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22.22% The Wrathful Lily / Chapter 10: A Day's End

Capítulo 10: A Day's End

*Kyuu-san's POV*

The doors of the Magami Aura closed behind us and with it, the conclusion of our meeting with Goddess Myriam and Mokuren. I thought back to our conversation.

"Please help take care of the girl."

Goddess Myriam asked me this with a sincere expression, worry clearly on her mind. I look outwards to the plains of the garden, seeing the brat chasing one of the Dobrokhotchy with an all too exciting grin before tripping face-first into the grass. She got up with a goofy laugh and continued playing around. How did such a naive idiot become such an important topic even worthy of the Prometheus clan's attention?

"I will do what I can, Goddess Myriam. But I wanted to ask, what exactly is Primordial energy and what makes it different from quanta?"

Mokuren's eyes sparkled with glee… here she goes.

"Primordial energy is an ancient, conceptual energy, it can adapt to anythi~"

"Hold on! Hold on! Conceptual?"

Goddess Myriam brought out her hand as strings of ethereal, emerald energy wove a lily flower out of nowhere. Shades of silver, green light encircling her arm.

"Yes, Primordial energy is a purely conceptual type of essence. In its raw, unrefined form, it is merely pure energy. However once adapted to say a certain concept such as creation in my case, it takes a will and form and only becomes stronger through practice. Although I have to say, we have lost many other ways of using this energy once honed into a specific pathway. It is similar to quanta in which it requires practice, honing, and will."

So this primordial energy can be seen similar to quanta... still, that leaves so many questions.

"I understand, but what do you mean exactly by conceptual? Can it be anything?"

A little frustrated from being cut off, Mokuren continued Goddess Myriam's explanation. Her matrix cube transformed into a book and quickly flipped to a page.

"I've got this mother. Here let me see... ah here from what I gathered... yes, in effect, you can hone Primordial energy to anything, creation, battle, space manipulation. In fact, this energy is the very building block of every single universe. It is the predecessor to quanta energy, life, physics, matter, concepts themselves. Of course, you can't tell as you can't sense it anymore as those things have taken on a concept of their own. But you can sense Primordial energy in action and in its more pure forms. If only I get to see other applications in person and practice."

I rubbed my forehead… this is a lot to take in. I want to just go to sleep and forget all this. Conceptual, ancient energy... what am I getting, a philosophy lecture or something?

"So what does it mean for the brat?"

Goddess Myriam placed the lily flower she created in the vase on the table filled with other flowers as well.

"At one point, she may develop her energy towards a specific pathway or even multiple. I feel that only more and more strange changes will occur within her as time goes on. You can always visit us if you have any more questions and please tell us if anything happened to the little girl."

Before we left. Before we ended this tiresome, brain-frying information dump. Goddess Myriam asked me one more question.

"The girl… did… did she seem to mimic anything, anyone?"

"Mimic? As in behavior? No, I don't think so… unless you count being annoyingly curious as to something worth noting."

I open my eyes again, taking a whiff of the cool air. It looks like it's going to get a lot harder from now on… taking care of this anomaly of a brat. I look down at the kid, short as always. Seriously she only comes up to my stomach. She caught my eyes.


"You know, mother (Ohari) was worried sick about you. How about you do us a favor and behave yourself for once?"

Her eyes broke contact with mine and wandered into space, seeming to waver in thought. Her face slowly drew upwards to me with apologetic, remorseful puppy eyes… uh don't look at me like that!

"Kyuu-san? I'm… I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused today. I didn't know mom was so worried about me, and you as well. I never thought about you the entire time so… I'm sorry. I'll behave and help out!"

Where did this sense of responsibility and sincerity come from?! It's getting on my nerves! Where was this when I needed it! I flick her forehead… tch, damn it.

"Ow! I just said I'm sorry!"

"Stop apologizing so much, it ain't saving your sorry bum. You wanna prove yourself? Then start showing it. I forgive you this time. I admit that it wasn't entirely your fault. I shouldn't have been... so... so stern of you."

The brat's somber expression dissipated like wind and her eyes glowed even more... I can almost see stars, damn that's bright!

"Do you mean... you're sorry too? I forgive you too!"

"Don't push it! now come on."

I reached out my hand towards her. She hesitated a bit before firmly grasping my hand and grinning like the spoiled brat she is and we walked out of the town center. I've still got my Dojo flyers to hand out. We drop by the post office I've always known. Honestly, post offices are becoming obsolete, but this little, wooden house has done me hundreds of years of service.

"Kyuu-san! It's been a while, your orders arrived not too long ago."

A soft, elderly voice greeted me. A short, old man with grey hair and a short tail met me at the counter. Mister Arthur, age has taken a toll on him. His ram horns now showed many rings signifying his great age. The clicking steps of his hooves no longer carried the same lively hood as before.

"Mister Arthur, thank you for your service. How are your grandkids?"

"Oh shush Kyuu-san, you're making this old man feel even older. They're fine, despite not being in Heiwa anymore they still send letters to me."

Mister Arthur let out a chuckle, his eyes crinkling with age. Despite his age, his laughter never lost enthusiasm and was energetic as ever. He went to the back of the post office and came back with a stack of flyers.

"Here's your custom made flyers, I appreciate your patronage but shouldn't you have asked your good ol friend Mokuren-sama to help out?"

"Yeah… I'm afraid she'll go overboard with it, trying to set up a website for me and try to promote with crazy tactics if I asked. I prefer the much more traditional, simple way."

Mister Arthur fixed his glasses. This place was kept clean and the structure stable as well... it's a shame no one uses this type of delivery anymore.

"Hahaha! Me too… me too kid. But sometimes, things change and it isn't really any worse. I think you should ask for her help sometimes."

"I'll take your words Mister Arthur, have a good rest of the day."

"You too… I'll just sit here gathering dust hahaha!"

I walk out of the post office flyers in hand. I hope this post office stays just a bit longer.

The brat was outside, thankfully she didn't run off and instead took a seat on the bench outside fiddling with her dress. She saw the stack of flyers and stared at them with wonder.

"What you got there?"

I took half of the flyers and handed them to her, she eagerly grabbed it and looked.

*Flower maiden's POV*

"Quanta arts training, starting next week the 8th Onum (Month) on the 3rd?"

I look closer at the flyers, a coiling fire emblem at the top symbolizing the dojo. It had directions for where the dojo was and an address. Pictures of martial arts stances and kicks swept across the flyer. A picture of someone firing a ball of electrifying energy! Woah!

"Kyuu-san what's this dojo place!"

"It's the place where I work at, now shut up and stop asking so many questions. You wanted to help out for once right? Then help me hand out these flyers and hang them up."

Handing out flyers, is that fun to do?

"What do I do?"

"Go around handing them out to anyone you see and hang them on poster walls on bulletin boards you see. Don't annoy anybody okay? Stay out of trouble, I won't be far."

"You got it boss!"

I ran off to the nearest people I see with flyers in hand. I saw a group of young adults and ran towards them.

"Excuse me, would you like some flyers."

I smiled at them with hope, I didn't want to disappoint Kyuu-san again. A girl with a large serpent tail turned around to look down towards me.

"Awww… aren't you cute, sure thing."

She took a flyer along with some of her friends, giving me a little pat on the head… why am I always getting patted on the head… is it cause I'm short?

"Quanta arts huh? Seems interesting, always wanted to train and learn some martial arts."

Her shining, crimson scales and horns had my attention. Scales covered her like slim armor, both highlighting her figure and features. I got startled out of my trance.

"Oh uh, sorry for looking!"

She smiled, showing her sharp teeth. She pointed her fingers to her scales and horns.

"Oh it's alright, want to feel them?"

"Can I?"

She gave a nod and I felt my fingers on her tail and skin, it had a smooth texture and hard surface. The scales uniform and even, it felt so bizarre and it looks so awesome. The horns feel rough too. I nearly forgot what I was doing... come on, focus!

I gave them a gracious wave before my legs carried me off… this was kind of fun. I handed out some more to passersby as I ran around the streets, getting friendly smiles and encouraging head pats here and there. I couldn't help but feel my mouth curve in a grin.

"Hello mister! Would you like a Dojo flyer?"

I waved my flyers one hand enthusiastically.


Score! Another one! I think I'm getting good at this. I ran past a bulletin board of some kind. I walked backward until I came face to face with a large board of sorts with all kinds of fun posters and flyers on them. Some having events such as dancing and some for food… Oh, I think I see the name of the sushi restaurant I went to! Hmm… so what do I do with the flyer? I picked one flyer out and held it up to the board. The board glowed immediately and a robotic voice came out.

"Do you wish to post the flyer on this board?"

"Uhhh… Yes?"

Upon my answer, the bulletin board projected a stream of light onto my flyer and it carried it off from my hands onto the board! I reached out my hand to tap the flyer, now on the board and it stuck on. Upon contact too, a projection of the flyer came out like Kyuu-san's watch thingy. Directions and pictures of the dojo came up. A large temple and monastery showed up with grand spaces with rows of people practicing martial arts. Is that Kyuu-san?! I saw a picture of Kyuu-san in her black gi in front of those people.

"If you have a phone, this data can be saved to your phone for ease of access."

I didn't have a phone so I declined. This is so cool! What kind of technology was this? I wanna go to the dojo, what does Kyuu-san do there? I stood there having fun tapping on various other flyers and information before realizing that I still had some flyers left to hand out… I don't want Kyuu-san to catch me goofing off... again.

I almost handed out all of my flyers with flying success before I spotted Kyuu-san not far from me still with a large stack of flyers... slowpoke. I see her approach a Chidiya (चिड़िया) lineage kid with her classic angry expression and in a harsh, blatant voice.

"Check out our dojo if you have an interest."

The kid seemed to back away before saying no and flew off. Kyuu-san you're scaring them away with your stupid mean-looking face! Kyuu-san let out an annoyed sigh before trying to repeat the same thing to others. I run over to her and pulled on her gi.

"Kyuu-san, that's not how you talk to someone. If you give them a mean face they're going to be scared and leave!"

"What did you say about my face brat?"

She growled at me and of course, I shrunk away.

"You're proving my point! Here, this is how you do it."

I saw another girl whose bottom was half-serpent or snake. She watched me approach with curious slits.

"Hello, Miss pretty half-serpent lady, would you like to take a dojo flyer?"

She leaned downwards and cracked a snake-like smile, her tongue flickering in front of me.

"Looks at you working hard small one, I'm a Naga. I'll take a flyer tasty- I mean cute girl."

Her eyes seem to narrow and her face grew closer... she's got a weird look in her eyes... is that drool? She leaned in closer, her tail wavering with excitement. She really wants to get a good look at the flyers. I mean flyers don't look tasty or anything so why does she look so hungry? Well anyways.

"Thank you! Have a great day!"

I run back Kyuu-san with a confident smirk.

"See, that's how you're supposed to greet them, with a bright, nice smile and gratitude."

Kyuu-san brows furrowed in concentration and irritation.

"I don't want to do that! It's embarrassing!"

"Well then guess you aren't handing out any more flyers then. I've almost given all of them away already."

I show her just a few flyers I have left.

"Then you do this, as a repayment back to me brat."

"Wha- that's not fair!"

What do I do? How do I turn this around? Wait...

"Even Kyuu-san can't outdo this so-called 'brat?' I thought you were better?"

"What brat? I dare you to say that again."

Ah! Playing her pride didn't work! She looked ready to pinch my ears so I stuttered.

"I'll help! I'll be at your side when you hand out flyers. Surely, this will help your own skills too... for the future?"

Kyuu-san stopped for a moment, thinking to herself. Her shoulders sagged in frustration. Tail tucked between her legs.


We spend the rest of the afternoon and into the evening handing out the rest of the flyers. It went much more smoothly this time with me by her side of course. With her every scary expression, I made it up with a beaming smile of my own so that she doesn't scare off people. I tried to encourage her to smile too, eventually, she tried to but only looked like she was snarling at me. People almost seemed to give me apologetic and sorry glances as I stood next to Kyuu-san.

"That's all the flyers! Woo! Done!"

Kyuu-san threw her hands into the air in success and let out a relaxed sigh. She bumped me in the shoulders.


"Oh suck it up... I just wanted to say..."

She scratched her head a little, ears twitching slightly and looking off somewhere into the distance.

"... Thanks... brat."

Kyuu-san... thanked me.

"Hehehe, you're welcome."

"Hey! I said don't push your luck... it's getting dark, let's head home."

Kyuu-san didn't seem so intimidating like this and even... rather kind like last night. If only she showed this side more to me and others. I think Kyuu-san looks cuter this way... though I dare not say it to her.


We start our trek back home... I wonder if Ohari waiting for us? As we were walking, the night grew dimmer and dimmer, revealing a velvet black sky filled with luminescent stars. I tilt my head all around me to see the display. The planets and stars I saw before in daylight now ever more present and beautiful. The planets loomed over us, I could see what looks like planes of water and land on them in the distance. It's so close... yet so far. Swirls of stardust and vivid groups of stars brushed the inky canopy of the sky. The stars twinkled with hope and some of the planets had crescenting shadows like blankets. The starlight falling over this village was just bright enough to give the night an ethereal touch.

"Breath-taking isn't it? Best view of the galaxy."

The desire to go to those planets, the stars... grew ever brighter.

"Kyuu-san... is it possible to visit them?"

"It is."

We took our time walking back on this night, the quiet, chirping of insects around us. I then noticed the black, caged lanterns I saw when I first arrived at Heiwa light up with embers. The embers gave off a soft glow of light inside the lantern. It soon spread, the embers inside each of the black lanterns dispersed and bloomed into the air, softly illuminating the village. Little embers of light danced around us... so these were the orbs of light I saw at home. An ember landed on my outstretched arm, it didn't burn and was pleasant to the touch. The starlight combined with the embers created a serene, peaceful aura to the village.

"Oh! my little daughter!!"

As soon as we stepped into our home, Ohari nearly tackled me with a bear hug, lifting me off the ground with my feet tangling. My face was buried into her scruff and chest... ehehe... so soft.

"We're back mom!"

"Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

Kyuu-san didn't pull me off this time so I snuggled more into her embrace. I miss it so much!

"The brat's fine mother, I'll explain everything later. But don't worry so much."

I lift my face to see Ohari's worrisome eyes. Kyuu-san was right, mom was worried this entire time about me.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine mom! Kyuu-san was there for me, even Mokuren and Goddess Myriam."

She lovingly ruffled my hair a bit and gave me another tight hug. I turned to the tables, now filled with steaming plates of food.

"I prepared dinner while you guys were away. By the way, I received the new bedsheets and already set them up."

I'm forever grateful for Ohari, and Kyuu-san too. When I think back to today, I may have not been the best to Kyuu-san... just maybe.

"Thank you, mother."

"Thanks mom!"

The rest of the night went peacefully. We ate our dinner... nothing beats Ohari's cooking! Except Kyuu-san had to spill the bag.

"You don't even need to eat brat. We're literally wasting food on you."

"Eh? But it's so good! Your and mom's cooking is amazing, even though the sushi restaurant was good... I still think I like your cooking better."

Kyuu-san's face went into a poof of pink, her eyes wide in surprise.

"Tch... sure know how to please don't you."

Ohari had a confused expression.

"What do you mean she doesn't need to eat."

Still recovering from embarrassment, the tinge of pink reaching the ends of her ears, Kyuu-san replied.

"I'll explain everything later."

The rest of the night went peacefully, I helped clean the dishes, and the rest of the night I spent outside gazing at the night sky while Kyuu-san was talking to Ohari.

"Hey brat! Time to come inside, prepare to hit the bed."

After brushing my teeth and taking a shower, I had to put on bloomers and underwear again. I laid on the bed, pillow in my arms. Kyuu-san came in later, scooting into bed next to me, laying there for a few seconds before saying.

"Sleep well brat, you'll need it. Cause I definitely do after today."

"Thanks, good night Kyuu-san"

I laid, facing the ceiling if only the ceiling had an opening. Then I could gaze at the night sky as I fall asleep. So much has happened today, learning bits of what and who I am, meeting Mokuren, Goddess Myriam, helping Kyuu-san. To think so much occurred in a single day, what adventures further await me in this village? Good thing I kept a dojo flyer without Kyuu-san noticing. I really want to see what's there.

Wild_Silver Wild_Silver

Over 30k words to describe the events of literally two days... I think I may need to adjust my pacing a bit. Another chapter! In a lot of chapters, I do include references and language changes. It might eventually be a bit overwhelming so if you want me to include an auxiliary chapter for all the references give me a heads up! Again thank you for reading this and I'll continue to try to improve! Any criticisms, thoughts, and suggestions are all welcome! The next chapter's going to have the flower maiden go on her own little adventure around the village, spying a little too. Don't worry her name is coming as well later on too.

next chapter
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