Chapter 34 - End of the Test
Well I'm technically on the verge of losing consciousness. Truly. So, let's take stock of the few neurons that I still manage to connect together.
I have never felt such pain before. My head tells me my foot is there, but I can see it's not and I hold on to the half of my shin that I have left. I'm bleeding, but not in a geyser at the moment. So it should go that way at the priority level. I absolutely have to pull myself together and stop thinking about it. We have passed the exercise stage and I must do everything to get myself out of this since he can apparently kill me.
Let's talk about him. The boss ". It didn't do anything to him. He always stands upright like a sword in hand. And my two stilettos are embedded in the body at the level of his belly. He seems to freeze for a few moments and grabs one of the stiletto handles and slowly withdraws it from his body. This is also why I have the time to detail the situation since he does not seem to want to finish me off right away. He finishes removing my weapon entirely and drops it to the ground without even appearing to feel any pain.
This guy is no joke, I took the fight lightly coming here. I don't know, I was expecting something other than an introductory class test where you get cut off by a psychopath who doesn't seem to feel anything. Even the survivalist class teacher who is the most condescending person I have met since entering the tower seems nice to me now that I have just taken this test.
Then there is the escalating fire in the house. Micha begins to breathe with difficulty from his pocket. I can feel it through the link, but strangely I haven't lost consciousness yet and that is probably a miracle given the situation.
As I mull over the situation, still holding my leg, I realize that the boss is removing the second blade from his stomach. He really seems to have completely forgotten about me and the scene he shows me really disgusts me. I pull my third stiletto out of my inventory somehow and stick it in the ground next to me. I then take the dagger which is in its leather sheath at the level of my ribs and plant it in the boss's leg at the knee. I can't run away with one less leg so I have to try to finish him off and for that I don't have a lot of solutions. The dagger goes deep enough to bend him and put his injured knee on the ground.
I then let go of my dagger, which falls to the ground and goes through the stiletto. I release my second hand which was still on my leg and straighten myself as best I can, trying to grab the boss from the top of his armor. He grabs my neck with his gloved left hand and begins to squeeze. He then lets go of his sword in his right hand and seems interested in the stiletto that is still stuck in his stomach. My situation turns more and more badly and somehow I try to deliver myself, but without success. I then decide to stick my stiletto in her belly. The blade bounces on the first hit on the armor and pierces the second.
For a split second, he releases his grip around my neck and I fall back to the floor, inhaling a deep breath of oxygen. The next second, I retrieve my dagger from the ground which I dropped. With one hand I continue to push the stiletto into his stomach as he seems to bend in pain and with the other I aim at his neck even though it is probably too far away for me to touch it. The moment I reach for it after several attempts, it disappears and I barely have time to hear the voice sound.
"We have a winner. "
Really winning? With one leg missing in the midst of a fire while I suffocate with my mouse? It's already a miracle that I managed to beat him given the difference in strength, but the word I should have heard is more "survivor", right?
Since we're talking about survival, this time it's the end. The beam that the final boss cut when coming in eventually gave way completely and apparently it was she who carried the whole structure as I thought. So .. I have the roof that will collapse on me in a few moments. At least I won't feel it since my vision gradually blurs and I eventually lose consciousness.
I then wake up in bed.
Someone got me out of there eventually. Micha sits next to me on some sort of bedside table and seems to be sleeping calmly. For my part, I sit up in what looks like a hospital bed. I imagine it is the tower of the priests. I check how I'm feeling and other than a slight pain in my neck it seems to be okay. My foot is back in its place which reassures me a bit, even though I am unable to move my toes. I sincerely hope this is only temporary, but I shouldn't worry. If priests are able to resuscitate someone, gluing a limb back together shouldn't be that difficult.
To my right sleeping on a chair is Emy and to my left some of my gear and harness are on the floor. Further in that direction is another bed with inside of it "the end boss" that fixes the ceiling. I stiffen for a few moments and sigh. The test is over so I shouldn't worry.
"Congratulations on your victory. "
I turn my head and realize that it's Emy talking to me. She apparently just woke up.
- Ah. Thank you.
- I guess you do not realize, but you beat a berserker in combat, rather impressive for someone who has just arrived.
I glance in the direction of the giant who still doesn't move in his bed, but sighs when he hears Emy.
"You were lucky he was just a beginner in this class. If it hadn't been, he probably would have beaten you. Your teacher from the Thieves Tower brought you here for treatment. "
I watch Emy as she talks. She doesn't seem to be worried and I wonder if it's ever happened to her having her leg cut like this. I still have the impression that she is frustrated even if she does not say anything. She then explains to me that I will have to wait a bit before I can get out of there. She was in the middle of training when Cyrus came to tell her the news and she rushed over to see me. From what I understand, she spent the night here waiting for me to wake up, but not because she was worried according to her, but more so that she could be the first to congratulate me on passing this test.
For my part, I am a little cold because of everything that happened. I didn't think the entrance exam would be so violent. I didn't even think there would be one at the base.
Emy then goes after the Berserker, asking him how it feels to be beaten up by someone who has been there for less than a week. I have the impression that it pleases him to return the knife in the wound. He just sighs and turns around in his bed so that he no longer has to face us.
"I had time to make a conversation with him to find out what happened so don't worry I'm just bothering him a little. Apparently he fought a higher level swashbuckler than himself and had to use his "Frenzy" skill which allows him to ignore pain and fight even with a severe injury. A beginner has no control over the duration and effectiveness and in addition this skill makes you stupid, but it has the advantage of making it practically impossible to kill. "
The boss grumbles in bed when he hears Emy's explanation and mutters something that looks like "I should have won" which does not escape Emy who gets a little irritated.
- Sorry ? Just because you have a skill that turns you into a Zombie doesn't mean you'll win in battle. You should be glad it happened to you here rather than on a floor where you would have died. You should even thank him for beating you.
- Roh… It's okay, right ? I wasn't aware of what I was doing and then he won right? How many times did he stab me with his blades first, hmm? Not only will I have to stay here longer than him, but I also have to start from scratch my entry into the assassin class. I don't need to be insulted any more.
- That's the problem with the berserkers, nothing in the head. He doesn't even know what happened and let his body decide what to do next and he can complain anyway.
- Emy.
- What ? He cut your leg off and almost crushed your throat. Do you want me to give him a medal for that? Normally it is in the arena that we allow this kind of injury not in training.
- You mean to tell me that it will be easier in the tower maybe? And then I remind you that I was the one who passed the test and that I am aware of what he did. If you two want to know, I'm responsible for his bruise on his forehead, the three wounds on his stomach, plus the one on the knee, and the last place I aimed at was the neck. I think I gave him change for what he did to me. I don't think there is a need to add anything.
Emy looks like she is sulking all at once. She wants to say something, but restrains herself by biting her lip and crossing her arms. Since we're talking about Emy, it's not a cute gesture. I almost feel like she's going to cut her lip in half at this rate.
I'm a bit lost in between, but I understand better why he didn't seem to react correctly during the fight. I hit him on the head with a rock and it didn't do anything to him let alone the two styli he decided to remove from his body before finishing me off. This is probably why I won and it is also why the fight lasted longer since in a single attack I was able to directly dismiss the first candidate. And then I understand better why he was able to fight for so long while I was lighting my fire.
"Anyway… he'll go back to their selection methods in the assassin class, although there is a big advantage in pitting people against each other in real combat, look at your status." "
I listen to Emy and open it to see the level of my classes. I can see Tamer LV2, Survivalist LV1 and finally Assassin LV5…?
Ah? Did I gain five levels in the assassin class? Just with what I did today? I tap on it to see the class skills and there are two of them. "Agility Boost" and "Deathstroke".
So, now I'm an assassin. It doesn't fit me very well and sounds threatening, but it's going to be useful for my training.
I just had my first almost real fight, but I know it's just a start. It makes me smile for a bit. Harsh or not, I'll make sure to get stronger. After all, I have a family member now.
I pet Micha for a second, thinking about what is to come. Then I lay back on the bed. For now it's time to rest.
(End of the first tome of "Tower of Worlds". Hope you enjoyed reading it !)
This will be the last chapter I put here since I don't have the time to continue the translation. The story got more than 287 chapters in french and maybe I'll translate it again someday when I'll have the time. For now, I'll just continue writting in french.
The end of Volume 1 seemed to be the best place to stop and I hope you enjoyed reading it. You can find me on if you want to join my community discord to talk to me directly. I'd be happy to answer questions or talk to you so come whenever !
Hope you well.
Bye !
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