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89.47% Transmigrated as Saitama with a Mission System / Chapter 68: A Concerning Headache

Capítulo 68: A Concerning Headache

"... Interesting. Someone's senses have reached me... And it appears that it's his volunteer that got a feel of my immense pressure... I see, he tracked down the energy of the "God" here in this universe, leading his senses towards me, which is also the same deity that I recently absorbed. Still meaningless effort in stopping me any time now. But I will keep an eye out for him... I might just be able to manipulate his mind to my advantage. Since his senses have reached mine, I will be able to control it through that brief connection that we had and torture his mind that way. Though it will take some time to do, but I'm not giving away my chances of being free now. I am glad that I still have some of my Omnipresence, though this version isn't my true, and beyond Omnipresence, but it will do me okay for the time being, if it serves me enough that is"


Gyoro-Gyoro: "Found y- Huh... ? WHAAAAT!?" Gyoro-Gyoro internally shouted when one of his eye drones found Orochi's "Head" Along with a few of his tentacles beside it with no remains of their heads

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Orochi!? How could it be... Did he really get beaten!?... Who could've done this!?"


Suddenly, he heard a sound. Almost like some sort of heartbeat nearby, that was begging to be investigated


With King

King: "It's alright, it's alright. No monsters will appear, I hope. Just stay calm, and you'll live through this" King mumbled to himself. Walking around the halls of the Monster Association after feeling another earthquake happening just a few minutes ago

And just when he turned around to another hall, he spotted a flying thing with a huge eye staring at him weirdly and creepily

King: "CRAP!"

Gyoro-Gyoro: "King!" Gyoro-Gyoro said internally, though not a second later, King turned around and somewhat disappeared in front of him, leaving Gyoro-Gyoro's eye drone shocked

Gyoro-Gyoro: "What? Where did he disappear to?" Gyoro-Gyoro's eye drone flew forward to investigate where King went to. And while Gyoro-Gyoro's eye drone was trying to find King, I arrived just behind him with a grin 'Well great' I thought, throwing a punch at it and splattering Gyoro-Gyoro's eye bug or whatever, like paste all over the walls

Saitama: "No peeping for you, and it seems King fell into a hole" I said and continued on forward, but not without investigating the hole that King fell down to 'His luck is insane. Makes me wonder how I got transmigrated here with a reborn person as Fubuki, who is now also my girlfriend for life now... I wonder why I was a victim of a transmigration. My life is tragic sure... Well, if it means I can live to see another day, then why wouldn't I accept this?'

And after a while, I arrived back to where Orochi threw his mask at, along with the dead tentacle things that I killed too

Saitama: "Ah, well I think I should start making my way to Fubuki. The Cadres are really the only ones to look out for, and also Psykos and the other two... Maybe there's a chance".


"...GAH!" Do-s suddenly sat up from the ground after just getting beaten by Amai Mask. She grabbed her damaged face that Amai Mask caused. Her blonde hair was a mess, her mask was also gone. Leaving Do-s's spiky mouth to be exposed. She looked around and found blood next to the walls near her

Do-s: "... I manage to evade my death" Do-s brought one of her fingers to the blood splatter on the wall, covering the tip of her finger with the blood and licking it with her long and flexible tongue

Do-s: "This is... Monster blood" Do-s claimed, clinging her hand tightly and gritting her teeth hard

Do-s: "YOU DAMN HEROES... I'LL SERVE YOU PUNISHMENT FROM HELL AND SQUEEZE OUT EVERY LAST DROP OF BLOOD!" Do-s shouted. She was frustrated and angry that she was humiliated by being beaten down so easily by Amai Mask

Do-s: "First off is Amai Mask. Damn it all... Even against me, the Monster Princess... He looked down on me in disgust with those eyes of his... And on top of that. Being crushed to pieces by that strength..." Do-s launched her tongue forward, grabbing her whip back just a few feet away from her

Do-s: "My pride as a sadist is being torn apart. Just watch me Amai Mask... I'll make you pay for this!" Do-s said, stretching her whip hard while having an embarrassed blush across her teeth gritting face

After a few seconds later, Do-s calmed down a little to access another thing that she had seen from Amai Mask

Do-s: "All that aside... Could it be... That he has a shapeshifting ability...?" Do-s contemplated for a while and then grinned like a maniac 'Heeheehee, if so. That could become a major scandal for the Hero Association! If I make proper use of this weakness, I could gain the upper hand' Do-s thought, leaving the area that she was in, back to the place where she keeps all of her poor captured slaves 'I've decided my special 1000th love slave will be you, Amai Mask! I'll do whatever it takes to make me you mine!' Do-s thought, arriving in front of the room where her slaves are as she slammed the door open

Do-s: "Hey you lot, it's time!" The shouting voice of Do-s caught the attention of every slave of her's inside. Ranging from half-monster guys, women, heroes, and fortunately, no kids


Everyone crawled their way in front of Do-s with hearts in their eyes. They were just begging to be whipped by her 'Hmph! Pathetic. Do I have nothing left but these weaklings? I made the previous residents tear each other apart from a while back, what are their names again? Subterranean or something?... Guess I should have saved a few... Well, whatever. Losing these meat shields is a small price to pay if it means I get Amai Mask!'

Do-s: "GET YOUR ASSES MOVING!" Do-s brought back her whip and launched it forward towards her slaves in front of her, hitting every single one of them to prepare for Do-s's next move.



Gyoro-Gyoro: "I was taken down!! King... When did he get behind me?" Said the real Gyoro-Gyoro who was bloodied and beaten up by Tatsumaki

Gyoro-Gyoro: "King... What a monster. To think that he could beat even Orochi..."

Tatsumaki: "No surprise there. King just doing his job right" Said Tatsumaki, looming over the beaten Gyoro-Gyoro below her

Gyoro-Gyoro: "Ugh... My Orochi... How dare he... Guh!" Suddenly, Tatsumaki lifted him up with her powers, moving Gyoro-Gyoro closer to her

Tatsumaki: "You really have the time to worry about others?"


Tatsumaki: "If you want to apologize then why not do it personally. COME ON OUT AND SAY IT!" Tatsumaki slowly started to close her hand, intending to crush Gyoro-Gyoro if he doesn't do what Tatsumaki asked

Gyoro-Gyoro: "UHHHA... DAMN IT! I'LL AT LEAST TAKE YOU DOWN WITH ME!!" Suddenly, a bunch of Gyoro-Gyoro's eye drones came up from the ground and surrounded the two of them, each of the eye drones released a wave of Psychic energy towards both of them, or more to Tatsumaki rather than to Gyoro-Gyoro since he of course wants to live


An explosion and shockwave was resulted in that attack hitting Tatsumaki right on

Gyoro-Gyoro: "THAT WAS A DIRECT HIT! MUAHAHAHAHA... HA... ha" And as the dust settled, Tatsumaki was shown with no damages to her whatsoever. Still holding Gyoro-Gyoro in place with that cocky smile off her's. The old school barrier still does the trick in most situations

Tatsumaki: "An elegant and nuanced usage of your Psychic ability. Who taught you how to do that?... Maybe it's the person that's inside you. Let's find out" Tatsumaki said and started to rip Gyoro-Gyoro apart. Starting with his remaining body parts and working her way towards his flesh. And then what she was suspecting for a while now, has come true. There was someone inside of Gyoro-Gyoro, though the person inside of Gyoro-Gyoro wasn't what she was expecting at all

Tatsumaki: "Aren't you Fubuki's classmate?".


Fubuki: "Tatsumaki is close by. I can sense her fighting against someone else. And it looks like she's exerting herself a little bit more than usual"

Bang: "Really?... I sure hope it isn't Garou"

Fubuki: "It isn't, it's someone with psychic powers as well... I also sense some monsters deeper in this hallway. Though not anything that we can't handle that's for sure"

Bang: "I see, some monsters finally. I guess we're in a place in the Monster Association where the monsters are occupied at".


With King a few moments later after falling down

"K... King?" Out of nowhere, King heard someone say his name behind him, making him immediately nervous 'What now?' King slowly looked behind his shoulder to see who it was, and to the surprise of him, it was the hostage kid that the other heroes were talking about when they were discussing the plan 'The hostage kid?... He runs to me of all people!!?' King thought, turning around to face the kid

Waganma: "W-... WAAAAHHHHNN! WAAAA... I'M SO SCARED..." He suddenly started to cry, bringing his hands to his eye and started wiping off his tears

Waganma: "I'VE BEEN RUNNING AROUND TRYING TO ESCAPE ALL BY MYSELF! THERE'S ACTUALLY A MONSTER COMING AFTER ME FROM OVER THERE!! GO AND FINISH HIM ALREADY!!" Waganma pointed forward to where the supposed monster was supposed to be at. While King just stood there with no life on his face whatsoever

Waganma: "With you around King, Can I put my mind at ease? Can I act like a spoiled kid? Carry me on your back and take me to the exit!"

King: "... No. Well... That's... Umm" King stuttered, trying to think of something to say to him

Waganma: "... I REALLY LIKE KING! LET ME HUG YOU" Suddenly, Waganma run forward, opening his arms to hug King. Though not a second later, he stopped dead in his tracks as he heard some kind of sound coming from King 'This sound... The King engine?!' He thought nervously

Waganma: "WH-... WHAT'S WITH THE BATTLE STANCE FOR? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M JUST A KID!!?" Waganma shouted as he was sweating uncontrollably, feeling King's engine for the first time

King: "Erm... I... You'd better give up on me, stay away from me and find another hero. That would be the smart thing to do. No matter how sweet and cute you act, it's just not possible, not at all, not for me... You can't expect anything, it's useless... It will only turn into despair" King, with his menacing voice, gave Waganma a piece of his mind, or so King thought 'He saw through me with one glance!? But my transformation should be perfect' Suddenly, King's aura began to strengthen, making the monster disguised as Waganma, sweat in fear 'This is bad... He's too close... I'm finished!!! It's terrifying. Crap, I'm breathing too hard, I can't maintain this transformation'

"UGHH!" The monster shouted as his transformation was beginning to meltdown 'My centre of gravity is becoming unbalanced. The kid's bones that I formed are piercing through my vitals...' And just like that. The jelly monster melted in front of King, bringing along his flawed disguise with him. King just looked down at it, feeling confused as to what was happening around him

King: "Uh... What's this?... This is terrifying. I need to find Saitama".


With Fubuki

As we were quickly making ground around the halls of the Monster Association, I sense what appears to be a large number of monsters just outside of the hallway that we are currently walking at. And aside from the monsters that I sensed, there was one familiar presence that I immediately knew who it was 'I guess she's here. So that means it wasn't monsters, after all. It's her slaves' I thought

Fubuki: "We have some company just outside of this hallway" Both Bang and Bomb nodded as we continued on forward

As we were out of the hallway, we were met by the sight of Do-s and her poor slaves. Do-s was shocked to have met me and a couple of "Geezers". She really didn't expect to see me again, but that's another excuse for Do-s to redeem herself once again after that awful defeat of her's in our first girl fight 'I calculated my calculations just right' I thought

Do-s: "YOU!!" Do-s shouted at me, gritting her teeth hard while gripping her whip tightly

Fubuki: "Nice seeing you again, Do-s" I said to her, hiding back a small smirk that she wasn't able to notice while an aura started to envelop my whole body

Fubuki: "How were you holding up after our first fight huh?" I said, making her even more angry as she used her whip to grab two of his captured human slaves by the neck, pulling them towards her

Do-s: "These two poor humans will be killed if you come any further! Don't move or else" She threatened, pulling the whip back more fiercely to the two slaves of her's like the sadistic bitch she is

Bang: "They're just her underlings, right?" Bang asked and I nodded

Fubuki: "Yeah, it's best just to knock them out. They may still be a way to retrieve them"

Bang: "I see. Do you want me to handle this?"

Fubuki: "I can handle this with ease. You two stay here for now" Both Bang and Bomb nodded, letting me fight her like how I wanted it to be

And not a second later, every slave of hers, including Do-s herself, was implanted straight into the ground with a small crater each formed around them

"ARGH!" The unexpected and damaging attack was enough to break Do-s's grip on the two poor slaves while also making the other slaves of her's unconscious

Bang and Bomb silently watched the whole thing happen with both the same thoughts running through their head '... I would do my utmost to avoid her bad side that's for sure'

Fubuki: "That should take care of the horde" I said, deactivating the gravitational field around them while making my way towards the angry Do-s

Do-s: "YOU BITCH!!" Do-s immediately got up with her whip when she felt that she could move again. Bringing back her whip and lunging it forward towards me with as much strength as she could output

And of course, in typical telekinesis way, the whip stopped in mid-air as I tossed it to the sides

Fubuki: "What now?" I said, angering her as best as I can as Do-s readied a punch at me. Though with my insane reflexes, I sidestepped it and launched a punch of my own toward her face


The punch of mine connected right into her cheek, making her fall down to the ground with pain coursing through her face yet again, but before Do-s could get up, I quickly grabbed her whip and cut off a strand of it, using it to tie both her feet and hands quickly using my telekinesis. Though I was quite surprised to see her whip regenerate back the lost strand, but that's beside the point

Do-s: "ARGH! YOU BITCH!!" She shouted, moving side to side to try and break free, but no use whatsoever 'Wow... Even Fubuki is stronger than she lets on... Maybe that's why Saitama-kun took a liking to her' Bang thought as he made his way a little bit closer to us, same with Bomb too. Do-s noticed the two, though she was wide-eyed when she found out who the two geezers were. Well, one of them at least... Poor Bomb 'THAT'S S-CLASS RANK 3 SILVERFANG!!? NOBODY SAID THAT HE WOULD BE ON THE INFILTRATION TEAM!... This is bad! I'm going to die!! No chance of escaping now, fuck!' Do-s thought helplessly, not noticing me reading her mind

Do-s: "GUH!" I brought one of my boots to her cheek, causing her to moan in pain

Fubuki: "This is for my Blizzard Group and me. Their deaths will not be in vain... Not this time" I said to her, making Do-s greet her teeth as I readied her whip. Do-s seeing this immediately panicked

Do-s: "O-... OKAY!! I SURRENDER. Please... I'll... do anything you want, l-lady Fubuki" She said as I removed my boot from her face, making her turn around to face me straight while she was on the ground

Fubuki: "You know that I am an Esper right? I can tell you were lying just when you said your first word. Oh, sometimes I go by "Megami", but Fubuki is quite lovely too" Before Do-s could respond, I immediately whipped her in her legs, then to her abdomen, then her arms, and so on and so forth. Do-s kept screaming like she was falling under her own spell

Do-s: "AHH! ♡" And it continued on forward until I decide to stop to observe her bruised and badly damaged body with blood trickling down Do-s's mouth 'Take that you bitch' I thought, dropping the whip on the ground as made my way to Bang and Bomb who was sightseeing the unconscious slaves of Do-s

Bang: "It seems that all of them have been monsterized..." Bang said, kneeling down in front of the unconscious bunch whose features resembled that of a monster, though their human traits were still quite visible

Do-s: "Heh, that's because I've been treating them to whippings for a very, very long time" Do-s said with her sadistic smirk

Bomb: "If they don't snap out of it, we'll be forced to destroy them all. You'll be the one liable for their deaths, young lady monster"

Do-s: "Hmph! As if I care" Do-s huffed out '...Hmm, they look like half-monster and half-human, but I can sense that their monsterfication is starting to go away. Let's make things faster' I thought, bringing my open palm in front of the unconscious slaves of Do-s, and using my healing abilities to quicken the process. The others were surprised to see me do this to the unconscious people, resulting in them paying more attention

Not a moment later, I brought my hand back as they started to open their eyes. The monsterfication on them was visibly starting to go away. And as everyone got up and observe themselves, they were full-on human once again

"Woah!" "Where am I?" "I'm back!"

Bang, Bomb and Do-s were surprised to see them back to normal again

Fubuki: "That should do it, though I'd recommend to you all on staying here for now until help arrives" I said to them with a small grin. Feeling... Satisfied helping people as all of them nodded 'Maybe this is where Sai-kun got his courage on becoming a professional hero' I thought as Bomb decided to wander a little bit more to where Do-s and her previous slaves went through

Bang: "Incredible. They are back to normal" Bang said 'That means that... There's a chance that Garou has not been monsterfied, and even if he does. He could still be returned to normal, from what I've gathered with these ones...' Bang thought, still having hope about Garou's current state

Bomb: "There are also people inside of that cell straight forward here, though it's best if they stayed here for now and wait for help like Fubuki-san said" Bomb appeared back with us after investigating the other people trapped in a prison cell just straight forward from where Do-s went

Fubuki: "Good. Let's move on to other matters now. I think we could get some information about Garou's whereabouts"

Bang: "Really? Where would that be?"

Fubuki: "From her" I said, making the both of them nod

Bomb: "She should know the place pretty well here. Let's get the location out of her" Bomb said as Bang made his way to Do-s

Bang: "Garou's location too"

Fubuki: "It'll be easier Do-s if you tell us now, but I wouldn't mind whipping you some more. Not at all" I went next to her, grabbing her tied arm and cutting the tie on her feet so that she could stand up. Do-s decided to pretend to be under control. She thinks that it would prove a more easier way out of this predicament if she communicates to us rather than just spat out some bullshit, which is still her intention. But on the other side, she still seems to forget that I could read her mind 'This bitch... She's getting used to whipping me. Like hell I'll ever submit to her. I'll just act under their control for now...' Do-s thought

Do-s: "I-i'll tell you. By Garou, you mean the Hero Hunter, right?... " She said as Bang nodded

Do-s: "Well he's just in that hallway that I came through. There should be a door there" Do-s used her leg to point directly to the hallway that she, and her slaves, now normal humans again, went through

Fubuki: "And how do we know that you're telling the truth huh?" I said, bringing her whip right in front of her face to threaten her

Do-s: "I'm telling the truth! After Lord Orochi's fight with him, he personally roasted him over the coals. I was put in charge of making him obedient. I tied him up and gave him an extended session of my special full-course menu, but it still had no effect on that stubborn boy. I couldn't help but get excited myself" Do-s said with a grin, her eyelids were half-closed when she said the last few sentences. Bang just looked at her with his aura that made her immediately frightened

Do-s: "He's hanging there unconscious in that room!"

Bomb: "I think I know what door she's talking about when I was exploring in that area. Follow me"

Fubuki: "You'll be coming with us" I said, forcing Do-s to walk with us towards the door that she was talking about

A moment later, we arrived in front of the big, metal door that Do-s was talking about. Bang and Bomb broke the lock and slammed the door open, revealing the inside of this room or whatever it is

Fubuki: "Is this your collection room or something?"

Do-s: "How did you know that?"

Fubuki: "It looked quite obvious"

Do-s: "Well, isn't it so lovely? The room is in the back" She said as we all entered inside with my grip still on Do-s

Bomb: "Torture devices... " Bomb muttered as we saw a whole bunch of slavery and torture devices. Do-s the whole time had a sadistic grin on us seeing this abomination of a room

Do-s: "Heh heh heh. Makes you shiver, doesn't it? The full course includes every single one of those"

Bang: "You fiend..." Bang said, getting angry little by little at Do-s

Bang: "There isn't really anywhere else here... A hidden door maybe?" Bang and Bomb walked in front of a clean wall just a little further in the back, thinking that there was some sort of hidden room behind here as Bang threw an attack at it, but there wasn't any hidden room whatsoever, only more concrete behind it

Meanwhile, me and Do-s were at a table with all kinds of different tools on it, and also some sort of whistle that I couldn't help but feel off about it. Do-s used her tongue to grab the whistle for herself, and then it struck me 'It's a dog whistle! Shit!' But before I could grab the whistle from her mouth, she managed to release a sound just at the last second before I grabbed it

Bang: "What was that?" Both the brothers turned around to see where that whistle sound came from

Do-s: "Heehee. Garou is in a deeper room below"

"WHAT?!" Bang and Bomb exclaimed while I stood there a little bit frustrated 'Well I've got to fight Rover now. I should've guessed it earlier'

Do-s: "I'm surprised Fubuki knows that it's a dog whistle, but it's too late. He'll be here any second now, hehe" Do-s said, waiting any second now for his arrival


It seems Overgrown Rover hasn't yet arrived like Do-s was expecting

Do-s: "... Why isn't he showing up?" Do-s's hopes dropped down every passing second. Overgrown Rover should've arrived by now

Fubuki: "Well... I guess they don't take orders from a bitch like you" I said as Do-s couldn't take it anymore

Do-s "Tch! FUCK YOU!" Do-s suddenly kicked the bottom of the table that was in front of us, directly at me. I just barely managed to dodge it, though I lose my grip on Do-s, which she took advantage of it and started to run away towards the door with her arms still tied up


Do-s: "Argh!" As Do-s was about to leave the room, she bumped into something, forcing her to the ground as she took a look at what she bumped into

To her surprise, she saw what appears to be a man, a handsome man that is... More handsome than Amai Mask. Though unfortunately, her time of mesmerising was gone as Fubuki used her powers to bring Do-s back, grabbing a strand of her whip and tying up her feet and hands, as well as shutting up her mouth with the same thing

Do-s: "GODDAMN IT!- MPHHH MPH!" Fubuki put her in the corner of the room, for now, to access more important matters in front of her. Bang and Bomb were surprised to see the person in front of them, as well as Fubuki

Saitama: "Heh, nice seeing you three" I said, greeting the three of them

Fubuki: "Where have you been?" Fubuki said in a quiet voice, walking in front of me with the whip of Do-s

Saitama: "Just came back in some sort of shrine way below the Monster Association's base" I mumbled to her

Fubuki: "Did you see anything else with you down there besides Orochi?"

Saitama: "No, just him, an altar and the shrine. Unfortunately, Orochi destroyed the place and I had to leave... Though... My head"

Fubuki: "What? What's wrong... How about let's talk about it later for now"

Bang: "It's nice to see you again Saitama-kun"

Bomb: "Indeed it has" Bang and Bomb made their way to us as I nodded at them

Saitama: "Likewise. You, Genos and King split up?"

Bang: "Yes, we figured we would make more ground that way"

Saitama: "I see. Well I think we're almost done with the Monster Association"

Bang: "Well that's good to hear, though we still need to find Garou. Good thing the young monster lady in the corner gave us his location"

Fubuki: "Yeah, he's in a deeper room below. You two should start finding him"

Bang: "What about you Fubuki-san?"

Fubuki: "I'll catch up to you two soon, me and Sai-kun have something to talk about"

Bang: "Of course, come on brother"

Bomb: "Okay" Bang and Bomb walked past us, leaving the room that we were in to start looking for Garou

Saitama: "Well that's that"

Fubuki: "I guess. Now continuing, were there like writings on the shrine?"

Saitama: "Yeah, something about some sacrifice Orochi was talking about, and the resurrection of God"

Fubuki: "Hmm... Strange"

Saitama: "What do you mean?"

Fubuki: "That was the shrine where God is going to be resurrected at, like, THE God in this world, if that's what's going to happen based on the manga. Did you not see an empty space just behind the shrine?"

Saitama: "Oh, well I did, though there was nothing there... And I had to leave since me and Orochi's battle caused the place to be damned"

Fubuki: "I see, did Orochi stay?"

Saitama: "Yeah, bastard crawled his way to the altar while it collapsed"

Fubuki: "... There's something wrong, but for now, let's end the Monster Association as soon as we can"

Saitama: "I can work with tha- AH!" My head, once again, was experiencing another headache. I brought one of my hands to my head on instinct.

Saitama: "Shit... What the hell?" I mumbled out. The headache lasted just a few seconds, almost like the first time

Fubuki: "What's wrong?" Fubuki worriedly said, bringing one of her hands to my forehead

Saitama: "Nothing, just... A headache I randomly got"

Fubuki: "When?"

Saitama: "Recently. It should go away soon"

Fubuki: "... I doubt it. Nothing has harmed you mentally before... But, I'll take your word for it... Though if something has managed to hurt you, then it's something serious. Just don't go dying on me now" Fubuki removed her hand from my forehead, giving me a piece of her mind about safety and such. I recovered quickly from that headache, though my concern started to rise as Fubuki was right, this hasn't happened to me before, which worries me, and quite frankly, worries Fubuki more

Fubuki: "I just realized... You're still somewhat a kid" She suddenly mumbled to me

Saitama: "Oh... How?"

Fubuki: "How old were you when you died?"

Saitama: "I think maybe eighteen?"

Fubuki: "... Same age when I died too. When did you get sent here?"

Saitama: "... A few months ago... Well, I'm eighteen mentally, but mid 20's physically so... Still the same, somewhat... Oh... You were here before me, right? You were reborn... As a baby Fubuki... who is now 23 years old..."

Fubuki: "And if you count my age before I got reborn, which was 18. I'm currently 41 years old... At least mentally"

Saitama: "I... Didn't realize that until now"

Fubuki: "Are you... Weirded out?" Fubuki asked me. Her expression told me that she is prepared for the worst for my answer to her question

Saitama: "No! Not at all, at least, that's what I'm feeling. Look, let's... Talk about this later, kay?" I said, ending the topic for now until there's time to continue it. Fubuki nodded her head

Fubuki: "I agree... And if you are also concerned, I... Feel the same too. But, as you said, let's talk about it later... And that head of yours is quite serious. You know it's going to happen again soon"

Saitama: "Yeah, it's... not assuring to know that at least. But don't worry too much now Fubuki, I'll be fine, at least physically. Just need to do something about this headache"

Fubuki: "Have you tried using your Psychic powers to heal it?"

Saitama: "Yeah, on my way here I did, I guess it didn't do much. Now go on, you should catch up to them"

Fubuki: "What about you?"

Saitama: "I'll keep exploring around the Monster Association. Now go, there is time for a kiss later, I can tell it by your expression" I said, lighting up the mood a little bit as Fubuki blushed with a little lip-bite I managed to notice

Fubuki: "I-i... I'll go now!" And Fubuki left in a hurry, bringing her blush with her and also Do-s's whip '... I have never thought about that before, but for now, I'll leave it aside. Chiaki, do you know anything about the headache that I am experiencing?'

[I do not know much about it User, though I can tell that it is extremely dangerous.]

Chiaki said worriedly

"Damn, will it go away?"

[I don't know, though I have something that will maybe stop it for a while. Do you want me to apply it, User?]

"Of course, whatever it is. My head is really starting to hurt now, damn"

[Okay then. Prepare for some sharp pain for a few moments User while I apply this seal.]

"Okay, just hurry up. Before it does it again" I said, preparing for the incoming pain that she warned about

Perhaps I should have been prepared more. It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. It forced me to my knees, almost making me fall down to the ground but I hold on for dear life. I held in my scream as best as I can. My eyes were somewhat burning for unknown reasons. Loud grunts and moans were the only things I released, and apparently... Made someone, a certain monster princess, a little concerned, and... Turned on

Saitama: "Holy shit! Fuck! Argh!" I kept cursing nonstop, feeling like my brain is eating itself to torture me. Though fortunately, the pain was starting to go away slowly as I stopped my squirming. Breathing in and out to catch some air 'Jesus, I haven't felt sweat since... My workout routines early on'

[User, it's finished. I have applied the seal to hopefully prevent the pain from ever coming back... At least, for a while until you are done with this. Are you okay User?]

Chiaki said as I was still recovering from that experience that I had

Saitama: "Ugh... Yeah, I think so. Thanks, Chiaki"

[No problem User, though the seal is temporary, and that was the last seal that I had with me.]

Saitama: "Well shit... Is there any more we can get?"

[I have no knowledge on that, unfortunately, User. But for now, this will hold you for a while... And, if you didn't notice User, your eyes were glowing a dark, red light when I started to apply the seal, as well as a white light too. They were alternating every second.]

Saitama: "Wait really?"

[Yes. I have no idea how or why. It's strange...]

Saitama: "*Sigh* I'll think about this later. Like both Fubuki and you said, let's finish the Monster Association" I said

"MMMMMPHHH!" Suddenly, I heard a muffled scream coming from the corner of the room 'Oh yeah, Do-s' I thought, turning around to face her direction. Do-s looked at me with desperation all over her face '... I should probably finish this' I walked forward until I stopped just in front of Do-s, who was on the ground with her arms, feet, and mouth tied up with the whip Fubuki was holding before

I kneeled down, grabbing my katana out of my sheath and cutting the tie that was on Do-s's mouth. She took a second to regain some of her breath. I stood up once more and unequipped my katana back to my scabbard, waiting for her to talk

Do-s: "*Cough* *Cough*... I didn't expect you to save me" Do-s said

Saitama: "What makes you think I'll be saving you?"

Do-s: "Tch. Just let me go please..."

Saitama: "I don't know about that just yet, Do-s"

Do-s: "You're worse than Fubuki, and I fucking hate her! And I see that you're with her. Why would you be with that bitch anyway?"

Saitama: "Fate, I guess"

Do-s: "Tch, fate. What bullcrap... Just please, please... Let me go... I'll... Let you do whatever you want with me... With my body" Do-s said, starting to use her sadisticness to lure me in under her spell

Do-s: "I know you're still a virgin, I can sense it. I guess Fubuki hasn't taken it yet. Why do I take it? Take your virginity, and in exchange, you'll get as much pleasure as you want from me~♡" Do-s arched her back, forcing her breasts to move up more for me to see it. She slowly rocked from side to side as well as it jiggled 'How did she know?... Unless she didn't, it was just a guess... Hers looks absolutely flat compared to Fubuki's, but she is right. I am still a virgin... *Sigh*'

I kneeled down once again with my katana in hand, bringing the blade to her remaining ties. Do-s grinned and blushed 'He's a fool, but... He is handsome, more handsome than anyone I've met, even Amai Mask in a way... Heh, why not take advantage of him. This might be some fun, hehehe. I'll take his virginity before that bitch can. Oh, I can't wait for her to find out' Do-s thought as I cut the remaining tie on her hands. Not noticing the fact that I read her mind

I stood up as she did the same, dusting the dirt off her exposed skin while looking at me with a smirk

Do-s: "Mmph, now for your reward. I might just fall in love with you, hehehe. Then we can do this as many times as we want. As many times as YOU want, with every position we can do, teehee" Do-s's hands started to make their way towards my hero suit, intending to take it off, though before her hands could, I pierced her chest with my sword, making her wide-eyed as she looked at me in the eye, and then seconds later, I brought my sword back as she fell backwards into the corner of the room with blood slowly spilling from her. Though weirdly, my katana absorbed her blood, just like when I killed Phoenix Man 'Again?... There's so much going on' I thought

Saitama: "Now that's taken care of" I said as I rescanned the whole Monster Association for everyone's location 'Ah, Amai Mask is with Fuhrer Ugly, one of the Cadres. And Garou is in a deeper place in the Monster Association with Puri-Puri Prisoner near his location, as well as Darkshine, just like Fubuki and others said. And the cat bastard... He's on the surface with the others, but I also sense... Drive Knight?... Well, I'm certain it's him, so no need to go up there, and Narinki, along with some of the other heroes, have left already. Only the cat bastard left to deal with' I thought. Though out of nowhere, some endoskeleton robot appeared inside of the room that I'm in with the dead Do-s in the corner

Before the robot could react to my presence inside, a million pieces of metal dropped into the ground. With the help of my sword, It happened well below a second

Saitama: "A robot? What's it doing here inside of the Monster Association?..." I decided to use my sixth sense to track down the origins of the thing, even after the poor thing has been sliced into the size of a piece of sand. Exaggeration much, or is it?... 'Hmm... So it's one of Bofoi's creations. G5... A samurai type of robot it looks like. Nice to know but not the time to investigate right now... Tatsumaki is with Psykos still. And the closest here is Flashy Flash... I guess that's where I'm headed next' I thought and disappeared into thin air, leaving no trace except for a dead Do-s and one of Bofoi's creations who is now been scattered into a shit load of pieces

next chapter
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