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76.31% This Little Light of Mine, Shine oh Shine / Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Day in The Life

Capítulo 29: Chapter 29: Day in The Life

The group lets the girls sleep and they make their way to the front end of the ship to meet Winn to discuss his findings.
"Ok so I went over what you guys found already and Gideon gave me the rundown. We haven't discussed how to get Maggie and Lena back to adults yet though."
"Well, the little I've looked into, it seemed the only way for us to get them back to their regular bodies is retrieving a sample. We would have to reverse engineer the formula, we are out of viable samples so we have to get it from the source, so that means tracking Storm down. I'm kinda rusty on the medicine part of my job, I really wish Lena was able to help with all of this.'' Alex says the last part in a huff.
"I'm sure she will be able to help plenty, seems like she is going back and forth," Kara says while taking a seat on the floor, shoving a sticky bun into her mouth that was conjured up by the food fabricator.
"I would sell my left arm for that food fabricator." She says, a bit muffled because of the not so swallowed sugary treat.
"Yea, we all know what you would do for ten pounds of sugar." Alex snorts.
"Heyy, you know Sam was thinking it too, SEE!"
They all look at Sam who was about to turn her back while stuffing her face with the same treat as Kara. "I'm hungry, we missed our third lunch!"
Alex lets out an exasperated sigh, but a smile plasters on her face while she looks lovingly at her two favourite Kryptonians.
"Ava sent over some more info on them. She has an idea of where they could be next but she is gathering more info. I've asked them to stay at headquarters."
Ava knows why her girlfriend has asked her to keep out of the Waverider. Ava knows that those two little ones need space where they can be themselves without having to hide or interrupt, so keeping the boys away is key right now. Ava would love to be there but they both know one of them needs to keep the boys in check.
It's hard to live lives like these, this type of dynamic is a hit or a total miss if they were to tell anyone, they aren't taking that chance. Since everyone lives on the ship, it's so complicated, arguments already freeze the whole ship, something like this would sink it like the Titanic.
They were both happy when Gideon had recognition like this and was not judgemental whatsoever. She has even expressed her liking for the littles. The couple were elated when Gideon told them about an unoccupied room at the end of the ship.
Their babies loved decorating their new little room and insisted on sharing a big bed, so they are both close to each other during 'sleepy time'. Ava and Sara were sceptical about that, knowing that if they acted like siblings, most likely they'd fight like them too. It's been about three years and there has been little to no fuss between the babies.
"You lot can unpack, Gideon will guide you to your room, I'm gonna take a shot at cooking, nothing extravagant."
Winn buts in, "Wouldn't it be easier to just use that food fabricator?"
"It would but it's Monday, I cook for the girls on Mondays and Thursdays, best not to break routine with them."
He nods his head and lets Gideon guide him to his room with blue-tinted lights.
"Maggie is vegan right?" Alex nods yes. "Ok I'll mock up some stuffed chicken breasts, That's the only thing I'll get the food synthesized to make, whatever comes out of there is automatically vegan friendly. Charlie went through this no animal shall be harmed phase, which fizzled out fast. Zari doesn't eat meat often so I've had to learn a lot. Gideon is a big help."
Sara makes her way to the kitchen, "Gideon will guide you guys to your rooms and I'll have her let you know when the food is about ready."
They all break up to put away their stuff, knowing that this mission will probably take a while. None of them brung enough clothes but realize that the ship's clothes synthesizer will get them what they need. Kara and Alex had the most to put away and set up, they both look at the box of pull-ups and diapers and know that they will most likely get some use, they hope that their little girls won't put up much of a fight for the protection.
Kara walks by to check on the kids room, Charlie has gotten up it seems and Zari was just walking out. She blushes and quickly bows her head when she sees Kara.
"I- '' Kara cuts her off with a smile, truth be told, Zari wouldn't have known what to say anyway.
"You don't have to say anything Zari, I know how this all works, you don't need to be embarrassed. Sara's in the kitchen."
Zari gives her a shy smile, she clutches her purple dragon close to her heart, "KK." Then she leaves.
The girls are still asleep, it's been almost three hours. Kara goes in and lays with them, just looking at them both to pass the time. Gideon alerts Kara that dinner is almost ready, Kara gently tries to wake them from sleep.
"Lee, baby, time to wake up. Dinners almost ready." Lena rolls over away from the insistent hand shaking her shoulder. She snuggles into the still resting body beside her.
"Mmmmm, no." It muffled behind her two fingers. Kara continues the pats on her little girl's bottom instead. She presses feather kisses on her cheek, Kara knows she loves it but the ticklishness is also very annoying.
Kara sees that it isn't working so she tries her luck with Maggie, she leans over and does the same to the tinier toddler.
"Come come Mags, you gotta get up too. When you're done eating, we can have a bath and then we can fall asleep to a movie."
At that, both girls sit up, rubbing her eyes with the hands they aren't using to suckle at.
Lena speaks, "Mobie?"
"Yes little star, whatever you guys want."
"Fwozen?" She hears a little voice say, Maggie sounds so much smaller than what her little body gives off. The reporter can tell that she is in her deeper than normal headspace, Kara melts at it.
Kara shakes her head yes and smiles at both girls. She goes to get up and sees that both kids are squirming in place, squeezing their little legs together, and that can only mean one thing.
"I'm definitely on board with Frozen. Let's go potty and then dinner should be ready."
The blue-eyed hero picks them both up and zooms to the ensuite bathroom. "Which one of you needs to go first?"
Lena points to the almost shaking Maggie. Her hand in between her legs hopping from foot to foot.
Kara tries to contain her giggle, "ok Mags, let's get you settled." She helps the tiny detective pull down her pants and underwear, something that is very hard to do for a child who is just getting used to using her fine motor skills. The blonde picks her up and sits her on the seat, but makes sure that she is balanced enough that the tiny tot doesn't happen to fall in. She goes to give the baby her privacy but a chubby hand grasps her firmly in her place.
Kara gets the hint, she stands and waits patiently for the last trickles to hit the water below. She wipes her up and pulls up her clothes, Maggie insists on trying to button up her jeans though so Kara leaves her to figure that out.
She sets Lena up next, the CEO insists she go help Maggie with her buttons, frustration clear on the Latina's little features.
Kara helps them both with washing their hands and they have done their first unanimous bathroom break, accident averted.
"Alright, I can smell the food from here, that means it's done."
Maggie makes grabby hands up at Kara, wanting to be carried. The Super obliges and offers the same to her baby girl. Lena takes her hands instead, she rather walks.
Usually Lee is cuddly, more little. Especially after a nap. Kara tries to push that thought out of her brain but once they make it to the kitchen, she rather knows what's up with her baby acting so different all of a sudden.
"MOMMY'S!!" A screech comes from the mouth of none other than Ms. Sawyer.
"Heyy there bug!" Alex prances towards her and takes her from Kara, placing kisses all over until the toddler is a giggling mess. "I see that your nap was good than huh."
Maggie can only nod her head yes, still be assaulted with wet kisses.
"Alright Lex, don't rile her up, she's gotta sit still to eat."
"Mommy's no fun is she." Alex fake pouts up at Sam.
Maggie laughs but reaches for Sam anyways. She gives her Mommy kisses all over her cheek, just like her Mama did to her.
"Fun Mommy."
Sam smiles and laughs a bit, "Thank you bunny, I love you very much." That makes the little detective display a megawatt smile that only Lena can compare to.
"Alright, dinner is about to be served. Angel, can you set the table please?" Charlie gets right to it. Setting the plates and silverware for everyone but Zari and the two children.
She gives Zari her princess plate with the matching fork. She sets two purple sparkly plates in front of the girls, sitting in booster seats strapped to the chairs. Alex hands the girls a sippy cup filled with half apple juice and half water, the girls do not notice the watered-down sugary drink.
"On the menu today is parm and spinach stuffed chicken with lemon vinaigrette. Candied baby carrots and baby corn."
All of the still little girl's main course was cut up already, Lena is digging in, already leaving her fork behind and instead, uses her hands to stuff the carrots into her mouth.
"Slow down baby, you don't wanna get a tummy ache.'' Lena scowls at that but slows down anyways.
Maggie picks at her food, Sam notices it but she gives her the benefit of the doubt. By the time they are about halfway done, Maggie has yet to try the chicken. Sam gets up.
"Come on bunny, just try it please, Lena has basically scarfed down the whole plate, can you try a little piece for Mommy?"
Maggie eyes it but still shakes her head no.
"Ok, how about I feed you some. You get half the plate done and then I'm sure you'll love what Sara has made for dessert."
"Dessert?" Her eyes go about wide in question.
"Yes, but only if you eat your food, love." The tiny tot huffs at that but lets her Mama feed her.
Sam switches from eating her own plate to feeding her girl, everyone gets finished at around the same time.
Huge messes were made.
Sara looks at her tiniest girl, "You never cease to amaze me Z." It makes the hacker blush.
"Charlie, do you mind taking her to the washroom? I need to stay and clean up a bit here."
Alex buts in, "No it's alright, I think we can take the washing from here, you cooked, it's a rule for us."
Sara looks a bit of mock shock. "Never in my life has anyone volunteered for dish duty, you should visit more often, under better circumstances though." She looks towards her babies, "Alright girls, come on, bath time, then you can have dessert"
"But Mama...."
Kara laughs at the trio walking out. "Lena, you are a mess." The baby CEO has the glaze all over her mouth and hands, her shirt has bits of green in it from the stuffing, pieces of the shredded chicken stick in all corners of her hair. The little Luthor still tries to lick the rest of the carrots juices off of her hands, savouring all inches of the flavour.
"Can you make em at house, is was really good." Usually Lena would have hated the mess, but this carefree version of her doesn't even notice the drying stickiness.
"Yes baby, I'm sure Sam would love to make this for you, just coat veggies in sugar and that's what riles you up." Kara unbuckles both girls from their seats and sets them on the floor. Maggie isn't as messy as Lena is. She doesn't have food all over her face, just some glaze on her cheeks, a bit of chicken in her lap due to her feeding herself the last bits of food that were left on her plate.
Sam comes in with wet wipes and wipes both hands of the girls. "I'll take them for a bath, the Danvers sisters will get the kitchen clean. Come girls, the faster we bathe, the faster we can watch a movie and eat dessert."
Both girls run after Sam initiates it in a sprint. Giggles are heard down the hallway.
"I love how she just left us here to clean up all of this." Kara lets out an exasperated sigh.
"Well if you want dessert, we better hurry and finish so we can shower." Alex teases.
"I'm sure she did not mean us, she was just saying that for the kids."
Kara goes to the fridge to grab the strawberry shortcake, but it feels glued shut.
"I am sorry Ms. Zor-El, but Ms. Lance gave me instructions for both you and Ms. Arias, I cannot let either one of you touch the treats, lest you consume it all."
Kara just stares up with her mouth wide open in shock.
She sputters, "But-That's not.... Wha-what? Ughhhh."
The redhead laughs. "Come on baby sister, let's get this cleaned, then ourselves, then you can devour it."
"You do know I'm actually like forty, right?"
"Shut up and get to scrubbing."
They don't take long, Kara uses her powers to dry the plates fast while Alex is on the washing portion of the task. By the time they finish, they meet the girls in their room and Alex trades places in the shower while Kara goes to her room and showers herself.
Gideon tells everyone to meet in the second common room, the floor is rugged with bean bags and fluffy blankets. Some are fleece, some fur and a couple of cotton ones. Everyone takes their seat and Sara passes the dessert plates round with napkins.
Lena sitting in Kara's lap on one of the bean bags, a cotton blanket pulled over their legs. Maggie sits in between her Mama's, one really furry brown blanket casts over them the same.
Zari sits at her Mama's feet while Sara is in a chair seated next to Charlie. Zari with her own blanket and the other two sharing a rather large one.
"So what movie is on the agenda tonight." Sara grabs the remote and waits for an answer, but she doesn't wait long because four childlike voices screech.
"Frozen it is." The Disney logo shows up on the screen, everyone digs into their shares of the sweet treat. By the credits, snores are all around. Gideon shuts down the projector and turns on a discrete night light that sits in the back corner of the room.
"Aww, I missed the Movie." Winn whisper yells. He frowns but it's turned into a smile when he lays eyes on all the people sleeping soundly.
"God, I love being alive." He says to himself. He walks back to his room and falls asleep face down on his sheets. 

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