, I have to admit yes we did place the Minotaur here just a few days ago." The old man scratched his beard. "I am Ophalin and I live here with another follower of Demis and his ways."

"Demis? You mean the warlord?"

"If such titles have you recognize him as such, then so be it." The old man frowned.

"Our way is that of mating as the ultimate gift to this world. We are born to have sex and live in a sea of desire as Demis permits it." The old man had a sparkle in his eyes. "So my hope was for two love birds like you two adventurers to have sex near the shrine to fill our home with magical energy and as a gift to the gods and Demis."

"Wait so you wanted Rophalin and I to have sex? Wait then why all the minotaur stuff, and the turkeys? Too lead us down here and you were planning us to have sex under those conditions?"

The old man laughed, "Why yes. It has worked plenty well in the past! A dark cave and a few rooms to have sex in. We knew you were perfect after the first room, when you walked out the Magical energy was practically pouring out. Only we didn't know that the other woman was going to finish up with the Minotaur so fast."

"Wait, are you saying that woman wasn't trapped in here? I knew you were strange but she lied?"

"Yes! Once I found out her husband left I knew once I told her about the Minotaur she would come have a fun time with him. So much magical energy!"

Vaeril thought for a moment.

"Where is Rophalin? I need to make sure she is okay."

"Of course." The old man called out, "Come in!"

Rophalin walked inside, she was completely nude and she was smiling of all things.

Vaeril covered his privates and looked away. "Rophalin, don't tell me they undressed you too."

She walked forward and put her hand on his cheek. "Vaeril, I chose to stay this way. Because I want to help these people. There methods may be questionable but the woman I met was kind and they need the energy."

Vaeril flushed pink. "What are you saying?"

The old man held out the feathers, "You know what she is saying."

Rophalin grabbed the feathers and put them in Vaeril's hands, "They say since it is Thanksgiving we need to do it a special way but that we can have as much privacy as we want."

Vaeril looked down at the feathers.

<Thankful For Your Ass Part 4>

Vaeril was on a decorated table in the cave, he had been tied up and dressed to be the chicken. Rophalin walked up to the table running her finger up his foot and gripped his ass cheeks. She pushed her pilgrims hat back and bent forward plunging her tongue into his ass.

"Aaugh!" Her tongue was long and rounded his asshole. She gripped harder as she ate him out with more passion. One of her hands was rubbing her clit so ferociously. She gasped for air, "Vaeril!"

She jumped onto the table, wrapped around her waist was a dildo. Vaeril looked back sweating as he felt it begin to press against his ass. It entered a bit before he quickly turned around, such force through Rophalin into the air and ripped the ropes from his hands and feet.

Rophalin gasped as she came falling down and landed on Vaeril. The dildo still slightly inside his ass was lodged inside causing a painful shock to Vaeril's system. He gasped as his cock grew pressing into Rophalin's ass.

She reached back with one hand and caressed his cock, with the other she placed a hand on his face. "Are you okay Vaeril?"

Vaeril took a moment before responding, "I think so." This wave of pleasure was strange to him, he pulled out the dildo slowly. With Rophalin caressing his dick he felt like was about to explode but he couldn't.

"Wait Rophalin." She stopped. POP

The dildo was out and Vaeril through the dildo off the table. He gripped Rophalin's thighs and she moved her hips back causing her pussy to rub against his dick.

"Vaeril, please I want it in me." She made sad eyes, just begging to have his cock in her pussy. She moved her hips back and forth. It felt like he was being edged. "Please V. Please." She was begging more, he couldn't resist. He lifted her by her thighs and began to pound her form below.

"AAHHH YES!" She screamed as she began to bounce in response. "I miss this!"

They met each others wants, both making the table creak and groan. Vaeril let her ride him, her hips moving so well he was holding onto his cum for dear life.

Flipping her on her back he started pounding into her as he leaned forward kissing her. Her lips so soft, their tongues pressed and wrapped around each other. He pulled her legs up and they rested on his shoulders. Back and forth their bodies moved, their muscles hard and flexed. Her hair spread out on the table her abs were still defined despite the mating press she was in.

"V fuck me from behind." She first twisted her torso then her waist while keeping his dick inside her.

Her pussy was so wet that she slide just fine causing Vaeril to squeeze her ass extra hard just to stop himself from cumming.

She looked back while slamming her pussy against him. "I'm about to cum V!"

"Rophy! FUCK!" He grabbed her hips and started to fuck her so fast with power. Wrapping her hair around his hand he pulled her hair. She moaned loudly as he fucked her from behind. He yanked he strong blonde hair and the two came as he quickly grabbed he hip and neck and plunged his dick as hard as he could inside her.

The thick cum shot out of her pussy as she collapsed face first into the table. Her legs were shaking as they struggled to keep her ass propped up. Vaeril sat back using his arms to keep him up right.

Looking up in the cave a swirl of green light faded in and out of the room. It was beautiful, Vaeril thought "Is this what they see when they say magical energy?"

He took a moment to take in the beautiful sight. All the green light circling the two.

Rophalin suddenly got up. She sat up sitting on her heels. She looked back at Vaeril, he body and hair wet with sweat. "I think we have more in us handsome."

Vaeril smiled as he noticed his cock was still fully erect. She was right he still had plenty of energy left to give to her. She faced him and leaned forward. "This time cum on my face or my ass okay. You're lucky it's not my time of the month." She kissed Vaeril, as she lowered her head down before wrapping her lips around his cock.


The two entered the village again with their turkeys in hand. The two followers of Demis were nice enough to give them the turkeys as gifts and apologies.

Before they parted ways the two looked to each other. There clothes were restored but their minds were exhausted but oddly content with the past day.

"Hey Rophalin?" Vaeril asked before Rophalin walked too far away.

"Yes Vaeril?" She said with a smile.

"About earlier, you remember why we stopped seeing each other right?"

"Yes Vaeril, you don't need to remind me." her smile faded and she looked down the way to her families home. Turning back she said, "I need to go now. The sun is going to set soon and we were supposed to be back already."

Vaeril watched as she walked away. "I was going to say... I love you."

Vastaya Vastaya

Thank You for reading the Thanksgiving Special! Sucks I couldn't finish it on time but I hope you enjoy it none the less!

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